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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 1269f6233c7529b⋯.png (83.01 KB, 244x352, 61:88, 4choncrying.png)

caabe2  No.109353

>NON Pic-related

Can anybody explain to me why?

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1eb579  No.109370

The British bombed good Jewish-hating German people and, thus, have no rightful place on this Hitler worshiping forum.

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0e0a74  No.109480


They delisted it after I harassed them one to many times about sitting on their dicks while invaders raped their people…aka they are never going to do anything but be titillated by the idea that their people are being murdered, raped and tortured. I guess they didn’t like being called out about not doing anything but ‘chitchatting’.

You can still get to it fine…

Just type in 8kun.top/Brit/ and you will go straight to it. I don’t know WHY you would want to go straight to it, unless ‘having a chuckle’ while your people are killed is your ‘cuppa’.

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