I don't understand how people think this shit is real. It's a hoax virus that
they lump in with legitimately sick people. When this all started how did I know the
Navajo nation would quickly get overran ? Because they are in bed with the federal
government more then any entity I can think of , 4chan immediately deletes my posts trying to expose it. Navajos are perfect for the hoax, Diabetes rampant , Obese is the norm.
Shit diet and shit food. EVERYTHING is run by the feds. LOL Colorado OVERRULED The Coroner's
Death Certificate TWICE in my city and got caught. I also know of an of a guy who OD and they said it was natural causes lol= Covid-.19
My town must be magic because we are completely surrounded by it !!! and hardly no cases and 1 big Walmart that
everyone shops….it's complete bullshit. People commute and work daily to Cortez but there is no case increase, also
most Navajos shop at the cortez walmart which is also magically immune to Covid. Also if this thing is so fucking dangerous
why does it never come close or hover beyond affecting 1% of populations ? seems to be in line with normal illnesses.
Also I keep getting IP banned and range banned for posting anything contrary to Covid-19 More proof Glow niggers are
running the 4chan site and letting legit info slide…..fucking bullshit.
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/navajo-nation-now-highest-coronavirus-194216477.html >>> Bullshit Cooked Numbers
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/new-covid-19-death-dispute-colorado-coroner-says-state-mischaracterized-death/ar-BB146tjl >>> Colorado State Caught overturning Death Rulings