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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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af3e23  No.109053

For once in my lifetime, after years of Arabic Ultranationalism, mindless justification of my filthy culture and race, and denial of race realism. I finally came to the conclusion that my race should be btfo of existence.

According to studies, 45% of the world's population have an IQ below 85 and among them are my people and many other non-white filth. 45% of the world's population have no place in modern civilization.

There's nothing that makes me feel uneasier than those moments where I realize the reality of my race and its inferior history. That is one of the main reasons why I've been turning to escapism and vidya lately, but it isn't really helping.

Anyway enough with the venting, let me tell you about some things. I belong to a destructive inferior race and my kind is doomed to eternal poverty, squalor and exploitation because we evolved from harsh warlike societies in which weakness was rewarded with genocide. On the other hand, whites evolved in the cold north where cooperation and expanding the tribe were important.

Brown races are incapable of self-reflection or free speech, so these problems that I mentioned above will never be solved. Speaking as an Arab who was raised a Muslim but became atheist, the vast majority of Muslims are very unhappy with the kind of societies they create and they become very miserable especially after adulthood.

Now, I've realized how white people are very bad at racial competition, the west does not understand that brown races are determined to spread their race and way of life at all costs even if they personally live in pain in their own societies, they want to spread that pain, because they feel that no one understands or gives a fuck about their struggle and the oppression they've went and still going through. Brown races are determined to win and will make any sacrifice they can for victory, especially us the Arabs. They have that belief that humanity and all other races (especially Whites and Kikes) have wronged them, so spreading their pain/culture/race in places like Europe and America is the only way to achieve vengeance. Brown Races like the Middle Easterners are too low IQ, uncultured, and brainwashed to realize that Islam is the thing that is holding them back and that they shouldn't be blaming everything on the whites. Ironically enough, Arabs claim to be anti-semitic yet they haven't denounced the major Jewish influence in their lands that is called Julam (Yes, Islam is Jewish).

Everyone else takes the clash of civilizations for granted except whites. I'm not white but I don't want you guys to lose because I finally realized how backwards my own people are and what absolute nightmarish hell on earth would unfold for all eternity if we were to win. Európa and America, please wake up

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e77c38  No.109058

>Yes, Islam is Jewish

Rather than desire death, perhaps you could use this knowledge (alongside physical sources both historic and modern) and combine it with your social position as a nonwhite. You can expose the truth better, in some ways, than whites can, simply because you can't be shouted down because of your skin color and background. You can open ears that we can't. The Saudi royal family, for example, is on record saying that they're "cousins of the jews." Why, that goes against virtually the whole narrative, doesn't it? Imagine if many, MANY other muslims learned about this…

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6d4790  No.109066

It's a bitter pill to swallow, but don't despair. Instead of being destructive and angry, try to spread your knowledge and awareness not only to other brown people and Mohammedans, but also to the foolish white people. It's always good for brainwashed white people to hear from an un-brainwashed brown person. And good on your for abandoning the shitty belief system you were raised under and seeing it for what it is.

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8dd2b1  No.109109


I, German person, am not really worried about it, anon. Your semitic victory will be so short lived that it will be ironic to watch from the grave and see you all killing each other in the most heinous ways you can imagine and starving to death.

You too will get EXACTLY what your people deserve. I am ‘ok’ with this. The extinction of the last of your people because you killed (European) civilization is going to be a very good thing. I sort of can’t wait to see the death that is going to come upon you all.

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9040c7  No.109123


people like you will be our allies in the coming revolution

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1fb210  No.109137


I agree with almost everything you said and I apologise in the name of my sub-human population for the damage we caused to European civilization or pretty much any other civilization. One thing though, I'm not really Semitic, I'm Egyptian (Hamite/Nafri).

Also you have to understand that as long as we (Both Hamites and Semites) kill each others, more immigrants will be on the borders of Európa escaping that war. So why not cut out the middle man and nuke the entire Middle Eastern region already?

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1fb210  No.109146


>You too will get EXACTLY what your people deserve.

I really hope it isn't that way. Once the shitshow breaks out, I will be taking with me whoever I care about to an isolated Island at the middle of nowhere where I can finally start a new primitive and peaceful life free of any concerns or worries of any sorts.

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f98548  No.109275

File: a4cfd8a4c04c3e7⋯.jpeg (275.58 KB, 1242x622, 621:311, B425F5C5_CACA_46EB_954B_4….jpeg)

>On the other hand, whites evolved in the cold north where cooperation and expanding the tribe were important.

>brown races are determined to spread their race and way of life at all costs

Contradictory much? You’re the same as white cucks who sell out their culture and behave like degenerates.

>Became atheist

Big LOL, even though I have no affinity towards semites and their religions, Islam still offers an esoteric dimension which, if followed (most contemporary Arabs don’t) will bring a refinement of tradition and culture in a land such as Arabia.

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ebaf00  No.109280


You despicable shit low life form could off yourself perhaps? Your so deeply brainwashed that you're hopeless.

I will ignore most of the rotten BS filling your post except for the part:

>Islam is Jewish

Why on Earth would the Jews ever make a religion in which they are God's most accursed creation and his prophet literally slaughtered an entire tribe of them and took their wives and children into slavery?

Why would they make a religion in which the prophet points out that the white race is going to win the racial race and dominate the Earth while stating that the Jews will be eradicated from the face of Earth?

Why would they forbid all their major income sources like usury and degeneracy in said religion?

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ebaf00  No.109281


Granted, Arab nationalists are peak retardation.

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56e80f  No.109292


Learn from Iran pull a 79' revolution. previous to the revolution the Jews controlled Iranian media and government, your country probably is controlled by the jews especailly if you live in one of the gulf states.

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46594f  No.109298


Mfw anon doesn’t understand the motivations of other species and ‘races’. They mean to purge you and your from the earth. This couldn’t be any clearer, it literally couldn’t be anything but crystal clear. I don‘t understand why this is difficult for you at this point. Was there some sort of incomprehensible secret in the things that they have done and are currently doing to Europeans? The terrorism, mass murder, pedophilia, grooming gangs, rape, cannibalism? Something about ALL OF THEM doing the same things over and over until we are completely devoured that proved incomprehensible to you?

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2075ff  No.109301


“Yeah, man, but, like, holocaust, man. So, like, we have to stop being white because, like, holocaust.” – everyone

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46594f  No.109302


If we performed the real holocaust then we would never have to apologize again. This would be ideal.

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96c7cc  No.109303


YES, I agree with you. At this point everything you say is true. But is that the motivations of these people or the result of the machinations of (((others))). I believe we are under assault because of a tiny minority of "thinkers" and ideologues with aspirations to REAL power. I also believe they can be defeated. That defeat can, at least partially, come from waking up other races to their ideological slavery too these people. To help them begin to feel the same as we do about our peoples and cultures. And to guide them in the behavioral changes that are 100% neccessary for them to ultimately succeed.

Till I am convinced that their motivations are not being manipulated, I will harbor hope.

But I'll also unflinchingly, mercilessly, and unremorsefully gun down every last mother fucker that comes at my people if I am called to do so by circumstance!

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8d2ff3  No.109304


>They mean to purge you and your from the earth. This couldn’t be any clearer, it literally couldn’t be anything but crystal clear.

>The terrorism, mass murder, pedophilia, grooming gangs, rape, cannibalism?

You think they hate you because they do that? They have always done that even among themselves. It's not targeted. the Jews are the one targeting you. And all the terrorism in your countries because YOU followed the politics of your Jews Overlords and waged wars on THEIR lands.

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46594f  No.109308


Who cares what they do?

They should be terminated from the planet for their hatred of life no matter where they are. Can’t you see that they are not COMPATIBLE WITH LIFE?

Does it matter? According to your type, I am just ‘black pilled’ (ironic name) because I can see the endgame where my people love death more than they loved life…this means the death of all those nigger toes they sucked and worshipped while their own people were being murdered.

The jews orchestrated the entire thing and I know why that is…because Europeans turned their back on their own God(s) and worshipped jews and jew laws instead. Those subhumans are IRRELEVANT then, being nothing but simple animals, just like they are irrelevant now. Should Europeans NOT GO WHEREVER THEY PLEASED DESPITE WHAT THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH WANT?

No, who gives a fuck what animals ‘think’. We had every right to do whatever the fuck we wanted…

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d73abf  No.109322

Slide thread

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1fe169  No.109386

File: 50b3dee6adb525e⋯.png (56.79 KB, 1302x1296, 217:216, Wuu5My2w4aP85t8o5fMXDbUlS2….png)


>Why on Earth would the Jews ever make a religion in which they are God's most accursed creation and his prophet literally slaughtered an entire tribe of them and took their wives and children into slavery?

>Why would they make a religion in which the prophet points out that the white race is going to win the racial race and dominate the Earth while stating that the Jews will be eradicated from the face of Earth?

>Why would they forbid all their major income sources like usury and degeneracy in said religion?

Who told you that it was created by the Jews? It's clearly said "Jewish Religion", which means it's inspired by Judaism with a little touch from Muhammed.

All the Abrahamic Religions are related.. With Judaism being the main influence for both Christianity and Islam.

(pic related)

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2075ff  No.109396


In what way.


>just keeps posting the same jewish lies

Okay, shlomo. Why does your propaganda chart not include Hinduism? It’s an Abrahamic religion, you know. Oh, that’s right, because you’re just a shill.

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2ed2a9  No.109426


Hinduism is not a fucking Abrahamic religion, it's Pagan, Polytheistic, and Idolatrous. Related to other Indian religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

And the chart clearly didn't include all religions because some other religions might've either came before Judaism or originated far away from the Middle East to have been influenced by its kike religions.

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32bf12  No.109484


What a fucking Jewish post

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1e5aaa  No.109485


I think it is the other way around, anon. ABrahamism came out of Hinduism. We know that there is a extremely high correlation between the Thuggee worship of Kali and the jewish religion.

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6d5a39  No.109541

File: 2db64987fc6d866⋯.png (682.79 KB, 846x434, 423:217, Screen_Shot_2020_05_22_at_….png)


We all appreciate your post my friend. I think surprisingly, that typical Arabs and Whites don't hold that much personal animosity towards one another. I think ending the jewish wars in the middle east is effectively 'done'; and as a strategy that isn't viable with the conservative voting right wing in Australia, the UK, America etc. So this whole manufactured 'clash' of civilisations that our media/political class have tried to foist on us will gradually become less prevalent in the minds of the average person.

I know that as our focus turns from the middle east/Islamic civilisation towards Sino Basin/East Asian Peninsular/South China Sea/Pacific world, gradually this obsession with Islamism will recede. Yes there are areas that Whites can focus on and make better progress in. For example a better community response to predatory criminals of our competitor communities. However I feel strongly this is largely because we have - till now - responded to this, and other challanges to our traditional living spaces, by not grouping collectively. However as the media structure continues to fragment from a mainstream 4-5 tv channel, 2-3 daily newspaper, and 4-5 fm radio station media complex, to more diverse and niche architectures, commensurately so too does the oppressive moral and physical forces holding Whites back from organising collectively.

I think the 2020s are going to see the first of the Saxon Social Networks, locally and openly. Discreet upstairs offices above strip shops in suburban areas, underground funder dinner parties in waterfront properties, rougher bbqs around 44 gallon drum fires in concrete backyards surrounded by tradie mortar mixers in the most unlikely places are going to be the new places that a real resistance gradually forms, is nurtured, and blossoms publicly eventually in legal public fronts that help out average Saxons with legal advice, family law, welfare opportunities, and effective business networking.

As the movement begins to realise that the future of this semi feudal, gangster paradise will reside in a series of suburban saxon strongmen who centre themselves within a favours for favours brotherhood/business network, while still paying heed to the forms and mores of sperg boomer flag nationalism, the sooner you will begin to be invited to well setup and secured underground white bars, see movement produced culturally relevant bleeding edge popular street art in your local area, and have a team of boys on hand who can show up in 15 mins at your door if theres any issues with leftists intent on maintaining late global capitalist conventions on a saxon population whose pulse is quickening, and consciousness is rising.

Remember this doesn't even need to affect even a small majority of the saxon population, but only a tiny minority, for its effect to be broadcast, via a frothing media, to the wider captive population. As soon as a community organises somewhere locally, and have the ability to produce its own media power, generate real human stories that provide stereotypes for the wider population to connect and identify with then the game is over for this peculiar modality of late jewish media power.

tldr: jew media is collapsing in reach, jewish century 1917-2017 is over. Fear of antifa still there, but nothing a few more filmed street battles with swoll bois cant correct in popular mind. And starting a few free ute back barbies is always a good way to respond to non white aggression while maintaining a profile that the wider community can agree with, whether militant or diplomatic in tradition. Pic related, beginning of cronulla civil uprising circa 2005 NSW.

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2075ff  No.109542


>Hinduism is not a fucking Abrahamic religion

Sure is. Tthe Brahman caste system–its very name and social status–is derived directly from the upper caste being descended from the sons of Abraham.

>“And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.” ~ The Book of Genesis, chapter 25, verses 5-6

>“One of the strongest points for a common Brahmin-Jewish origin is the fact that in both communities have been endogamous priests from the earliest times of their recorded history: It may also be observed in this respect that the Hebrews, as well as their Indian counterparts, Brahmins, consider themselves as the ‘Chosen People of God.’ The Hebrews started their corporate career in history as a ‘Kingdom of Priests.’ Likewise, the Brahmins have also been a ‘Community of Priests’ since the dawn of their history.” ~ Professor Madan Mohan Shukla; The Hebrews Belong to a Branch of Vedic Aryans; Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal; 1976

The point is that your JEWISH description for these COMPLETELY DIFFERENT RELIGIONS is utterly meaningless and only used by jews when they want to slander Christianity.

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7a44a5  No.109543


I would also make the point that the jews are simply ‘aryans’ who deformed themselves and twisted their souls by fucking niggers. When looking at semitic/jewish DNA they are the only living land bridge between the species of the niggerpanzees and humanity. The alleles of niggers are strongly displayed in jews as well, curly black hair, large clumsy facial features, cannibalism, pedophilia, incest, torture, GIBS ME DAT usury, etc etc. Pretty much a disgusting amalgamation of nigger religion and features mixed into Hinduism. Ironic since racial mixing/bestiality precludes any hope of long term survival on a timeline because it is an abomination to God(s) due to the lack of structure and organization that is produced when you abominate yourself.

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56e80f  No.109547


This is not the reason why jews act they way they are, There are pale metizos, pale arabs, pale Persians ect and they don't act like jews, I feel like something is missing and why it's important to call jews not white, if they are white then that opens the opens the floodglates on who is consider white.

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