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407c95  No.108830


Is it over for Sleepy Joe?

WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd_2dlyhc7U

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27c054  No.108832

nobody cares faggot

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407c95  No.108834


ok zog.

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840309  No.108835

I can't wait for this election to end so all the Trumpniggers can go home until the midterms.

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94f58d  No.108836



leftytards seething lmao

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9d02ab  No.108839

burn all jews

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840309  No.108847


>y-you must support the other jew-party!


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b928e3  No.108861

File: f736612ced32347⋯.png (234.86 KB, 600x686, 300:343, _567.png)

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6a9605  No.108883

Bump just to spite stormfags

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5456ba  No.108888

Not a hot mic but leaked recordings of phone calls

Press conference presenting the damning leaks


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1fce9c  No.108891


>guy who can’t be punished for anything does thing

>will thing cause guy to be punished

You’re too stupid to deserve a bump.


I can’t wait for it to end so all the Trumpniggers commit mass suicide because he lost and nothing Q-LARP said would happen actually happens. They’ll either do it this November or November four years from now; it won’t matter either way.


Sage because you’re a leftist and you think that behavior is acceptable.

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7bc47c  No.108909

Here's how Bernie can still win.

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1cf78c  No.108910

bet not a single msm network runs this

they have the (jogger) story

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461c2e  No.108940

The subject couldn't be more retarded. He was on a phone call not a mic that he didn't realize was still on.

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71fe9c  No.108994

File: 311a3c71bed5ca5⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 219x363, 73:121, 200p_scoops.jpg)

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