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File: fdabe179d8c7ef3⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 600x295, 120:59, dershowitz.jpg)

c25847  No.108738[Last 50 Posts]

Contends Constitution grants government power to forcibly vaccinate individuals.

"Let me put it very clearly, you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business," he said.

The interviewer, Jason Goodman, interjected, asking if the famed constitutional scholar was saying that if the government decides "you have to be vaccinated, we have to be vaccinated."

"Absolutely," Dershowitz replied. "And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm."

Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz claimed in an interview that the government has a constitutional right under the 10th Amendment to forcibly vaccinate a citizen to curb the spread of a contagious disease.


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f9cdf1  No.108741


The chutzpah on this kike. Shouldn't he be being investigated for being a paedophile along with Jeffrey Epstein and the rest of his ilk? Does he think he can forcibly vaccinate people without people defending themselves and their families with firearms?

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08f344  No.108745

File: fcb7cf9424bd0a3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 680x754, 340:377, Jazz_Music_Continues.jpg)


>mfw the comment section

These kikes are pushing so hard and fast that even normies are starting to get pissed off lmao

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62a383  No.108756

Dershowitz should be reminded the State also has the right to march you into a de-lousing shower at a border checkpoint after spotting your naked body with a cup of lye and shaving your hair to rid the spread of lice.

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bee582  No.108757


Nobody has killed him yet so he is probably correct. I don't expect that any of you will do anything.

Do I have to remind you that they have the interment camps for your children all set up and ready? Do you think they would do this if they thought you were going to do anything?


You guys never do anything…just talk talk talk about doing something someday; tomorrow; next year, not now, don't do anything 'foolish' anon, etc etc etc.

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7c803c  No.108764


>Nobody has killed him yet

Why would anyone kill him? It's not like he has any actual governmental authority. He's just a layer. Killing him would be like killing the mechanic who tells you your car needs a new motor. All you get from that is a murder case and your car is still broken.

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a55945  No.108784


>the mechanic who tells you your car needs a new motor

I disagree, this 'mechanic' tells the other people to make you to pay a new motor, even if you think that the old one was workin normally, and they listen

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bee582  No.108785


Make an example of him anon. Like Barb Specter-Lerner should have been made an example of for European mental health. Remember he is a foreigner in our nations and not part of the blood ties that make up our people. As such, what is he to us, other than some creepy foreign troll who is trying to poison people? Kill him and be done with it.

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3aa573  No.108791

Funny how Jonestein is trying to shift this away from Trump by calling him "Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer".


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1f072a  No.108806

>British Independent Order of B'nai B'rith cult member Alan Dershowitz thinks the government has the right to inject your kids with whatever it wants.

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3c02c7  No.108814


>Shouldn't he be being investigated for being a paedophile along with Jeffrey Epstein and the rest of his ilk?

Will never happen. Economic and political warfare agent and pedophile and Rothchilds golem Epstein was murdered to keep him quiet. But that murder was covered up the same way the murders of Philip Marshall, Andrew Breitbart, Seth Rich, and Michael Cormier were covered up.

London School of Economics trained economic and political warfare agent George Soros has flagrantly attacked the US, financed the caravan invasions, was involved in the coup against the president, yet he hasn't been arrested.

It's almost like these high finance kikes are above the law and can do whatever they want. But if you try to go to work some dumbass cop will be in your face to arrest you or discourage you from making a living so you can't feed your family because you might get the Chinese flu. There is no double standard, stop noticing, very anti-Semitic to notice, you might be little Hitler if you notice or think about this. Oy Vey!


Yes, and it's good. For the first time in our lifetime, people are paying attention to their abhorrent behavior. Everyone knows they control all of the channels of mass communication that no one trusts anymore.

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3aa573  No.108821


>i-it's not the jews, i-it's the british!

Lyndon Larouche was a faggot and the problem is all jews. Every. Single. One. And yes, that includes the Larouche messiah, Rosenfeldt.

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3cfd87  No.108823


So no bodily autonomy then? Seems like feminists are even more useless than they seemed.

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ee6bc1  No.108831


Feminists are the real patriarchy. Am I right, fellow cuckpede.

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6e5e6a  No.108833



You glow from space retard, get fucked.

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648a9a  No.108840


> you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree.

So the govt can force black women to get abortions?

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bee582  No.108845

File: 381d5786db410fc⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 493x489, 493:489, disgusting_faggots.jpg)


Well you are as dark as a kikes sphincter. I think I would rather glow from space than be a cuck for the kikes like you.

>d-d-d-d-don't hurt the kikes anon…if you suggest it you glow.


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bee582  No.108846


would this be an acceptable trade off for you? I mean, lets forget the fact that the entire government is run by foreign jews at the moment whose only loyalty and genetic interst is in their own people…I seriously want to know if they could force niggers to abort their children would that be an acceptable trade off for you to take a 'vaccine' that will kill you and sterilize you and PROBABLY contains a gene drive that will allow them to mutate your DNA on a whim.

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648a9a  No.108854


No, there is no tradeoff thar would make me accept a vaccine.

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ddda34  No.108856


is that a vague reference to the holocaust?

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1292d0  No.108919


>Make an example of him anon.

Hitler "supposedly" killed 6 million of them and, yet, here we are. How is killing this one supposed to "make an example"?

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215617  No.108927


Hitler was a CivNat. He felt exactly like you all do, that full extermination of the other races was not/is not necessary. Because he did not opt for the final solution, we, his grandchildren find ourselves in a worse situation that Germany was in. I keep thinking that people will WAKE UP and think through their CivNat retardation and realize that the only solution FOR ANY RACE is an Ethnoglobe of their own. Now some races would have success with this and some would destroy all living things. But that is still the only solution…unless you hate your offspring and want to see them raped, murdered and dispossessed in which case the CivNat alt-kikes would probably have a few words for you.

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0663ff  No.108929

File: 25e587417399093⋯.png (509.3 KB, 622x3070, 311:1535, 123.png)


dont fall for this because op is a gaint faggot shill. this thread is popping everywhere after info below landed on 4cuck



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c74b61  No.108938


I wasn't the person who originally responded to you in the ADL thread. Someone else did.

Every jew isn't the problem, just like every white antifa Marxist homo doesn't represent everyone here. Just like Rockefeller/CFR puppet Dick Cheney doesn't represent all white people.

Attributing immigration and austerity policy to every single Jew is idiotic and shields jews and non-jews creating the problem from legitimate criticism. It also moralizes stupid people who work for political persecution and thought control agencies to illegally spy on and harass everyone who posts here.

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215617  No.108942


Still banging on about how ‘jews are not the problem’? That is nice.

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3d58e8  No.108949


>t. jew


Seems the precedent of conscription and smallpox affect it's applicability tbh.

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c25847  No.108971

File: b61a14036995da3⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 962x684, 481:342, 28601350_8338689_White_Hou….jpg)

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449206  No.108991

File: 70340019b9b05b4⋯.jpg (211.67 KB, 1008x689, 1008:689, hhs.jpg)


Your post led me to this and now I'm even more freaked out. Conveniently timed right when coronavirus was born

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215617  No.109019


Can we please STOP pretending that the ‘laws of the jews’ have some form of legitimacy in our life?


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9a32fa  No.109036


>if you violate the law, you spend the rest of your life in prison

>has no legitimacy in your life

Pick one.

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0f926f  No.109039


What a coward.

Even the niggers have a a better idea of what is important than you do anon.

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9a32fa  No.109042


Niggers hold going to prison as a badge of honor. Are you a nigger?

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b8dba2  No.109067


The British B'nai B'rith ADL have a long history of rallying whites to attack Jews and blacks, creating the illusion of hate crimes to get legislation passed to protect their political, cultural, and economic warfare agents like George Soros and the Rothschilds. In WW2 the British sank ships loaded with Jews headed to Israel that were being exported from Europe.

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301739  No.109070


I already have government's dick up my ass now all I need is a fucking needle and a bullet to end it all.

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dea3f8  No.109075


Kikes have a country now. They ought to go to it and stay there. Even if it was law, it'd be disobeyed because what they're doing is unnatural and immoral.

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dea3f8  No.109082


>Every jew

It literally is. These people have no individuality outside of superficial bullshit. If a rights violating jew were to swap with any jew, they'd find themselves doing the same shit.

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0f926f  No.109084


You couldn’t miss the point harder if you tried. It is the LAWS THAT ARE ILLEGITIMATE ANON.

Remember last time people tried to hold us with illegitimate laws? We did coddle their balls…we fucking killed them.

What is WRONG with you people?

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0f926f  No.109085


Not sure what you both are not getting about the idea that the LAW IS ILLEGITIMATE. These are fucking FOREIGNERS in our nation. They can’t ‘make laws’ for us because they are not our people. They are not part of our nations…


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9a32fa  No.109088


You can scream about how illegitimate the laws are all you want, but it won't save you from a prison cell. Once you're in there, you can proclaim your innocence along with the other niggers.

>we fucking killed them

Yeah, because of things WAY worse than a cop making you wear a seatbelt. Stop being a fucking faggot.



So how many cops have you killed, tough guy?

>These are fucking FOREIGNERS

Alan Dershowitz was born in Brooklyn. He's an American.

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d17952  No.109095


No he is talking about of Internment of Japanese Americans under WW2, jeesz cool it with the brainwasing

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0f926f  No.109096

Holy shit, you are a fucking retard (as well as being a globalist). What kind of a dumb nigger thinks that because someone is ‘born somewhere’ that they are a part of your people. lol


Genetically, you dumb fucking mong, he will never be a part of our nation. He is a disgusting part nigger semite.

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9a32fa  No.109098



Has the American gene been isolated in a lab?

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0f926f  No.109099


Fuck off you stupid kike. We are not nigger fuckers like yourself.

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9a32fa  No.109101


Are you 12? Because you debate like you're 12. Why is a 12 year old on a debate board? Did you think the "D" in /pnd/ stood for Dollies?

Now answer the question. What is the American gene? Who is "genetically" American?

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0f926f  No.109103



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dbed3c  No.109111


>jews are anything other than jews

Shill detected.


>Americans aren’t white

Shill detected.


>explodes into leftist autism

Shill detected.

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dea3f8  No.109115


Kikes belong in Israel and are raised in such a manner to not assimilate with their own country. He isn't American. He's a jew.

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dea3f8  No.109117


>Kikes belong in Israel and are raised in such a manner to not assimilate with their own country. He isn't American. He's a jew.

Correcting myself here:

Kikes belong in Israel and are raised in such a manner to not assimilate with their HOST country. He isn't American. He's a jew.

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bee582  No.109120


True. But ‘American’ is only a place name. Within America there are many different nations and peoples. The majority is European, but even if it wasn’t that wouldn’t ‘suddenly mean’ that a disgusting nigger fucking jew would magically become German or Celtic because they were born somewhere. They are their own people, we are our own people and those fucking parasitic dirtbags have no right to make ‘laws’ for us or our people, since they can never have our interest at heart, only their own.

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9a32fa  No.109121


>can't answer the question

Just say "I don't know. I guess being American isn't actually in the genes." instead of chest pumping and crying "muh dik" like a nigger.


Who are you quoting?



He's a "Jewish American". My family has been here since before the Revolution, before there was any such thing as the "United States", and yet I'm still an "Irish-American". Strange how that works, ain't it? Also, Dershowitz was born before Israel was created in 1948. Sorry about your fee-fees, but he's American.

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dea3f8  No.109124


I agree. I genuinely believe a country can only be at its best when it's homogeneous. And I don't mean because of melting pots. As we came out. As god intended it. People tend to forget before a man gave us an identity, we were given our family and race. One's true identity before anything is their name and race.


I don't have fee fees. That's part of the problem of semantic religions. They teach people to snuff that part out of you. No number of snuff films in middle school could do to

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dea3f8  No.109125


I agree. I genuinely believe a country can only be at its best when it's homogeneous. And I don't mean because of melting pots. As we came out. As god intended it. People tend to forget before a man gave us an identity, we were given our family and race. One's true identity before anything is their name and race.


I don't have fee fees. I'm being objectively truthful. He can't be American. His loyalties lie with the jews. Thus he will inevitably aid to steer America in the direction the jews want it to.

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8c736a  No.109133


>jews aren’t jews because I say so

>also I’m an American goyim believe me

Shill detected.

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9c0155  No.109141

Dude's a pretty good troll. Now gas his ass.

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4aa553  No.109143


IKR. I guess it thinks that it is the first kike to have ever visited the board. Lol


But I do know faggot and kikes are not American, just like I am not ‘american’. Is that troll kikenigger going to claim it is ‘native american’ next because it was born in a particular nation? WTF why not claim that he is a ‘chinese bug’ next as well…anything but a fucking parasitic jew, right ‘anon’?

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021339  No.109177

My man, Dershowitz is retarded. If there is a VACCINE then the people who take it ARE SAFE. You can’t endanger people who are vaccinated, therefore you are endangering NO ONE. Therefore the choice is yours wether you take it or not because you can’t endanger someone who has taken the vaccine. I really wish that I wasn’t smarter than 99% of humanity. It makes clownw0rld close to unbearable; truly unbearable.

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b4d9eb  No.109208

File: 72c350a69ecd56c⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 604x453, 4:3, 1385862771353.jpg)


>I am so smart that I don't have the foresight to see the long-term dysgenic effects of keeping weak links alive long enough to reproduce and make more weak links and the disastrous consequences this could have for the whole of humanity in future generations.

Imagine swallowing the bullshit short-term concerns of democratically-elected politicians this hard while thinking you're smarter than everyone else. You sound like one of those green hairs with all the holes in their faces.

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9a32fa  No.109215


>I really wish that I wasn’t smarter than 99% of humanity

Well then good news! You're not!

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bee582  No.109224



Hahaha…sensy faggots. Angry your troll master is defeated in round 1?

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3f188d  No.109859


Saged OP? KEK

Anyway, this is a good reminder that no matter how well a constitution is written, these natural born liars lawyers will always find a way to twist it with newspeak.

What is also impressive is how these kikes can remain alive so easily walking across our cities. I'm surprised these people don't get v& too, only to be found dead later on, in some abandoned shed, their eyes gouged, their hands and feet nailed and their throat full of acid.


>don't attack the (((layers))), aim for YHWH instead!

It's funny how you lot forget that it's because these "layers" (or did you mean lawyers?) are allowed to roam free and do their thing so openly, so blatantly, that this clown world keeps going on and we keep going down.

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