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451ca9  No.108673

gee, yet another leak of Neon Yahtzees using Discord to organize and mysteriously their entire chat messages, members and files are leaked to the most annoying e-Bolshevik website.

people are already going to jail for this or getting doxed and harassed by Pantyfa.

of course the furry tranny freaks who work for Discord and run it did this leak.

Unicorn Riot and DDOSecrets and the mentally ill hate filled overflowing with jealousy Wikileaks snitch drama queen Michael Best deserves to be doxed for this, their home addresses published and then finished for good.

instead of Discord, use Riot.im/Matrix for chat and organizing. you own the server. you own the data. you can see IP s of everyone to better block Feds and Commies.

here are instructions how to setup Riot. if you dont know enough Linux basics to do this, then teach yourself. your time will be repaid by more than enough in being able to offer a secure chat room.

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451ca9  No.108674

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451ca9  No.108676

it's funny how the Qoomers have been lumped in with the NS by the viperous Bolshevik freaks. we hate Qoomers, they hate us, but to the Left, we are both the same thing. the Left cast any Ideology right of Bolshevism as being equivalent to Hitler.

i bet 99% of the contents of those leaks are QTARDS spewing nonsense. ha ha ha. Unicorn Riot has cursed itself - - they now have to read millions of messages about Q prophecies. in a sense, the Qoomers serve as an unwitting ally to us by acting as a smoke screen to bury the truth in bullshit.

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4f3de3  No.108744

lol what a premium you place on opsec but you're still losing

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58fbac  No.108755

At least government run honeypots make a effort to hide your data. I am not even tech savvy yet I know discord is compromised. Trannies are retarded and think Q boomers are Nazi’s where in reality they are retards like them.

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75f0ab  No.108759


And what does YHVH say about homosexuals? That they are an abomination that should be killed.

This world is what happens when you disobey.

You are only going to learn this as you are being snuffed out by them…I know…I know.

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e64ce8  No.108825


How can I set up a private server for this with dynamic IP? Can't get static IP without painting a target on my back.

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