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File: edcb250c239ea40⋯.jpeg (144.74 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, 3E83ABA4_B324_4FDA_8698_6….jpeg)

750d7e  No.108484

I’m sure you’re all aware by now that Bill Gates is one of the biggest funders of the WHO which is currently the unelected government that has the planet on house arrest, I’m sure you’re also aware of all the talks he’s done before all this happened mapping out plans for a ‘Coronavirus type outbreak’ whilst in other talks saying how the human population needs to be drastically reduced. Then we have the vaccinations he’s funded in Africa and India killing and sterilising thousands… You see where I’m going with this. On British news today it was announced a company called astrazeneca may have 30 million vaccinations ready for the public by September which a simple google search would tell you this is another company HEAVILY funded by Bill Gates.

Regardless of whether you think this virus is real or not, do you think arguing over which country’s media lies the most about covid death is of more use than actually going after the head of the snake? ( I know bill probably isn’t the head of the snake but he’s a fucking start)

Shitty thread I know someone with more time and resources feel free to clean this up but this thread needs to be here none the less

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ae4c88  No.108880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Salty Cracker did some homework and put some info out there in a normie-friendly format.

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f894c8  No.108896

Bill Gates' father, William Henry Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. William H. Gates Sr. and (((Mimi Gardner Gates))) have indoctrinated their children from a very young age into becoming depopulationists.

Gates Foundation in the past has invested heavily in converting Asian, African agricultural systems to GMOs.

For the unconventional success his stolen OS got on PCs, ask /tech

For the crypto family see: http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

PAPER, added 11/19/17, Bill Gates: Jewish Aristocrat.



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f894c8  No.108898

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f894c8  No.108899

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5266df  No.108900



I'm not really a fan of abortion, but can we drop this retarded kosher conservative talking point that overpopulation isn't real and we need more niggers?

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f894c8  No.108905

aha well said.

OK, I think we have a problem here. The most far-fetched idea is to have a global solution for a problem that's approached on very different levels from Finland to Burundi. And no useful solutions can come from the Gates of satanic philantropy family tree.

This unfunny guy and his manly wife are shilled for no other reason that he donated millions to almost everyone… Shkelim that he got freely from the gullible millions - me included - that bought hardware with his shitty OS embedded.

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a76fe6  No.109507


This. I remember Alex Jones would kvetch about "muh 50 million aborted nigger babies." I'd here that and think, ok, how is that a bad thing? 50 million unwanted niggers is the last thing any nation needs.

I'd go even further and offer cash incentives for anyone without children to undergo sterilization. Only the 85 IQ crowd would take the deal.

"Tyrone, would you like a new basketball and some fresh sneakers, or be burndered with potential child support payments?"

"ay yo hook a nigger up wit dem kiks straight up"

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a76fe6  No.109508


*hear that

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ce2c8f  No.109526


>Then we have the vaccinations he’s funded in Africa and India killing and sterilising thousands

wtf I love Microsoft now.

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785159  No.109531


> I'd go even further and offer cash incentives for anyone without children to undergo sterilization

Call it "welfare" and make the sterilization mandatory for anyone who accepts it for more than six months.

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626bdf  No.109534


I think there are two penises on that couch

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631df7  No.109569


All the sex you want, none of the responsibility. "Deal of a lifetime™" Instead of course we get the very opposite. Instead of working to eradicate genetic refuse, our (((friends))) work very hard to import it.

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38e5da  No.110048

File: aeedb21eda5bd3d⋯.jpg (104.57 KB, 788x788, 1:1, aeedb21eda5bd3db43fd7a83d3….jpg)

The proof is in the pudding. https://8kun.top/pnd/res/89550.html#108907

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38e5da  No.110050

File: 9b383856e91bcf1⋯.jpeg (65.87 KB, 400x325, 16:13, download_1_.jpeg)

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7b735a  No.110057


I like how you people have turned Bill Gates into a Thanos-level super villain. It's pretty hilarious.

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988b67  No.110194


Why is it hilarious?

He has a documented history of being a lying psychopath.

You don't get to have as much money as he has without being completely evil.

The fact you fell for the image of goofy geek/benign philanthropist that he pays millions to multiple media agencies to build speaks volumes about your stupidity.

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d87047  No.110289

File: b183d8c23543476⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 670x471, 670:471, bill_gates_jeffrey_epstein.jpg)

File: a5437cc21b387a9⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Is_it_true_sir_Jeffrey_Ep….webm)



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626bdf  No.110296

File: d43836aa0351abe⋯.png (215.58 KB, 580x326, 290:163, pixels.png)


can you clean up this image some?

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8e8d38  No.113262


who is the other man sitting by that evil psychopath bill gates

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be7d72  No.113276


'Her' head is bigger than his head. This is disturbing for me.

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be7d72  No.113279


What is an 'egg dick'?

I know Epstein wanted to 'heal the world' by using a gene drive to infect everyone with his own DNA…jew DNA.

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e4c254  No.113281


I think this is the first source that states that scientists have been researching how to change genes using vaccines

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daeb3e  No.114206

>Then we have the vaccinations he’s funded in Africa and India killing and sterilising thousands…

Good job, Bill.

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7e62cd  No.114346

File: 416ea91685ca23f⋯.png (488.29 KB, 670x471, 670:471, Epstein_with_fellow_gentle….png)



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653f70  No.119312

File: 091e96ff55a9cdd⋯.jpg (73.2 KB, 642x598, 321:299, michelles_weenie.jpg)


>im on the same level man, this bothers me as much if not even more

just look at that fugly shemale face and the width of the shoulders, this guy has larger shoulders that bill gates himself.

one has to wonder if he still has his pee pee in pants or bill ordered it cut so he could not fuck up like the michael obongo did in that infamous video where michael was dancing and his penis was rocking in pants

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588e2e  No.133393

File: 8ea08bb6059d82f⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 540x540, 1:1, billmelinda.jpg)


>How they really look

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80b4d0  No.133803


I heard Gates is dead.

I want to see the enemies of mankind's blood up to the bridles.

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1cbd01  No.133818


But I'm not.

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d3ff61  No.134796


Tucker did a segment on Gislaine tonight and went after her frenz. INCLUDING the CEO of Linkedin and Bill Gates. Check it out. 7/2/20. I'll post the segment when it pops up on jew tube.

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d3ff61  No.134876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here it is

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407e85  No.134877

File: 5abcd859723e0bc⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 0d73d1470f8924c1a3d39285eb….jpg)

this video was predicting a lot of this at the start of the supposed outbreak


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d3ff61  No.134896


The film maker may have had the best intentions but

1. it was entirely incoherent, a pastiche of all sorts of little video blurbs

2. Owen Schroyer ranting in slavish imitation of Alex Jones.

I zipped through it in 60 seconds and I'd seen more than enough.

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407e85  No.134921


>i zipped through it in 60 seconds

>it was entirely incoherent

Yeah a 2 hour long expose is going to seem incoherent skimming it in less than a minute.

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4db8f3  No.134930


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d3ff61  No.134964


>Yeah a 2 hour long expose is going to seem incoherent skimming it in less than a minute.

Perhaps but c'mon…(((Owen Schroyer))) ranting like Alex no less. Any normal person is going to tune out. Maybe I missed something good in there…maybe I missed the Jason Bermas segment…kek

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003ae3  No.137274


We thought you would enjoy it, Bill.

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