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File: 6dc338662cb374b⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 300x300, 1:1, othala.jpg)

b0599e  No.108410

Recently I made the terrible mistake of joining the military. I've also become extremely Redpilled. I fucking hate Jews and now I am owned by them. What the fuck do I do? How can I combat this from within?

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26db8f  No.108445

File: 0a1e52977c1a189⋯.jpg (130.98 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1588408880700.jpg)


>How can I combat this from within?

Don't bother, don't try. It only puts your life and your freedom at risk for negligible/no gain and that's unacceptable. Your life will always be worth so much more (especially to us!) than some chance to pull pranks or whatever the hell.

I don't know how recently you're talking about but I'm gonna guess you're not actually locked in yet. Just get out, don't talk yourself into staying. It's not worth it and you know why, especially now that you're redpilled. You will lose your shit when they start trying to mold you.

>What the fuck do I do?

This might be useful for you, it's a good place to start at least:

>Retracting an Enlistment


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35a0cb  No.108465


This. Sorry to hear of your situation OP. Just get out, who knows when the next war for Israel will occur, best to stay well away.

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7b885d  No.108477

File: 907102de82b1fd6⋯.png (472.98 KB, 680x486, 340:243, tiresome.png)


That's just embarrassing, Schlomo.

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232f73  No.108492


jew the jew

go on workers comp or whatever your equivalent is, get yourself an ouchie make be their fault and make them pay you to leave.

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62b245  No.108508


>What the fuck do I do?

suffer because of your stupidity, learn this lesson, stop being dumb, and you could be free one day

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305bf2  No.108522

You know what to do. Unless you are a FED. But even then, you know what to do, instead you are here shitposting against your own interest in the big picture.

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f0bbc2  No.108524


This isn’t your blog. Read the rules and lurk before posting.

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b8c11d  No.108535

Sandbag. True incompetency is indistinguishable from malice. fdfad

Do your time, get some benefits, and troll as much as possible.

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b74d13  No.108548


Do your time to the absolute best of your ability. Reflect on your decision. Learn weapons and tech to the absolute best of your ability. Kill people and do what you are told to the absolute best of your ability; striving for excellence in all things.

IF YOU MAKE IT OUT, you will be the better man for investing the time and effort into learning the system and understanding power, weapons, dynamics of command and military systems.

Don’t listen to these faggots, anon. Do your ancestors and your family proud and learn everything that you can. You life and the lives of the people you love may depend on how many contacts you have made, how much of a man you are in the face of adversity and the depth of your character (will other men fight and die for you because they love you, no homo).

You are European, strive for excellence.

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5c7158  No.108567


Try to quit asap, fake some illness or invalidity, and once you're out, keep your training to yourself, settle in a white area, prepare and radiate redpills.

Don't do anything silly and above all do not fight for the ZOG.

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48ea95  No.108621


promote up

promote like minded people

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ffd810  No.108624


take there combat training pleb,what do you have to lose? apparently your in a go nowhere situation learn aviation or diesel mechanics do 4 yrs and hope you get trigger time

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9453bf  No.108632

Use all free medical and dental services you can. Rack up a long mental health counseling record. Before you get out get every single ache and pain documented. Then go see VA advocate and get them to fill out disability app for you. Should net you neetbucks for life. Major depression is like 50% and all you have to do is be honest about how you feel about world and omit the jew/nigger stuff.

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28137c  No.108633


keep your fucking mouth shut unless you KNOW the other people you're talking to know how to keep their mouths shut. Keep your head down, secretly collect information you can trade for money or as useful info for paramilitaries down the line when you have your discharge.

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aeb3e2  No.108637

File: e81cd76e9a0aaa7⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1487x1859, 1487:1859, 7FB4D7F7_C5CD_471D_BFFF_9….jpeg)


I like your plan. It is very sneaky. But it is not relevant in a post collapse world. Anon, needs to GO EXCELL at everything and bond with men who appreciate him for what he is and will back him up in an emergency. He might very well have to act as an autonomous unit either behind enemy lines or in his home nation behind enemy lines. He need experience with command and combat and high tech weapons.

OP need to not just ‘use the weapons’ but understand how they operate and how to jury rig them or modify them for another purpose.

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f4d517  No.109342


Trick question. You already are owned by the jews. What's your alternative? Work a regular job chasing paper? Who do you think owns the printing presses? Anywhere else you go you will have to keep your mouth shut or get fired, and it's not even about anything redpilled, it's about anything other than the most trivial mundane bullshit like sportsball or sitcoms.

At least in the military you might learn something dangerous, and you'll do it on the government's dime. Most of it's bullshit taught by arrogant and incompetent niggers, but if you treat the toughest training there as the minimum standard by which you need to beat, you'll do fine. For example, the NCO training course in the army is what was expected of every private in the Wehrmacht. But for all that, where can you get paid to work out and practice shooting?

Note: the above applies only if you're single. The military is completely incompatible with raising a family. Do not stay in if you plan to get married.

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1aa90e  No.109351



You are gonna live on the streets if you not careful, most likely they are gonna sign a payee for you if don't one yourself.You don't want your disabity to stolen, the SSA office doesn't care. Being on welfare makes you realize how antiwhite the system is

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dde0f6  No.109551

File: ed3d1a1f1da9341⋯.jpg (149.86 KB, 800x436, 200:109, 022012mc_ss_logo2_800.JPG)



Wisest comments in here, assuming you are unable to retract your enlistment.

Accrue kompromat on your superiors when the risk to do so isn't great, learn how dead man's switches work, organise and network with whomever you can organise and network.

And oy vey try not to die.

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ffd810  No.110770


based marine 3/1scouts

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470fbd  No.136720


So how did it all work out for you?

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182413  No.139877

You learn the art of war, then when the day come. You will know how to defend yourself against WG and infiltrators.

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837767  No.140055


>Don't bother, don't try. It only puts your life and your freedom at risk for negligible/no gain and that's unacceptable.

This. Learn about infosec anon. Link related:


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