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The holocaust never happened

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843960  No.108402

CDC Vaccine Chair: "Get Rid Of The Whites" Scandal. Professor Carol Baker Calls For Racial Genocide

link video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvtcqneMwyI

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8e0102  No.108452


yeah, okay, blah blah blah

how old is that video?

its at least a year or two old

and Now you are wanting to make a big stink of it?

nobody ever does anything to these people


not even your precious Trump™ will do anything about it.

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9d3770  No.108459

Supposedly there are people calling for the genocide of whites yet not even the supposed defenders of the white race are willing to do what is the only just and moral response to it which is violence. Left-wingers burn down buildings if there is ever even a sniff of gentrification around it but the right won't lift a finger to stop a totally real and occurring genocide.

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0b727c  No.109007


Because of police. People are slaves to the state.

Right-wingers are also too conscientious.

Left-wingers are traitors in the first place, which makes it easier to them to not give any shit about police or laws.

Most right-wingers are also moderate who love police.

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02068d  No.109009


>and Now you are wanting to make a big stink of it?

I'm sooo sorry that I don't instantly know everything happening in the world, like you wanted dear center of the universe

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ba94d4  No.109021


Sort of…Europeans replace their God(s) with jews and now they are at the whim of the jews, whatever the jews want to do to them ‘is fine’ because you let them supplant the role of God(s) in your life. You told your ancestors and gods to FUCK OFF and now the jews are your God(s) and you can no longer imagine turning on the ‘new gods’ anymore than you could imagine rebelling against ACTUAL GODS.

Because your minds are controlled and fucked by these little low IQ foreign trolls, you are being genocided and NO GODS would ever come to your rescue. NONE OF THEM.


You all have made your choice to elevate mere men to the position of GOD over you now fucking LIVE and DIE with the product of that. These GODS you have selected are genociding you and YOU GAVE THEM THE POWER TO DO SO.

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