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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 08b496c326d7966⋯.png (552.89 KB, 1200x1700, 12:17, PPLAVIA_AVRIL_2020_19.PNG)

67079a  No.107428

French government LREM pushed the Avia law on internet censorship to protect trannies and minorities. The nigger Avia can be proud.

In defense of the kike, the arab, the nigger, the tranny, the flat earth believer and unsurprisingly, hating authority and the government or corporations is also included.

This is the chart that is now emailed to the representatives of the law and enforcement to classify anything just as bad as posting CP or suggesting a murder.

I should not have this, but since the amendment and the law has been force-passed while all the opposition was still in confinement in the assemblée nationale, this is how they treat democracy.

THIS is the epitaph of free speech in France.

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d303de  No.107432


Sad but predictable.

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67079a  No.107435

I gotta take the time to translate all of this. here we go:

Provocation of voluntary attacks on life, voluntary attacks on the integrity of the person and sexual assaults. (yeah obviously)

Provocation to theft, extortion and destruction, degradation and deliberate deterioration of property towards natural or legal persons, administrative authorities or institutions. (yes, the legal persons here means corporations and organizations. even brands. Of course authorities and administrations included in that law.)

Apology for the above crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of enslavement or exploitation of a person enslaved or crimes and offenses of collaboration with the enemy. (what enemy? Which enemy? We are not in a war!)

Provocation of discrimination, hatred, criticism or violence against a person or a group of minority people on the grounds of their origin or their ethnicity or non-ethnicity , a nation, a race, a social class, political affiliation or a determined belief. (Yep. beliefs are protected, you can be your alicorn otherkin, attack helicopter, or claim the earth is flat. going agaisnt a belief or religion is really to please the arabs)

Provocation of discrimination, hatred, criticism or violence against a minority person or group on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, appearance physical, mental, disability or social status. (technically makes people who identify as a MAP or pedo will be protected.)

Contesting or questioning the existence of crimes against humanity or historical facts capable of calling into question historical facts. (yes, questioning.)

Outrageous negation, minimization or trivialization of the existence of a crime of genocide, against humanity, reduction, slavery, or war crime. (this means comparing the death oif the communist regimes versus the death of nazism are now illegal.)

Contestation by taking a defensive position, apology, or questioning the accusation of crimes or hate movement cited above. (Not sure what they mean here)

Dissemination of image, document, recording, or any other content presented outside of study or analysis, which can be used to question the existence of crimes against humanity or for discriminatory purposes. (This means sharing WW2 photos or documents that proves any evidence that something did not happen is illegal. Just like the IQ world map.)

Insulting a person or a group of people on the grounds of their origin or their membership or non-membership of a specific ethnicity, nation, race or religion. (even christians?)

Insult committed under the same conditions against a person or a group of people because of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity or disability. (you fucking mongs. you made it!)

Diffusion of image or text for the purpose of provocation or humiliation, including for sarcastic purpose aimed at persons, minorities or the institutions mentioned above. (so two blacks can no longer use the word «nigger» if I get that.)

Sexual harassment. (oh so brave)

Diffusion of an image or visual representation of a minor when this image or this representation is of a pornographic nature. (lolicon/shotacon/furry shit I guess)

Broadcast of a pornographic or sexual message when this message is likely to be seen or perceived by a minor. (this means no more porn on the internet? Impossible.)

Direct provocation to acts of terrorism, disobedience or dissent. (Basically the end of using the#yellowvest hashtag, assimilating disobeidence and terrorisme is a huge step on dictatorship.)

Challenging or questioning the legitimacy of elected officials or state authorities. (the fuck)

Public apology for acts of terrorism. (All arabs does make fun of the 9/11 and the Charlie Hebdo shootings still today, this is really another «so brave» move.)

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d3a2c2  No.107444

>free speech in France.

that never existed to begin with, stop watching jewish hollywood movies

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67079a  No.107466


yes it existed, we always had it, but it declined since 1981 when Miterrand became elected and started shitting laws. It was soft communism, but these principles are there now, they amended our constitution so many times it no longer have a value.

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6928eb  No.107471


Find some anti-white hate crimes on twitter and spam the police 24/7.

Say you're afraid for your live.

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d3a2c2  No.107490


surveillance technology wasn't up to the job in 1981, ZOG wasn't capable of doing then what they can do now, so instead they pretended to agree that you had some imaginary god given right to speak your mind openly, they even took credit for it. That was all a lie, as you see now.

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671ef6  No.107518

>>107444 (trippy quads)

This. But I like how OP reveals the contradictions inherent to this law, including anything about pornographic material shareability (sic). You know of course that minorities will be allowed to use all sorts of slurs and that pornography will never be blocked despite being likely to be seen by minors.


Ain't gonna happen. Blue pigs harass Whites but leave shitskins alone.

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bc125d  No.107538


You’ve literally never had it. You don’t fucking comprehend what freedom of speech is. You never had American protections. You have always been under the heel of your government.

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b3b067  No.107576

File: 390ab073cd45e8e⋯.jpg (162.53 KB, 750x475, 30:19, freeze_peach_in_murica.jpg)

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b3b067  No.107578


>Ain't gonna happen. Blue pigs harass Whites but leave shitskins alone.

It's not about getting them to do what you want. It's about lawfully flooding them with complaints.

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4b6a17  No.107609

France was one of the original cesspits of poz and one of ideological centers of ZOG, this is not surprising.

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36514a  No.107660


Europe as a whole is losing whatever free speech we had a few years ago.

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d27fcd  No.108178

french gov want to censor us. majority of french denounce this, the kike, the nigger, the arab and the tranny.

this shit is inspired by a german law the nigger Avia passed when the opposition was confined, this and a lot of other laws, this is abolishing free speech, making it illegal to criticize or disapprove the elites and the gov. I know now I will be arrested.

Death to niggers and trannies.

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9cfb6b  No.109897


We are living in an Orwellian society.

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