I gotta take the time to translate all of this. here we go:
Provocation of voluntary attacks on life, voluntary attacks on the integrity of the person and sexual assaults. (yeah obviously)
Provocation to theft, extortion and destruction, degradation and deliberate deterioration of property towards natural or legal persons, administrative authorities or institutions. (yes, the legal persons here means corporations and organizations. even brands. Of course authorities and administrations included in that law.)
Apology for the above crimes, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of enslavement or exploitation of a person enslaved or crimes and offenses of collaboration with the enemy. (what enemy? Which enemy? We are not in a war!)
Provocation of discrimination, hatred, criticism or violence against a person or a group of minority people on the grounds of their origin or their ethnicity or non-ethnicity , a nation, a race, a social class, political affiliation or a determined belief. (Yep. beliefs are protected, you can be your alicorn otherkin, attack helicopter, or claim the earth is flat. going agaisnt a belief or religion is really to please the arabs)
Provocation of discrimination, hatred, criticism or violence against a minority person or group on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, appearance physical, mental, disability or social status. (technically makes people who identify as a MAP or pedo will be protected.)
Contesting or questioning the existence of crimes against humanity or historical facts capable of calling into question historical facts. (yes, questioning.)
Outrageous negation, minimization or trivialization of the existence of a crime of genocide, against humanity, reduction, slavery, or war crime. (this means comparing the death oif the communist regimes versus the death of nazism are now illegal.)
Contestation by taking a defensive position, apology, or questioning the accusation of crimes or hate movement cited above. (Not sure what they mean here)
Dissemination of image, document, recording, or any other content presented outside of study or analysis, which can be used to question the existence of crimes against humanity or for discriminatory purposes. (This means sharing WW2 photos or documents that proves any evidence that something did not happen is illegal. Just like the IQ world map.)
Insulting a person or a group of people on the grounds of their origin or their membership or non-membership of a specific ethnicity, nation, race or religion. (even christians?)
Insult committed under the same conditions against a person or a group of people because of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity or disability. (you fucking mongs. you made it!)
Diffusion of image or text for the purpose of provocation or humiliation, including for sarcastic purpose aimed at persons, minorities or the institutions mentioned above. (so two blacks can no longer use the word «nigger» if I get that.)
Sexual harassment. (oh so brave)
Diffusion of an image or visual representation of a minor when this image or this representation is of a pornographic nature. (lolicon/shotacon/furry shit I guess)
Broadcast of a pornographic or sexual message when this message is likely to be seen or perceived by a minor. (this means no more porn on the internet? Impossible.)
Direct provocation to acts of terrorism, disobedience or dissent. (Basically the end of using the#yellowvest hashtag, assimilating disobeidence and terrorisme is a huge step on dictatorship.)
Challenging or questioning the legitimacy of elected officials or state authorities. (the fuck)
Public apology for acts of terrorism. (All arabs does make fun of the 9/11 and the Charlie Hebdo shootings still today, this is really another «so brave» move.)