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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 8b1f65301eb4901⋯.jpg (81.78 KB, 619x350, 619:350, globalism_yay.jpg)

e88475  No.107390

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2574b8  No.107406

You’re okay with it because you won’t do anything to stop it.

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455198  No.107413


>I'm not okay with this, are you?

if your food supply chain is not forest & hunting rifle, your opinion doesn't really matter..

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e88475  No.107423


They are taking ownership of our land eventually, I don't see how you can hunt for deer while you are being tracked down at the same time.

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116272  No.107438


Recreational hunting is too cumbersome, $20 a year for a general hunting license plus all the stamps and permits you have pay just to kill a deer or shoot a duck

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0f6253  No.107551


That depends on where you live.

Here landowners can kill one deer for every 5 acres free of charge. If I want to hunt public land it is about $20 per tag. There is no other charge and no annual license.

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42c107  No.107554


Seriously I ate so many found strawberries today I am like a bloated whale right now. It feels good to know where my food comes from.


That is when you need to start ‘hunting the larger primates’.

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07f30a  No.107558


> That is when you need to start ‘hunting the larger primates’.

Hi Alex!

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e88475  No.107580

File: 9cec67cb80ef8cf⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 660x496, 165:124, cheersmate.jpg)

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896c4a  No.107680

File: 577f8f3d2503ae9⋯.png (936.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, namibia.png)

File: 4abcc9bc6d217de⋯.png (330.09 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, Conservatards_Info.png)

Do you have the information on the U.S. Government telling U.S. Ranchers to start killing off their herds?


Do you have the information on the shipments of Beef that have been started? They are shipping Beef over from Namibia now thanks to the Chinese Flu.

They are truly out-sourcing everything.

The U.S. is becoming a hollow shell of its former self if it isn't that already.

Stupid Burgers

Stupid Permissive Burgers

More info for my slide

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2e49cb  No.108858

File: 5391e9792692aa5⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 200x300, 2:3, dc70fdceaf6a102a31ffe4ed5d….jpg)

Globalism ruins everything it touches. In Leaf land it is impossible to get proper Sachertorte because the post-war intruder kikes here are still chuffed about the whole Natzee think. Good luck trying to find an Antwerp Handjes chocolate mold muh King Leopold cruelty, when in fact it was the niggers themselves already doing the hand chopping. What we need is a good Tyrone chocolate mold. Same for Le Happy Merchant in an off white chocolate. The entire culinary art of the Occident is in dire need of revisionist recipes.

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