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The holocaust never happened

File: 494cee517c4d957⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 726x466, 363:233, tommielindh_and_murderer.jpg)

4e4bb8  No.107321

His name was Tommie Lindh. He was a nationalist who died defending a Swedish woman he knew who a Sudanese man was trying to rape at a party they were at. After murdering Tommie the nigger went right back to raping her. The same nigger had already been convicted of sexual assault of a minor under the age of 15 in 2016. Rest In Peace Tommie.




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75f85b  No.107327

Fuck this gay earth. I am not even White and I want the Whites to genocide us globally already.

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4e4bb8  No.107340

File: 73c50eb8467acfd⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, In_Memory_Of_Tommie_Lindh_….mp4)

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778849  No.107342

Barbara Spectre and Leftypol approve of this rape and murder.

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c53c28  No.107352

File: 6d7daa2050845d3⋯.jpg (135.32 KB, 446x1000, 223:500, 1431196657950.jpg)


> He was a nationalist who died defending a Swedish woman

> who a Sudanese man was trying to rape at a party they were at

Want to be sympathetic but …

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4e4bb8  No.107354


>I want to be sympathetic but I'm fucked in the head and asocial so instead I'm going to pick at anything that I can find

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858876  No.107371

Is there any mention of this in swedish media?

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c0c00f  No.107396

File: 57cbba79ad7fbf2⋯.jpg (703.3 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, the_attack_on_the_west_.jpg)

welcome to the real world

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