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File: fd488340a8184ac⋯.jpg (276.94 KB, 1920x782, 960:391, Obama_Nobel_Peace_Prize_wi….jpg)

2792e4  No.107252

To summarize #ObamaGate:

So the FBI, CIA and NSA all teamed up, with Barack Obama & Joe Biden blessing, to wiretap National Security Advisor Michael Flynn conversations, because Obama did not like the man because Flynn was against Obamas little war crusaders and funding ISIS and other shady shit? And then later the prosecutor forced bogus statement from him by threatening his son?

Is that about correct?

What's the maximum penalty in USA for forced false statement? Can Flynn sue these bastards?

P.S: 4chan are FBI licking wankers….they don't allow VPN, proxies, or Tor for posting……

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678746  No.107253


It doesn't really make much sense. Flynn is a lobbyist for the Turkish government. We know the Obama administration tried to coup Erdogan. Is Erdogan a good guy? Or is Obama? The following administration, that Flynn was angling to work for, proceeded to launch financial attacks on the Turkish lira and I don't know if they went through with sanctions but they definitely threatened them. They only backed off when it was clear they needed help to attack the sovereign Syrian government [which they were using groups like ISIS to do in the first place] and washed their hands of the Kurds to let the Turks move in.

The whole thing just doesn't really make sense when you examine the hard policy, which has been virtually unchanged between administrations. It screams of a "look at the nigger!" operation or perhaps factions jockeying for first dibs on imperial rents.

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e0e395  No.107337

File: 59f7346b7911e67⋯.jpg (162.43 KB, 1210x686, 605:343, retraxit.jpg)

The judge is a joke. Really, this will be a comedy. Bix Nood shit incoming. The memes will write themselves.

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c164f7  No.107376


>We know the Obama administration tried to coup Erdogan.

no it was Putin's revenge for downing their plane. even erDOGan can't fuck with Vlad.

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321976  No.107798


you're a fucking wanker and a fucking kike

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6cea9a  No.107828


>We know the Obama administration tried to coup Erdogan

>to coup

Enguish keeps going down, "I'm too old for that shit" edition

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a46ad5  No.107830

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bee0b6  No.107841

File: fc1a57849d4891a⋯.png (399.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>So the FBI, CIA and NSA all teamed up, with Barack Obama & Joe Biden blessing, to wiretap National Security Advisor Michael Flynn conversations, because Obama did not like the man because Flynn was against Obamas little war crusaders and funding ISIS and other shady shit? And then later the prosecutor forced bogus statement from him by threatening his son?

I can't even find that on Twitter. Twitter's ad groups are going kahuts about this #ObamaGate. This image sums up all of their responses.

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3f036a  No.107955


Obama did nothing wrong. Fox News is ran by ZIOCUCKS.

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e74a0d  No.107965


>believing anything that comes out of Trump's mouth

There is no "ObamaGate". It's a deflection. Stop swallowing Qult blue-pills.

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fbcc52  No.107987

Who gives a fuck? Trump is a faggot. The whole system is a gay op run by kikes. Bread and circuses. (((They))) will never find any one guilty of wrong doing in this and even if they did, what would anyone benefit from it? The only out come is the one THEY want. This is just “lock her up 2.0” its hopeium for retards that think trump is somehow “SSSoOO BasEd MaaAn” and an annoying distraction for the rest of us who gave up on the orange faggot. Trump is a blue pill. Kys anon.

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e035c0  No.108005


based. Fuck niggers that think that the system will fix the system.

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eca935  No.108137

File: 4f2ada997777141⋯.png (189.13 KB, 538x323, 538:323, Screen_Shot_2020_05_17_at_….png)

Flynn was never unmasked. I cringe every time this myth is repeated.

Flynn was NEVER unmasked!

So how did Obama get a transcript of the phone call? How did this tie to Flynn? There was no mention of either a FISA warrant or criminal investigation. There is only one explanation, and I think Loretta Lynch only has a 50% chance of surviving the next two weeks.

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62ba7a  No.108334

File: b0c32acfb98bc75⋯.jpg (271.33 KB, 748x1510, 374:755, he_covet_them_shiney_pisto….jpg)


Tie Biden to Obama and then sink Obama with simple facts.


Cool Glock Amaud, maybe after you try to bring your shitty .380 to a high school basketball game you can drop by the whitehouse and we can boost some stuff from CVS together.

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a0ffe6  No.108383


Pen Registry.

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285525  No.108562


Show one.

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d29ece  No.108683


How come you can spot the FBI agent so easily nowadays?

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06325f  No.108706


Dilation stains

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469988  No.108862

File: b4e12ee33a7d37c⋯.jpeg (415.8 KB, 1242x1769, 1242:1769, A12D076D_1FE3_40D9_83FD_8….jpeg)


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af8e48  No.108863

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7ebf74  No.108873


Mongoloids really feed off low hanging low hanging fruit like this. The baseline for conservatism now is to say one stupid thing like this and watch retards slurp you up. BASED AND REDPILLED indeed.

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7bc71c  No.108881

Non murdercultist threads aren't allowed here, unfortunately.

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469988  No.108886


I just thought it was funny

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c689c9  No.109056


Trumpniggers are dumber than the actual niggers who supported Obongo.

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e6cb2f  No.109131


Erdogan is a nationalist. That might be why Obama hates him. Learn about Gulen. Learn your true enemy.

<Then again I have been told that Erdogan and Bibi have been involved in some shady deals.

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e6cb2f  No.109132


>google president of fox news -> Roger Ailes

>In 1995, NBC hired a law firm to conduct an internal investigation after Roger Ailes allegedly called David Zaslav a "little fucking Jew prick

>google president of CNN -> Jeff Zucker

>Zucker was born into a Jewish family…

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8b0f38  No.109135

File: 76274af2c3c9889⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 1884923068438.jpg)



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8b0f38  No.109136

File: b66670f0f9c1f0b⋯.mp4 (933.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Mike_Pompeo.mp4)


>high quality person

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7ea811  No.109168

File: 00a1f7fd49e34e8⋯.jpg (245.88 KB, 666x440, 333:220, OBAMAGATE.jpg)



Flynn never was unmasked because he wasn't masked to begin with.

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b2dfcb  No.109185


Why is this funny? Is this the assholes convension?

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b2dfcb  No.109186



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f358d0  No.109199


Mike Pompeo is a zionist zealot and a honorary jew. Jews are completely immoral beasts. If something benefits the jew, then it's good and praiseworthy. That's why they laugh about it.

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fbcc52  No.109202

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11e2e9  No.109211

File: 7828df07d6354bb⋯.png (926.49 KB, 609x4019, 609:4019, Untitled.png)

Yikes…this is getting uglier

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e6cb2f  No.129659

File: 2017cba2519a40d⋯.jpg (82.08 KB, 680x497, 680:497, 1ed.jpg)

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