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c0449c  No.107044

OnlyFans App is the stock market for niggers. Let me explain.

>Underground Rapper has several millions of dollars

>Rapper #1 buys 200 subscriptions from eThot #1

>eThot #1 gets 200 more tattoos, a Louis Vuitton bag, and a Mercedes

>Rapper #2 and Rapper #3 buy 50 subscriptions each to compete with eThot #1

>Rapper #3 dials up eThot #1 to appear with him, Jews funnel in at least 200,000$ to the relationship.

>eThot #1 sucks Rapper #3’s dick and her subscription count goes through the roof

>eThot rinses with Listerine and repeatedly rapper #1 and #2’s dick

There is NO such thing as a honest trad Stacy making loads of money off OnlyFans. Since the real stock market is convoluted, niggas put money on roasties now.

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20885c  No.107146

Is this post a joke? What kind of retard thought a "trad" girl would be on Onlyfans? RETARD.

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667e14  No.107234


>go on ewhore websites

>expect something other than ewhores

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667e14  No.107235

Meant OP

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