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File: 5639097aac9df39⋯.png (525.15 KB, 2566x1454, 1283:727, Normie_Redpill_v2.png)

d7c773  No.106012

In this thread we post the best redpills we have. I have created a blueprint to be used.

>Normie friendly preferable.

>The more complex the better.

>Feel free to edit/use mine

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d7c773  No.106013

Try it in real life and post results.

>Also spam cuckchan with this

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135354  No.106020

File: 5330763f8151009⋯.png (692.63 KB, 960x828, 80:69, 1568222776305.png)

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135354  No.106021

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, who_controls_internet.jpg)

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135354  No.106022

File: 248223f43844665⋯.jpg (38.13 KB, 639x347, 639:347, WHO_DID_WHAT_in_history.jpg)

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135354  No.106023

File: 863b643d5c9b287⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 879x881, 879:881, issssssra.jpg)

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9bf47d  No.106024


>normie friendly


Pick one.

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135354  No.106025

File: a5fc968f9abc262⋯.jpg (120.64 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, je_1.jpg)

File: 2f6885db71407f6⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 1024x616, 128:77, je_2.jpg)

File: 20a610b3e3192f2⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 590x440, 59:44, je_3.jpg)

File: 0f3f83a36f87129⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 1010x766, 505:383, je_4.jpg)

File: af253ae5df852a1⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 866x542, 433:271, je_5.jpg)

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135354  No.106026


the first pic can be turned into a more graphic short clip/ meme

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135354  No.106029

File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, j3w.png)

File: 498bdb975ca5a5c⋯.png (721.12 KB, 600x780, 10:13, j3w2.png)

File: 055801e39cc6a38⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 1024x829, 1024:829, j3ww_.jpg)

File: 0ccbdf24d728e34⋯.png (450.07 KB, 1375x2900, 55:116, j3333w.png)

File: 9486a51da0e0c11⋯.png (213.93 KB, 751x960, 751:960, netflix.png)

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135354  No.106036

File: 6d511ac90ec88a5⋯.png (235.56 KB, 656x935, 656:935, 6d511ac90ec88a5dd68ac8426f….png)

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135354  No.106511

File: 095de4d78829627⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1778x2025, 1778:2025, swedenn.jpg)

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f29aa5  No.107064

File: 5b7f6140eed58f3⋯.png (141.02 KB, 500x639, 500:639, ending_white_privilege_jew….png)

Leftists and non-political Normies are massively susceptible to class-based division. everyone hates the ultra rich, the Billionaires, the 1%. you don't have to work to persuade them that the rich are the enemy because everyone knows they are being fucked over by the rich.

with that foothold, you can segue into pointing out the Jew is overwhelmingly over represented among the rich. we here all know the extreme lengths which the Jew goes to hide and practice usury invisibly and remain Unnamed. the Jew uses the Media, which they own, staff and employ to never draw the connection between the rich and all of them being Jews.

if you point this out as neutrally as you can, like "gee, that's a funny coincidence, what does it mean that the Jews own all the wealth? how did that happen?" most NPCs are programmed to tune out any dangerous ideas like "isn't that a Nazi idea?" but you can plant the mental seed to get them Noticing.

the important part is to start the new recruits on the path towards Noticing. because they do the work by themselves to Notice more cohencidences and slowly they break the conditioning and awaken to the JQ.

by going for the jugular first–spreading the idea of the JQ, the rest of general Trad-Conservative thinking comes rapidly as a natural consequence of the JQ.

when memetically executed correctly, you could convert a Liberal voter into a 1488'er within 1 year.

i would also note it is pointless to try to convert open Communists. they must be treated as permanently lost. the effect of Communism on the brain is similar to how years of meth abuse will fry their minds. Communism is permament brain damage. the only solution for Communists is death.

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286aff  No.107075

wild wild country.

> Foreign Religious cult leader opens westerners to free sex

>takes over white town with immigrants

>Mocks christianity while literally poisoning local populations

> attempts to take over town through mass immigration fraud

> literally poisons voters with ecoli

America 2020. Perfect analogy

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286aff  No.107076

I'm drunk.

I repetitive.

because I'm drunk.

Watch the documentary. Even your girlfriend is smart enough to understand when you explain it.

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329c3f  No.107083


This is true most normies would be Natsoc if you show them this even some lolbergs and berniebros believe it or not you just gotta shove that either anti-communist/anti-capitalist talking point leading too the Jew and they figure it all out. A recurring problem tho for redpilling people to our cause is the Boomers who are the greatest threat too the establishment. Just look at how Kushner’s cadre team is using the Qlarp to sway the boomers from getting angry with ZION Don not doing one thing at all for them and just giving them thinking he’s powerless but there’s a secret coup that will anyday now make us win. A good way to redpill boomers is using the Cold War propaganda talking points. What I mean is you gotta totally say you’re an anti-communists and pro-Christian as fuck. Use quotes from American founding fathers, politicians, presidents, and other historical figures like Henry Ford, Mark Twain, and Charles Lindbergh. Boomers like most normies are easily swayed by words made by high authority figures because it sets the status quo. Most people here already know deep down most normies want a King or a Dictator like figure because it sets the stress off from the public from having to care as much. Trump is a perfect example of this believe or not. A cult of personality can be very strong and great when utilized fairly, when it’s not it can be just a run of the mill joke that is essentially an embarrassment like the one we have now in the USA.

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43bf43  No.110333

File: 9a8fad00392906d⋯.jpg (667.43 KB, 1568x2146, 784:1073, 1525535028383.jpg)

File: 58d84f2fddb9bc9⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1024x1300, 256:325, banks_hijack_the_left.png)

File: cd88fa11a78346b⋯.jpg (509.52 KB, 1240x1336, 155:167, ATHEIST_SOCIETY.jpg)

File: 412198a9f4f5242⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, women_under_men_vs_autonom….jpg)

File: 5366a475f4b0824⋯.jpg (188.5 KB, 2560x1138, 1280:569, Nepotism_less_common_in_wh….jpg)

This is an important topic because:

1. If there's one thing our movement has on it's side, its truth.

2. A movement about Jews will necessarily be isolated from normies and easily demonized by the media.

3. Violence won't work until normies aren't as comfy (further economic collapse triggering action en masse).

4. We could be going door to door, spreading basic information that everyone should know, and collecting contact info of potential allies.

Also the responses so far have been pathetically lacking in breadth, so I'll try to list as many normie-tier redpills as I can.


1. Red Team Planner!

2. Americans value safety more than freedom. Overregulation in housing, food, medicine, hairdressing, etc. "Land of the free" is extreme doublethink. (wish I had a good meme for this)

3. COINTELPRO. FBI undermines movements like OWS. Social justic co-opted by banks.

4. Men are disproportionately failing in every level of schooling.

5. AIPAC and Israel's anti-African racism. Every year we give 4 billion dollars to a racist country.

6. Religion was the only thing maintaining decency.

7. Welfare generation after generation has destroyed the black family.

8. Official story on JFK assassination makes no sense.

9. Wars in the ME are really about taking down any leader who opposes oil pipelines.

10. 40% of post-op trannies kill themselves.

11. Muslim rape gangs. "Leaders put diversity of above children's safety"

12. Speaking of diversity, Putnam's study.

13. Women in the workplace. This argument may be too complex for most normies: Women in the workplace depressed wages of husbands, thereby *forcing* their wives to get jobs. So "women in the workplace" didn't give women more choice. It actually took away their choice to stay at home and raise children.

14. Related: Women hitting the wall.

15. "this is extremely dangerous to our democracy", the video.

16. Faked pictures of migrants used to garner sympathy, juxtaposed with unpublicized stories of children killed by illegal immigrants.

17. Whites are the *least* racist of any group. pic related

18. Comics. Humor will lower the normie threshold of acceptance. Compile Stonetoss comics pertaining to lightweight redpills. Feminism, LGBT, leftist hypocracy and censorship.

19. Feminine virtue under "patriarchy" vs Complete lack of virtue now.

20. Climate science. I recommend two videos:

Great Global Warming Swindle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYhCQv5tNsQ

Nobel Laureate on climate pseudoscience: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Ivar+Giaever+co2+climate+pseudoscience

(sorry for shitty resolution. this video has been taken down and reuploaded many times)

21. Speaking of CS: Government waste. Look at how much tax money has been devoted to "green energy" when nuclear power has been the ultimate energy solution for 40 years.

22. Dog food contains "euthanized pets" as an ingredient. Not the sort of redpill you're after, but funny and shocking.

23. Able Danger. Also, dancing Israelis

24. Mueller Unmasked

25. Grievance Studies Hoax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVk9a5Jcd1k

26. HRC classified email on private server, yet she isn't in jail. RussiaGate. These should be redpilling to normies, but the media has them under wraps.

27. Democratic governments represent their people less than dictatorships: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpqb9LDfARg

28. Like 1/3 of STEM grad students are Chinese getting education paid for by your taxes…Then they go back home where they use what they learned to outcompete American manufacturers.

29. Trayvon Martin case should be pretty redpilling at this point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAw5ykIPOBM

30. Sargon's interview of Steve Bannon was pretty good, discussing the economic reasons Trump and other populists around the world are getting elected.

31. The Fed and debt-backed currency inflation.

32. Frankfurt School: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbtm5fTrXo4 (one of my first redpills)

33. Left-wing indoctrination in academia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHyvRHrYYBA

POINTS OF VULNERABILITY (for D&C of the left):

Blacks vs Hispanics

Feminists vs Trans women

Islam vs Feminists

Islam vs LGBT

Trans vs "traditional" homos

Blacks vs Jews

Chistian POC vs Atheist leftists

Radical left vs Moderate left

POC vs White leftists

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