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File: 3e0de376e414b50⋯.png (389.36 KB, 720x416, 45:26, the hell.png)

1f8018  No.10480[Last 50 Posts]

TL;DR: Why were people at the camps to begin with?

Long explanation: I know why people died at the camps (allied bombing of supply lines leading to starvation and dysentery, "gas chambers" were for delousing), I know the final death toll is severely inflated, but what I don't know is why anyone was there to begin with. What was the point of the camps?

>inb4 do your own research

Oh yeah, I'm sure Google or DuckDuckGo will give me the exact answer I need, too.

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c0a89d  No.10494

File: 0b6fb66c730a8ce⋯.jpg (155.79 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 7eb20413eb5ae61a70fff87e51….jpg)

I've read the primary sources on the Rumbula "Massacre" and cleansing of the Warsaw ghetto.

In Rumbula they executed communist terrorists who had been trying to overthrow the Latvian government. 90% of whom were kikes.

In Warsaw the jewish ghetto was a no-go zone where the kikes attacked police with heavy machine guns and grenades whenever they tried to arrest a rapist or thief. Sound familiar? It was so bad the poles had to ask the German military to help. They decided instead of wasting men fighting all the terrorists door to do they'd give them a chance to turn themselves in, anyone with a warrant was arrested, the rest were let go. Those who didn't surrender were burned.

If you knew these things would you lock up every jew in your country?

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581214  No.10498

Internment of undesirables and 5th columnists.

Same reasons the allied nations threw people in internment camps. Same reasons the allied nations quietly executed loads of political prisoners.

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f80f0c  No.10500


Yep, not sure why OP is having so much trouble with this. It would be entirely straight forward even without the terrorist attacks.

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605c65  No.10505

File: cf3c00a3ffc1a8a⋯.png (265.91 KB, 923x755, 923:755, coal mines near aushwitz.png)


>cheap labor

near Aushwitz - Birkenau where 3 coal mines some quarry and some calcium quarries where laborers worked


i have mark only coal mines

I bet near symiliar labor camps will be a lot of heavy industry

if Wehrmacht wants to kill someone they just bring him to nearest forest and shoot him near dig excavation, they always do this way with poles - when partisians killed 1 german solider they kill 50 civilians.

if they really want to kill the kikes they simply shoot them in nearest forest

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975f15  No.10511


>What was the point of the camps?

the camps were supposed to be used to concentrate certain groups of people before sending them to middle east; unfortunately after the war broke out the resettlement became logistically unviable and the people inside started starving to death

then when the allies and commies won the war they used the camps in propaganda to exaggerate nazi warcrimes and downplay red army's 'achievements'

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000000  No.10519





Or not, if the level of degeneration is too high.

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1f8018  No.10553


So the camps were used as a holding zone to ship them where exactly?

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975f15  No.10562

File: b18288ac6253e09⋯.jpg (63.16 KB, 818x474, 409:237, suppose somewhere around h….jpg)

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1f8018  No.10574


Good God, I feel like a retard now. Thank you.

What about the queers and other undesirables? What was the plan for them?

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ae6dea  No.10575


plan was to relocate kikes and such to Madagascar after the war

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975f15  No.10576


idk slave labour i guess

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1f8018  No.10587


and they were just going to take them in?

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d2788f  No.10633

The whole "da holocaust didn't happ'n" shit is a copy-cat repeat of the Communist "da holodomor neva happen'd" and the Turkish muslim "we did not kill da Amenians".


>I know why people died at the camps (allied bombing of supply lines leading to starvation and dysentery, "gas chambers" were for delousing), I know the final death toll is severely inflated, but what I don't know is why anyone was there to begin with. What was the point of the camps?

If two connected ideas contradict each other, than one or both of them is probably incorrect. The million figure is definitely inflated, looks like it was at maximum around 2 million, Jews / gays / communists all included together.

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88bca3  No.10697

Their support of jewish communism is what put them in camps, they are a plague of agitating rats.

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c1e292  No.10776


So in your mind all alleged mass killings either happened or did not happen, and it's not possilble that some happened and some did not?

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f3edbb  No.10778


Don't you know, anon? Nothing ever happens. It's all a false flag with crisis actors.

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462b0a  No.10811


- (((THEY))) were bolsheviks and communists

- failure to comply with the Haavara Agreement – https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/haavara

- other non-kike bolsheviks and communists

- Criminals

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462b0a  No.10812


fuck off back to



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f3edbb  No.10813


Gosh, someone's angry.

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c7968a  No.11164

File: b8a6b047011d245⋯.jpg (177.06 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, (You).jpg)


troll harder. If you're gonna troll, apply yourself.

2/10 made me reply.

>>10480 OP can't inb4, you massive faggot.

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32510b  No.28745


the madagascar plan would have been amusing

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dce793  No.28747

File: 25ef87c647d5ff8⋯.webm (536.68 KB, 960x720, 4:3, How to Build a Concentrat….webm)


>Why were people at the camps to begin with?

Fuck around and find out.

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dce793  No.28749

File: f922861f44fa10d⋯.pdf (14.86 MB, 1 - Germar Rudolf - Dissec….pdf)


But seriously, shitposts aside, read a book nigger.

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7ee74c  No.28750

The same reason the Japanese were interned in the US.

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e7af26  No.28770



>ctrl+f "IG Farben"

>0 results found

Check out Prescott Bush and Henry Ford's involvement with getting Germany their fuel enrichment technology exchange treaty shortly before America entered WW2. Was supposed to be a 2 way exchange of technology, instead the US gave everything Germany they were agreed to and then war were declared and got nothing in return. Allowed IG Farben to, as some would say, continue the war for much longer than it otherwise could have.

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6988e8  No.28776

Typhus is probally what killed the majority of them (It is what killed Ann Frank even Kikeapedia agrees). The Polish Goverment before the war had reports of a Jewish Typhus epidemic (they like to live close to eachother) and the whole shaving the head and roasting the body matches up with the procedures for a typhus epidemic. Not to mention all those delousing chambers.

I don't care either way but there really isn't enough evidence the Holocaust happened apart from some shooting of Jewish Red Battallions and maybe the Arrow Cross party during the Red Invasion.

It seems Hitler was just rounding them up to deport them like he said and tried six million times

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5cb6a1  No.28845

This thread is a disgrace. Is this the best 8kun can do?

Pre1960s when you went to war with a group you put any one of the same ethnic group into camps where they would be unable to sabotage the war effort. America did this to the Japanese and you have the homo from star trek whining about it happening to his parents to this day. This is an ancient war practice which you can follow through out all of history for common sense reasons. You would later free them and have them carry on their lives.

The reason Germany put Jews in camps was because they were going to war with soviet Russia. A Jewish state known as such across the entire world and heavily discussed in public at that point. If you look deeper you will also find Germany did a terrible job of this and had Jews in their military forces. Including a half Jew who handed Britain a state of the art plane which they reverse engineered giving them superior air power than they other wise would of had.

Don't rely on infographs and memes for your history. Do some research and learn something.

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1f8018  No.28907


Thank you. This is the answer I was looking for.

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aa1ae8  No.28924


>What was the point of the camps?

Consider they were all in Poland, and that Poland was Pale of Settlement. Basically the "good jews" imprisoned the "bad jews" and sometimes forced labor out of them. The main point is that the camps were built by some jews and filled with other jews.

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c7cab5  No.29552


Cheap labor, but also removing them from society so they can't start an rebellion. Same as the US did to the japs. And the japs did with the lands they occupied. Also Germany in 1943 ordered men from occupied territories between 18 and 35 were forced to work in factories in Germany. Before 1943 it was voluntary.

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ba6596  No.29626


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6b113a  No.29690

File: ead100744f64611⋯.png (300.63 KB, 1245x1259, 1245:1259, German revolution 2.png)

Prison camps for Communists, also known as Jews.

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e296c9  No.31492


Refugees from the allied bombing and rapes.

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e296c9  No.31499

LOLz one of you buggers hijacked a jizz-over-heroic-allies-in-WWII thread on hellcatforum.org admit it. Pictures of the rape of a german girl, excerpts from articles describing the atrocities, etc.

Come on, guys. admit it. It was softball, but it was just the sort of thing that can wake people up. Someone had to be from 8kun.

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fe488d  No.41213

File: dc1c1aef47c2c92⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2914x4467, 2914:4467, NYT 3-3-1991 pg8-1.png)

Article from the March 3, 1991 Sunday edition of The New York Times.

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38657b  No.41304


Here's a tip. Mass murder in the scale of millions somehow happens almost every single time a marxist or islamist regimee gains power. Hitler seems to be a unique deviance from the rule of White nationalists and White "rightwing" regimes not purging over a couple thousand of the most militant radicalized dissenters, it kinda makes you think…

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38657b  No.41307

File: 04c1d76221b9c38⋯.jpg (40.7 KB, 620x510, 62:51, japanese_internment_camps_….jpg)


>Why were people at the camps to begin with?



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2c5170  No.41401


Do you have copies of those primary sources? Or know where to read them?

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278771  No.41412

The world is a dangerous place not because of evil people

but because of god people following orders


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278771  No.41414

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5bfcf0  No.41691

File: f09877b51322b71⋯.webm (4.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hitlernetanyahu.webm)


Here is A version.

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9399b0  No.41722


The point of the camps were for slave labor of lefty political dissidents (who happened to be mostly Jews). There were Germans and others in those camps too, the ones that refused to conform. They were not slaughtered but they were forced to work in those camps.

Why would governments do such a thing? Well its just what governments like to do. Take America today as an example, we have the Prison Industrial Complex that pays prisoners extremely low wages to work. Same thing. Gulags in USSR? Same thing. This is what governments do. They create laws, force people to obey those laws, or imprison them and force them to work.

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00ad79  No.41765

According to the book the Amazing Lab of Doctor Weigle Poland was losing 44000 people a year to typhus. The Germans funded the development of a vaccine which reduced the death rate to under 1000 people a year. So If Hitler had never come to power 500000 Jews would have died of Typhus in Poland alone.

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29f743  No.41941

So jews didn't have to fight in the war.

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0cce92  No.42091


are you the luxury camps spammer? get bent nerd

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00ad79  No.42344

File: 09af9bcdbb7d9cc⋯.jpg (444.95 KB, 864x456, 36:19, Bizarro 07-08-12 WEB.jpg)

Correct the Jews didn't fight in the war. Poland could have fielded 750000 Jew fighters and 750000 Jew support. They would have done things like recycling tin and planting victory gardens. Germany would have still defeated Poland but not occupied it. Dying in a war is just one metric of suffering. You don't see any survivors missing toes from trench foot or fingers from frost bite. You also don't see any survivors with missing arms legs or eyes or those in a wheelchair. My calculations show if 6000000 Jews died in the war then every surviving Jew in the world would be missing both hands both legs and both eyes.

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b683e7  No.42841


This, this is something that not a lot of people understand including myself until I saw a thread about it. I'm mostly a lurker but I wish I saved it, someone had the statistics of how much prisoners in the US were paid compared to non prisoners as well as what they manufactured and it was just nuts, the prisoners were being paid wages you would expect to see in the poorest parts of China, while producing all kinds of things the prison would then sell for unbelievable profits.

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3dc29b  No.42951


if you've done research and still don't know you don't deserve to know SAGE

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b1dc3e  No.43002

To be deported to what is today isreal, hitler started the initial colonies that became isreal for this purpose. Then the war happened so it kind've went on hold. They where initially cordoned in ghettos but that's impractical if you want the city functional, you can't just wall off a couple blocks in the middle of it, and if your going to house and feed them have them work; nazis had some commi moments.

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351b3d  No.43180


Thanks for correcting the record. 0.06 shekels were deposited in your account.

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000000  No.43348


>Gas chambers were also used

Found the jew shill posing as a woke huwite nationalist.

There were no gas chambers used on people. Only delousing chambers for cloths.

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808764  No.43354




>hurrr we're so clever and manipulative

Good lord, you're not even trying you fucking shitstains.

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26277a  No.43356


>Why were people at the camps to begin with?

Madagaskar was not available, and in that time the unwanted parasites were usually thrown in to some camp, in other countries too, US and UK had camps too, japs and german civilians for example

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a50af8  No.43359

One could argue that the camps were a means of protection. People debate about whether Kristallnacht was intended by party insiders or not, but officially speaking it was not sanctioned and was an embarrassment for the government. To prevent an outbreak of pogroms and general social disharmony isolation of the group that caused all the fuss was in Germany's best interest. Like others said, when you have a group that is ethnically similar to your enemies and has been a source of major political opposition then detaining them is a politically necessary thing to do. Even the "good guys" (the U.S.A.) put Japs in camps for far less. What actually happened at the camps is the bigger source of controversy.

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d66da4  No.43363


>What was the point of the camps?

Removing this people from society as promised before. Also, slave labor, which was important in war times when a large portion of the healthy/strong/capable man were fighting at the front. Someone has to produce all the stuff (bunkers, ammunition, clothes…). In the later years the prisoners became a valuable resource to keep the machine running…

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000000  No.43434


They were there to feed and cloths one another before transport to Israel. You think the Germans would let them handle ammunition? GTFO Jew shill.

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199b30  No.43650


>Jews didn't make ammunition for the war effort.

They did, and many did it gladly. There were different camps for different people. Dangerous elements were put to hard labour, which had a very high mortality rate. While upstanding jews got cozy jobs in camps that didn't bother closing the front gate. Inmates were given permission to leave the camp and work where they were needed. Plenty of both documentation and witness accounts to show this to be true.

Would you also be shocked to hear that a hundred thousand jews fought for germany, and that many powerful people in the wehrmacht and the SS were jews?

There's even a famous story of a jewish SS soldier, who went to israel after the war, and pretended to be a holocaust survivor, only to be found out a tattoo denoting his blood type.

There's a lot for you to look into, it's not groundbreaking stuff, but it will occupy a few afternoons. It's entertaining enough. The book “Hitler's Jewish Soldiers” is a good start.

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c5720f  No.66663


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c5720f  No.94914


Double bump

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c97754  No.95004




Hitler considered Palestine in the Havaara Agreement but ultimately rejected it for the same reason he did in MK. It'd be far too destabilizing (which it is, see ZOG). Instead, the plan was to set up a blockadable colony for them. Madagascar was a great choice, it was relatively sparsely populated without any severe ethnic butthurt and it was large enough to let the jews disperse and form homesteads. Trade and foreign relations would of course be managed by Germany lest Madagascar-Israel start jewing the countries of the Indian Ocean.

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5d9d9a  No.95010

the camps were an agricultural bid by Adolf for self-sufficiency in the newly formed Nazi German state. they actually ended up not being needed for this purpose, since the aryan Germans economically and industrially bounced back into the work force, including the agricultural sector, after he fixed their shithole republic. so the camps actually ended up just being glorified prisons for undesirables with some labor being exploited for supplies related to expanding and defending the Nazi German state. the camps were not bad until supply lines started getting fucked, and the camp guards only started going full psychopath when the allies declared war on Nazi Germany and Nazi Germany simply needed the wartime industrial production lines to keep up in a world that was against its expansionist ideology.

i'm 99% sure Adolf was not against Jews as much as he let on, but merely wrote vehemently against them because he had a greater picture in mind if he were to come into power of a nation state. he had his wish granted, and he ran with the ideas for greater political posturing, economic stability, and general maximization of the "us vs. them" mob mentality that is inherent in governing and directing large swathes of people. if he truly wanted the Jews exterminated, he wouldn't have used them for labor. he should have maximized mob mentality and just started nuking Temple Mount. it would've been at this point that he could've declared victory against the Jews, and seen what nations would ally with him. instead, he used them for wartime labor, and basically blue-balled all of the hardcore antisemitic fans that he had.

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dc4712  No.95041

white nationalism is Hitler, well done OP, you have joined the entranced tard community in making Nazism equivalent with anything vaguely pro white. What a fucking idiot! The Jews are blessed with endless hordes of edgy low IQ tards to manipulate.

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dc4712  No.95044


>i'm 99% sure Adolf was not against Jews as much as he let on

No mate, He literally only had sex with Jewish women and taught them how to all make money with the stock market in his free education pro-Israel prisons. WW2 was all a ruse to help the Jewish master race……..


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dc4712  No.95048


>People debate about whether Kristallnacht was intended by party insiders or no

a SECRET ARMY OF Zimbabwean were dropped by plane from a secret American air force troupe to break windows. As payment for their services to the new world order, they were given free coke-flavored vodka for 20 years.

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dc4712  No.95049

Pol and the current Pnd are nothing but opportunities for the left to train online morons to equate white existence with Hitlers ass crack. Autistic idiots have always been the bitches of normal people without even knowing it.

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cfde50  No.95055

File: a60da9f6e0d4eed⋯.jpg (121.78 KB, 850x478, 425:239, PicsArt_04_13_09_13_38.jpg)

File: 0a22160d8d9ad1b⋯.jpg (124.41 KB, 800x533, 800:533, PicsArt_04_13_09_11_27.jpg)

File: 637ca234b1c08a9⋯.jpg (122.3 KB, 900x500, 9:5, PicsArt_04_13_09_08_46.jpg)

File: 1885d32b35c9a11⋯.jpg (610.79 KB, 2060x1236, 5:3, PicsArt_04_13_09_05_21.jpg)


>Pol and the current Pnd are nothing but opportunities for the left to train online morons to equate white existence with Hitlers ass crack. Autistic idiots have always been the bitches of normal people without even knowing it.

I could have not said it better myself…

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dc4712  No.95059


NO MATE covid-19 is not a hoax.

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dc4712  No.95060

I wish it was.

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abbf44  No.95070


why couldn't they just airbomb those ghettos?

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cfde50  No.95074

File: 0dd00bc427d2c16⋯.jpg (755.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_04_13_08_41_31.jpg)


I didn't say it was a hoax.

The response has been well planned though, and you can kiss your civil liberties goodbye, because normies will howl for stability and authoritarianism. Leftards eat that shit up. Force everyone to play nice at the point of a gun. Weird how they hate cops but want cops to enforce draconian measures of overt control on everybody. Useful idiots, just like many of the wannabe nahtzee larper autist retards on /pnd/..

/pol/tards and SJWs kinda created each other! They NEED each other. I prefer balance. But I'm all over the map. Most pick a corner, stay there and defend it at all costs, even if they are wrong.

Speaking of leftards who have drank too much MSM KoolAid… I wonder how Johnny Neptune is weathering the storm down there in Georgia?

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5d9d9a  No.95255


hyperbolism is not an argument, there is zero explanation for why Nazi Germany left Temple Mount alone, especially considering they had time on their side to nuke the very small space into unrecognizable rubble. the ultimate goal of antisemitism would be to destroy the roots of the religion. no functional land for the Temple, no Judaism. the only alternative would be to ally with the muslims and secure the land via treatied proxy, but then the land is not in the hands of Adolf. it is merely held in trust by {insert muslim leaders here}. again, not a good position for a leader that based his whole platform on "destroy Jews!"

anyway, i'm aware you're cointelpro, so this comment doesn't mean anything to you in particular. this board is heavily subverted, but the actual people here need to start rationalizing through historical events rather than just eating up your memetic shit. Adolf wanted something beyond destroying the Jews, as evidenced by history. i'm pretty sure he just wanted the fruition of an Aryan race, whether this meant that the Jews were destroyed or not. he should have nuked Temple Mount to #1. establish victory and then #2. focus the population's attention on aryan eugenics. we would probably be living in a world where Europe is over 50% Nazi German if he did this, and the Aryan race project would probably be extremely advanced. eugenics would have been a widely accepted universal practice if Nazi Germany took better risks.

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dc4712  No.95297


>I didn't say it was a hoax.

You didn't say it wasn't a hoax either, But yes I agree with you on the notion that many countries will cherish this opportunity to further increase their authoritarian power over the people.


>hyperbolism is not an argument

No shit, it is not an argument. It is called mocking idiocy.


>zero explanation for why Nazi Germany left Temple Mount alone

They did not have access to the Temple Mount you idiot.


> the ultimate goal of antisemitism would be to destroy the roots of the religion.

Haha nope…. removing them from Europe via forceful eviction or execution. And prior to Hitler in all the other 100+ instances the same thing. If the Jews kept to their own in their own land, nobody would care about them at all.

And a religious Jew would disagree with you. For an observant Jew, race and belief are the same thing. Every orthodox Rabbi will happily lecture you on how Judaism exists until the last full-blood Jew dies.


>anyway, i'm aware you're cointelpro

Actually you are simply unaware of your own mental insufficiency.


>this board is heavily subverted, but the actual people here need to start rationalizing through historical events rather than just eating up your memetic shit. Adolf wanted something beyond destroying the Jews, as evidenced by history. i'm pretty sure he just wanted the fruition of an Aryan race, whether this meant that the Jews were destroyed or not. he should have nuked Temple Mount to #1. establish victory and then #2. focus the population's attention on aryan eugenics. we would probably be living in a world where Europe is over 50% Nazi German if he did this, and the Aryan race project would probably be extremely advanced. eugenics would have been a widely accepted universal practice if Nazi Germany took better risks.



>eugenics would have been a widely accepted universal practice if Nazi Germany took better risks.


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721b5e  No.96266


Mainly this, quite obvious if you know anything about the world history of that time. I would argue that going to war with the Soviet union was not the main reason to put kikes into camps as there was already a very real risk of Jewish sabotage with kikes across the world, and Germany itself absolutely hated Hitler and his government

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c5720f  No.96752


What evidence do you have for Germany hating Hitler and his government? for people who hated their own goverment they certainly fought very very hard to keep it alive.

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dc4712  No.100500


A huge number of assassination attempts (22 known attempts on Hitler). And the fact that Hitler and His NSDAP Party WERE NOT elected into power. Paul von Hindenburg Won the Popular vote. Hindenburg elected in Hitler as Chancellor. Hindenburg dies and Hitler literally changes his countries constitution so that no voting could take him out of office.

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dc4712  No.100501


>certainly fought very very hard to keep it alive.

umm…. conscription, and um… this form of government called a dictatorship.

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eb50db  No.100513


Capitalists tend to dislike it when you start rooting out their corruption.

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c5720f  No.100594


Setting aside the fact that nobody knows who the true culprits were behind many of those attempts or if any of them were funded from overseas or by known jewish traitors within germany who were attempting to keep the eminently disgusting power structure in place, 22 assassination attempts is actually frankly low for someone against whom, the entire world was arrayed against, I'd have figured it was much more that number does not mean he is hated by his people, especially when he regularly interacted with them without fear and with little to no protection, no I was referring to specifically how hard the german PEOPLE fought to keep it alive which they did to absolute devastation for them, if they hated Hitler so much why not kill him in the street and they could have very easily any time he interacted with them, yet he lived.


Conscription does not keep any man from killing the one who forced him to join an army, nor does a dictatorship, who when they have reason to fear their people tend not to do what Hitler regularly did, appear in front of crowds of his people with no protection and no bodyguards keeping them at arms length and speaking to them from below is generally considered to display weakness or submission which again dictators do not do. He may have been sole ruler of germany but he was not a dictator, not in the traditional sense he was not the only man who had power and many things did not go the way he desired because he had willingly given power to others he trusted to do the job.

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e2eba0  No.100730

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c71b15  No.100917

File: f418f7ead8f8bb4⋯.png (44.07 KB, 599x353, 599:353, 2020_04_27_015433_599x353_….png)

pic related.

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aa3d4b  No.105014

File: 85ec13496f9bbc3⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 473x339, 473:339, truth.jpg)


Do you know why 4 /pol/ is a million times better than 8 /whatever it is now/? Because its users' minds are open to the idea that Hitler was CO.


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c5a4e3  No.105022


So it's better because all the sane people has left to places like this and the only "people" still there are various disinfo agents trying to get you to believe in insane kosher conspiracy theories.

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9f4aff  No.105079




More like butthurt kikes from muttmerica posting preggo anne frank meme.

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9a32e7  No.105204

File: 01bea21d5e11fe5⋯.jpg (507.16 KB, 2000x1709, 2000:1709, Sparticist_revolution_in_G….jpg)


Seem to be some names added/removed

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5c2dca  No.105390

File: 217a51db86cc6ed⋯.jpg (180.05 KB, 637x452, 637:452, ovens.jpg)

File: a2bd2247814a1bb⋯.jpg (308.65 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, SS_prison_guards_forced_to….jpg)

File: 312d921dd7a32ae⋯.jpg (84.16 KB, 595x587, 595:587, SRXd2nl.jpg)


>Nazis dindu nuffin! Never mind the fact that camps had multiple ovens for cremation clearly indicating that they were preparing for a mass amoung of deaths and corpses to dispose of!

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5c2dca  No.105392

File: fcced8f47a1be02⋯.jpg (410.2 KB, 1500x994, 750:497, 1485742614_1900242_6987556….jpg)

File: 38d2d54482ce8da⋯.jpeg (143.9 KB, 596x600, 149:150, 1023677_the_bodies_of_the….jpeg)

File: e2973aecf09c068⋯.jpg (164.45 KB, 593x480, 593:480, 246e56670080b0a1d83bc3182a….jpg)


>Every single camp is filled with corpses? Nazis ideology is centered around extreme hatred of jews? Modern day apologist for Nazis also glamourize and promote violent actions against jews like this anon >>10494

But remember, the nazis didnt hurt the jews at all in their camps! It was all just a mistake bro it was the allies fault!

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6ab745  No.105422

File: 552e74364b85673⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 338x338, 1:1, Hnng.jpg)


Nice thigh gap.

I fapped.

Do you have more?

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4d0bca  No.105622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perfect song…

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26277a  No.105630


>But remember, the nazis didnt hurt the jews at all in their camps! It was all just a mistake bro it was the allies fault!

well, to be honest, you can see from those pictures that the people starved because of the food shortage, and like since the ovens didn't burn corpses very effectively just like in Italy now..), the few bodies of the dead people didn't disappear, so.. yes, few starved people who mostly died to typhus, thanks for sharing anon

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5c2dca  No.105643

File: bd360478a2c816b⋯.jpg (138.37 KB, 570x699, 190:233, nazis_dindu_nuffin.jpg)


Thats still them dying anon. What point are you trying to make? Would you personally want to be put in camps like that?

If the tables were turned and today, Jews put you in a camp with the EXACT same conditions, would you be happy and perfectly fine with them?

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5c2dca  No.105644


This Joker Plot tier understanding of world and historical affairs is pure retardation and borderline schizophrenia.

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5c2dca  No.105646

File: a65cc2dedfbdb4a⋯.jpg (160.46 KB, 616x450, 308:225, Buchenwald_Victims.jpg)


Why did no one comes out of the US Japanese camps looking like pic related?

Why did the US allow Japanese people in their camps to join the military and fight? (The famed 442 Infantry Regiment)

Why was there no large scale armed rebellion like in the Nazi ghettos and camps? (Warsaw ghetto uprising, Sobibor, Treblinka)

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78bb58  No.105653

File: f26f3c32e44a423⋯.jpg (248.43 KB, 1014x840, 169:140, f26f3c32e44a423bfbe7865484….jpg)


talk about being incredibly uninformed.

the reason for the corpses being so malnurished is that the ALLIED bombed the shit out of german supplychains, leaving them a choice of feeding their own fighting soldiers or some asshole jews that were trying to undermine them anyways.. the decision was a pretty simple one.

how come you don't post pictures of dying soldiers doing their duty? did the millions of soldiers dying in the war account to nothing?

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5c2dca  No.105655

File: b3f68f343822740⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 880x5568, 55:348, 1513638399165.jpg)


Why didnt you even attempt to answer the other two questions? Why did you post debunked neo-nazi false flag photos? Did you simply not know they were neo-nazi false flags or did you knowingly try to deceive others and outright lie by posting that image? What does this say about your argument when this is what you need to resort to?


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78bb58  No.105660

File: eaa9f5c0700d363⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 480x540, 8:9, eaa9f5c0700d363d4115980854….jpg)


there is no need to answer those questions. the conditions from which you are posting are at the end of the war, not from the get-go. who has debunked those pictures? the same jews that photoshopped the first ones? do you even know where you are? gonna stop give you replies now as i dont wanna feed more shekels to you.

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5c2dca  No.105661

File: 3ccb8cf2612436b⋯.jpg (348.52 KB, 2000x450, 40:9, Untitled.jpg)


Exactly, deniers have no actual argument. This is why you just resort to edgy jokes and shitposting whenever you are presented with any counter argument.

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5c2dca  No.105665

File: 174b9ebbe3d4aeb⋯.jpg (698.03 KB, 1325x1081, 1325:1081, Almanac_1948_3_1_.jpg)

Common denier argument

>The holocaust obviously didnt happen because the numbers dont make sense. An estimates of world wide jewish population by the jewish almanac itself shows NO drop in numbers after the war

The 1948 jewish almanac clearly states that their estimates for the world population of jews world wide is based on prewar estimates from 1938, underlined in red here. This part is always conveniently cropped out or not mentioned whenever deniers make this argument.

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5c2dca  No.105667

File: 2fe43641e91a27d⋯.jpg (826.61 KB, 2714x3191, 2714:3191, List.jpg)


Common denier argument

>The populations in the whole of Europe wasnt even at 6 million jews at the time of WW2, therefore 6 million of them dying in a genocide is obviously impossible

This is at least a more intelligent argument. I sometimes see people point to the population of jews in Germany only, completely ignoring the fact that it was a european wide affair, including all the territory that Germany took in the course of WW2.

But even this argument is refuted by none other than the Nazis themselves. Directly from the Wannsee Conference, it clearly states that there are 11 million jews in Europe as of 1942. It even breaks it down by country.

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20f49c  No.105668





Holy shit this place is overrun by fucking kikes. Explain the fake gas chambers with wooden doors. Explain how only (((Soviets))) found the death camps. Explain the pools and recreation facilities in these camps. Explain the smoke chimneys to nowhere. I could go on and on. Not to mention the 6 gorillion articles of Jews always dying by the 6 gorillions. The Holocaust didn’t happen. But it should have. Fuck off kikes you may own this board but if our are not welcome here. Like every country in the world lulz.

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5c2dca  No.105669

File: 0d9557a143dac7a⋯.jpg (217.54 KB, 1234x463, 1234:463, 1507611842652.jpg)


Common denier argument

>The logistics of ovens cremating the amount of bodies is impossible! [insert back of napkin math problem] proves that the amount of time it takes to burn a body makes it completely impossible for the ovens to cremate that amount of bodies. [insert Nick "catboy" Fuentes cookie joke]

First off, we have to address the fact that not all 6 million victims were cremated after being gassed as I addressed here


But even after realizing this, deniers may still hold onto this argument, that its mathematically impossible. But the actual manufactureres of the crematoriums clearly state that Auschwitz would be able to burn 1.3 million corpses a year.

Also makes you wonder "Why would this concentration camp make sure they had the ability to dispose of up to 1 million bodies in a single year?" interesting, huh?

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5c2dca  No.105670

File: 4e8f0ceb4d4414a⋯.png (438.66 KB, 551x722, 29:38, 1513638453085.png)


>Explain the fake gas chambers with wooden doors

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5c2dca  No.105671

File: 88c93d368afb71f⋯.png (2.25 MB, 3256x1696, 407:212, holocaust_reports.png)


>Explain how only (((Soviets))) found the death camps.

They didnt. First ever reports of the camps came from the Polish Resistance (who were fighting the soviets btw)

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5c2dca  No.105673

File: a893fe32ec307a7⋯.png (377.05 KB, 543x692, 543:692, 1505150640562.png)


>Explain the pools and recreation facilities in these camps.

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5c2dca  No.105674

File: c2bb6a7bf19e186⋯.png (901.72 KB, 1272x824, 159:103, 1501160810852.png)


> Explain the smoke chimneys to nowhere.

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5c2dca  No.105675

File: 31ccab26aa4c057⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1500x4008, 125:334, Ef0XTcM.jpg)


> Not to mention the 6 gorillion articles of Jews always dying by the 6 gorillions.

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6cd5ba  No.105678


If there would have been a ground war in the US, it's reasonable to assume that there would have been emaciated dead Japs. The fact that you're trying to compare two totally different situations shows just how disingenuous you are.

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5c2dca  No.105679

File: 96b42c39dce8d51⋯.png (661.52 KB, 1171x1011, 1171:1011, 1517596815771.png)

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9a9d09  No.105680


>all kike sources


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5c2dca  No.105685

File: cc37bb671961306⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 784x775, 784:775, Bergen_Belsen_Liberation_0….jpg)


The anon I was responding to made the comparison, I was showing how ridiculous that comparison is by asking 3 key questions thats no one would be able to answer in order to make the argument that camps for Japanese-Americans in the US and the Nazi camps for jews in Europe were the same. Did you not see the post I was replying to?

something like pic related (British troops burying the scattered corpses of Bergen-Belsen) was never even close to happening at ANY of the US camps.

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9a9d09  No.105687


Disprove any of those books, you can't jew.


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6cd5ba  No.105688

File: e53f197a86847f0⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Anne_Frank_Michael_Collin….webm)


He's actually right in that regard, as has been pointed out by revisionists over the years. Webm is Michael Collins Piper, who edited The Barnes Review's "All Holocaust" issue talking about it.

Now, how a teenage kikess who wrote a diary about her vagina, and was evacuated from the "factory of death" Auschwitz to Bergen-Belson, where she died of typhus, proves the death showers were real, I'm not sure.

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9a9d09  No.105689


>I'm not sure

Oy vey goyim don't question anything. It's all bullshit anyway.

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5c2dca  No.105690


>proves the death showers were real, I'm not sure.

please read my post here


How does Anne Frank or anyone else at Bergen Belsen dying of disease somehow mean they didnt die? I honestly dont get this argument from deniers. I get the feeling that you had crappy history teachers who told you everyone in the holocaust was killed with gas chambers, and you are obsessed with this.

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9a9d09  No.105694

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5c2dca  No.105703

File: b239da853382f53⋯.png (2.27 MB, 2102x1360, 1051:680, 1493996379986.png)

Why do deniers feel its necessary to go through all the trouble of forging images instead of actually studying history?

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20f49c  No.105710

File: acc20c2797d1d95⋯.jpeg (57.75 KB, 432x500, 108:125, F4FB8D84_E947_4D93_AD6B_3….jpeg)


So China can’t do today what Nazi’s did 80 years ago? Gas your self kike just debunked.


Another victors write the history books. Where where you before when all the threads disproved your bullshit kike?


Again refer to answer above. Plus if they were all killed why are so many of you rats around today?


That literally just proves what I stated you stupid rat kike. It’s because you guys cried wolf until the boomers believed you. And you post proof of it. Again get gassed for real this time.


Why were you kikes kicked out over 100 countries through out history then? Seems pretty convienant that you come here to post this garbage when you own the bird. Where were you before when the pph was 2000?

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20f49c  No.105712


Own the site*

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6cd5ba  No.105722


Jews dying of disease and starvation under a regime decimated by war isn't a genocide.

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b6155b  No.105746

File: 5876986f6514ac7⋯.webm (2.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jew_mocks_kid.webm)


You mean like they do in Palestine?

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5ab854  No.105755


Suspicious high resolution fro 1940s.

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e2e96e  No.105760


>Jews are literally destroying modern civilization.

>Some putting rays in a camp is worse.

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8deb96  No.105764


Do you not know how photo negatives work, dipshit?

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5ab854  No.105772

File: 7b1bb822685aed8⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 1200x710, 120:71, sampleforretard.jpg)


yes i know and there would be ton of shit, blur and artifacts, retard

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8f7f74  No.105835


Italian here, from the recollection of old people who were alive in those times camps were created because Adolf first asked states like France and England to take in the jews aka deportation.

Everyone refused so he had no option but hoard them up in camps until a destination was found and at the same time deny the economical massacre of Germany done from jewish cliques.

Then allies jump in, and 6 milllion jews magically appear in America and 6 million jews are declared to be burned in ovens.

Make your own considerations of what really happened.

Take also into consideration the fact commies hoarded 20 million people in camps for not agreeing with communism and were subject to massacre for that sole reason.

The fact Hitler is the icon of evil is because, realistically, jews won the war and bombed America with their Hollywood propaganda to rewrite history and make themselves look like victims.

But no one, not even the leftist professor I had in school, could say for a fact that jews didn't destroy German economy to try and take over the state.

Now history has been "rectified" to favor the winners but I have like 3000 people in just my town who are old enough to remember it didn't go like that.

At this moment in time you're probably not going to convince anyone if you go all out but I think the witnesses who were there and saw what happened have more weight than any book the jews "rectified" (or more accurately, forced them to do so) can print.

Sadly people believes television not their 96yr old neighbor who was actually there and saw what really happened.

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b36fae  No.106763


>Again refer to answer above. Plus if they were all killed why are so many of you rats around today?

I may be wrong here since I've heard this from one of my 'ex-military drill Sarge' Univ Teacher in Hungary, but apparently he thinks there are 300 million jews alive today.

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a87f61  No.107362

Look up where the americans/red cross did the camp liberating and the numbers of shoah'd VERSUS the ones allie powers didnt and the subsequent reported shoah'ing. They dont match at all with the allie numbers being (((oddly))) higher.

The labor was very important. Try to imagine if you are Germany mostly having horse-drawn artillery when the war starts.

Someone mentioned ms Frank in the Typhus thing. Anne Frank's diary is written in ballpoint pen which wouldnt have been invented yet and moreover widely used/available for another decade.

This thread gets like 2/10, throw it in the oven

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f92b2e  No.107407


Who says, fuckface? Do you think Ansel Adams had to deal with that? No. Because HE TOOK HIGH QUALITY IMAGES AND PRESERVED THEM. Fucking lunatic.

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0de931  No.110189

File: 5bfbc338714b6c0⋯.jpg (24.31 KB, 421x291, 421:291, 1525136686484.jpg)

File: a974862ace630a4⋯.jpg (101.87 KB, 784x487, 784:487, Kalergi_plan.JPG)

File: cce2ca7feae3bc5⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 600x248, 75:31, Spectre_Jews_at_center_of_….jpg)

File: 34b4df7a62af860⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 580x584, 145:146, 1526403978278.jpg)

File: 9ba830e7889694d⋯.png (455.84 KB, 1024x739, 1024:739, german_atrocity_propaganda.png)


You're not seeing the big picture anon. People die in war. Lots of people die. Lots of people die of disease and starvation, even soldiers in combat. In the Ally POW camps, 93% of prisoners died. When the Soviets took Berlin, they raped 2 million women, and you can also look at how many German civilians we bombed. Atrocities happened on both sides, but most importantly WE MADE THIS HAPPEN. We refused every peace offering. We kept Jews from being simply exported from Germany. We bombed German supply lines that resulted in all those skinny bodies in your pic. It was all terrible yes…

What we are angry about here, is that a small group of people, demonstrable liars who started a war with their host nation and became enemies of the state, have lied. They lied to all of us, and our parents, and our children, and they will lie to every future generation about the asmmetry of the atrocities, and the number of Jews killed, and the ways they were killed, and the fact that it was intentional. It is clear now that they have control of our school curriculum, and of Hollywood, and they are hellbent on indoctrinating all of society into hating a certain group of people.

But it doesn't just stop at German-hate, because Jews use the same arguments in Britain, and America, and Sweden, and anywhere else whites speak up and ask to have sovereign nations. The same argument comes up about "preventing another holocaust" which we now know is just atrocity propaganda. Not to mention the status and wealth these people have amassed based on their huge lie. The Germans still pay reparations to Israel and the US also gives 4 billion dollars to Israel every year. Pity money. And then there's the people ROTTING IN PRISON because they dare to speak the truth: That it was typhus and starvation. Typical wartime tragedy (but not atrocity). And then there's the endless wars that we fight for Israel, destroying nation after nation in the Middle East so that Jews can expand their sphere of power.

All the fraudulent stories, the books, the poor holocaust survivor commercials that play on repeat in nursing homes so that old WW2 vets can pretend that they wanted to go to war, when in reality America's sons were sent to their death not to defeat some evil enemy, but to secure Israel and Jewish domination of the West for a small group of powerful people who think that THEY are God's Chosen People and have dominion over the whole world. They will raise every generation of European children to be ashamed of their race, culture, and heritage, and anyone who speaks up will be promptly slapped down with warnings that white pride preservation is a slippery slope to anti-semitism and annuduh shoah. It's all bullshit. Look at the sexual liberation movement and the divorce rate. Look at the LGBT movement; 40% of transgenders commit suicide every year. Look at the white youth who go to school to learn that they should hate their parents, who become obsessed with rap culture and anything that isn't white. Look at the undemocratic forced mass immigration to European countries.

All of this, ALL OF IT, stems directly from the holocaust lie and the power it has over the European psyche.

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0de931  No.110193


He's German. Do you not realize that if he doesn't toe the line he can be imprisoned? Or if he's not in Germany, then he'll never again be able to visit Germany, unless he repeats the narrative. Do you also not realize that officers like him were tortured to extract confessions, and threatened with harm to their families if they did not confess? Could it be that this man is traumatized? Could it be that he doesn't even know how to speak the truth after living with a lie his entire life?

Those officers were executed after giving their testimony extracted by torture. This is the system that you are defending. Fuck you.

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ca920e  No.110196


Quality post, fren.


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