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880803  No.104770

You thought drag queen story hour was bad… this is what they're up to in Sweden thanks to the lax coronavirus measures. How do we put a stop to this?


Source: https://twitter.com/TrumpsXmasList/status/1258193851635957760

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880803  No.104771

File: c5651a742007b91⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 121.png)


Who is behind this?

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880803  No.104772

File: 56e569dfcfe96d5⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 51.png)


identify the sick people who orchestrated this and cheered it on. https://youtu.be/vgT44AwGqkA

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28a6ad  No.104775


Signal boost it to thedonald.win

Now that they're off reddit, we might be able to redpill them.

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880803  No.104776

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880803  No.104777

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880803  No.104778



redpill the donald

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5e3e67  No.104779


Are you Swedish?

If yes, then it is your business to stop it.

If no, then what are you proposing? Invasion?

Outside of the questionable origin it isn’t that much different than modern dance.

I would prefer this to the drag queen abominations.

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28a6ad  No.104782


Upvoted. Mass mail the mods there asking for a sticky too. Don't spam them, just ask once.

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880803  No.104784


zogmods wormholed it. we need another strategy

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880803  No.104785

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28a6ad  No.104787

File: ece18ba4bbfb4b8⋯.webm (7.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_need_a_hero.webm)


Link it in posts on their front page. Hijack discussions and divert them into it. Don't get discouraged, get smarter.

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880803  No.104788


make an account and spam the video; help me. a strategy i sometimes use is to submit a second post but paste the link of the comment section of the first post to drive traffic/upvotes to it. but it didnt work

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28a6ad  No.104790


I wouldn't spam the video in the submissions on the site; that'll just give them casus belli to start deleting it. Go into discussions where the boomers are whining about liberals and say things like "Yeah, can you believe the shit they're doing? Look at this! [Link article/video here]"

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28a6ad  No.104792


They changed the sticky as soon as the video started gaining traction. Amazing.

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880803  No.104794


they shadowbanned the post into oblivion too. how shall we infiltrate such a community

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28a6ad  No.104795


Looks like I was wrong; the sticky I posted in is still getting replies, and it looks like it just got shifted up in the sticky order instead of baleeted. Well, back at it. This isn't going to happen instantly.

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880803  No.104802


just likebot the video

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f1d887  No.104807


Op is like summer faggot

you know you can make your own board half channer. ..

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aab51b  No.104871

File: 506116780c00986⋯.jpg (57.82 KB, 640x683, 640:683, vmlmpq3rnlj41.jpg)



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b57eee  No.106721


but they're speaking polish

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3d9384  No.106740

File: 069bc6d09a6a30e⋯.gif (638.06 KB, 339x233, 339:233, nice.gif)


I wish this happened at my school.

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ffb4a2  No.106769


>not in sweden

>not naked

This is stupid, and you are stupid.

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7f2ea0  No.106808

How many jews are there in Sweden? It must be a lot more than they say there are for all of this depravity to exist over there.

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ad5a71  No.106826

at least this wont make anyone a homo.

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60ad47  No.107024


I'd let my kids watch an eternity of this before exposing them to two seconds of the drag queen shit. Seriously, is this any worse than little girls taking ballet lessons in their leotards and tutus or gymnastics?

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f9f257  No.107167

File: b507dedbc169f72⋯.gif (5.01 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 376e835cc46d555fd46a924b3f….gif)


Tell me about it… The closest I got was the occasional hand drawn stuff by one of the art students and low resolution images on early camera phones.

A nigger once masturbated in the English class .but I am not sure that counts.

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07d4f0  No.107286


>Seriously, is this any worse than little girls taking ballet lessons in their leotards and tutus or gymnastics?

No, kill yourself.

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07d4f0  No.107290


Excuse me, I meant YES. Now kill yourself.

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60ad47  No.107334


you first, you degenerate pedo.

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d8a097  No.107455


>Seriously, is this any worse than little girls taking ballet lessons in their leotards and tutus or gymnastics?

You're joking right?

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4dd616  No.107777


The donald? What is that? Another pathetic attempt at making this jew-sucking zionist oligarch look like he's on our side as if this place was moving backwards in time and becoming even more cucked than 4chew?

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