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File: b72940163bb0e4c⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 1068x480, 89:40, 8kun_shill_ad.JPG)

fb7dca  No.104281

>Pic related

There is literally the website FUCKING LINK IN IT THE NEW JANNIES ARE SHILLS(unironic) paid by Google who censor everything

Anons please help me delete this shit, i did 2months ago but it was back and my post was deleted

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25480f  No.104306


Hey, newfag nigger, 8kun has an official twitter. The admins have official twitter accounts. There's a facebook page. You can buy t-shirts and shit from the merch store. Jim posts videos on youtube instructing boomers on how to access this site.

This is not a super-sekrit clubhouse, you colossal faggot.

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f8a4ae  No.104410

>all this shit to scare normies into kneejerking further left

>still number 3,832 in global traffic


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77c221  No.104517

How do you know they are being paid by google? I assumed their were being paid by homeland security and or FBI.

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56b412  No.104588


>Jim posts videos on youtube instructing boomers on how to access this site.

what about bitchute

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973157  No.104590


I am happy the traffic has declined. That means we have the opportunity to have more detailed discussions rather than one liners. I don’t think there will be too many boomer takers since they are terrified of everything that is (not really) seen as subversive in any measure.

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f98fa6  No.104599


>There is literally the website FUCKING LINK IN IT

Been like that since the start 8chan and was immediately updated when 8chan. co changed to 8ch .net

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1e7aa2  No.104811


It's rather impressive (and horrifically depressing) how few websites most people interact with daily. If we're ~3,832 globally, and we only have about 100 real people here a day, that tells you what the entire Internet has become.

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