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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: c86a1306454895e⋯.png (285.25 KB, 2163x1775, 2163:1775, pic3.png)

File: c5ee6d6bc36bb72⋯.png (966.5 KB, 1466x1620, 733:810, pic4.PNG)

File: ccf480a420c2042⋯.png (306.34 KB, 1483x1123, 1483:1123, pic5.PNG)

File: cf4a37e14aa4ff9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1478x1467, 1478:1467, pic6.PNG)

c5b6b8  No.103605


Don't spread fake tweets. Spread these tweets.

mayo man and threatening mom http://archive.is/T7FZd

israel is not legitimate http://archive.is/pxZ7E

admits studying at UofW http://archive.is/fJUwO

white men executed http://archive.is/Xfjtr

visa problems: https://archive.vn/zCmd2

cheating on exams: http://archive.is/afDR5

white people are a disease https://archive.is/TYu5S

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f77c1c  No.103609

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f91523  No.103611


Fuck this semite cunt

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dd45b4  No.103615

So, OP? we have mutual feels about seeing her and her niggers executed…she is entitled to her opinion. Better to know where they stand. If you want to do some trolling take her real tweets AND TROLL NORMIE WHITES with them. Make stickers and put them up in places that Whites in her neighborhood go into. Who cares what the worthless cunt thinks, just be glad you will never have to work with her. Can you imagine how much of her fuckery you’d have to cover for?

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0e8d46  No.103627

File: bc23be0427a350f⋯.png (271.6 KB, 1684x1525, 1684:1525, lols.PNG)


Good points. Still, we must defend our white brothers.

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0e8d46  No.103629

File: c82eb231706ee2a⋯.jpg (496.61 KB, 750x1272, 125:212, queen.jpg)


>calls black woman "Queen" to prove she's not racist


This fucking cunt…

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0e8d46  No.103631

File: 15aa8a55f78a883⋯.jpg (490.99 KB, 750x1244, 375:622, cunt.jpg)


What a groveling cunt.

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2d7128  No.103632

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82c3f9  No.103633


The only reason she's popping on your radar is the israel shit.

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ce8249  No.103642

This will be interesting

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709dba  No.103672


>She wants to kill white people.

>She also hates Israel.

>I guess I'll line up against the wall like a good retard.

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82c3f9  No.103673


You can find hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people on twitter who want to kill all White people. But we get a thread across all major and minor chans about an Iranian.

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d20b1e  No.103679


Is she an illegal?

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ce8249  No.103689


>what is an example

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1d70ff  No.104120


spam her replies with the archive links from multiple accounts




only one way to find out

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fbd7b6  No.104126

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3270e4  No.104128


I would call ICE weekly until they deported her. But I am not going to call them to chit chat.

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96320c  No.104129

File: f3e3f4754ccb61a⋯.png (42.78 KB, 596x605, 596:605, exAMPLE_email.png)






Obviously University administration doesn't give a shit about white people and neither does Twitter. Therefore, nobody is going to take action just because she said that white people are "guilty until proven innocent" and literally condoned executing white people. However, she did criticize Israel, so IF WE CAN GET LIKE 10-20 PEOPLE TO EMAIL THE LOCAL JEWISH STUDENT GROUP HUSKY HILLEL, THEN SINCE THEY ARE A JEWISH STUDENT ORGANIZATION WITH DIRECT CONNECTION TO UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION, IT WILL BASICALLY FORCE UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION TO TAKE SOME SORT OF ACTION. NOBODY IS GOING TO LISTEN TO A BUNCH OF "ALT-RIGHT TROLLS", BUT IF WE CAN GET A """JEWISH""" ORGANIZATION ON CAMPUS TO TAKE NOTICE, THEN PEOPLE WILL BE FORCED TO LISTEN AND TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS BITCH.


Hillel at the UW

(206) 527-1997






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ce8249  No.104805

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4c85c8  No.105084

File: c16c6e86facfb00⋯.png (293.17 KB, 670x833, 670:833, 0706b4069055f22740d55b6b10….png)

What an absolutely beautiful thread.

Watching Anti White scum fighting each other is really nice.

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ce8249  No.107610


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128abe  No.107630


So what ended up happening? Her twitter is deleted

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d67c08  No.107668


She must have realized for the first time in her life that twitter is not a fun site where you write short messages but a personal log of everything you believe that can and will be used against you sooner of later.

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