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da49b4  No.102863 [Last 50 Posts]


4chan banning anyone who discusses Rothschild email leaks



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da49b4  No.102869

Bump faggots

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5e0156  No.102871

From the pastebin



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518042  No.102880

Would certainly be nice to try it out but then again

>giving your IP directly to Rothschild and a reason to do something about it

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1ae452  No.102882

Can anybody give a retard-tier explanation of the significance of this?

Is this simply showing the network?

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1aee89  No.102885


Hence why I haven't combed the archive myself >>102882

Basically a large list list of emails and accounts on servers used by Rothschild family and staff members.

Not sure if anyone had gotten into one yet. But basically.unless you know how to use TOR and mask your IP you shouldn't even try

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1ae452  No.102922

Are there any names on email list which are publicly visible people with no publicly known affiliation to rothschilds?

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90b195  No.102930


It's just a bunch of lawyers who work for a law firm. Stop being a sperg.


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1ae452  No.102944


Well, that's certainly not true. They're all hedge fund managers and employees

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0e7fdf  No.102953

File: 0353abab31f4645⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 512x288, 16:9, 1588407015703.gif)

The great Satan must be brought low!!!! Gas the kikes , race war now!!!

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566bb1  No.102997

It's been compromised. This place is too I'd assume.

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266494  No.103020


Nobody cares, faggot

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5c4d33  No.103035


What exactly do we do with this info?

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2e828c  No.103089


Ive been Perma banned for posting a twitter screen shot from pedogate threads

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8166db  No.103101

I work in spotify and they force us to shovel "Rap music" down everyone's throats as a way to "counter racism".

They forced me to rewrite the entire recommendation algo just so the "conservatives and country listeners" would get more rap music, whether they like it or not. Especially those that do not pay for spotify get extra "intense" rap music.

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ca3e3f  No.103111


You know what to do anon.

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cceb9d  No.103138

Everyone too scared to try this shit huh

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176914  No.103147


I don't know if you can, but can you promote Negative XP on the algorithm? He's pretty based.

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94e6da  No.103225


I'm from SEA, how do I access these mails?

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828689  No.103235


Sauce? That's really not ok.

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8a195b  No.103333


If you're not bullshitting, record as many of those conversations as possible and collect every internal document you can. Get some insurance, and at some point, release it anyway.

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127510  No.103345


>How to use TOR

Don't they provide their own tutorial? I'd say you'd need to know more than how to use it

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279070  No.103386

Fuck cuck chan I get banned once a month there for absolutely nothing. Jannies are fucking trannies

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45e5d2  No.103397


4chan has been utterly compromised from about december 2017 or so when it was found the site was making connections to multiple suspicous web addresses every time you loaded a page on it, probably to log your actions on it

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dc4309  No.103513


Welcome to 2013, faggot! Now GTFO we are busy with cripplechan being utterly compromised.

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9e4234  No.103582


So your the faggot that caused the range ip ban, welldone keep up the good work.

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9e4234  No.103584


yeah and we don't care faggot, we still don't fucking care come down here to my house and get a fucking axe to the cranium cunt.

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9e4234  No.103585


And if you need further explanation this site isn't fucking secure you fucking retard… How fucking retarded do you have to be to think you are some how anon here bone head?

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9e4234  No.103591


it fucking annoys me how slow this site is, I won't hold my fucking breath but my god you people are fucking retarded. The entire fucking internet is compromised way before 2013 wingnut. If it bothers you then fuck off, we're not playing games here ok?

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532c57  No.103753


Me too. Except I just posted a Twitter link

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a1fb16  No.103798

Why bother? Mostly Jews and Bots and Glownugs post on 4chan now circlejerking thinking they bait alt-right kids. But in reality its just the shills talking shit to each other on 4ch now. Whats even worthwhile there? No normies go there, not even pre 2016. Even less now. They use minds DOT com, or gab DOT com and those other jewish websites which were promoted as alt right and "privacy" . You think normies bother to research stuff thats not promoted by the jews in various media forms. No, you dumb fuck and silly idiot. 4ch cuckchan is no more. This is one of the few last weird places where some freaks talk somewhat openly.


Did anyone even look up the history of the last 8ch owner before it got shoaed and the father of this place history with how they did the takeover of the boards wayback around 2015 or so.

Some dude magically appears who owned the host of japanese equivalent of 8ch/4ch decided to take it over and succeded. Turned the japanese equivalent now into anime degenerate party Who also happens to be the owner of 8ch later on.

Side kick to all this the guy who originally owned equivalent of japanese 4ch and got his ass kicked and removed.Became the "owner" of 4ch after buying it up some years later. Something just doesnt add up.

There is no freedom board, fucking illusion like the latest hoax they did.

People think they have freedom. Thought nazsis were fascists. This fucking world is a joke.

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a1fb16  No.103806

Its as if humans had a choice before pre 2012 that if they behaved well enough they would have gotten a promotion. But collectively their minds were of the dark more than of the light thus now being demoted into even lower levels of hell.

Even wondered what kind of force allowed the Jews to take this power? People LOVE to point fingers at everything and everyone except for themselves. Maybe Jews manifested because humans sick and depraved minds allowed it to happen. Oh no but its not my fault. Just the jews. I dont have wicked and nasty thoughts which collectively can manifest shit things into physical world at all. I AM SUCH AN ANGEL. ARENT YOU. Most are hypocrites.

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a9475c  No.104047

File: b92a0c2e42d91be⋯.png (46.06 KB, 532x557, 532:557, b92.png)


>Even wondered what kind of force allowed the Jews to take this power?

Gluttony, greed and sloth. Our own people sold us out for money, while others sat around on their lazy arse and did nothing to prevent evil from prevailing.

Kikes are mosquitoes that thrive on the swamps of our sins.

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bc6aeb  No.104531



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fc48d9  No.104537


fuck off back to reddit faggot

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fc48d9  No.104538


fuck off back to reddit fag

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fc48d9  No.104539


fuck off back

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474dd8  No.105212

File: a7ba95561688cfd⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 1093x615, 1093:615, comped.jpg)

File: 1c07b27a72d6600⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, compedsomuch.jpg)

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57e02d  No.105270



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a8b7ee  No.105605


Cripplechan was compromised already back in 2016, when Jim Watkins took over. He turned it into a very kosjer honeypot.

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e36e34  No.106418

Like you didn't know 4chan was comprimised already? Its literally run straight out of Tel Aviv. Just look at the catalog titles on pol…..blacked threads, tranny threads, pro israel threads, white trash threads, AOC, Greats threads and it just repeats daily. Its a straight up white demoralization psy-op program. That is the reason the original 8chan was removed and 4chan remained, because they couldnt control the narrative on the former.

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02c830  No.106557

4cuck is under 24/7 raids and shills everywhere. This place is a honeypot but at least it has quality over quantity.

If you're serious and actively working on something either keep it to yourself or go the decentralized way.

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c0d460  No.134347

This whole thing got organically ignored.

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3d459b  No.134364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You could at least add some Blowfly to the mix.

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bfda76  No.134368

File: fa78d4f4edc0f2d⋯.gif (3.72 MB, 347x244, 347:244, sensible_chuckle.gif)


>those passwords

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514684  No.134377



Welcome to fucking 2014 nigger.

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ba00f5  No.134405

File: d4a54bf402872ff⋯.jpg (180.08 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Old_Ben_obi_wan_kenobi_203….jpg)


Why the fuck would you use 4cuck. I get that it's bad here, but my god that site has been a censored shithole for nearly a decade.

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c0789b  No.135243

File: c1ed5443d019556⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1814x1369, 1814:1369, 21.jpg)

File: 1d7d697fb9f8dcc⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 3018x1594, 1509:797, aaa.jpg)


moot, supposed "creator" of 4chan was a jew, ring any alarm bells? Of course nowhere is safe. The new 8chan icon is a snake/serpent for crying out loud. Lucifer/Satan/The devil is depicted as a serpent or snake. The websites been compromised, it probably was long before anything big happened. Think about what chan boards are, they're hiveminded think tanks brought about by identity destruction (anonymity). Anything that attempts to unite everything in one place and not compartmentalize it is satanic at its core. Think global government, multiculturalism, ego death, Windows 10, smart phones etc.

We all worship Japan so much (apparently where the boards originate from), but Japan was never redpilled. Take anime for instance: It turns people into queers, trannies, effeminates, soyboys, pedo's, gets them interested in eastern mysticism and the occult etc. Japans relationship with sexual depravity and demonic succubus spirits "known in Jewish folklore as lilith, lilim, nighthag" is no joke. Anime and sexual perversion go hand in hand. You're actually attracting these demonic spirits into your life by watching this filth. Video games are full of occult symbolism, check Final Fantasy 9 in my images as an example.

The Jews have created a divide between white nationalist Christians and everything else and are playing both sides. Soon Christianity will be associated with "white supremacy", look at what Trump did..holding a Bible up in front of a church. The guy is not even anywhere near being Christian. Jews want people to be "redpilled" nowdays, they let things like Edward Snowden interviews end up in trending on YouTube, they fake whistleblowers like the guy who came out about Google censoring search results..it's all fake lmao. People like Alex Jones and David Icke are all a bunch of clowns.

If you really want to be "redpilled" fear God. Serve him and devote your life to him, because this reality is rigged and there is no unrigging it my friends. Bible prophecy must come to pass, there's no getting off this ride.

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656a35  No.135278

That's the whole point this board even exists, retard.

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7a4eb7  No.135451


I hope people really start to understand this.

There is one place of solitude, and that is in the body of Christ.

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77e6c2  No.135462

File: 682e68ae11e592d⋯.jpeg (26.19 KB, 300x325, 12:13, ultraman.jpeg)


1. Six pointed star is popular in all asian religions, from japan to india. Used to be two triangles initially and some six pointed imagery can be traced to Mesopotamia.

2. Hideaki Anno doesn't give a fuck, top right pentagram on second picture is actually a reference to ultraman. And gainax in general used to copy from everywhere. Their gurren lagann which was memed on /a/ so hard it went everywhere was parody on all mecha ever existing.

Not even going to comment on muh Illuminati, full metal alchemist being about alchemy, moralfaggotry in your post or general obsession of sexualized demons.


This body of a jew is not a god, its a cult of a man based on multiple things at once and ideas of worshiping god kings that goes back to gilgamesh and culminates at Alexander the Great times with that guy believing he's a son of Zeus. With Alexander opening up intellectual trade with Hindus causing Greco-Indian cultural exchange it gives greeks and future romans combined access to both philosophy of buddhism and probably scriptures or oral knowledge of vedas/upanishads from brahmanists. Those two teachings together with mainstream greek philosophy form everything written in new testament. But instead of making said religion out of Greece or Rome, it comes out of Israel, making world suffer from jealous god of the jews. No thanks to control freak Paul.

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7a4eb7  No.135474


Your already being controlled, paganistic ideas are of the world, you are just another sheep that goes with the flow of the world.

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8b7b39  No.135481

File: a66c15481eaea99⋯.jpeg (41.71 KB, 447x345, 149:115, burning_heretic.jpeg)


>says a sheep following 31.2% world's most popular religion that gained its ground by killing and torturing non-believers

>and now thinks somehow his religion doesn't deserve at least to be shunned for this, as well as bowing down to sentiment of white submission down to washing feet of rioting racial demographic who pretends they are being oppressed

You are this world's very slave. Haven't thought for yourself at all without relying on world's most popular brainwashing scheme.

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4c6fea  No.135484


>Take anime for instance: It turns people into queers, trannies, effeminates, soyboys, pedo's, gets them interested in eastern mysticism and the occult etc. Japans relationship with sexual depravity and demonic succubus spirits "known in Jewish folklore as lilith, lilim, nighthag" is no joke. Anime and sexual perversion go hand in hand. You're actually attracting these demonic spirits into your life by watching this filth. Video games are full of occult symbolism, check Final Fantasy 9 in my images as an example.

This is kike propaganda. Kikes turn Americans into queers, trannies, effeminates, soyboys and pedos, and enable people who are those things, and then they blame the whole thing on anime.

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c0789b  No.135486

File: 91fca503f0e185d⋯.png (10.27 MB, 1480x4382, 740:2191, catholics.png)


Your point sucks, everybody knows Catholicism is garbage. Don't ever bring it up when we're talking real Christianity.

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c3ece0  No.135489

File: 01da346aa5b8bdc⋯.jpeg (29.05 KB, 200x297, 200:297, French_Wars_of_Religion.jpeg)


"real Christianity" is the same phrase like "real communism has never been tried". Martin Luther didn't got that that most of new testament is fiction too, not just additional corpoetry of the church that got born out of mythical needs of people to worship someone else other than jesus, including a female divine (about which people like Jung can tell you more about). And interests of protestants were purely political (which can be told by their actions).

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c4c4ad  No.135567

I highly recommend giving this book a read. May debunk SOME of what these pictures imply..


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c4c4ad  No.135568


Atlantis, Edda, and the Bible

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43819e  No.135689



BLM is nogs jealous they can't sin like whites can without going to jail.

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a885a4  No.136415

I've been posting since 2005, over a million posts on 4chan, and I got permabanned for basically no reason. Mods are scared there or something..

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30dc21  No.136417


>been posting since 2005, over a million posts on 4chan

The anonymous and ephemeral nature of an IB renders this meaningless. Unless you're a tripfag who archives every post you make, in which case you deserve to be banned irl.

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a885a4  No.136419

File: 533fe79272a8ce1⋯.jpg (688.86 KB, 2214x1382, 1107:691, tick_borne_disease_map.jpg)


It's meaningless in that it is meta and I only mention it here to prove a point. Otherwise, it is not meaningless because I see people repeat my ideas and memes all the time, and I actually think I played a role in shifting culture there to a more refined place, because I was one of those sadists who used /pol/ as a schoolyard playground where I could bully people who were either shilling or lying.

Anyway, it certainly is true that at the end of the day, it is all largely meaningless as it enters the archives or disappears, but the battleground honed my claws in many ways. If I write longform now, it is after having my work torn apart by the harshest critics in the world tens of thousands of times.

It just is funny that in all those posts I've never been banned, but now that I'm making threads and OC that isn't just funny but strategic, well.. permaban dropped on me for literally posting one of the BRAINLESS SISSY RETARDS in a thread on eugenics. I am assuming they are now banworthy to post like ponies were, which incidentally is the only other time I got banned on 4chan, just because I didn't know even making fun of bronies was illegal that one time.

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fc9c0f  No.136431


There was no /pol/ on 4chan in 2005. /pol/ was created in November 2011. Nice try, faggot. Nobody knows who you are and nobody cares.

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a1e625  No.136472

File: bb3dfe17defc4c5⋯.png (79.79 KB, 174x251, 174:251, ClipboardImage.png)


>over a million posts on 4chan

Oh yeah I remember you


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