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File: ba2336307e181ec⋯.jpg (112.14 KB, 570x768, 95:128, 0.jpg)

49944d  No.102443

Good day, dear /pnd/.

To begin with, I apologize for my message during this global pandemic. It is truly not my intention to waste other people's time. I am also aware that my topic does not belong here. I still want to use this board because I believe there is someone who can write a helpful post.

I am a young man from Western Europe who was born in the 90s and works professionally with people of all ages who have physical and / or mental disabilities. Unfortunately, in our modern world there seem to be more and more people who are no longer interested in their own lives and can only survive the day with various psychotropic drugs.

I myself am not an expert in this area, but when I talk to others, I quickly notice that many are struggling with loneliness. Nowadays, almost everyone has a (fast) internet connection, a mobile phone, social networks with hundreds or thousands of "friends", various platforms, computer games, dating applications and much more, yet most have no contacts in real life when they really need help. Please do not get me wrong. I firmly believe that this technology can be really helpful for informing, exchanging ideas and staying in touch with others as long as someone does not spend their entire lives on the computer screen.

I'm turning 30 this year and I notice every day that money alone doesn't make you happy. Most of my childhood and adolescent friends moved to other cities or countries to study there or because they got a well-paid job. Others have already started their own families. With this message I would like to inquire whether you have had similar experiences and if so, what can you recommend to get out of this "negative" situation and in the best case to make new contacts?

Thanks for reading my message & all the best in life for you and your families.

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499310  No.102447


Money doesn’t make me happy but I do enjoy the things it buys and being comfortable.

30 is really pushing it in terms of marriage (most marriageable women will have already chosen a mate while they were younger). You are getting up there and are going to be to old soon. Just saying, you are pushing your expiry date if you want a family.

Are you planning on getting married or staying single?

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49944d  No.102449

File: c8693b1ec7c276e⋯.jpg (87.93 KB, 500x1100, 5:11, 1.jpg)


Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to read my message. I appreciate your answer.

Granted, money is not everything, but it makes life easier and more relaxed. To be honest, I've been looking for a new, long-term partnership to start my own family for a long time. It is not always easy for me to find a suitable woman. I do not use online dating applications, but speak directly to other people if there is interest. Sleeping with women is all well and good, but at almost 30 years old you want more than just having fun.

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499310  No.102453


You seem like a gentle person. Why did you come here of all places to post this? This is not a place for gentle people.

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49944d  No.102462

File: c023d1f4fbd4759⋯.jpg (57.09 KB, 516x800, 129:200, 2.jpg)


A really good and justified question, merci.

I primarily like the freedom of expression on this platform. I understand that people can sometimes be mean behind the computer screen, but there is a life story behind every personality. That's why I don't judge anyone. At the end of the day, I think each of us wants a meaningful and happy life. This means goals, two to three true friends and a family. Maybe everything I write is not correct, after all, I'm just a young man with very little experience. Even if we don't know each other personally, I wish you the best with all my heart and good health in this "difficult" time.

"God" bless.

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499310  No.102466


>I primarily like the freedom of expression on this platform.

Oh. That is only an illusion anon. They delete anyone who has something new or that is not part of the status quo or their agenda.

Take care of yourself anon. I hope you find your qt and live a fulfilling life with many babies, love and laughter.

Gott mit uns.

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9fa401  No.102569

File: e7765656b106f5b⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 4984x2957, 4984:2957, 1511405498426_2.jpg)

Ever since 8ch was taken offline. The denizens of this place have decentralized. I feel most souls seeking a place to air their opinion unfiltered & unrestricted will find themselves here.

May I suggest 8kun in its current form along with the webring julay .world/boards.js

late.city/late/ is a very comfy slow site, btw.

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97c0c8  No.102598


Absolutely amazing painting.

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7c4242  No.102623


I'd suggest you to find some hobby or activity but most of those got poz'd to the max and people there would only make you cringe. Alienation is also a widespread phenomenon, it's like people became entirely incapable of forging genuine friendships and keep everything on a superficial level. This was most likely intended as it makes individuals helpless in front of the (((government))) and (((corporations))).

Anyway, the more reasons you find to go out, the more likely you are to meet someone interesting.

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5d5f34  No.102651


Loneliness is a mindset. You can be lonely if you're alone or if you're surrounded by people that make you feel lonely for whatever reason. On the other hand, there are people who don't feel lonely when alone.

By the way, if you're single and lonely, getting into a relationship won't fix it, only exacerbate it. You gotta fix your mindset to not be lonely.

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09b502  No.102653


I think, for me it is more about a lack of belonging and a lack of community. These are things I can buy for myself and I am too old to obtain because I have not grown up as a part of a place, cradle to grave. This is all part of the ‘globalization’ of humanity. The total removal of people from their community and the destruction of community from humanity. How else can you be a ‘good global citizen’ if you have no ties to any sort of home or place. No more blood and soil.

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0b3f0b  No.102678


Everything you feel is your own perception.

Your feelings were made through what your parents have taught you, the teachers and schoolmates have shown you and what the media you consumed has told you.

If it really is a disease in the 21st century, then something must have brought this on, maybe its the alarming divorce rates that are a thing thanks to feminism and jews.

Theres no way a kid comes out of that unscathed.

Maybe its the media that tells you in most movies that only when you have a partner everything will work out(as the happy end always happens when 2 ppl get together finally).

Etc etc.

What Im trying to say is, feelings are a perception, your mind has connected not having anyone around with the feeling of being lonely.

If you had a different perception it'd be different, I used to feel lonely when I was single, but now I feel free and like I have so many choices when I am single.

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9fa401  No.102704

File: cafee0c0658b822⋯.jpg (498.71 KB, 1200x657, 400:219, wg_57468187274640640180925….jpg)

File: 9e7d3b0266079bf⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 679x960, 679:960, sweet_suzu.jpg)


I'm just going to link to a directory to navigate the archipelago of chans during the ongoing moderation exodus.

See: https://bvffalo.land

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c928d9  No.102712


This >>102651

But also, the lonely mindset isn't a bad thing. The greatest minds of mankind were all lonely.

What you might have is sadness, and that isn't enabled by loneliness, but by out-of-reality expectations.

Know yourself. Know others around you. Then, you will know for sure if it is better for you to live alone or along with some of them. Both are good options and good ways to live a happy life.

Being surrounded by cringey people will only make you fell lonely, as the above anon said.

And being lonely but at peace with yourself almost all the time makes you a happier and better person than being surrounded by the soulless masses.

as for the masses themselves, and the example that you gave (a lot of online "friends", but loneliness in real life), one thing leads to another: by being obnoxious people in real life, those lonely ones will always repel good people. The good, the self-sufficient, the faithful, the secure people will always avoid those kind in real life. And that leads those lonely to seek a false sense of "belonging" in online "friendships" that are all false. No different than escapism, but which puts an even harder burden upon their lives, once they realize that those are very real people that won't be there for them when they need help in real life. That realization is what causes their sadness, and what makes them mistake it for 'loneliness".

In short: good people will always find happiness. It doesn't matter if they are alone or not.

Bad (soulless, non-creative, dependent, inconsequential) people will never find happiness, no matter if they are surrounded by (always false) friends or not.

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85747f  No.102729

Lonliness is what defines the elite. The world is full of shit and the one who sees through it is left alone.

The deluge of social media platforms have developed some form of alter ego among its user. All they crave is likes/followers as if their personality is being shaped by them. Everyone tries to rationalise his thoughts by imposing his own opinion on everyday thoughts as if they could change it by sitting thousand miles away while living in each other's paranoia.

You get education, get married have sex raise kids. Sometimes you go outside have drink with your buddies, click some pictures or make some videos so that you can cherish it later & sadly this cycle continues until you perish. Game over. Say goodbye to all your thoughts and moments. Now it's turn of another generation.

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4888d5  No.102730


>Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one. – Martin Heidegger

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e3d461  No.103242


OP you have autism, and so have no friends and will forever be lonely. Please do not have kids, and please do not speak for other people. You are not one of us.

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8fb970  No.103266


I would recommend you visit the board >>/kind/ for this kind of discussion. I believe the responses there will be a little more, what is the word? Understanding.


>>Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one. – Martin Heidegger

I don't think that is quite what he meant.



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cdc19e  No.103299


What do you think he meant?

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7e205e  No.103412

File: 6c70391483b5c50⋯.gif (893.46 KB, 400x554, 200:277, 1588517630765.gif)

File: a46e38b4df61e0d⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3zwy3y.jpg)

You don't have to be alone anymore, just don't hang around when she wakes up ;)

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7e205e  No.103435

File: 6631f78e5a5161f⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 500x578, 250:289, 3zx76w.jpg)

>>102730. Spend more time in cemeteries. reject the fallen, authentic dasein is based.

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09b502  No.103445


>authentic dasein

I doubt that is something that ‘everyman’ experiences.

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2db665  No.103738

File: a51f0542ea39675⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4012fn_1_.jpg)

File: 1bcc4b360a0f370⋯.jpg (538.72 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 38_925_LEFT_1K_19809_15801….jpg)

File: 78965667b054ce7⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1588596928853.jpg)

>>102730. Spend more time in cemeteries. reject the fallen, authentic dasein is based.

>>103445 no. They do , but the other side of it is that by confronting the certainty of death or encountering one who lives with the final end in mind , discomfort may arise? This is the other side of the npc, and can provoke them decently. My fucking Jeep has transition problems, is this going to stop me from participating in the coming race war? Let's hope not. Go out and try and pick morel mushrooms. Mushroom hunting is based if you don't get one full of amatotoxins lol. Here is a link to some niggers in a boat getting run over. https://www.bitchute.com/video/JoXUbvjYHyfa/. Finally the Turks do something right, besides the zoraqi 925. A cool hobby might be taking front fireing Turkish black guns and converting for euro-boog 2020? https://youtu.be/NuAngCXGP04. Secretly converting blank guns is based. You won't be lonely anymore when you are the become the leader of a right wing death squad. Another go-to antidote to the postmodern condition is Mongolian throat singing

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr0WT-3TiZ4. Do you think ghengis Khan ever had bad days? Well if he did he sure didn't cry about it. No he would probably get drunk on fermented mares milk and fight somebody or set some shit on fire, hurl plague victims at his enemies?

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8fb970  No.103774

File: 659d6e2907370fc⋯.png (133.07 KB, 740x775, 148:155, ClipboardImage.png)


I think he meant that this is referring to different possibilities regarding how we choose to act and think and the different circumstances that can change us.

For example, if a person goes left instead of right at an intersection, he/she may serendipitously encounter a thing or person that leads them to a range of related events and encounters.

Hence "many men" or many probabilities on personality change if variable x was different.

By the time we die, the range of possibilities/options narrows. Bit like those cheesy flow charts you sometimes see.

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c28416  No.104074


>Sleeping with women is all well and good, but at almost 30 years old you want more than just having fun.

You live a degenerate life, sounds like you brought this on yourself anon.

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1082bb  No.104087

File: afdf04fd57250a8⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 500x858, 250:429, 403hhs.jpg)


He may have a point, don't give up hope but also make a plan to organize a right wing death squad. You will lead them in daring night time raids on shitskins, kikes, and commies. The way I see it is win win.

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ef7f7e  No.104089


That is how I read it as well, but since I don’t have a perfect (or really even a moderately good) understanding of Dasein I am keeping an open mind on the subject.


You should do an OP explaining it.

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846570  No.107051

File: f314dfc576b3c6c⋯.jpg (94.87 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 4134t7.jpg)

File: 96aef16e11c0c36⋯.jpg (77.79 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 412zzn.jpg)

File: e232ca1a7833474⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 612x407, 612:407, 411k6h.jpg)



I may? Look at this it is based and rocketman pilled. https://youtu.be/xvC1e4STgAo. Something about the chick on drums does it for me.

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