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696b59  No.102417

DEVELOPING: Thousands of angry, armed rioters blew through securityearly Friday morning at the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansig to find themselves face-to-face with a large police prescence. Many of the disgruntled citizens were armed but not wearing any face masks or PPE as a form of protest against the tyrannical policies instituted by the Communist governor Gretchen (((Whitmer))), who after the noted events declared a State of Emergency in an effort to consolidate her power and save face. Post links and Twitter content below:

WATCH: https://youtu.be/kncpglmZnnQ




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dff983  No.102464

That wasn't a protest. That was a bug chaser convention.

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20f560  No.102468


You can’t seize power unless you kill those who had power.

They did not.

They have ‘seized’ nothing but more oppression for themselves.

If they had killed her to make their point that would have been one thing.

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0bc499  No.102469

It was pretty meh. Just a few hundred people and all they really did was go through the front door and get up on the second floor balcony, it was just a big wank.

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dff983  No.102480

File: 94f0ed5811febe0⋯.jpg (175.69 KB, 742x848, 7:8, LtGovGilchrist.jpg)


If they did kill her, then this guy would be Michigan's governor. This isn't like some sci-fi adventure where you kill the queen and that magically shuts down all the drones.

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1e2d06  No.102482


Jesus WTF is a nigger doing in a position of power like that?


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198382  No.102494


>governor Gretchen (((Whitmer)))

Evidence Whitmer is jewish? You trumpniggers have a real nasty habit of falsely accusing people – like you did with Strzok and Page, etc.

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eef96e  No.102496


She is part of the system, is she not?

If someone is a mental kike, does that make them less of a kike than a genetic kike?

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198382  No.102508


So I'll take that as a no.

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dff983  No.102509


>part of the system = kike

>Hitler was democratically elected

>Hitler = kike

You heard it here first, kids!

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7627be  No.102515


nigger, shits way different now than it is now. And that's assuming that anon didn't have a point and Hitler was a kike.

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76029c  No.102534

oh man, i wish antifa had went there to counter protest. we could have seen some dead niggers, wiggers and figgers (feminist niggers).

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b71477  No.102547


It doesn't matter who they appoint next if they have no control over its citizens and if the protesters could successfully annex themselves.

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dff983  No.102549


200 protesters in a state of 10 million people isn't "out of control".

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94c2f5  No.103229


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fe214f  No.103234

Aaaaand nothing happened, just drama.

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835a0a  No.106767

fucking shills in and/or retards in this thread not seeing the significance of armed protestors flaunting government authority by momentarily seizing the lobby for their demonstration. I bet Whitmer sure as hell felt the significance. Her amygdala prob. were ramped to a hundred.

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64f825  No.107113

File: 11cefd382d87aed⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 460x307, 460:307, aZyboxW_460s.jpg)

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91a45d  No.107115


guarantee they're all fudds and/or cringe /pol/tard larpers. that's the only reason why people think things like this does anything.

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91a45d  No.107116


the reason is that their brains are damaged, if i didn't make that clear enough.

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646f2f  No.107137


Full name is Gretchen Esther Whitmer. Esther is a jewish name, Whitmer is a strong contender.

Daughter of Sharon Reisig, very jewish name, and Richard Whitmer, potentially jewish name.

If you look her up, she doesn't look particularly Semitic, but that could be from botched plastic surgery because she really just looks like a fucking ogre. I'd only give her a 70% chance of jewishness, not that it much matters since she deserves the rope just the same.

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6fc554  No.107148


all ur enemies arent jews. there are psychopathic/narcissistic traitor whites for example. Who do u think works at the police station?

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646f2f  No.107154


I'm aware that's the case, hence why her jewishness isn't that important. The only reason Whites are playing off the back foot is because the weakest among us have been subverted and turned against the rest of our race.

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3982ff  No.110270


> Whitmer's administration announced she would visit Israel this week to strengthen Michigan's "business ties" with the Middle East country.

She's a cuck. Just as bad as being a jew.

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eab2c4  No.110275


What if he dies too?

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