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File: 446ce4035281931⋯.png (446 KB, 805x833, 115:119, eee.png)

65e7ed  No.101745

Hours after threatening Orthodox Jews violating quarantine with jail time on Twitter, NYC mayor Bill De Blasio deploys military into Jewish neighborhood to round up and arrest them all on sight for further questioning and potential sentences. Is this too harsh or simply necessary during these times?


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65e7ed  No.101746

File: e6d10906e8b63b0⋯.png (122.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bbb.png)

the tweet that started it all.

This too: https://youtu.be/J981KMpOjnA

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e403da  No.101749

File: 481b7cb81fd38d4⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 812x984, 203:246, 142.jpg)


it's anuddah shoah

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9c709f  No.101750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You can embed you know

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65e7ed  No.101751

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65e7ed  No.101752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9c709f  No.101754

File: 7506aba0e0f36e0⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Fac….jpg)

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65e7ed  No.101755

this website is cool

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9e4c3c  No.101769

File: 37f21ed4b4fa1f8⋯.png (923.73 KB, 766x960, 383:480, ClipboardImage.png)


This is it. Democrats are the real nazis. Libtards BTFO-d.

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e7192b  No.101808

I'm all for jews being rounded up, but Id' rather see them get sick.

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bba0b7  No.101812


Damn, even the guy who did nothing but sucking jewish dick has had enough.

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5896c0  No.101839


It can be. Although when I see some threads, the thought arises that I have had a long day of cleaning toilets only to wonder why I spend my spare time on the online equivalent.

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74029f  No.101858

File: e458df52be3dd97⋯.jpg (21.24 KB, 170x278, 85:139, sdadsfdf.jpg)

This is likely a part of some kind of back door power play. Gov. Cuomo is getting nothing but positive press all over the country, will likely be running for president in 2024, and is De Blasio's arch-nemesis. Anyone who lives in NY knows that they hate each other and constantly play one-upmanship.

It sounds like the hand of ((power)) has seen enough and decided which horse to back in the future. De Blasio, who is already a giant baby, probably got upset that he was passed over and took some petty revenge. Looks like NY is scheduled for a controlled blue/red flip during the next election cycle. Makes sense, it's guaranteed Trump is going to get his second term, best to have a loyal reds in the majority congress.

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95700c  No.101866

File: 2e0eed2abf37342⋯.jpg (169.03 KB, 961x721, 961:721, tfw.jpg)

Half of them can't get the mask over their nose

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defd39  No.101874



I read that as NKVD for some reason.

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eabf4f  No.101877

File: 8159691b98f06a2⋯.jpeg (188.08 KB, 960x688, 60:43, 3CC8509B_CBCD_4A92_BEC8_E….jpeg)


Are the trains running? Ship ‘em.

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7869fd  No.101908

File: 8eed5816dcf8a35⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, videoplayback.mp4)


Just post the video instead of linking to jewtube, faggot.

The orthodox leeches just don't seem to have the clout to be above the law, huh.

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1961c9  No.102421

While this isn’t the Based-Wilhelm that many would hope for, this tall lib is doing the right thing for his city, and ironically, doing the right thing for this entitled leech of a community. Chasad Lubavitch are a bunch of spoiled insane sexist racist babies, who need to rethink their entire worldview. And this is one tiny step in that direction.

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1961c9  No.102422


Interesting theory.

I don’t doubt it could be.

DeBlasio’s wife’s circles, past, and private influence on her husband would also be interesting to deep dive into.

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4443cc  No.102470


It's still technically possible for a Jew to be arrested and sent to prison, therefore the Jewish question is fake.

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9e24bc  No.102472

You people are retarded. That was a fucking funeral that was arranged IN ADVANCE and had police and other escorts.

No one was arrested or even looked at sideways. You people are pathetic with your hopium and changium. Just like niggers waiting on your ‘freedom’ gibs.

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efb18c  No.102473


Google the special jewish prisons in usa. Jew only jails that are very luxorious.

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efb18c  No.102588

They've been able to mk ultra through cellular phones since the mid 2010's

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50ad5e  No.102660

File: 4f556641e9b69c0⋯.jpg (212.02 KB, 960x1347, 320:449, 4f556641e9b69c062e3049189f….jpg)

A rare moment of der Boomer doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

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220ea6  No.102683


So why isn't Harvey Weinstein in one of them?

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efb18c  No.102700


Either maybe they want nothing to do with him cos he publicly went too far. Or like they did with Epstein they gonna fake his death and smuggle him out but don't want that shit happening at otisville.

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efb18c  No.102707


Otisville is medium security for white collar Jewish criminals. Weinstein is a sex criminal so gets full fuck me in the ass max security

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1b7180  No.108625

this is of course bullshit

NY emptied all of the exclusively kike prisons

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d3a83b  No.108732



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