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Start with the Greeks

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File: 1418506693462.jpg (110.92 KB,640x868,160:217,640px-Nietzsche187a.jpg)

93f25f No.545 [Last50 Posts]

Your favorite 3 philosophers in order

1. Socrates
2. Nietzsche
3. Plato

pic related, that's Friedrich himself.
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93f25f No.546

yea? what you like about them
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93f25f No.547

Socrates because of how he questioned everything

Nietzsche to just how precise he is on contemporary ideas and thinking in general

Plato for his moral wisdom.
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93f25f No.548

what about your philosophy, is it a mixture of them or do you just have admiration
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93f25f No.549

No real order:

1.Marx - process relationism and its implications for science
2.Alan Watts - dialectical monism, eastern theories of self
3. R.G. Collingwood - Absolute presuppositions and its implications for human understanding

All three combine into a system that would only make sense to someone who is willing to bend a few precious rules of classical and modern logic and sidestep epistemology as derivative of ontology, which is up for grabs to our deepest subjective intuitions.

Realistically though, I'm influenced by a lot of others. Wittgenstein is a different aspect for me of what Collingwood got at. Kant's noumenal/phenomenal distinction is very important to me, particularly through Hegel's critique and reconceptualization of noumena. Aristotle's potential/actual distinctions are very important in connection to the noumena/phenomena concept, and virtue ethics is my preferred ethical stance.

Going to read Spinoza soon, kind of curious what I might get out of him.
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93f25f No.550

It is indeed a mixture, but I have admiration for them as well.
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93f25f No.562

Alan Watts is my favorite, though I've only begun studying philosophy. Do modern day philosophers count?
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93f25f No.572

File: 1419606966085.png (1.34 MB,1276x888,319:222,Plotin.png)

1. Plotinus
for his thoughts on good/evil mainly.

2.Diogenes of Sinope
Because of his integrity first and foremost but also because of his ideas in general (with a few exceptions)

3.Arthur Schopenhauer
Because of it's main work; The World as Will and Representation. I don't completely agree with everything but at least it's not bullshit like Kant.
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93f25f No.579

In order of magnitude of influence:

1) Martin Heidegger
2) Friedrich Nietzsche
3) Albert Camus

Pretty much a straight existentialist
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93f25f No.583

File: 1420281446061.jpg (30.67 KB,400x486,200:243,Charles_Sanders_Peirce - C….jpg)

1. Charles Sanders Peirce
+ Abductive reasoning.
+ Founder of Pragmatism.
- Reaaaly hard to get into…
Recommended: The Fixation of Belief, Secondary literature

2. Nelson Goodman
+ The New Riddle of Induction
+ Tried to found a nominalist alternative to set theory with Quine.
+ Some interesting ideas on considering aesthetics to be properly located within epistemology (with Truth being a special case of general right-ness/correct-ness.)
Recommended: The Partially Examined Life Episode on his aesthetics

3. Heideggar
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93f25f No.627

1. Xenophanes
2. Ferdinand Schiller
3. Giovanni Vailati
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93f25f No.646

File: 1422057735255.jpg (151.41 KB,817x1000,817:1000,Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_R….jpg)

Muh nigga

1. Nietzsche
2. Descartes
3. Marx
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93f25f No.661

1. Wittgenstein
2. GEM Anscombe
3. Bertrand Russell


Heideggar is good.

Have you read Heideggar?
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93f25f No.665

This is the anon from >>579

A guy who considers Russell one of his three favorites and likes Heidegger. Man, never met one of those before.
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93f25f No.671

File: 1422405475498.jpg (76.38 KB,700x525,4:3,Kant-Sempai.jpg)

Well. besides the old cliche "Aristotle, Socrates, Plato) i´d prefer to make this a top 3, favorites philosophers since Bacon.

To me, still the last great philosopher to appear and one of the most brilliant of them all.
The first 2 meditations of his Meditations are just brilliant, the first solid foundation to skepticism. Until he put God in the way and fuck it all up.
His Essay Concerning Human Understanding was pne of the greatest works of philosophy, he sets much of the basis for Hume and, later on, Kant.

Honorary Mentions:
Roger Bacon - AKA the first of the great rationalists.
Hume - The one who "awakened" Kant of his "dogmatic dreams" and set up the modern account on skepticism.
Feuerbach - For founding the modern atheist philosophy (not ever since revisisted since Anaxagoras)
Feyerabend - He exposed us to some of our preconceptions about knowledge.
Gödel - Technically not a philosopher, btu a logician, still, he dramatically changed the philosophy of Formal Sciences with his groundbreaking work.
Gettier - He just demolished the sacred JTB assumptions of platonic epistemology in just 4 (that´s right FOUR) pages, now, that´s a feat to put him among the great epistemologians of all times.

(I pic of Kant-Sempai just for fun)
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93f25f No.699


*shrug*. All my exposure has been from listening to a bunch of Dreyfus's Heideggar lectures. Ive read a ton of Russell's writings.

Almost all of what I read is analytic. That said, I dont think its correct in any sense. No doubt Russell was mistaken about many things. I just think hes interests anyway.
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93f25f No.700

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Ligotti if you can call him one, Schopenhauer, David Benatar and Emil Cioran sharing the first place
Quine for why hurr STEM master race is retarded
Popper for negative utilitarianism and his philosophy of science
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93f25f No.701

File: 1422547632622.gif (73.62 KB,435x452,435:452,Moksha_2.gif)

How fun of you to mention Schopenhauer and Cioran, I'm reading both of them at the moment. Of Schopenhauer, I am interested in his asceticism and morality. Not surprising, considering I admire Indian philosophy (both Buddhism and Hinduism, more the former) and Stoicism.

If you haven't, maybe you should read about Lev Shestov. I do not know much of him at the moment, but he might interest you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Shestov
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93f25f No.754


I like you both.

Also, Quine and Popper with Cioran and Schopey is a fucking solid and balanced set of philosophical interests. Most Analytics are pretty dismissive of Schopenhauer, and I'm sure if any of them had heard of Cioran they'd probably not care much about him either.
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93f25f No.755

Very interesting choices here, some of which I have never heard of. By comparison, I feel really unoriginal, but I have to go with the ones I'm most familiar with.

1. Immanuel Kant
Though I'm glad to see he doesn't dominate the scene as much as he perhaps used to, I still have great affinity for his genral approach and basic premisses on nearly every subject.

2. Ludwig Wittgenstein
I disagree with almost every "conclusion" he draws (both Wittgenstein I and II to an extent) and yet I adore his understanding of philosophy and his attempts at tackling it from different angles. I tend to be much more fixated on form as opposed to content, and Wittgenstein was the first to actively force me to view past that (a bit).

3. Plato
The dialogical structure and argumentative precision is what I like best, though there are quite a few cases where he has seeming non sequiturs or moves from one madium of arguments to another. If it weren't for that, I'd like him even better.

An honourable mention goes to Thomas Aquinas, who is amazing in his grip on logic, but who gets major deductions for his unsubstantiated premises.
Both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are excellent too, especially contrasting to the more traditional forms of German philosophy.
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93f25f No.768

That's a tough question. I can think of three philosophers I like quite a bit but I'm not sure which I like most. Anyhow, those are:


I don't think I'm well-read enough in philosophy yet. I should go do that first and then try to think of a better list.
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93f25f No.805

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Seriously Diogenes was the man, homeless and wanked in public yet still revered by Alexander the Great.
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93f25f No.825

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Camus.

I like them because reading them gave me the feeling I read what I was feeling for the better part of my life. Finally seeing it written down is such a great feeling.
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93f25f No.840

Only really being familiar with his aphorisms, would any of you care to elaborate on the high regard you have for him? I honestly couldn't get into his reasoning at all, and he seemed all too willing to heavily lean on intuitions and malleable constructs (though this is only my impressions from the aphorisms) to justify his assertions.
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93f25f No.844

1. St. Augustine - his Christian-centered proto-existentialism.

2. Søren Kierkegaard - His treatment of faith and his reaction to Hegel and Kant.

3. Aristotle - Ontology, virtue ethics and political philosophy.
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93f25f No.846

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This guy knows what's up.

Muh 3: Diogenes/Kierkegaard/Goldman

Honorable mention: Baudrillard, Vonnegut, Camus,
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93f25f No.847

I died at Adam Smiths invisible hand.
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93f25f No.848

1. Popper
2. Schopenhauer
3. Kuhn
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93f25f No.862

Cioran is more of an author/poet who concentrates on ideas and feelings instead of plot and characters, much like Ligotti, so I guess that makes him a philosopher in a more continental than analytic way. Just read through his Goodreads quotes if you cba to buy and/or read his works, basically he's a pessimist about existence like Schopenhauer with a witty #yolo attitude about it.

"It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late."
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93f25f No.868

Yeah I agree. For me it's:


Honourable mentions: Sartre, Aristotle, Kierkegaard and Plato.
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93f25f No.872

Forgot Zapffe, fuck.
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93f25f No.908

1. Marx
2. Hegel
3. Lukács

Following them would probably be Kant and Plato.
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93f25f No.909

1. Nietzsche. Read all his books, most of them 203 times.

2. Socrates.

2. Wittgenstein.
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93f25f No.910

I meant to say:
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93f25f No.911

Honorable mention of Schopenhauer for his work on women.
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93f25f No.1007

1. Max Stirner
2. Nietzsche
3. Ragnard Redbeard
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93f25f No.1009

File: 1427420370742.png (35.6 KB,342x238,171:119,1411818705552.png)

edge lord detected.

stirner would kill you for shits and giggles if he felt like it.
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93f25f No.1043

File: 1427474786967.gif (676.45 KB,800x566,400:283,1419620095022.gif)

Actually Stirner was a pretty mild fellow, he even got some shit from people complaining he was not living up to his ideals.
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93f25f No.1049

That picture, thank you
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93f25f No.1050

I said IF he felt like it, I didn't say that he DID feel like it.
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93f25f No.1051


Oh shush
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93f25f No.1053

Are you implying moral folks are not whimsical?
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93f25f No.1056

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93f25f No.1086

File: 1427582549467.jpg (171.7 KB,1024x820,256:205,1024px-Bastein-Lepage_Diog….jpg)

>Diogenes of Sinope
Oh man I love that motherfucker. Shits in the theater, masturbates in public, lives in a wine jug and still makes Plato look like a retard on a regular basis.
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93f25f No.1087

Forgot to give a mention to another of my favorite Greeks, Zeno of Elea. The fragments of his work that we have are so fascinating, he supposedly wrote volumes more which were lost to time.
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93f25f No.1137

1. David Hume - Greatest philosopher to have ever lived bar none. Hume's ideas are just as profound today as they were in the 1700's
2. Francis Bacon - Basically the father of the scientific method. He was also extremely influential politically and could be viewed as the architect of many of our American ideals.
3. Noam Chomsky - Revolutionized the field of linguistics to make it more empirically aligned.

The four people who have most influenced my thoughts are Hume, Bentham, Marx and Chomsky.

Existentialists and their ilk are all clowns as far as I am concerned. Psychoanalysts and Existentialists are non-empirical jokers who feel content to dress up folk wisdom and pass it around as profound truth. Beyond the cafes of Europe I really see no place for this kind of wordplay philosophy.
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93f25f No.1138

Great list.
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93f25f No.1181

It's being shown that Chomsky lead linguistics down the wrong path.

There is no such thing as a "universal grammar" and language isn't innate to human beings so I wouldn't really call him that revolutionary. He had a big impact surely but it was a pretty bad one for the field as a whole.
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93f25f No.1183

>There is no such thing as a "universal grammar"
What's the latest theory for language acquisition? I'm not up to date and most stuff I find still seems to hold generative grammar in high regard.
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93f25f No.1187

There is nothing wrong with his generative grammar. Where his mistake is, is in postulating it as a result of a "universal" grammar. That has shown to be false by people studying the origin of language question.

It's important to note that for generative grammar to hold water there doesn't necessarily have to be anything universal about it.
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93f25f No.1192

No? Seems weird to assume generative grammar if it can't include any language a child is potentially exposed to. No need to go further off-topic though, I think I'll check up on some origin of language studies.
Thanks for the heads-up m8.
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93f25f No.1198

No problem. Check out "Why we talk" by Jean-Louise Dessalles.
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93f25f No.1209

His revolution wasn't necessarily that he was correct. He took what was once a very abstract and hazy domain that was often viewed as the domain of psychologists and firmly planted it in science. He was trying to find scientific ways to probe the human mind and the language faculties. His ideas were also very influential in the field of philosophy of mind. I don't agree with you about there not being a universal syntax but even if there wasn't that wasn't the main goal of Chomsky by suggesting that there was. Trying to understand the human mind without probing a living human is a very difficult task and one which Chomsky thought could possibly be undertaken by studying syntax which he believed to be universal.
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93f25f No.1210

Also it should be noted that Chomsky doesn't believe that language is used for communication and is instead primarily used for thought, (computer coding that allows it to run) so perhaps any discrepancies in universal languages that researchers have studied could be explained away by this position. I haven't read the most recent research in linguistics and I haven't read or heard Chomksy's rebuttal to such a claim which makes me question whether or not anyone has actually shown this to be the case.
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93f25f No.1216

His methods are far too inductive. While I never claimed that what he attempted to do wasn't commendable to an extent I still think setting linguists on a several decade long path of introspective "science" was the wrong thing to do.

The problem with postulating that language is innate and universal is the fact that if the grammar were then we would all be speaking the same language. I don't think it's necessary that it needs to be innate for the brain to be able to decode it. Children who grow up without a language are never able to acquire one afterward. Doesn't seem very innate.
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93f25f No.1494


Epictecus is great


2. Kierkegaard


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93f25f No.1495

Bertrand Russell

David Hume

John Locke

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93f25f No.1497


Spinoza is good stuff. Especially his psychology and dealing with the emotions. Lots of overlap between him and Freud.

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93f25f No.1498


I haven't read Quine, but tell me more on his views of the "STEM master race"? How did he show it was retarded?

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93f25f No.1500


I assume he's reffering to Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"


His critique isn't original, it's just a modern version of older arguments. Hegel's arguments against empiricism and rationalism are just as good.

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93f25f No.1504


He sees philosophy and science as two facets of the same enterprise of truth instead of conjuring a plebbit-tier demarcation like Dawkins and his utterly retarded neo-positivist co.


Partially this, mostly because of Duhem-Quine thesis and web of belief.

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93f25f No.1581




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93f25f No.1635

1. Kant

2. Karl Popper

3. Hume

actually i would torn between Popper and Descartes, a few days ago, but i´ve recently read a bit of Husserly (another excelent philosopher) and he wrecks Descartes thoroughly, and Popper make his entrace with his Logic of Scientific Discovery, one of the greatest science philosophy works off all times.

also a notable mention to Porphyry the fucker who invented one of the hardest problems in philosophy, the Universals Problem.

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93f25f No.1660




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93f25f No.1681




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93f25f No.1688



/ \

Heraclitus --------- Heidegger


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93f25f No.1689






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93f25f No.1707




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93f25f No.1719

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Boris Mouravieff

>for continuing the Fourth Way philosophy, expanding upon and clarifying it and making interesting parallels with it and Orthodox Christianity

Leo Tolstoy

>for his synthesis (or perhaps clarification?) on Jesus' teachings, pacifism and anarchism and living after his own teachings

The Ra Material

>For giving hope and universal understanding

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93f25f No.1721

File: 1434803461327.jpg (440.52 KB,1436x1038,718:519,CastroJimProfit1.jpg)


1: Thomas Aquinas for being the first and possibly only Christian to ever make a h decent argument for the existence of God.

2: Jean Paul Sartre for being one of the few existentialist philosophers edgeballs have not tainted yet.

3: Nietzsche for being openly misogynist. Women ruin everything.

Honorable mention: Karl Marx. I would've put him at the top but I don't consider him a philosopher. He's scientist. All of his political theories came to pass as if he had precognitive powers.

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93f25f No.1741

1. Socrates

2. Descartes

3. Heidegger

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93f25f No.1742


>for being the first and possibly only Christian to ever make a h decent argument for the existence of God.


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93f25f No.1744

no order

1. Alan watts great knowledge on the west and overall better mindset on living life

2. Plato

3. Cant really pick between Terence Mckenna and Russel Brand. Ive learned a lot from Brand hes ahead of his time imo

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93f25f No.1747


>Russel Brand

Please, do elaborate.

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93f25f No.1749

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1) Jesus Christ

2) Augustine

3) Thomas Aquinas

I ranked them in order of importance to me, not sure if that's what the metric was.

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93f25f No.1786


>Terrance McKenna

Don't know if I'd call him a philosopher. More of a psychonaut and psuedo-science peddler. His work is essentially a collection of ideas he had when he was high. I've had those too, but maybe I'm just a bit salty that I never got a publishing deal out of it.

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93f25f No.1787


this looks like a combo I was going to post; i'd put aquinas above augustine and probably have someone other than aug

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93f25f No.1788


Jesus wasn't a philosopher. What claims did he defend through reason? What assertions did he ever back up except with reference to scripture? He held his ideas to be truth through alleged supernatural powers and divine revelation. Nothing more.

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93f25f No.1854


imo hes not really a philosopher but a lot of things he talks about on his youtube channel and what he speaks about publicly no one else is really talking about thats why I think hes ahead of his time. watch some of his videos, smart guy. I honestly believe that guy gives a fuck.

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93f25f No.1855


lol I kind of agree with what you're saying but to me personally I consider him a philosopher because he helped me figure out the current political system in America is not working. Listening to some of the speeches that both him and Alan Watts gave really helped me get though my college semester.

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93f25f No.1856






I thought these guys were just scientists, not philosophers too.

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93f25f No.1859


If you could recommend a specific video I'd appreciate that, ideally one that illustrates both his depth of thought as well as his unorthodox choice of subject.

I asked unironically btw. I don't assume people give half-assed replies to this thread.

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93f25f No.1902

File: 1439633621661.jpg (27.94 KB,600x600,1:1,600px-EtaCarinaeStarSystem….jpg)

I'm pretty new to philosophy, but the three I've really enjoyed so far are


2.Marcus Aurelius


If this -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVEeXjPiw54 -- is anything to go off of, I think Ill fall in love with Spinoza.

It's sad to see this board so dead. I know im contributing in the most generic here, but I'm honestly a bit intimidated and overwhelmed.

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93f25f No.1904


>I'm pretty new to philosophy

Same. Very, very new. Although I'm making an effort and checking out books from my school to read in class and at home ofc.


I'm reading The Basic Writings of Nietzsche and enjoying it.

>Ill fall in love with Spinoza.

I enjoyed the school of life videos as well, but warning, Spinoza is... a very, very difficult read. It's set up like a gigantic mathematical proof, I think.

>I know im contributing in the most generic here, but I'm honestly a bit intimidated and overwhelmed.

What do you mean? Why?

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93f25f No.1908

File: 1439786256542.jpg (92.93 KB,477x580,477:580,1432806006070.jpg)


>Same. Very, very new. Although I'm making an effort and checking out books from my school to read in class and at home ofc.

I've been buying mine used. having a book I can always come back to refer to is worth the money.

>I enjoyed the school of life videos as well, but warning, Spinoza is... a very, very difficult read. It's set up like a gigantic mathematical proof, I think.

I'm sure it wont be an easy read and ill stumble alot, but its more than worth it. I can already tell my reading skills are and comprehension have improved greatly since I first started.

>What do you mean? Why?

Much of the talk here seems to go over my head. People here seem really well read, I feel like I can participate in the conversation as much as I would like to.

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93f25f No.1911

File: 1439859343054.jpg (116.79 KB,1023x769,1023:769,1438787441010.jpg)


>I've been buying mine used. having a book I can always come back to refer to is worth the money.

>tfw no monies

>Much of the talk here seems to go over my head. People here seem really well read, I feel like I can participate in the conversation as much as I would like to.

Same. For the most part anyway. Kant, Hegel and the like are the main people that confuse the shite out of me.


I never gave a list of top three, all I can give is a very very vague list of people that have interested me at a surface level, what with my little reading.









This will surely change with time and study.

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93f25f No.1912


Also Lao Tzu.*

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93f25f No.1927


>Bertrand Russell

This place has a lot of redditors.

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93f25f No.1943


Probably /leftypol/.

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93f25f No.2078

1. Francis E. Dec

2. Gene Ray

3. Wiley Brooks

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93f25f No.2079

1. Christian Weston Chandler

2. Jace "Parkourdude91" Connors

3. Tyrell Wellick

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93f25f No.2115

1. Camus - looked cool and fucked bitches

2. Diogenes of Sinope - absoute MADMAN

3. Stirner - !SP00KS!

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93f25f No.2120

1. Nietzsche

2. Marx

3. Sartre

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6a69bc No.5731

Plato for rejection of democracy

Kant for the birth of Germany Idealism, although Hegel is tied with him

Evola for the Traditionalism and Mysticism

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6a69bc No.5732

I like Christian ones too but that's another list for another time

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6a69bc No.5750


or just a lot of faggots

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93428b No.5777

1. Kierkegaard

2. Marcus Aurelius

3.Paul Nizan

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93428b No.5778


Prove his statement wrong, faggot. Instead of jutting down maymay acronyms in response.

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cb844d No.5779

File: b49ec2f5c8f77f6⋯.jpg (202.2 KB,452x723,452:723,Ralph_Waldo_Emerson_ca1857….jpg)

I've always liked Emerson.

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db4f40 No.5781

1. Aristotle

2. Kant

3. Kierkegaard

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db4f40 No.5783


Aquinas borrowed quite heavily from Aristotle in his arguments.

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25f87b No.5784

1. Antisthenes

2. Nietzche

3. Stirner

I like Camus a lot; I've published work on him and I own all of his books, but even he didn't consider himself a philosopher, but a moralist.

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8f7b24 No.5800

File: 344eaf33a37da88⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,400x400,1:1,disdain.jpg)

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db4f40 No.5803


So you hate the others because they include /leftypol/ memes like Marx and Spook. What's wrong with my choices (>>5781)? I know they can be considered as Philosophy101-tier but so are other lists in this thread.

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8f7b24 No.5805


it was a bit of a shitpost that evolved in the course of it being typed. i was originally going to ask if you actually enjoy reading Kant but then realized that enjoying a philosopher's writing style is not the only criterion by which people in this thread would be ranking their favourites.

pay no mind its a low effort shitpost

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abf2af No.5808




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586eb3 No.5815

1. Schopenhauer

2. Bohm-Bawerk

3. Schumpeter

If people are including Marx and Chomsky, then I can include some economists, fuck you. Honorable mentions go to Wittgenstein and Ronald Coase.

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c775ee No.5825

>Karl Marx, father of communism and the reason leftypol exists

>worthy of a fucking mention in people's lists of top philosophers

Anyone care to expand?

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268c7f No.5827


Oswald Spengler

I've read Decline of the West plenty of times and his predictions in Man and Technics sums up the modern world



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08e033 No.5830

1. Epictetus

2. St. Augustine

3. Jacques Maritain

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8f7b24 No.5840

File: a2b635ef0970769⋯.jpg (6.73 KB,180x236,45:59,Borges.jpg)

File: ba2c832d3edc526⋯.png (167.13 KB,476x633,476:633,Julius_Evola.png)

File: 84e5cdb5ac828fc⋯.jpg (13.87 KB,220x294,110:147,220px-Nietzsche1882.jpg)

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4f47f6 No.5843

In chronological order, since I consider them equally important:




Honorable mention goes to Marshall Rosenberg, who's the obvious cut here for not being a philosopher in the strictest sense, but who is just as influential to me.

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8fee98 No.5852

File: 41467b7675ccaa1⋯.jpg (210.76 KB,875x1167,875:1167,41467b7675ccaa1bdcfae01d1c….jpg)


i'll take 'irresolvable contradictions' for 400 alex

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8f7b24 No.5863


i don't agree with all of them on everything i just find their work interesting and enjoy reading it

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9ced46 No.5878


How does Nietzsche contradict Evola?

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ab2fb3 No.5883

File: bae57057f012138⋯.jpg (386.17 KB,1800x1322,900:661,cynical.jpg)

File: 2226036bb363b11⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,1311x1800,437:600,Roman_-_Portrait_of_the_Em….jpg)

File: e38d08cba91b115⋯.jpg (133.7 KB,940x632,235:158,tauroctony_carnuntum_iii_0….jpg)

1. Aurelius

2. Diogenes

3. Epictetus

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ab2fb3 No.5884

File: 03c9aecd2c185b2⋯.jpg (55.15 KB,553x700,79:100,03c9aecd2c185b29b39494a86a….jpg)




some people in this thread managed to pick both , and thats where mistakes were made

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42e449 No.5889


Why Mithras?

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143910 No.5890

Everyone is naming Socrates and Plato, but aren't those two pretty much the same person? The only knowledge we have of Socrates philosophy comes mostly from Plato's writings. I do think he was a real person since there are other Greeks who wrote of him around the same time as Plato. But I feel like their philosophy is mostly the same.

With that being said, and in no order:




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4c2901 No.5905

File: 6e6187079b730ee⋯.png (270.59 KB,680x980,34:49,d3aabbf4a0d0d86396075f6a67….png)


Buddha's work is basically "The Grapes and the Fox: Philosophy edition."

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42e449 No.5906


Considering Buddha was born into wealth and so had all his material needs sated (food, gold, wife, offspring, etc.) before becoming an ascetic, that's a poor comparision

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c7160e No.5908

File: df3c51a5831a9c8⋯.jpg (401.28 KB,728x888,91:111,guy-at-table.jpg)

1) Guy Debord

2) Nick Land

3) Albert Camus

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aa3e6b No.5909

Stirner, Bakunin, Debord

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4c2901 No.5923

File: 204094183e2243e⋯.jpg (46.26 KB,464x794,232:397,204094183e2243e4162fa4035d….jpg)


It kind of is.

>Can't get thing.

>Try to stop wishing for it instead of trying harder because you are too much of a weakling to withstand suffering. (The fox picking the apple instead of the grapes.)

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5b5ffe No.5941




>Hans Freyer

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14edef No.5949


How the fuck is Marx not a philosopher? Just because you write extensively on economics doesn't exclude you from other fields.

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93428b No.5950


leftypol pls go

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14edef No.5951

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ab2fb3 No.5952

File: a0d786ae0bc2a8c⋯.jpg (38.89 KB,352x480,11:15,cabeza_mitra_049.jpg)


would you consider Mussolini or Hitler to be philosophers ?


I like Mithras

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14edef No.5954


>would you consider Mussolini or Hitler to be philosophers ?

Mussolini maybe to a degree, but Hitler had no grounding in the philosophical tradition.

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46ae6d No.5957


>Marx was a philosopher


>But Hitler wasn't.

Confirmed /leftypol/, leave.

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cf8655 No.5964


u have the gay lolo

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2a54d0 No.5969

1. Nietzsche

2. Schopenhauer

3. Kierkegaard

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2a54d0 No.5970


Either none or both tbh. They're politicians.

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14edef No.5971



In which sense was Hitler a philosopher? Whose views from the philosophical tradition did Hitler espouse? Did he write anything to further philosophy?

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2a54d0 No.5972



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3774ec No.5995

1. Krishna (i.e. the Chad manifestation of God)

2. Nietzsche

3. Heidegger

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14edef No.6004


You can be a politician and a philosopher, but being a politician does not make you a philosopher.


And from which philosophical tradition does National Socialism come?

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100d51 No.6054

1. You

2. Alan Watts

3. Me

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8f9aeb No.6056

File: b43059b47c48da1⋯.jpg (149.92 KB,1024x512,2:1,hitler's socialism.jpg)

File: 48de501cc55de4d⋯.png (484.51 KB,1280x521,1280:521,hitler on arguing with jew….png)


>And from which philosophical tradition does National Socialism come?

From which philosophical tradition did Thales of Miletus borrow his ideas?

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723ebd No.6077

1. Nietzsche

2. Heidegger

3. Spengler

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2a54d0 No.6116


Völkisch would actually be a better term for the philosophical aspect, and it comes from the Traditionalist school.

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5d8a50 No.6132

1. Paramenides

2. Buddha

3. Eris

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ab2fb3 No.6139


eris isnt a philosopher

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96e4d9 No.6140




but my preferance is reason of ideas, not who thought, to focus on what's most profitable, without having where-- though they've benefits--tertiary@best, what--secondary w/why prime consumption. my only legitimate is me, with them merely mines for my mind's ponderence, perusal.

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d911e5 No.6141

File: 27c4b8cceb309a9⋯.gif (4.38 KB,627x391,627:391,image97.gif)


>Hitler had no grounding in the philosophical tradition.

Motherfucker read 10,000+ works on religion, history, politics, philosophy, and had a reference library twice that size.

If you are going to argue at least make a correct argument.

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9ad34e No.6203

File: e1e7516b14567e5⋯.jpg (44.38 KB,583x293,583:293,garl marx.jpg)


>father of communism

That's already an answer to your own question right there. Without him we would have neither communist politics, which is becoming more crucial than ever as capitalism is derailing to unseen extents, nor a HUGE amount of 20th century philosophy including critical theory. Tbh I'd even say most philosophers that are really worth reading nowadays are Marxists although Nietzsche is definitely an exception.





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daa7d4 No.6207




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ab2fb3 No.6214

File: 1c248b9255a9709⋯.jpg (34.52 KB,229x343,229:343,1c248b9255a97093b7392c2fd8….jpg)


>most philosophers that are worth reading nowadays are Marxists

name some

>marx is philosopher

>evola isnt


I bet you havent even read Aristole or Aurelius you fucking miserable faggot. You don't even know what a philosopher is. Go suck your professors cock some more.

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c6e235 No.6215




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9ad34e No.6225


>name some












marx and engels themselves, duh

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9ad34e No.6226


oh and forgot sartre somehow

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ab2fb3 No.6229

File: d1ca764e2e70cfd⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,645x729,215:243,highiq.jpg)


>google one

>frankfurt school


>google next one

>Bourdieu's best known book is Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (1979). The book was judged the sixth most important sociological work of the twentieth century by the International Sociological Association.[5] In it, Bourdieu argues that judgments of taste are related to social position, or more precisely, are themselves acts of social positioning. His argument is put forward by an original combination of social theory and data from quantitative surveys, photographs and interviews, in an attempt to reconcile difficulties such as how to understand the subject within objective structures. In the process, he tried to reconcile the influences of both external social structures and subjective experience on the individual

>Greatest "philosophical" work is basically a TL'DR version of brainlet normies REEEEing about some movie being too smart for them

I said philosophers not social critics you dumb fuck, philosophy is about more than "whooooa dude wouldnt it be crazy if there was like, a rich class of people controlling us and stuff?"

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9bc3eb No.6230




Why are those criminals against humanity on /philosophy/?

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961c28 No.6232

File: 4b7c5843e7d88f4⋯.jpg (281.56 KB,656x800,41:50,Plutarch_thumb2.jpg)

I still need to read more, but I'll take a stab at my top three philosophers. Well at least for now.

1. Aristotle - Solely for the concept of the Golden Mean,

2, Diogenes - Bantz, Though I wouldn't want to live the life he lived.

3. Plutarch - Forget about reading Siege, you need to read Moralia. Theory, metaphysics, and other forms of mental masturbation should be done sparingly and kept to yourself. The Moralia provides practical philosophy that you can apply to your life. One of these days I'm going to break down and get the whole Loeb collection.

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918cfc No.6233

1. Middle Plato

2. Early Plato

3. Late Plato

I never read the footnotes.

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9ad34e No.6245

File: a1c0456ac4b93cc⋯.jpg (193.44 KB,798x1000,399:500,shine a light for autism.jpg)


<you need to define "philosophy" in the arbitrary narrow way that I have personally chosen otherwise it's not REAL philosophy

also what issues do you have with the frankfurt school

also did you seriously have to google these philosophers to know they were associated with it you fucking uneducated retard

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9bc3eb No.6247


Chill out, nobody will ever know every local piece of knowledge.

There is no clear line between philosophy and not philosophy, everyone draws their own. If that particular human insulted you for your different understanding of what is philosophy, just... tough it out.

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ab2fb3 No.6258



This isnt even arguing semantics at this point, if you think social critics whose greatest idea were "What if the bad movies that I like are actually good?" count as philosophers then I guess /tv/ is the new philosophy board

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ebf994 No.6477

1. God.

2. Me.

3. You.

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0ed66f No.6507



>Ray Brassier

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8ba093 No.6508




Kono Diogenes da.

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a8d7d8 No.6524

1. Giovanni Gentile gave us fascism

2. Schopenhauer gave us the idea of the will to survive

3. Diogene gave us jizz and sleeping with dogs

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35862a No.6532

Me, My partner, My neighbour.

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d8ec74 No.6540

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125fb1 No.6549


Stirner - for basically solving philosophy and memes

Epictetus - for self-control and unwavering will, also egalitarianism & unity

Diogenes - for the humor and practical virtues

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c600bd No.6556


A huge chunk of Evola's work is dedicated to rewriting Nietzsche.

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6daada No.6561


>any redditor

>not a libtard

try mentioning marx on plebbit lmao

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6daada No.6562


do you know who engels was

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f2e2f2 No.6579

For least favorites it's Nick Land, Bertrand Russell and Spinoza/Descartes tying for third

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f2e2f2 No.6585

in no particular order (breaking rules here I know its not three):

Althusser - anti-humanist Marxism

Camatte - deep ecology/post leftism

Spengler - too many things to name really

Sorel/Bakunin - pro-Worker sentiments, Propaganda by the deed

Marcion Of Sinope/Proudhon - anti-semitism

Plato/Socrates - anti-democracy

Junger - war theory

Schmidt - "humanity is inherently at war"

Hegel - dialectics

Feder - economics

Nietszche - ubermensch concept

Evola/Aquinas - spirituality

Camus - absurdism

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f2e2f2 No.6613


Plenty of Marxists on plebbit. Try being anti-modernist. You get banned.

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6861da No.6648


1. Laozi

2. Stirner

3. Me

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1a1a29 No.6653

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

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79e1a0 No.6692


That's my nigga.

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dc0cd4 No.6739

1. Rene Guenon

2. Thomas Aquinas

3. Blaise Pascal

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0c2fe5 No.6787


1. Wilde

2. Stirner

3. Epicurus

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e6731d No.6810

File: 8fe53d1f2d3fa3b⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,722x349,722:349,nidemare.jpg)



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fc84f6 No.6871

File: c7d5be21d33a58a⋯.jpg (31 KB,371x571,371:571,c7d5be21d33a58a63f49aac4db….jpg)


Based as fuck for listing Guénon. It amazes me how his writings get more and more relevant with time.

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