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/philosophy/ - Philosophy

Start with the Greeks

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File: 1418506693462.jpg (110.92 KB,640x868,160:217,640px-Nietzsche187a.jpg)

93f25f No.545 [View All]

Your favorite 3 philosophers in order

1. Socrates
2. Nietzsche
3. Plato

pic related, that's Friedrich himself.
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14edef No.5954


>would you consider Mussolini or Hitler to be philosophers ?

Mussolini maybe to a degree, but Hitler had no grounding in the philosophical tradition.

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46ae6d No.5957


>Marx was a philosopher


>But Hitler wasn't.

Confirmed /leftypol/, leave.

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cf8655 No.5964


u have the gay lolo

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2a54d0 No.5969

1. Nietzsche

2. Schopenhauer

3. Kierkegaard

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2a54d0 No.5970


Either none or both tbh. They're politicians.

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14edef No.5971



In which sense was Hitler a philosopher? Whose views from the philosophical tradition did Hitler espouse? Did he write anything to further philosophy?

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2a54d0 No.5972



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3774ec No.5995

1. Krishna (i.e. the Chad manifestation of God)

2. Nietzsche

3. Heidegger

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14edef No.6004


You can be a politician and a philosopher, but being a politician does not make you a philosopher.


And from which philosophical tradition does National Socialism come?

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100d51 No.6054

1. You

2. Alan Watts

3. Me

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8f9aeb No.6056

File: b43059b47c48da1⋯.jpg (149.92 KB,1024x512,2:1,hitler's socialism.jpg)

File: 48de501cc55de4d⋯.png (484.51 KB,1280x521,1280:521,hitler on arguing with jew….png)


>And from which philosophical tradition does National Socialism come?

From which philosophical tradition did Thales of Miletus borrow his ideas?

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723ebd No.6077

1. Nietzsche

2. Heidegger

3. Spengler

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2a54d0 No.6116


Völkisch would actually be a better term for the philosophical aspect, and it comes from the Traditionalist school.

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5d8a50 No.6132

1. Paramenides

2. Buddha

3. Eris

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ab2fb3 No.6139


eris isnt a philosopher

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96e4d9 No.6140




but my preferance is reason of ideas, not who thought, to focus on what's most profitable, without having where-- though they've benefits--tertiary@best, what--secondary w/why prime consumption. my only legitimate is me, with them merely mines for my mind's ponderence, perusal.

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d911e5 No.6141

File: 27c4b8cceb309a9⋯.gif (4.38 KB,627x391,627:391,image97.gif)


>Hitler had no grounding in the philosophical tradition.

Motherfucker read 10,000+ works on religion, history, politics, philosophy, and had a reference library twice that size.

If you are going to argue at least make a correct argument.

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9ad34e No.6203

File: e1e7516b14567e5⋯.jpg (44.38 KB,583x293,583:293,garl marx.jpg)


>father of communism

That's already an answer to your own question right there. Without him we would have neither communist politics, which is becoming more crucial than ever as capitalism is derailing to unseen extents, nor a HUGE amount of 20th century philosophy including critical theory. Tbh I'd even say most philosophers that are really worth reading nowadays are Marxists although Nietzsche is definitely an exception.





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daa7d4 No.6207




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ab2fb3 No.6214

File: 1c248b9255a9709⋯.jpg (34.52 KB,229x343,229:343,1c248b9255a97093b7392c2fd8….jpg)


>most philosophers that are worth reading nowadays are Marxists

name some

>marx is philosopher

>evola isnt


I bet you havent even read Aristole or Aurelius you fucking miserable faggot. You don't even know what a philosopher is. Go suck your professors cock some more.

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c6e235 No.6215




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9ad34e No.6225


>name some












marx and engels themselves, duh

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9ad34e No.6226


oh and forgot sartre somehow

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ab2fb3 No.6229

File: d1ca764e2e70cfd⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,645x729,215:243,highiq.jpg)


>google one

>frankfurt school


>google next one

>Bourdieu's best known book is Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (1979). The book was judged the sixth most important sociological work of the twentieth century by the International Sociological Association.[5] In it, Bourdieu argues that judgments of taste are related to social position, or more precisely, are themselves acts of social positioning. His argument is put forward by an original combination of social theory and data from quantitative surveys, photographs and interviews, in an attempt to reconcile difficulties such as how to understand the subject within objective structures. In the process, he tried to reconcile the influences of both external social structures and subjective experience on the individual

>Greatest "philosophical" work is basically a TL'DR version of brainlet normies REEEEing about some movie being too smart for them

I said philosophers not social critics you dumb fuck, philosophy is about more than "whooooa dude wouldnt it be crazy if there was like, a rich class of people controlling us and stuff?"

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9bc3eb No.6230




Why are those criminals against humanity on /philosophy/?

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961c28 No.6232

File: 4b7c5843e7d88f4⋯.jpg (281.56 KB,656x800,41:50,Plutarch_thumb2.jpg)

I still need to read more, but I'll take a stab at my top three philosophers. Well at least for now.

1. Aristotle - Solely for the concept of the Golden Mean,

2, Diogenes - Bantz, Though I wouldn't want to live the life he lived.

3. Plutarch - Forget about reading Siege, you need to read Moralia. Theory, metaphysics, and other forms of mental masturbation should be done sparingly and kept to yourself. The Moralia provides practical philosophy that you can apply to your life. One of these days I'm going to break down and get the whole Loeb collection.

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918cfc No.6233

1. Middle Plato

2. Early Plato

3. Late Plato

I never read the footnotes.

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9ad34e No.6245

File: a1c0456ac4b93cc⋯.jpg (193.44 KB,798x1000,399:500,shine a light for autism.jpg)


<you need to define "philosophy" in the arbitrary narrow way that I have personally chosen otherwise it's not REAL philosophy

also what issues do you have with the frankfurt school

also did you seriously have to google these philosophers to know they were associated with it you fucking uneducated retard

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9bc3eb No.6247


Chill out, nobody will ever know every local piece of knowledge.

There is no clear line between philosophy and not philosophy, everyone draws their own. If that particular human insulted you for your different understanding of what is philosophy, just... tough it out.

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ab2fb3 No.6258



This isnt even arguing semantics at this point, if you think social critics whose greatest idea were "What if the bad movies that I like are actually good?" count as philosophers then I guess /tv/ is the new philosophy board

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ebf994 No.6477

1. God.

2. Me.

3. You.

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0ed66f No.6507



>Ray Brassier

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8ba093 No.6508




Kono Diogenes da.

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a8d7d8 No.6524

1. Giovanni Gentile gave us fascism

2. Schopenhauer gave us the idea of the will to survive

3. Diogene gave us jizz and sleeping with dogs

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35862a No.6532

Me, My partner, My neighbour.

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d8ec74 No.6540

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125fb1 No.6549


Stirner - for basically solving philosophy and memes

Epictetus - for self-control and unwavering will, also egalitarianism & unity

Diogenes - for the humor and practical virtues

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c600bd No.6556


A huge chunk of Evola's work is dedicated to rewriting Nietzsche.

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6daada No.6561


>any redditor

>not a libtard

try mentioning marx on plebbit lmao

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6daada No.6562


do you know who engels was

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f2e2f2 No.6579

For least favorites it's Nick Land, Bertrand Russell and Spinoza/Descartes tying for third

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f2e2f2 No.6585

in no particular order (breaking rules here I know its not three):

Althusser - anti-humanist Marxism

Camatte - deep ecology/post leftism

Spengler - too many things to name really

Sorel/Bakunin - pro-Worker sentiments, Propaganda by the deed

Marcion Of Sinope/Proudhon - anti-semitism

Plato/Socrates - anti-democracy

Junger - war theory

Schmidt - "humanity is inherently at war"

Hegel - dialectics

Feder - economics

Nietszche - ubermensch concept

Evola/Aquinas - spirituality

Camus - absurdism

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f2e2f2 No.6613


Plenty of Marxists on plebbit. Try being anti-modernist. You get banned.

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6861da No.6648


1. Laozi

2. Stirner

3. Me

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1a1a29 No.6653

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

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79e1a0 No.6692


That's my nigga.

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dc0cd4 No.6739

1. Rene Guenon

2. Thomas Aquinas

3. Blaise Pascal

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0c2fe5 No.6787


1. Wilde

2. Stirner

3. Epicurus

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e6731d No.6810

File: 8fe53d1f2d3fa3b⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,722x349,722:349,nidemare.jpg)



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fc84f6 No.6871

File: c7d5be21d33a58a⋯.jpg (31 KB,371x571,371:571,c7d5be21d33a58a63f49aac4db….jpg)


Based as fuck for listing Guénon. It amazes me how his writings get more and more relevant with time.

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