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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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 No.9366 [Last50 Posts]

>stop jacking off

>feel better about quitting porn

>realize i still waste my time dicking about online

Anything you've done to replace/limit time online?

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Great question, OP. Well, I've yet to complete beat back the digital hydra myself. I recognize that is the ultimate goal, and I've honestly considered just unplugging my laptop, packing it up and leaving it at a friend's house.

In the mean time, I recommend trying to spend time dicking around online more… productively, as odd as that sounds. For instance, instead of watching a 'kids react' or some degenerate nonsense; watch an educational video- maybe something by Stefan Molyneux for instance ( I know, I know; controlled-ops ashkenazi etc etc ).

Rather than just browsing the chan for hours at a time- find a great podcast or read some interesting >>>/pdfs/ , just because you're online doesn't mean you need to be completely wasting your time!

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Chans themselves are probably an addiction for some, especially if you've been on them for years. How much time do you waste online ? Measure that time and them find a number of activities you can do daily to replace that time. Get off the computer so you aren't tempted to go to those websites, with time you'll lose the habit. Here are what I do:

>Working out

You can easily spend at least half an hour a day working out, if you count stretches and showering. Buy a pull-up bar, do pull ups and push ups, or go for a run. Don't kill yourself doing it so you can do it everyday.


You can also spend half an hour a day meditating. Maybe not at first, you might only be able to do 10 or 15 minutes, but with practive you'll be able to do it longer. Maybe meditate on the time you waste online and how to replace it with something more productive, win-win. Pic related.

>Find a hobby.

Cooking is nice, everybody should know how to cook a decent healthy meal. Between going shopping for ingredients and the cooking itself, you can spend a lot of time doing it.

Reading is also nice, plenty of books out there. But any hobby will do, as long as you get off the computer. Or learn a skill.

>Make a schedule

Plan in advance what you're going to do during the day, and stick to that schedule. That way you'll limit wasting time.

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2 months ago I tried going nosurf. zero internet time. some pc (music, movies). I lasted for 7 days

and boy did it feel great. Its like I saw the light of day for the first time. Mind you I'm a NEET but not shut-in. And I waste 12+ hours in front of a computer screen… I go out for coffee with friends play basketball 1-2 times per week but im always groggy and tired due to my shitty sleep schedule.

When I was 3-4 days into nosurf, I was a more happy person I was enjoying eating, hanging out, reading etc etc. I always knew I was an addict to the internet but only then did I see how much it ruines my life… But now Im back to binging online. Being NEET and doing nosurf is even more difficult than for wagecucks or students since they are forced to go outside. Now im still binging online and on chans but I try to limit my pc usage to 3-4 hours per day instead of going cold turkey as back then. So from my experience I would recomend to not go cold turkey. Depending of how deep is your addiction. Im 27 and ive been on chans and on the interwebs my whole life (from age 13) I dont demonize the internet or gaming since it was my escape back then being an introvert and it forged my personality and the way I think. But seeing it from an objective perspective now I know the negatives outweight the positive.

sorry for blogposting just random thoughts coming into my head.

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Thanks anons. I need to get more non tech hobbies.

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This thread should be stickied.

Because for most of us I'm quite convinced this is the root addiction.

I have the same problem.

I have a job where I have to use my computer all the time, and when I come back home I sometimes go for some mindless browsing and I can feel how fucked it is. During weekends it's all the same, I go on my comp and waste so much time.

I already stopped all drugs (including alcohol, tobacco and most chemical sugar), but this internet addiction is the worst and can't seem to keep out of it.

But the hard part is that there are useful things on the internet. But when going for something useful I always end up wasting an hour on something completely unrelated and totally useless.


I'm already on that stage where I mostly binge-watch political/philosophical podcasts and videos. The problem is that I can't remember most of the points made as I don't give time to integrate them in my memory. And it's still entertainment somehow (of course it's still better than retarted BS one can find online), and I think the ultimate step is, if you want to acquire knowledge, to simply read a book (and perhaps take notes from it).

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Agreed mod pls sticky.

But yeah, it's incredibly easy to go from doing useful things to useless things in less than a second on the net.

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Started playing the Piano

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Nice, I need to take up some sort of instrument someday.

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What is a good starting daily time limit for computer use?

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Depends on how long you use it now. I'd gradually scale back, say, seven hours one day, then six, five, so on.

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Could also do it, one hour without computer use, two hours etc?

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Going a week without computer and vidya. Nofap too. Hoping for good results

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We are back. Nothing much to say. I kept relapsing on nofap, but now day 2

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Recommend any podcasts


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I'm moving into the city hopefully to remedy this, so I have more distractions available. I need to quit imageboards, I just relapse too much when dealing with them.

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Jordan fucking Peterson, m8

it's what helped me out of my own slump, Jordan Peterson and Factorio

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For any kind of addiction, the best thing to do is to replace it with a more healthy addiction. I've known recovered drug addicts. Those that don't lapse is usually because they have found a new addiction, whether that is drinking coffee or working out or eating food or whatever. For an addict that is probably always going to be a part of their personality at some level.

I think abandoning the internet entirely is a bad idea, but paring it down to just essential usage should be the goal. Try to find hobbies you can do mostly offline and that will benefit you a lot like reading and working out. Finding a hobby that you can do offline but that has help and guides online would also be a way to use the internet more constructively.

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>addiction is a disease meme

how jewish

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That's a good term. Glad to add it to my vocabulary. I've done it a few times, not usually by choice, but I'm always kind of glad when it happens. Someone cancels the internet suddenly, the router dies, or my laptop power brick shorts out.

The latter case was amazing. I noticed the battery indicator was at 80%, so I started pushing audiobooks and videos to my tablet before I ran outta juice. I had no wireless, so I wouldn't be able to get back online without a replacement part.

I just thought, "Yeah, that can wait a couple days."

Ten days later I started to run out of amazing shit that I never would have made time to read otherwise. It's not just the time factor, either–I found that my brain worked differently without the internet connection. My sensitivity and curiosity for the stimulation of reading a book returned, kind of like it does with nofap.

Nofap is to nosurf as hardcore porn is to a webm thread, you might say.

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I'm still struggling with this. I quit a forum last week, and I've made fairly good use of the recovered time so far. I have tons of educational content to chew through, and that's really what needs to replace the time-wasting activities. Tonight I caught myself wasting too much time on 8ch. Replacing one dumb habit with a nearly indentical one.

That seems to be the trick to curbing the habit. Catching yourself instead of just browsing and shitposting until you notice the sun is rising.

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>have multiple things to do (several books I haven't read, hobbies, looking for a job)

>still habitually come here after waking up

>can't get off for the rest of the day

It's hard breaking the cycle. I'm at the point where if I try to do anything without immediate results (lifting, reading, etc.) I fall back into the slump of either checking the catalog, or abstaining from getting on the computer and just laying in bed for hours. Usually, I don't get tired enough to sleep, so I'm just laying there, bored out of my mind.

Pray for me, lads. I just want to be able to find life fun again.

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I'm on my day 22 and I boring in my house, always believed that I was introvert but maybe I'm extrovert and the masturbation made me shy.

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>drinking coffee

Coffee is bad for you.

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This one is really helpful. Even if you just plan it for a few days at first, then for a week, or even a couple of weeks.

It not only helps you re-discover what you can personally achieve within just one day…but it feels pretty awesome when you get to tick everything off…you know things are going well.

When using a schedule be sure to tick or cross each thing. It's no biggy if you don't get them all done. If too many things get crosses, just adjust the schedule until you find a balance that suites you.

Also if you find yourself having too many gaps in it, where you feel like you'd get bored and want to kill time…just fill it with random things like "go for a walk" or "empty the bin".

Another good thing about them is that just creating them can be something to do instead of going on the computer. Create it by hand with pencil and paper, split each day up into segments…eg. 7am to 10am, etc.

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Imagine having such a meaningless existence that you spend a significant amount of time saving lots of porn and then posting all of it where people don't want to see it.

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(Ban evasion and spam)
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Ban removed, not ban evasion. The server fucked up and I'm going to forgive the spam.

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Same situation here. I don't know what hobby I can have that isn't using electronics.


Needs computer

>Working out

Can't do that forever


End up falling asleep cause my messed up brain can't focus on anything


No access to ingredients

What is there to do other than tidying/organising, meditating, and working out?

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Growing plants. Dill, peppers, whatever.

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It is only you who can know what is best for your self in any given situation. Just don't think in sex if that's what you believe you do.

You might have forgotten what is good for you, though.

I find it very interesting to focus on a lot of shit outside the usual imageboard idling. Stuff like cooking and contemplation are my favorite.

Meditation is kinda neat too. Hard to do right, but when you got something you want to process that takes your fullest capabilities to process, it might be needed to process the minor stuffs first before you finally sit down and begin focusing on your breath and finding your center of being.

The best sessions I have experienced were the ones where there was great energy nearby. A group of seriously committed and gentle souls were discussing something nearby and I just freely accepted everything that happened around me. Suddenly somthing like a secret drive in me took over I felt propelled by love and it felt divine. Breathing, sensing, resting. Everything was just right.

So getting on right right track might seem hard or impossible, or you don't really know how. In my experience the best thing to do from there is just to let go of it. As long your intention is there everything else is laid out before you like tracks, and every breath you take is like a step towards it. A lot of shit pops up, but there really isn't anything to do about it, besides letting it rest :)

Catchphrases like "it's okay". "it's fine". are handy to ready yourself with.

If what you really want - your whole being - is peace and love - everything that pops up will only be old energy. You need to be in contact with the earth to vibrate with everything else around you, and you might want to find a placement where your thoughts can settle, like a beach or somewhere you won't have difficulties 'belonging' or 'feeling in place' at.

Your bed might be the best place to start, really. If you can't find peace you can't find love. That's my experience.

Good luck guys!

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>End up falling asleep cause my messed up brain can't focus on anything

If you're tired, sleep. Try to meditate when you're well rested and sleeping at all is out of the question.


>Meditation is kinda neat too. Hard to do right

Stop judging your experience as good or bad, and you'll ironically have far more good experiences in the future. Kill the judging mind.

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I've started using my internet addiction to learn Japanese

whenever I catch myself dicking around for more than half an hour I switch over to studying kana/kanji

sure it's weebshit, but it's productive, and learning a foreign language can hardly hurt you

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>reading needs computer

You ever heard of a BOOK? They're made out of trees (they produce oxygen) and ink (it stains things like semen, but it's usually black), and contain useful information sometimes.

>no access to ingredients

That sounds like a problem to solve.

>what is there to do besides

How 'bout solving this problem of not having access to cooking ingredients, and books? Life is all about problem solving, and you can't solve big problems without solving small ones. This is why Jordan Peterson tells everyone to clean their damn rooms, and move on from there.

>can't work out forever

Why would you want to? These things are meant to aid you in achieving a greater goal, not just fill time. What is your greater goal?

Your greater goal is the same as everyone else's: fill the universe with yourself. Whether that be through offspring, ideas, or both; you are here to discover, and multiply yourself. Competition is thick, though, so you need to make yourself great via exercise, knowledge, organization, good food, etc…

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Rather than limit your time, why not limit what you're doing online? What I consider healthy online use is when I can say, "I'm going to go online to do this specific thing." and then I get off the computer when that thing is done.

This can be looking something up, buying something, doing a specific work task, etc.. the important thing is that I have a purpose and it's clear what "finished" means.

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I'm surprised you are actually able to quit while still being online. I always figured the porn addiction came mostly due to the internet addiction.



I agree mostly with these guys. You should be replacing it with something more constructive while acknowledging your own personality. If you are neet, you have all the time in the world to replace it with multiple hobbies like reading, working out, learning new practical skills, etc. If you are a wage slave, you probably only have time for 1 or 2 so you should pick carefully and stick with it for at least 6 weeks to decide if you actually like it. If you are a wage slave, I'd pick 1 hobby that relates to self improvement and 1 that relates to improving job prospects.

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And to think, once upon a time reading books was considered an addiction too. "reading fever" and all that.

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This is a good point and I find myself doing the same thing. I have to work on the computer all day and then I come home and dick around on it for the rest of the day. I think I'm going to limit myself to 1 hour of nonproductive usage on the computer daily and then I will force myself to get off if I'm just bullshitting.

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Try to cultivate passion towards a hobby, career or something of that sort. Or you can sit outside in nature or socialize with people in person instead of being on the computer.

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I cannot barely manage to do nosurf with most of my classes being online. Practically everyday I am on the computer. I long for the day when I am done with classes and can walk away from the computer, at least when I am at home.

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we are poor, every other month the internet was shut off. every time i went without internet i felt the most productive, i still used my computer every day but i did things i actually wanted to do. for example, i knew i would be without internet for a month so i downloaded books to learn to draw from 4chan's /ic/ board (a very good resource for drawing). after two months of irregular practice i finally finished the first recommended book and pic related was my progress from then which i am still very proud of. now i have not ever stopped drawing since then, i draw something every day but i dont feel like i have been making as much progress as i should due to having a lot of online distractions. if you can find some way to "lock" yourself off the internet be it making some sort of rule to only pay every other month or whatever it really is worth considering. you will find something better to occupy your time. i am now considering cutting my cable cord as it would be a pain in the ass to fix but i feel like that is drastic

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Everytime i come back here is when i want to kill myself.

I can't stand being on day 0.

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What is there to do besides being online?

I find myself coming back here because there is really nothing else i can think of doing.

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Wait long enough and you'll find something to do, I promise.

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>Anything you've done to replace/limit time online?

I started a full time job.

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Hang in there laddo.

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I think I have a porn addiction. It has gotten me in trouble a lot. When I go to the gym, I don't go there to exercise, I bring my computer and I would often go into the bathroom for long periods of time to watch porn (I have crappy internet at my house, so I go here to do it.) I got caught, and Im lucky my membership hasn't been revoked. I have often went to other places during work and such to do such things, and it has started to get out of control. That is why I am here.

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is there anyone on this thread right now? Im gonna need all the help I can get.

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Make a regular habit of going on 2-3 day hikes and wild camp in nature, get a decent rucksack, buy a small 1 man tent, sleeping bag, cooking gear,etc.

Go and join a martial arts club, if not confident enough to do that then buy a MMA dummy on ebay/amazon for about $50, use your time online by looking at Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructional videos on youtube and then try out movements on your new dummy (holds, chokes, transitions, guard, etc).

A podcast I highly recommend is called What on Earth is Happening by Mark Passio, it is about self-exploration, examining human Consciousness, esoteric, natural law. It will change your life - http://www.whatonearthishappening.com/podcast?start=150

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Got War and Peace by Tolstoi on my desk. Going ot be hard to have mental strength to read it while doing Engineering but packing up my steering wheel and uninstalling vidya should do the trick. Wish me luck. But fuck will i miss imageboards.

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The internet (and halfchan in particular) seems to turn people into cringy weeb fags, or right-wing closet perverts, or both. No-fap magnifies this issue because while masturbation fucks your mind up one way, the addiction is re-routed onto other sources, like OP describes.

No way out


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To be honest, I'd rather be addicted to shitposting than porn and masturbation.

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years of internet usage has programmed our brains to and way past the point of addiction. The good news is that it's programming, which means it is possible to counter-program.

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Stop being retarded.

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I have 185 days of nofap down. Time to start /nolurk/; pledging 3 weeks.

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I forgot to say thanks faggots; I’m grateful for and proud of all of you. No benis touching while I’m gone.

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I could fap to this. But I will not, because I am on my streak.

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I already failed a few days ago, time for me to stop fapping and listen to army music and making illustrations.

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Those dubs signify the minimum length of your new streak anon. You got this.

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I made the three weeks. I’m sure I fucked off on the internet elsewhere quite a bit but not as much as usual here. Holiday shopping definitely doesn’t help. Besides mushroom hunting yesterday I pretty mush spent most of the weekend catching up on /pol/. It surely is an addiction as getting pulled away by householder duties will cause a bit of anger. The time off felt good but I’ll have to make a set schedule for /pol/ since there is still much to learn and irl activism to plan, I just have to stay away from happening threads that aren’t about my area.


I’m sorry to have triggered your mental illness. I hope you kept your streak.

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how to counter program though?


But that guy had a point,

I'm now searching a job to occupy myself, but situation is bad and have no prospects of getting it right now,

besides that I'm working out and even trying to read, but that still leaves a fucking majority of time to waste around,

time which is filled by pointless browsing internet and the dangers that lurk within

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Where are the fucking anons, I can't be the one still addicted to fucken internet.

I need your support bros, come back.

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>how to counter program though?

By taking over the upper echelons

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Elaborate fagget.

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Here. We can beat this. I've been using the internet less for the last few days. Feels good.

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I shot my computer. That has helped.

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I think the idea in general is to keep yourself busy. There's a lot of shit to do and that probably needs to be done in your life, that can be done.

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lol, hey, it's my old post from last year.

yeah, wasn't ban evading. i'm not that smart.

isn't that something…

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did you learn anything?

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>classes on the internet

>resume on the internet

>movies on the internet

>books on the internet

>pay bill's on the internet

>Yikes why do people use the internet so much it's an epidemic!

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Congrats, you're an NPC.

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that is not what that means. Spending your life online isn't a good strategy, tho.

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I just try to get anything on my to do list done. That or go to bed, since I usually did it 'round bed time.

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File: d3e883354e22be8⋯.png (272.22 KB,400x400,1:1,1538904861131.png)


abstinence, after a long enough period without the stimulus of porn and beating off, your dopamine release mechanisms will be forced to adjust to life without it, in other words, normalcy. You will NOT fap or watch porn ever again after reading this post.

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>You will NOT fap or watch porn ever again after reading this post.

Ugh thanks I guess

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I've been trying NoFap for about 3 years ago, with my longest streak being 90-days. Right now I'm on a 42-day streak and I can relate to this. I went on a date yesterday and that was better than fapping ever was, I'm really excited to see where my life goes. >>14746

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File: 705036e106c0ed1⋯.png (261.05 KB,688x624,43:39,culkin.png)


>29 days since this reply

Funny enough, here I am again, struggling with relapsing to porn, I can go like 2 weeks without it, but just a lewd fall and then I'm stuck with hours to days wasting time browsing this shit, flooding my dopamine receptors like a fucking junkie, and fooling my dick while at it, only to finally succumb completely to fapping a couple of times to a complete crash.

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Just blew it.

Is there any way to get back on your feet fast Inhate feeling like this.

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>But the hard part is that there are useful things on the internet. But when going for something useful I always end up wasting an hour on something completely unrelated and totally useless.

Oh my… I get so easily distracted it is insane. I every day tell myself that I'm going to do something useful, I will study, read a book, etc but when I come home I get back to being a fucking nigger. I always get anxious that I'll be wasting my time reading a book (yes) because I have things that I need to have done but then I'll be on my phone for six hours a day…

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>wants to avoid internet because addiction

>needs to use internet

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>Here. We can beat this. I've been using the internet less for the last few days. Feels good.

I cut off the internet and got back and comprehended everything much more easily. Your brain processes everything more effectively when you take a good break from for eg watching and listening to videos.

One time I was reading a book and every sentence was clear as day and I felt like an adult, not some "adult". Never felt like that again, though.

When I began my nofap and repair life journey I had my very first lucid dream and was very confident, took great care of the mess I made, people were more communicative to me, I was much much better at sports (people would be amazed and surprised as well as they'd approach me about it). The problem now is that I lost this steam that propelled me and I am very depressed. I have little motivation, no willpower. Nothing makes me happy. Perhaps it is because I am always on the internet…

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great progress

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Been having great success, lately I've been abstaining from shitposting and similar random browsing, my only issue so far is using youtube and similar streaming services on excess, silly stuff to distract and relax or while I do something else. Also lately have been binging hard on vidya, so its not like I've blown into super productivity, but at least doing some stuff every now and then.

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I'm in a similar place. I'm not that productive and I'm still watching stuff on YouTube. I just need to cut down on addictive things, sleep more (very important) and do more productive things.

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File: 69e66ef9bab80b6⋯.jpg (80.34 KB,386x567,386:567,75f4cc5.jpg)

This is a good thread and thank you mod for sticky'ing it. Lurking online is destructive and achieves nothing. Its addictive and lethargic. Its inviting the devil to tempt you. Like they say, idle time is the devil's workshop.

Replace online lurking/shitposting time with actual learning for your school, or work, or more gym time, or reading quality books and you'll find much more success with the new and improved lifestyle nofap/celibacy will force upon you. Good luck anons.

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>Like they say, idle time is the devil's workshop.

LoL this is just bullshit kikes say to keep the slaves working.

Kill yourself wageshit.

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>implying you must be a wageslave to keep yourself busy

Work out, read, learn a skill. Your NEETdom is a blessing, and if you're not using it productively you deserve to have it taken away from you.

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File: 172cb49c44eda12⋯.gif (468.99 KB,512x807,512:807,1508715870858.gif)

I jerk off only before sleeping, every night.

What's wrong about it?

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It's a sin

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File: 5bde27924b6ab32⋯.webm (1.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,porn_is_a_sin.webm)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>a video showing internet stuff into the trash it goes

>including the very same youtube that you're using to see the video in question

oh the irony


Whether you believe its a sin or not, you're still jerking everyday. Do you honestly think that's healthy?

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Work out, study, find a different hobby. Hell, just read books.

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I use the time to file fake anonymous police reports targeting black people in my neighborhood. I called the cops on the guy three doors down so many times that he finally just left the neighborhood.

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Use the internet the way it is actually meant to be used, as an educational and research tool. Learn new languages, instruments, maths, sciences, history, talents, software programming languages, ways to start a business, etc. all for free.

It's what I do, when I'm not lurking a chan.

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Study classical literature, it's like sports team practice, sometimes you don't want to go and would like to skip a day, but when you push yourself to work then afterward it feels rewarding.

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File: 756f93fee0dd0a3⋯.png (146.21 KB,223x223,1:1,There must be more to life.png)

Managed to autistically convince myself (again) that pornography in all it's form completely disgust me (used this same trick to quit alcohol 2 years ago)

Only downside now is that I yearn for a female companion, but I want engagement and marriage.

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How did you manage to do that?


I would appreciate the source of that content fellow net surfer.

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File: d2bb3be96cff00a⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,1382x1037,1382:1037,d2bb3be96cff00a63f563b715b….jpg)


Go on halfchans' /gif/ and browse the catalog for a solid 10 minutes, if you don't start loathing the west and consider converting to lsIam you have issues beyond anyones help

jk, just convince yourself that pornography is completely degenerate and we not mean't to view due to the damage it does. and keep driving that message in your head

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Joke's on you, faggot. I'm so far down this hole that this normal stuff doesn't get anywhere near enough to trigger me.

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Something good is to put a keyboard shortcut on my computer (shift+F1) that instantly shuts it down. Good for when you have those brief moments of clarity that last shorter than it takes to hold the power button down. Stopped a relapse in progress last night.


I'll try that this weekend. It's possible I am convicted but not convinced.

Glad you're kidding about /gif/, because I have looked at that board for purposes other than proving Mahound right

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A TIP for resetting sleep schedule:

>Pick desired wake up time (i.e. 9am)

>Count 16h back (in this case, 5pm)

>Fast from that time (no food or drinks, except water)

>Go to bed

>Have big breakfast when you wake up

>Repeat 2-3 days

>Voila, you've reset it

First day, you probably won't fall asleep on time. Don't sweat it.

As for water, when fasting, keep it to a minimum. Stop drinking 4-5h before bed.

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Does internet addiction have the same effects on the brain as porn? (hypofrontality for eg)

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Did myself a favor yesterday: uninstalled my normal webbrowser, and replaced it with Surf. Surf is an extremely shitty browser, about as shitty as a browser can be while still supporting javascript. But otherwise, it's so fundamentally unusable that I've all but stopped dicking around on my usual websites. I also got rid of youtube-dl, which accounted for the other side of the coin, so to speak. Whereas the browser wasted a lot of my time, I'd use ytdl to waste a lot of energy in having a slice of my attention drawn off into random multimedia bullshit that kept my brain overstimulated all the time.

So today I'm quite a bit more productive, and I keep finding myself wondering what videogame [random bugman asshole] is streaming over on [bugmancentral].tv. It's literally an addiction rearing its head unexpectedly, just because I finally switched off the flow of pointless crap into my head and didn't replace it with some other variety of pointless crap.

Feels good.

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I've had the experience of being cut off from the internet for almost two days. My mind felt more lucid, and my thought process has been eased.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>The third problem is it's hard to believe that sexual activity can cause addiction, because sex is healthy. But internet porn is not sex. Internet porn is as different from sex as today's videogames are from checkers.

Egads, could those sneering kikes at xhamster have been lying to us about the benefits of consuming their degeneracy?!

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Oy vey

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Minimize internet time if you really want to turn your life around and it complements nofap a lot. In fact /nosurf/ is critical to succeeding with /nofap/, imo. Try and keep your internet time to just work/study stuff.

If you gotta surf then time it, no more than 15-30 mins every few days or so. If you have so much time you're craving the internet, then pick up new hobbies or get a second job.

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So sad to say that I, after 12 days, fapped. I was too stressed. I'm sorry. But now I'll go to 90 days and I'll go on, and on forever. NoFap.

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