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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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File: d8b241fbdd33a0e⋯.jpg (209.41 KB,1280x719,1280:719,3009043-poster-1280-now-17….jpg)

 No.9366 [View All]

>stop jacking off

>feel better about quitting porn

>realize i still waste my time dicking about online

Anything you've done to replace/limit time online?

62 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Where are the fucking anons, I can't be the one still addicted to fucken internet.

I need your support bros, come back.

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>how to counter program though?

By taking over the upper echelons

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Elaborate fagget.

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Here. We can beat this. I've been using the internet less for the last few days. Feels good.

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I shot my computer. That has helped.

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I think the idea in general is to keep yourself busy. There's a lot of shit to do and that probably needs to be done in your life, that can be done.

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lol, hey, it's my old post from last year.

yeah, wasn't ban evading. i'm not that smart.

isn't that something…

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did you learn anything?

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>classes on the internet

>resume on the internet

>movies on the internet

>books on the internet

>pay bill's on the internet

>Yikes why do people use the internet so much it's an epidemic!

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Congrats, you're an NPC.

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that is not what that means. Spending your life online isn't a good strategy, tho.

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I just try to get anything on my to do list done. That or go to bed, since I usually did it 'round bed time.

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File: d3e883354e22be8⋯.png (272.22 KB,400x400,1:1,1538904861131.png)


abstinence, after a long enough period without the stimulus of porn and beating off, your dopamine release mechanisms will be forced to adjust to life without it, in other words, normalcy. You will NOT fap or watch porn ever again after reading this post.

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>You will NOT fap or watch porn ever again after reading this post.

Ugh thanks I guess

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I've been trying NoFap for about 3 years ago, with my longest streak being 90-days. Right now I'm on a 42-day streak and I can relate to this. I went on a date yesterday and that was better than fapping ever was, I'm really excited to see where my life goes. >>14746

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File: 705036e106c0ed1⋯.png (261.05 KB,688x624,43:39,culkin.png)


>29 days since this reply

Funny enough, here I am again, struggling with relapsing to porn, I can go like 2 weeks without it, but just a lewd fall and then I'm stuck with hours to days wasting time browsing this shit, flooding my dopamine receptors like a fucking junkie, and fooling my dick while at it, only to finally succumb completely to fapping a couple of times to a complete crash.

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Just blew it.

Is there any way to get back on your feet fast Inhate feeling like this.

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>But the hard part is that there are useful things on the internet. But when going for something useful I always end up wasting an hour on something completely unrelated and totally useless.

Oh my… I get so easily distracted it is insane. I every day tell myself that I'm going to do something useful, I will study, read a book, etc but when I come home I get back to being a fucking nigger. I always get anxious that I'll be wasting my time reading a book (yes) because I have things that I need to have done but then I'll be on my phone for six hours a day…

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>wants to avoid internet because addiction

>needs to use internet

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>Here. We can beat this. I've been using the internet less for the last few days. Feels good.

I cut off the internet and got back and comprehended everything much more easily. Your brain processes everything more effectively when you take a good break from for eg watching and listening to videos.

One time I was reading a book and every sentence was clear as day and I felt like an adult, not some "adult". Never felt like that again, though.

When I began my nofap and repair life journey I had my very first lucid dream and was very confident, took great care of the mess I made, people were more communicative to me, I was much much better at sports (people would be amazed and surprised as well as they'd approach me about it). The problem now is that I lost this steam that propelled me and I am very depressed. I have little motivation, no willpower. Nothing makes me happy. Perhaps it is because I am always on the internet…

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great progress

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Been having great success, lately I've been abstaining from shitposting and similar random browsing, my only issue so far is using youtube and similar streaming services on excess, silly stuff to distract and relax or while I do something else. Also lately have been binging hard on vidya, so its not like I've blown into super productivity, but at least doing some stuff every now and then.

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I'm in a similar place. I'm not that productive and I'm still watching stuff on YouTube. I just need to cut down on addictive things, sleep more (very important) and do more productive things.

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File: 69e66ef9bab80b6⋯.jpg (80.34 KB,386x567,386:567,75f4cc5.jpg)

This is a good thread and thank you mod for sticky'ing it. Lurking online is destructive and achieves nothing. Its addictive and lethargic. Its inviting the devil to tempt you. Like they say, idle time is the devil's workshop.

Replace online lurking/shitposting time with actual learning for your school, or work, or more gym time, or reading quality books and you'll find much more success with the new and improved lifestyle nofap/celibacy will force upon you. Good luck anons.

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>Like they say, idle time is the devil's workshop.

LoL this is just bullshit kikes say to keep the slaves working.

Kill yourself wageshit.

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>implying you must be a wageslave to keep yourself busy

Work out, read, learn a skill. Your NEETdom is a blessing, and if you're not using it productively you deserve to have it taken away from you.

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File: 172cb49c44eda12⋯.gif (468.99 KB,512x807,512:807,1508715870858.gif)

I jerk off only before sleeping, every night.

What's wrong about it?

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It's a sin

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File: 5bde27924b6ab32⋯.webm (1.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,porn_is_a_sin.webm)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>a video showing internet stuff into the trash it goes

>including the very same youtube that you're using to see the video in question

oh the irony


Whether you believe its a sin or not, you're still jerking everyday. Do you honestly think that's healthy?

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Work out, study, find a different hobby. Hell, just read books.

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I use the time to file fake anonymous police reports targeting black people in my neighborhood. I called the cops on the guy three doors down so many times that he finally just left the neighborhood.

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Use the internet the way it is actually meant to be used, as an educational and research tool. Learn new languages, instruments, maths, sciences, history, talents, software programming languages, ways to start a business, etc. all for free.

It's what I do, when I'm not lurking a chan.

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Study classical literature, it's like sports team practice, sometimes you don't want to go and would like to skip a day, but when you push yourself to work then afterward it feels rewarding.

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File: 756f93fee0dd0a3⋯.png (146.21 KB,223x223,1:1,There must be more to life.png)

Managed to autistically convince myself (again) that pornography in all it's form completely disgust me (used this same trick to quit alcohol 2 years ago)

Only downside now is that I yearn for a female companion, but I want engagement and marriage.

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How did you manage to do that?


I would appreciate the source of that content fellow net surfer.

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File: d2bb3be96cff00a⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,1382x1037,1382:1037,d2bb3be96cff00a63f563b715b….jpg)


Go on halfchans' /gif/ and browse the catalog for a solid 10 minutes, if you don't start loathing the west and consider converting to lsIam you have issues beyond anyones help

jk, just convince yourself that pornography is completely degenerate and we not mean't to view due to the damage it does. and keep driving that message in your head

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Joke's on you, faggot. I'm so far down this hole that this normal stuff doesn't get anywhere near enough to trigger me.

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Something good is to put a keyboard shortcut on my computer (shift+F1) that instantly shuts it down. Good for when you have those brief moments of clarity that last shorter than it takes to hold the power button down. Stopped a relapse in progress last night.


I'll try that this weekend. It's possible I am convicted but not convinced.

Glad you're kidding about /gif/, because I have looked at that board for purposes other than proving Mahound right

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A TIP for resetting sleep schedule:

>Pick desired wake up time (i.e. 9am)

>Count 16h back (in this case, 5pm)

>Fast from that time (no food or drinks, except water)

>Go to bed

>Have big breakfast when you wake up

>Repeat 2-3 days

>Voila, you've reset it

First day, you probably won't fall asleep on time. Don't sweat it.

As for water, when fasting, keep it to a minimum. Stop drinking 4-5h before bed.

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Does internet addiction have the same effects on the brain as porn? (hypofrontality for eg)

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Did myself a favor yesterday: uninstalled my normal webbrowser, and replaced it with Surf. Surf is an extremely shitty browser, about as shitty as a browser can be while still supporting javascript. But otherwise, it's so fundamentally unusable that I've all but stopped dicking around on my usual websites. I also got rid of youtube-dl, which accounted for the other side of the coin, so to speak. Whereas the browser wasted a lot of my time, I'd use ytdl to waste a lot of energy in having a slice of my attention drawn off into random multimedia bullshit that kept my brain overstimulated all the time.

So today I'm quite a bit more productive, and I keep finding myself wondering what videogame [random bugman asshole] is streaming over on [bugmancentral].tv. It's literally an addiction rearing its head unexpectedly, just because I finally switched off the flow of pointless crap into my head and didn't replace it with some other variety of pointless crap.

Feels good.

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I've had the experience of being cut off from the internet for almost two days. My mind felt more lucid, and my thought process has been eased.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>The third problem is it's hard to believe that sexual activity can cause addiction, because sex is healthy. But internet porn is not sex. Internet porn is as different from sex as today's videogames are from checkers.

Egads, could those sneering kikes at xhamster have been lying to us about the benefits of consuming their degeneracy?!

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Oy vey

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Minimize internet time if you really want to turn your life around and it complements nofap a lot. In fact /nosurf/ is critical to succeeding with /nofap/, imo. Try and keep your internet time to just work/study stuff.

If you gotta surf then time it, no more than 15-30 mins every few days or so. If you have so much time you're craving the internet, then pick up new hobbies or get a second job.

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So sad to say that I, after 12 days, fapped. I was too stressed. I'm sorry. But now I'll go to 90 days and I'll go on, and on forever. NoFap.

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