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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: b84475dbdf2a52e⋯.jpg (327.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1429400772968.jpg)

 No.8923 [Last50 Posts]

O, Glorious NoFappers!

I stand before you as a sinner, a slave to the Digital Seductress who has been a vice upon me for the last 3 years.

I discovered masturbation at the age of 15 and it became a crutch to deal with suicidal thoughts and a crisis of faith, and this crutch soon developed into an addiction which has left me with a 321gb porn folder.

Three weeks ago, I entered into a relationship with a wonderful girl who has helped me through a very dark period of my life and has helped me to see that I am good enough to be happy.

Since the start of this relationship, I have found it difficult to masturbate to porn and i have taken this as a sign from the Lord God to whom i pray for guidance every night that i must stop this practice in order to have a healthy physical and emotional relationship with my girlfriend.

I do not yet feel ready to delete my porn folder, but i promised my girlfriend that i would not ever let her be second best to anyone in my eyes and so i will eventually delete the folder and its archives.

my first goal is to no longer require pornigraphy to masturbate and eventually eliminate the need for it altogether if possible.

My last fap was at 3am GMT 14/04/17.

this is the start of my nofap journey and i ask for your support as i begin this trial.

I will spend my energy in better ways, exercise and study and i will not let it fester inot stress which could come out against my girlfriend. I refuse to be rendered impotent by pornography.

I stand before you a sinner and i ask for acceptance into your number

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check em

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Day 1

Still clean

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File: 2d38f8f3fa5ef04⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,600x600,1:1,2d38f8f3fa5ef041559505a65b….jpg)

File: 4ae63b0cb3fe5d3⋯.jpg (8.94 KB,208x206,104:103,4ae63b0cb3fe5d3ae358787548….jpg)

File: 60d5eb89766e811⋯.jpg (31.61 KB,284x286,142:143,60d5eb89766e811e1b077a882d….jpg)

Just delete it and stop fapping forever.

S== ==T== ==O== ==P

F== ==A== ==P== ==P== ==I== ==N== ==G

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File: 8f86b4cef163d08⋯.jpg (31.04 KB,600x659,600:659,8f86b4cef163d0811584a80502….jpg)

I guess nofap does really destroy your mind, huh.

Or i can stop being such a newfag and test my post before posting something you're not sure about.

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someone should make a /noporn/ board for t be

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why is it only religious people that do nofap

it makes us look extremely not credible to the world.

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back to reddit athiest

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Thank you for the support mr Vargposter

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ave maria

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File: abe83a98543aac1⋯.jpg (74.44 KB,635x603,635:603,1488229416568.jpg)


You're welcome.

Good luck my man.


>Caring about what others think of the things you hold dear or want to see in the world.

The view you hold is not that of the visionary or revolutionary. For it is alway's the fanatic minority that really fires the multitude.

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Why masturbate at all when you have a girlfriend? She will deplete enough semen as it is.

Use the time apart to recharge. It's mind blowing that there are people who have girlfriends or wives and fap. Last time I was in a relationship there would be anywhere from 1-2 weeks between the times I could see her since it was long distance. Instead of masturbating when apart, I would let my body recharge. Women have a tendency to want to make a man ejaculate more than once. If he has already ejaculated a day ago it becomes much more destructive.

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Based Vargposter you're gonna help me get through this

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We haven't done anything past heavy petting yet but i think we'll take that big step soon. we'll be each other's first and i want it to special and not being me rendered impotent by porn

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Day 2

Still clean

Admitted to GF that i'm stopping this in order to be a better lover to her, she said it was sweet and i didn't have to stop masturbating, but i want to stop, my new inability to orgasm to pornogrpahy is damaging to my self-esteem

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I really hope you realize what the obvious first step here is.

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deleting the folder?

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Day 3

Still clean

beginning to feelurges but i will resist as long as possible, pray for me mr vargposter

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also on day 3 here, same situation

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we're in this together brother

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what letter does your name begin with

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File: 06a2c92d671e129⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,752x960,47:60,12573832_494856367352940_6….jpg)


I'm throwing down coin on "A"

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checked trips


you'd be wrong

why do you want to know

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Day 4

still clean

no urges. mourned the anniversary of my grandmother's passing

F to pay respects

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i'm wondering who this is

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i'm new here, it's unlikely we know each other

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Day 5

Still clean

no urges today

keep faith mr vargposter

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File: a857ff102d7f2bb⋯.jpg (11.21 KB,200x182,100:91,1481471837037.jpg)




Did you just asume my gender you shitlord?!

But to be serious, good job. Five days is a very good start, try to get it to ten and beyond my man.

I'm also out of Vargs ;_;Plato is better anyway's

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File: a03ca00d4b11c42⋯.jpg (6.14 KB,228x250,114:125,varg - Copy.jpg)

File: c3f859d6c2fa3f7⋯.png (155.3 KB,1764x1178,882:589,viggyvarg set the world on….png)


In return for your support, i offer you my vargs, meagre as they are

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File: fb930c0057e8b3d⋯.gif (832.9 KB,500x200,5:2,1476108140931.gif)


Thanks my dude.

Good luck with the rest of day 6 and onwards to day 7.

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Day 6 coming to a close and i'm still clean. I'm beginning to feel urges but i'm aiming to break my all-time record of a week and hopefully i'll hit 10 days and go from there

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Day 7

Struggling to keep urges under control.

7 days is my all time record but i'm hoping to hit at least 10 before i push for 15

pray for me brothers

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You are nearing the threshold where it gets easier and benefits start kicking in.

Dont stop and enjoy the success anon.

t. 5 months

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Thank you anon

I'm gonna keep going, my only goal at the beginning was to no longer require porn to fap but for that, i need to go back to my pre-porn state, but if i can stop and maintain a healthy physical relationship with the gf life will be great

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Day 7:

Still clean

Urges are strong again tonight, keep faith in me mr vargposter

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File: f7438683ecd13bd⋯.jpg (66.07 KB,480x640,3:4,monk.jpg)


I'm on day 6, looking forward to see some diferences. My record was 7 days, trying to get at least 3 months this time.

How big is the difference between let's say a week and a month?

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>How big is the difference between let's say a week and a month?

Your body reaches max benefits at 10-14 days. Your mind continues to change over time but the majority of what you'll be enjoying will remain the same after 14 days

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File: 874476d68335dd4⋯.jpg (130.78 KB,900x600,3:2,0da4892dd5f1928a50e9bed0c7….jpg)


>How big is the difference between let's say a week and a month?

A lot.

Depending on how long you have had a fapping addiction i would say you will only begin experiencing benefit around the 15 to 20 day mark. From then on it is a process of recovery, getting a change of mindset and a restructuring in your brain from an addicted or depended one, to a clean one if that is even realy possible anymore.

Speaking from experience in a three month streek, the first real benefits i felt on day 16, the second big change came around day 34, an increase of energy, and the last change came around the day 50 mark. In which i got a sudden increase in clarity of mind and attention span, a proces that had been going on since day one of course, rather quickly made leaps forwards to the level that i actually wanted to read books again, and understood them.

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pushing to the end of Day 8 and this is uncharted territory for me. my gf has actually been really supportive of me, she's only just hit her sexual awakening so i want to go in a blank slate, free from the lies of the digital seductress. my main purpose of this is because no fapping will allow me to have a healthy sex life. the energy boost will be useful as i now need to study for finals and it will be good for the exercise i need to do to lose weight and feel better about myself.

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You should get your lady on nofap. I've read cases of chicks getting some of the same benefits as guys on nofap and less personality disordered and insane

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she's literally never had an orgasm or touched herself before, i'm doing nofap so we can both get physical tabula rasa so to speak

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Day 8

still clean

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nice, just two days until you will have reached day 10.

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well, today's day 9, i only put the still clean thing up before i go to sleep so i don't break it after i post it

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File: 0ef6f04116a1c03⋯.png (1.32 MB,1397x1067,127:97,0ef6f04116a1c03e5e4f7badd2….png)


Then it's just 1 day till day 10, even better.

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thanks for the support fam, you guys make me fell like i can really do this

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Day 9

Still clean

Experiencing majour withdrawal symptoms, shaking, twitches, high heart rate and lack of attention span.

According to my friend who studies psychology, it takes 21 days to break a habit, so i'm nearly halfway there.

keep faith in me folks, especially you vargposter

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Did you reach day 10?

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I am on day 10 and the withdrawal symptoms have stopped. i'm feeling good about this

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Day 10

Still clean

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File: b0a090626b38199⋯.jpg (65.97 KB,736x491,736:491,1489689162197.jpg)



Nice, i had faith you would make it.

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Thanks man

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fucking prick

you won't get me to break my streak

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Day 11

Still clean

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Day 12

Still clean

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Nice going anon, you are on your way to a month.

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jokes on you fucker, i've transcended to levels of zen you can only dream of, jewboy

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File: 5a3901a6ec5cfe0⋯.jpg (7.3 KB,236x236,1:1,15966163_1457460937653547_….jpg)

Day 13

Lucky me!

Still clean

Here's to you Vargposter

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Going good matey, keep it up.

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Day 14

Still clean

No more urges, this thread is the only track i have of the days as they pass

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Day 15

Still clean

Slight urges but they don't last long

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Day 16

Still clean

used my thigh and hands to cause my gf to orgasm for the first time. i feel that soon we shall create shakespeares beast with two backs

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Day 17

Still Clean

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Day 18

Still Clean

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Day 19

Still Clean

Captcha - nigoua

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Day 20

Still Clean

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Day 21

Still Clean

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File: 027e6361692a518⋯.jpg (202.05 KB,1262x1280,631:640,1465311501441.jpg)



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Day 22

Still Clean

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File: a905dc685e60a9d⋯.png (159.32 KB,289x289,1:1,1473317433471.png)

You are doing great, keep it up.

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Thank you my friend! The urges are gone, I think i might have kicked the habit completely

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I'm gonne stop you in that thought.

You're not done at a measly 22 day's. Watch out for overconfidence, nofap works with peaks and valley's of how strong your urges are. This is the first time you are in a valley of low urges, but the struggle will pick up again around the day 45/50 mark. It's different for each.

Keep strong and don't be get coughed unaware.

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Thanks for the reality check man, i'll make sure to keep myself in check. I have a personality where once i kick a habit, i never really go back. Psychologicallyt speaking, it takes 21 days to break a habit, so things should be easier from here on out

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Day 23

Still clean

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Day 24

Still clean

This nofap might pay off soon, gf complimented me on how strong and noble it is

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Day 25

Still clean

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Day 26

Still clean

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Day 27

Still clean

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Reach a month and i'll roll out some semi oc for. you.

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Day 28

Still clean

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My man! I'm definitely gonna stick to this now, even moreso than i was before

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Day 29

Still clean

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Day 30!!!

Still clean

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File: 75e593c5e31eeae⋯.png (5.05 MB,1779x4417,1779:4417,MannequinTan Varg3.png)


Well done my friend!

Here's to 30 more.

On /b/, about two weeks ago. An anon with a doll body and a screen, took request's for posses and what face to project on his screen. This is the resuld of one of my request's, now i have gotten more varg reaction images. Again well done.

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File: 765c4ab815e75ee⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,5312x2988,16:9,MannequinTan Varg1.jpg)

File: 8ae9deb77c32c49⋯.jpg (2.02 MB,5312x2988,16:9,MannequinTan Varg2.jpg)


Here's the unedited version.

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Thanks based Vargposter!

I shall use these images to make my own OC which shall serve the nofap cause.

You're actually a great fucking guy and i hope life goes well for you

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Day 31

Still clean

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Day 32

Still clean

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Day 33

Still clean

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Thank you, i try my best.

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Day 34

Still clean

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Day 35

Still clean

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Day 36

Still clean

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Day 37

Still clean

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Day 38

Still clean

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Day 39

Still clean

anon was right, i can feel the urges building again, but not as strong, i will outlast the urges and carry on

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Day 40

Still clean

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Day 41

Still clean

Urges are forgotten. found an old acqaintance of mine killed themself two weels ago. press F to pay respects.


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Day 42

Still clean

2 months with gf, urges are returning as grief is subdsiding

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Day 43

Still clean

Grief has subsided, although the urges have not returned full force, spoke to gf about it. with any luck i should escape wizardry soon.

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Day 44

Still clean

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Day 45

Still clean

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Day 46

Still clean

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Day 47

Still clean

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Day 48

Still clean

you still here vargposter?

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File: 0ac1537c3cae195⋯.jpg (49 KB,467x550,467:550,0ac1537c3cae1955a046fa1c2b….jpg)


I'm still here m8.

There's just not much to repley about, but i lurk almost every day.

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good to know you're still here my friend

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Day 49

Still clean

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File: 4921853df4c5bbb⋯.jpg (15.66 KB,158x255,158:255,c0c146a1dacaae117e4d0fe977….jpg)

There is no such thing as a God

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What to do when the urge to fap hits?

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whatever you believe man is down to you and i have no place to force you to change, even if i disagree

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i usually play vidya or eat something

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Day 50!!!!!

Still clean

Lookit Varg! Are you proud of me?!

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I'm happy and glad for you, that you have reached such a milestone, but above all you should be proud of yourself. You did this, not me.

I wish you 50 day's more, good luck and strenght man.

But i'm not varg, i just posted a couple of reaction images.

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I know you're not varg, but without your support, it would've been a lot harder, and i thank you for that

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I'm glad i could help.

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Day 51

Still clean

(missed post)

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Day 52

Still clean

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Day 54

Still clean

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apparently it missed day 53

I'm still clean

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Well guys, it's over.

The stress of exams and sleep deprivation and other things have driven me to have a serious conversation with my girlfriend about nofap. While she's always said to me that i didn't have to do nofap, she's admired how noble it is. But when I admitted that i'd been having wet dreams and my withdrawal symptoms had returned she's said that i should start again, and given i'm on the point of a nervous breakdown, i have to agree with her. It will not chnage how much i desire her, it will not change anything in my relationship with her.

I aprreciate and admire what you guys do here, and while i experienced some of the benefits of nofap, after 60 days, i have experienced more negative effects out of it. I appreaciate all of you here, especially you Based Vargposter, but tonight my journey ends. I'll come back here every now and again to encourage people to carry on their nofap.

It's been a blast lads, it really has been, and i admire all of you. Do not fall as i have, carry on your noble path.

All the best guys.


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Well my dude, I can't say I agree with your choice, but I'm glad you at least gave it a good shot. Day 55 is nothing to sneeze at, and far more then many other people take nofap before quiting, but that's the sad thing.

Even after coming so far, the work you have done until now will have been for nothing.

Just think about this for a moment, you are having withdrawal because you are addicted, it's bad for you, and giving in is only going to prolong, if not worsen your problem. Withdrawal is a test of the will; will you give in to the urges, or will you overcome the assault of the urges and re master your senses?

That is what withdrawal is, the proof of self enslavement and a test of willpower.

Of course, I can understand your girlfriends feeling in the mater, I can understand your considerations, but you will have to trust in yourself. You won't break, you will overcome if you try.

Giving in is not a solution, you're either prolonging your problem till the next time you try this, which is no a prerequisite for success in the future. Or you will forever be enslaved to this addiction, because there is not a limit to how old a sex addict can be. Do you want to be the 35 year old father that sneaks of in the night to jerk it to some porn, while his kids sleep upstairs? Do you want to be one of those 60+ year olds that visits cam whore sites?

Of-fucking-course not! It is fortunate time that you try to re master your senses. For if you succeed you will know that you don't need lust to make it trough your most difficult times.

I know it is hard, and I know there is a whole materialist world out there that wants you to get back into it, either because your defiance undermines their world view or because they want to profit from it somehow, But I implore you: Stay strong!

Not activating your body's reproductive functions for not even 2 months isn't going to break you.

Well done on reaching day 55, well done indeed. That is a good amount of day's, and a test of will. I myself am on day 63 right now. I too am going trough exams, I know how stressful all this can be. The reasons is gave above are some of the many I tell myself to keep going. The journal threads help too, because they give you a measuring device to how your progress holds up to others, and how they are holding up. I to am plagued with wet dreams, and the day's after that are a constant struggle. But I have been on this point before, it was the beginning of this year on day 52, a wet dream dis-balanced my thoughts and I failed the longest streak I had had in my life up to 10 day's ago. And I have got to tell you, giving in hasn't made my current streak any easier, but it also hasn't broken me. My man, I of course know not in what kind of situation you are, but they are similar enough that I can say that I have been at the point you are right now, and that giving in isn't going to help anything. But even if you fail now, know that 55 day's is good and that they prove you can make it if you try.

I can ask nothing more from you than to keep trying.

Good luck and strenght as alway's.

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I feel you, and i understand your opinion, but I feel that now, instead of an addiction, it will be more of a release, a quick release to just tide me over until the gf is ready to take that step, or something to fall back on if she's not in the mood. Fapping to me does not reduce her value in my eyes, i do not value her any less, i do not desire her any less and as time goes on we'll both be happy. i quit not because of an addiction, but because i wanted to be a better lover. i knew in time that i would eventually stop nofap, but it would no longer be as bad as my old ways. there's not really anything bad about being a sex addict, it's a perfectly normal thing, sex is the purest stae of mind, the release of endorphins. But i know that niether of us will truly see eye to eye on this. I don't wish to fight with you, so i ask we end this here as friends.

I hope life goes well for you my friend.

May your path lead to beautiful places.

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> there's not really anything bad about being a sex addict, it's a perfectly normal thing, sex is the purest stae of mind

wow you are a retarded shill

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Well, you said it yourself "But i know that niether of us will truly see eye to eye on this".

Best wishes and good luck m80.

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After reading through most of the posts on here I'll say that if you did this to somehow improve your relationship with someone else, then you've missed the point of NoFap. We practice this lifestyle to cultivate a better individual in all things through restraint.

You asked your woman what YOU should do??? How can someone who is not going through this experience possibly counsel you on how to make it better? You were feeling uncomfortable for a day or two and then changed your mind on the words of someone else who is not going through this the way you are.

If you do not like persuing this form of self improvement then just say so, but to follow this for a short while then claim that you did this because you wanted to be better for someone else is have never begun this lifestyle at all.

I just hate seeing a young man like you already her hooked to something as rudimentary as fucking pussy.

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thanks vargposter.

idk why i came back here but i felt that i just wanted to check in and see how things were.

Despite what the guys here say, i'm happy now, happier than i would've been without trying nofap.

Keep your way my friend.

Signing out for the last time.


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Day 1, Attempt 1000-something

I must improve

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