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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.


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File: 4e278a51d218952⋯.jpeg (115.23 KB, 800x900, 8:9, NEVER GIVE UP.jpeg)

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Official March blog thread. Keep at it boys


Day 1 complete



whatsup day 1

day 70 speaking



Guess now is as good a time to start as any.


failed on day 2, gonna keep going though


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File: 8f44b835ec2f2f4⋯.png (93.86 KB, 569x500, 569:500, 8f44b835ec2f2f4152f7bab4ba….png)

File: caba0bd158de96c⋯.jpg (96.43 KB, 960x774, 160:129, 1469044441524.jpg)

Day 4




File: d3c5ba0cad74826⋯.jpg (139.67 KB, 914x531, 914:531, Syberberg.jpg)

Day 3 right now, will try for at least 90 days or till the end of the year.

Maybe until I find a wife.


Bump because spammer



Well that is one day down, maybe starting a night is a bad idea here, since that is when the porn is dumped and the mod is gone.


the conclusion of today marks the end of day five


Was browsing /tv/ earlier and got kind of triggered when I saw a picture of Emma Watson showing off her bottom cleavage from a new photoshoot. I remember I used to fap a lot to Emma Watson since she was in Harry Potter, I thought she was really cute. I used to look up the newer movies she was in to see if she had done nude scenes and all of that.

It just made me think, is there stuff out there that could make me throw my streak out the window? I honestly think that if another Fappening happened, it would be the the crucible for me. I feel confident enough that I would resist fapping almost no matter what, but would I still go to look at the pictures/videos? It would be very very tempting… I just don't know.

I think of it as like some girl that you have the real hots for in high school. She's beautiful, you really like her, but she's a total tease and you could never really get her. So you try your hardest to just ignore her, whatever. It becomes very important to you that you must not lust after her since it does you no good. This goes on for a little while, and it starts to work, you don't feel that same attraction anymore. Then one day she goes to your house, sneaks into your room, and starts to undress in front of you. Would you have the resolve to stop her, and say no?

I know that that's not a good analogy but I'm kind of tired and I just wanted to get this off my chest.

tl;dr there are celebrities out there that I really like and if pornographic content of them (nude scenes, nude picture leaks, etc) were to suddenly enter the internet, it would probably be very hard for me to resist. If there's any weakness I have in nofap, it is this.




>muh jewish celebrity worship




Day Two was hard, been avoiding porn, even though I have been avoiding it I've noticed how much sex is push on non-porn sites. I saw this before, but now that I am trying to avoid it, it just seems to be more noticeable now. In spite of these obstacles, I still not fapping.



Well, I didnt understand a shit of this text. I think i am retarded, or my english is worst than I thought.





File: 1ddce4d5b21bd85⋯.png (620.62 KB, 834x513, 278:171, janusz-korwin-mikke.png)



If I can do this you can do too


File: c5362cd840151da⋯.png (10.79 KB, 657x527, 657:527, ApuVele.png)


Day 06


File: 2b0b4339ddb4b73⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 540x442, 270:221, 0b1c7e7e859ce8d42421a1e032….jpg)

File: d08e83c15efa1f4⋯.jpg (781.55 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 2f6c975d6e350927186a1bba98….jpg)

I'll say something here. Maybe it will help. I have fapped a few times since the start of the month but I shall do to the best of my ability, what I can to cultivate, curate, and refrain from fapping for the next month.

Gods help me.

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