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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: f3d112337d19e28⋯.png (72.3 KB,721x276,721:276,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)


A negro admits his local Popeye's food & service became far better after they fired all the negroes and replaced them with hispangyicks.

I mentioned some time ago that I hated to have my food delivered by negroes when I do online grocery shopping. They are the worst at finding every item that I ordered. And they have a bad attitude and they avoid communicating with you, such as when you need to choose a substitute for an item they can't find. I hate negro shoppers. I read online that one of the bad things about negro service is bad communication. So this is a common thing.

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Black owned businesses do not work,

Negroes can't even get along with Negroes, Haitians arrival can only spice things up, because African Negroes Look down on American Negroes

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File: ee4d5233c228f6d⋯.png (888.01 KB,720x1186,360:593,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)

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Die nigger die

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Nigger slave nigger

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hey, you seem based, and only based people join


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Die nigger die bitch

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File: faa5946fdc43cf7⋯.png (586.61 KB,618x616,309:308,1730765042603m.png)

Trump is the best

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Nigger lazy ass

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File: 1a295ff97d3fee9⋯.png (264.35 KB,720x507,240:169,chrome_screenshot_10_Dec_2….png)

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File: faa5946fdc43cf7⋯.png (586.61 KB,618x616,309:308,faa5946fdc43cf7ba7c4c377ef….png)

Trump has just announced he will be changing The National Anthem

to the “N-word repeated 60 times”

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Die nigger die

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