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5989be No.313801

Tucker Carlson & Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Hold Talks To Save Humanity

Tucker Carlson first unveiled Wednesday that he had traveled to Moscow to interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and the full interview has subsequently been published Thursday night. Among the most important messages conveyed was directed by Lavrov toward Washington and its allies, which "must understand that we would be ready to use any means not to allow them to succeed in what they call strategic defeat of Russia." Russia’s longtime foreign minister describes the proxy war with the United States and how to end it:

(0:00) Is the US at War With Russia?

(12:56) Russia’s Message to the West Through Hypersonic Weapons

(17:47) Is There Conversation Happening Between Russia and the US?

(23:18) How Many Have Died in the Ukraine/Russia War?

(28:21) What Would It Take To End the War?

(36:11) What Happened to Alexei Navalny?

(39:45) Boris Johnson Wants the War to Continue

(45:43) Sanctions on Russia

(56:31) The Chinese/Russian Alliance

(1:02:18) Who Is Making Foreign Policy Decisions in the US?

(1:05:05) Biden Pushes the US Toward Nuclear War Before Trump Takes Office

(1:08:52) What’s Happening in Syria?

(1:13:08) Lavrov’s Thoughts on Trump




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85a956 No.313806

over 5M views so far

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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