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c2332a No.313798

Good! War-mongering French Government Collapses With Historic No Confidence Vote

The French government collapsed about 45 minutes ago after a "No Confidence" Vote in Parliament.

The historic vote of no-confidence was passed against Prime Minister Michel Barnier in the National Assembly.

It marks the first time a French government has been ousted by a no-confidence vote in over 60 years.

French MPs including the left and the far right combined voted 331 out of 574 in favour of the motion to pass, exceeding the minimum mark of 288.

The vote rose from fierce opposition to his proposed budget for 2025 from opposition parties such as the left-wing alliance New Popular Front (NFP) and Marine Le Pen's right wing National Rally (RN).

They were left angry as Barnier decided to exercise special powers to push through his budget, even though it failed to receive support from MPs.

It comes as a huge blow for President Emmanuel Macron who is now likely to name a new prime minister rapidly, possibly even before the grand reopening of Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral at the weekend.


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