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40312b No.313792

Mass Desertions Hit Ukrainian Army As Younger Citizens Lack Will To Fight

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, more than 100,000 soldiers have deserted since the Russian invasion in February 2022, Polish news outlet Do Rceczy reports.

Desertions in 2024 have reached twice the level of 2022 and 2023 combined, although this number may be much higher. One official familiar with military affairs estimated it could be as high as 200,000.

The front has suffered in particular due to deserters, who are most often recently recruited men. In September, the Ukrainian military reported a deficit of 4,000 soldiers on the front, mostly due to deaths, injuries, and desertions.

“The worst thing is that they leave combat positions during warfare, and their comrades die because of it. We had several situations when units fled, small or large. They exposed their flanks, and the enemy came to these flanks and killed their comrades-in-arms because those who were standing in positions did not know that there was no one else nearby,” said one of the Ukrainian commanders.

That was how, in a matter of weeks in October, Vuhledar (Ugledar), a small city that Ukraine had defended for two years, was lost: https://twitter.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1862854852663206243

“This problem is critical. This is the third year of the war and this problem will only get worse,” said Oleksandr Kowalenko, a Kyiv-based military analyst.

One Polish official has also said that Ukrainians are also fleeing Polish training centers, 12 every month.

Meanwhile, the war pigs in the Biden regime are calling on Ukraine to draft more soldiers and allow conscription as young as 18. Not such a good idea when the youth have already proven they are not willing to be cannon fodder.


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40312b No.313795

Forcing people to fight typically does not win wars. War is won by extreme dedication and loyalty, not by throwing people in harms way who don't care to fight. This is what corrupt arrogant governments just do not understand. If you don't have the will power you lose the war, period.

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e363a8 No.313802

I broke your mother's hands

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