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3891d4 No.313501

Trump's New Promise As President: AUDIT The Bloated Federal Government!

Former President Trump plans to adopt Elon Musk's proposed new commission, the Department of Government Efficiency abbreviated as 'DOGE.' According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump could unveil the new government efficiency commission as early as today.

Trump plans to unveil the government efficiency commission before he delivers a speech at the Economic Club of New York. He will tell reporters that the commission would conduct "a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government" and make "recommendations for drastic reform."

The commission's primary goal is to identify ways to eliminate fraud and improper payments, according to portions of the speech viewed by journos at WSJ.

Trump's upcoming speech and proposed commission to address the failures of Biden-Harris' Bidenomics, which sparked an inflation storm and financially crushed mid—and low-tier consumers, also aims at deregulation. Trump has actively championed deregulation to make the economy great again.

Musk endorsed Trump on X shortly after the failed assassination attempt on July 13. He pledged millions of dollars to a super PAC supporting causes on the right.

Speaking with Reuters last week, the former president said he would offer Musk a position if he were seriously interested.

"He's a very smart guy. I certainly would — if he would do it, I certainly would," the former president said. "He's a brilliant guy."

Musk and Trump first publicly discussed a government efficiency commission during a two-hour conversation on X on August 13.

The conversation has received 60.4 million views so far: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1823254086126608862


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