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a2d8e7 No.313484

Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Invade Colorado Apartment Buildings In Once-peaceful Suburbs

Far-left radical lawmakers in sanctuary city Denver welcomed tens of thousands of illegal aliens who invaded the US southern border under the Biden-Harris regime's watch. Now, the Denver suburb of Aurora is in turmoil as the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua roams the streets armed with rifles and pistols, transforming parts of the once peaceful metro area into a third-world-esque state.

There's a huge increase in violence in these areas in Aurora, where these newly arrived foreign-born migrants, many of whom are Venezuelan, have started to grow. Denver Democrats have welcomed over 42,000 illegal aliens since 2022, some of whom include members of Tren de Aragua.

New footage has surfaced of alleged gang violence at The Edge at Lowry apartments in Aurora, which, according to local media KDVR, is a "hotspot" for migrant crime.

In the video, men can be seen walking up a stairwell carrying weapons. They can be heard speaking Spanish. The owners of the video said it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured. Several vehicles were also damaged by gunfire.

Meanwhile, Aurora Council Member Danielle Jurinsky has warned the Venezuelan gang is overrunning the metro area. Jurinsky recently told Fox News, "Residents tell me they feel they are living in a third-world country at this point." He pointed the finger at the Biden-Harris team, saying the people of Aurora are suffering at their hands.

Due to the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegal migrants into our country, the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua is now taking over suburbs of Denver, CO.

"Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this."


The Biden-Harris regime is complicit in the border chaos and importing the third world into the US. If the aim is to overwhelm local municipalities to trigger chaos and pave the way for some far-left "change" then it certainly appears that this might be the objective. The situation will get much worse in America if people continue to vote for horrible, dangerous and radical political leaders. Make no mistake: city or suburb, this nightmare is coming to you soon too, if not stopped.


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a2d8e7 No.313485

>The owners of the video said it was taken shortly before a shootout at the complex that left one person seriously injured. Several vehicles were also damaged by gunfire.

I think their goal is to bring war and bloodshed onto American soil, because that is exactly how all of this unfolds when these foreign criminals start to invade other peoples' residences. Shootouts will most definitely start to occur. Whether in the cities, suburbs or rural areas this is the OBVIOUS result. The Treason today cannot be more in-your-face.

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