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6b261e No.313442

Tyrannical UK Government Now Jailing Dissent: Use VPNs & Tor When Posting Online!

The BBC reports that a 40-year-old man has been arrested and criminally charged for social media posts that contained “anti-establishment rhetoric.”

Yes, really. Wayne O’Rourke becomes the latest example of the wave of authoritarian hysteria to impact free speech in the UK following the recent anti-invasion anti-murder protests.

O’Rourke was arrested on Sunday in connection with “posts made from a social media account,” according to Lincolnshire Police.

Anti-establishment rhetoric" is a criminal offense? O’Rourke had nearly 100,000 followers on X and predicted his own arrest days beforehand. So now apparently posting “anti-establishment rhetoric” in the United Kingdom is enough to get you locked up.

The report does not give any specifics of what the thought criminal actually posted, but he had “allegedly expressed support for the recent riots and offered advice on how to remain anonymous to his 90,000 followers.”

As we highlighted yesterday, A 61-year-old man in the UK was jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the fuck is Allah?” and telling police officers “you’re not English anymore” during a protest outside Downing Street.

MY COMMENT: I think it is safe to say in the Western world you need to be using forward secrecy while online, never posting your real info into ANY social media, using a separate isolated computer while doing so, and ALWAYS be using a VPN (don't use European or UK IP addresses obviously), if not even using Tor along with a VPN. Use more secure browsers like Librewolf, disable vulnerable telemetry, GeoAPI, WebGL and WebRTC protocols, and spoof your metadata using add-ons. It's sad we have to do this in the Western world now but I've been operating this way for 10+ years! I can see clearly see where things are headed as I do not drink fluoridated water, eat garbage GMO foods nor do I watch state-run media propaganda from the West!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

456597 No.313619

File: 2760997647b39a2⋯.jpg (141.11 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Snapchat_283180728.jpg)

I got my door kicked in by the police the other day by the assault SWAT team cause they got a complaint call.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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