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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 9d3437bfa0abaef⋯.png (848.19 KB,1140x760,3:2,CPI_FAKE_GOVT_FRAUD.png)

0aa539 No.313271

US Government Caught FAKING The CPI: Real Price Inflation Up 21.5% Per Year

A young fellow posted a video to Tik Toc showing he bought a month's worth of food from Walmart in the year 2022 which cost him $126. By clicking Re-Order, he found the exact same order costs $414 today! The FedGov's Consumer Price Index numbers are all fraudulent.

Here is the minute or so video that lays it out: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/fedgov-cpi-numbers-fake-guy-ordered-from-walmart-in-2022-paid-126-same-order-today

Worse, if he followed through with the order and received it, he'd discover that there would be some items that not only cost more per unit, but that there would be LESS product inside.

These price increases are not exclusively a Walmart problem. This is across the board.

It’s even worse than that. Hundreds of items have been completely discontinued in all major grocery store chains across the country.

Slowly but surely, we’re being forced to buy from an increasingly shrinking selection of items.

Moreover, BEEF has skyrocketed everywhere. Even tough, low grade cuts are radically overpriced (and cut thinner). Even Deli meats are $14 a pound now.

Another person reports "I just went back to an order I placed on January 22, 2023. 19 items for $110, hit the re-order button and it’s now $264.20. WTF?"

A separate, third person reports: "I just looked up the earliest order I had from Walmart. It was in April, 2022. The total was $169. When I hit reorder, the total is now $241. That is 21.5% REAL INFLATION, per year."

Government lying about inflation is not new. What is new is the intensity of the lie. I have never seen anything like this. America has become a third world country. Get prepared if you still can manage to afford doing so.


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0aa539 No.313272


Consider this normfags: for every 5 years you work to save up money, your savings will only have half the value it would have 5 years ago…. meaning in just 5 years you'll only be able to buy half the stuff you can right now if you had that money to spend today. Your purchasing power is being gutted. If you think times are hard now you ain't seen nothing yet.

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42c1b3 No.313279

File: 4f995e97dca4281⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,750x749,750:749,yah.jpg)

File: 8cebd358a4bab60⋯.jpg (66.25 KB,675x1024,675:1024,hmmm.jpg)

File: 870226d808fe772⋯.jpg (124.78 KB,720x676,180:169,biden_dementia_his_voters_….jpg)

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42c1b3 No.313280

Fuck this Empire of LIES!!!!!!

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0aa539 No.313303

They continue to lie, lie, lie, lie and lie, time after time.

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f948c9 No.313320

File: ca54829f7d948d3⋯.png (2.17 MB,1312x3308,328:827,your_taxes_hard_at_work.png)

Look at this goverment spending!

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994f97 No.313338

File: 0339618d8cdbe70⋯.jpg (107.26 KB,939x960,313:320,hgrrrr.jpg)

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7e630f No.313343


You can't create create endless amounts of debt without devaluing your currency into basically worthlessness. If we had real, smart, honest, common sense leadership in this country, we wouldn't have gotten into this position.

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d2bf82 No.313347


All this is because of the countless wars and the money going to America's cuck, Israel.

If we are sending every Jew 1 million dollars every year, why is the Fed harming and blaming Americans for this? Why isn't the solution to abandon Israel and put America first and instead to fuck over the average American?

How is it that we are slaves to the Jews and they will always pass their losses on everyone else?

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42c1b3 No.313384


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42c1b3 No.313385


They long-over days where we had free market capitalism.

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fc1226 No.313396

Assuming these numbers are accurate, this lines up with actual government numbers. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/consumer-price-index-and-annual-percent-changes-from-1913-to-2008/

Not sure how they’d be able to lie about something that can be calculated reliably. This isn’t about how many Jews got shot this week.

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42c1b3 No.313398


All "official" numbers are rigged today, even unemployment numbers. It is note worthy to understand that their rules towards collecting data almost always change every other decade.

For example back in the 1980s the US government still factored in the price of food and energy into the inflation rate…. but today?…. nope, no longer factored in.

As for unemployment, back in the 1950s, 60s and even 70s homelessness would be accounted for…… but today?…… nope, no longer factored into the statistics. In fact, if you are unemployed for over 6 months today…. you are no longer part of the unemployment statistic, not even accounted for.

THIS is how the government lies to you. They tell you falsehoods about the economy they are running into the ground, trying to persuade the public that everything is just fine when it is not fine at all. Be very cautious trusting the government, and their media. They lie to you all the time.

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2c0164 No.313399


But… the numbers are about the same between this post and the government numbers. It’s just that this is presenting it in the form of Wal-Mart online orders and the government is doing it based on some kind of survey data.

And the government does include energy and food into CPI, which is what this post is about. It’s right on the CPI front page: https://www.bls.gov/cpi/

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42c1b3 No.313401


The price inflation is not capped at around or a little over 3% year to year though, the total is around 20%, or more, per year. That is a horrible horrible inflation rate and this is gutting economic stability long term. This will continue to get even worse as the federal debt goes up $1 Trillion every three months.

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fc1226 No.313402


Price inflation isn’t capped at all. Just because Wal-Mart and its suppliers are price gouging that doesn’t indicate a 1:1 relationship with the rest of the US economy.

Meat, for example, is going up in price because meat production is becoming more expensive for a variety of reasons, not least of which is demand going down.

This also doesn’t take into consideration that this dude is on food stamps but is shown buying packaged lettuce and 6 bags of snack foods. While I won’t argue that prices haven’t ballooned to an absurd degree, this article is doing a terrible job of illustrating its point when it uses two examples, only shows any details from one of them, and even then only a small piece that implies the underlying data is flawed. They’re literally using TikTok, a Chinese spying platform, as a source.

I’m not saying the government isn’t lying, but the data being presented here isn’t any more reliable.

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cc335f No.313404

File: 802fe8577b6b1bb⋯.png (948.42 KB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_7302.png)

File: cfa1ce540b6c27b⋯.jpeg (44.92 KB,320x365,64:73,IMG_7323.jpeg)

File: 415deeb5af718c0⋯.jpeg (45.48 KB,320x214,160:107,IMG_7324.jpeg)

File: db122ec44ae80e8⋯.jpeg (62.26 KB,518x613,518:613,IMG_7285.jpeg)

In other news, Kamala, que mala, was never the border czar.

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a7f016 No.313406

I never really cared much about politics. All of a sudden I'm into it big time. I finally realized that the media is always lying, so I decided to research subjects in which I want the truth.

I am mortified at what the Democratic party has become and the heinous actions they are continuing to perpetrate. The division in this country is because of their policies and the media covering up for them and pushing their lies.

The lies are so outrageous that I cannot understand how so many people don't see it and will vote for "Heels Up" Harris just because she's a woman and of color. It's disgusting.

I am praying so hard that DT wins in November. If Biden stayed in the race it would have been a lock, but now I'm not sure and Vance seems to be harming the campaign badly…

I think now is the time to prep and ensure I have what I need when the violence and rioting starts.

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c4319a No.313409


>Meat, for example, is going up in price


>because meat production is becoming more expensive for a variety of reasons, not least of which is demand going down.


The reason meat prices are going up is because all the arson hitting meat processing plants the last 4 years! All at the same time they push their demonic agenda to curb meat…. HUH, HOW CONVENIENT!!! As for meat consumption people who love meat, as I do, are still buying quarter and half cows every other year, and paying for the processing fee (butcher's service fee) but it simply costs us more these days. I don't care, I'm still buying bulk beef, it just sucks having to pay an EXTRA $250 to $300 each time I want to re-stock my two box freezers!!! Still better than eating the bugs though, I'll take the fucking hit and continue shopping at my local farmers markets.

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c4319a No.313410


Remember, be prepared for the worst, have at lease one firearm, sleep with one next to your nightstand too, as I do. As for risk of someone breaking into your home during a crisis, it's good to study and learn how to fortify the doorjams to all the main entry points into your home front and back. I have two deadbolts 4" above and 4" below the doorknob and both deadbolts, including the regular doorknob lock, are re-enforced with long strike plates on the doorjam. It makes it extra sturdy and tough to kick open the door. Re-enforce the strike plates and hinges on the side of the door with 3" nails. If you buy a katy bar you can make it nearly batter-ram proof.

Another thing to remember: have all basic essentials you need to live covered: long term food storage, a source for clean water, weapon to defend yourself and property, sanitation supplies, medical supplies, think what you will need if the power goes out and you have to hunker indoors, something to cool off during the summer and something to keep warm during the winter. An extra propane generator is a good idea, because propane lasts long. Another solar generator with a couple trick chargers, 12V batteries and a 1000W power inverter will keep a refrigerator going off-grid.

Also, never trust the media/government. If something happens hunker down with your preps and be ready to defend yourself. If the power and/or internet ever goes down for an extended period of time (5 hours) you know it's time to hunker down at home and be ready!

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c4319a No.313411


>trick chargers

*trickle chargers, typo

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fc1226 No.313413


As I recall, the food plant fires affected less than a percent of overall food production facilities in the US. I don’t know why it’s hard to believe that with consumers trying to eat better and being too stupid and lazy to do anything besides follow trends, they would gravitate towards meat alternatives.

And I believe there were a number of livestock farms that started converting their land for corn and soybean production due to much higher demand from both food companies and industrial manufacturers. How many, I’ve no idea, but my point is that the concept is just as valid.

Not to mention… what benefit is there in making meat more expensive? If the government wanted to poison people, they could just inject feminization hormones into the meat at the packing plants. Hell, there’s nothing saying they’re not running the farmer’s markets to specifically target people like you. You wouldn’t know any better than all the people who got secretly dosed with LSD by the CIA.

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fc1226 No.313414


What do you do about windows? Just bars?

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fc1226 No.313415


While there will inevitably be a ton of brainless fucks that vote for Harris because she’s a black woman, the fact that she’s at least able to walk on her own is probably enough to convince left-leaning fence-sitters to vote her way.

I’m not sure what anyone expects Trump to do about any of this. The entire government is run by the corporate elite, and he did nothing to change that the first time around, because he couldn’t even if he wanted to.

The President doesn’t have the kind of power we’re told to think he does. He’s a scapegoat. He’s the Pope for everyone to hate while the Catholic Church rapes little boys. He’s the Elon Musk for everyone to love while his company produces four-wheeled bombs for soyboys.

The entire system is rotting from the inside, and voting isn’t going to fix it. No one is going to fix it. We’re trapped in this walking corpse, and we’re going to rot along with it.

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c4319a No.313416

I'm glad I'm on the verge of death.

Fuck upside down clown world.

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c4319a No.313417


By the time someone breaks through a window you should be able to shoot them. Same as with kicking in the door, you want to make them alert you first before they can get in and then you are ready to shoot them once they do get in. Always remember to shoot them INSIDE your home not outside, if they are killed from inside the home it is clearly self-defense once you call the cops and tell them what happened. Otherwise you'll have communist pariahs after you.

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eb18dd No.313504

Модные советы по выбору превосходных образов на каждый день.

Мнения профессионалов, события, все дропы и шоу.


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