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File: f00927cb901af76⋯.png (411.15 KB,997x710,997:710,3416431.png)

28ab3d No.313270

Vietnam Clusterfuck 2.0! Biden To Approve Deployment Of US Military To Ukraine

In yet another widening of unpopular policy which marks escalation in Ukraine, the Biden regime is preparing to lift a de-facto ban on allowing American military contractors to deploy inside Ukraine.

Four US officials described to CNN that the fundamental purpose would be to help the war-ravaged country's country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems, much of which has already been damaged. Anyone who recalls history knows this is exactly what the US government did to escalate a major war in Vietnam. First military contractors… later combat troops and then even drafting American citizens! Despite all that wasted human sacrifice, we still LOST the Vietnam War! Folks, that was during a time where the US had much higher morale, much greater patriotism and a much stronger and far more capable military to boot, all while fighting a FAR WEAKER enemy.

One administration official said, “We have not made any decisions and any discussion of this is premature." However, the official sought to underscore that "The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine."

Throughout the course of the war there have been plenty of foreign volunteers, and very likely there are already US contractors on the ground serving with Ukraine's foreign legion or assisting with the military.

But the new plan which is apparently close to approval would see those with Department of Defense (DoD) contracts and mandates servicing and repairing some of the weaponry provided by Washington. It would certainly open the flood gates as well, in a Blackwater meets Iraq kind of way.

This is quite obviously another example of how the situation is sliding toward more 'boots on the ground' in Ukraine despite the constant refrain and insistence from Washington and NATO that this won't be the case.

No one I personally know wants to go fight in Ukraine or would see any benefit in their personal lives for doing so.

All that has to happen to trigger a potential nuclear-armed confrontation and WW3 scenario is for Russia to hit a Ukrainian position which happens to have American contractors working on weapons systems at the time.


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35c8f6 No.313277

File: 4f46fd10e503e0a⋯.png (169.66 KB,994x548,497:274,TOO_BAD.png)

We won't do shit.

Suck it up buttercups.

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35c8f6 No.313278

File: 4f46fd10e503e0a⋯.png (169.66 KB,994x548,497:274,TOO_BAD_2.png)

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407f58 No.313300

Oh well, back to bed and watching old movies. I'm done with this clown world.

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1a4a5f No.313325

Yes, we shouldn't fight Russia. The US could never beat Russia, they are too powerful. We should let Putin have Ukraine and some of Europe, while he leaves us at peace. I'm happy that Trump will become president and support all these ideas.

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407f58 No.313326


Shut the fuck up neo-con shill, Russia doesn't want nor can they take on Europe & the US & NATO all at once. That would result in nuclear war if they tried.

Russia just wants Ukraine to be neutral and stay out of NATO. They don't want nukes in Ukraine that can hit Moscow in 5 minutes, that's all. Their Cuban missile crisis, dig?

NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED UNDER TRUMP!!! It was stupid Biden and his neo-con regime that started all this!! You stupid idiots. Fuck you and your war mongering.

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407f58 No.313327


Here is the reality you need to understand: there will never be a direct war between nuclear superpowers without one, or the other, initiating a nuclear first strike. America would not lose and risk everything without destroying Russia using nukes. Russia would not lose and risk everything without destroying America using nukes. The same doctrine would apply to India and China if they happened to be at war with one another. You do not hold nuclear weapons for the sake of starting wars. You hold nuclear weapons to deter others from direct confrontation, each side knowing at any given time they did "win" the other side can then annihilate them after being defeated. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. A DIRECT WAR DETERRENT.

So here is the problem. Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons. They are not a nuclear superpower, Russia made assured they will not become one by joining NATO. The dilemma Ukraine has is they cannot win a war without us being directly involved. The bigger dilemma we have is we cannot win that war directly against Russia unless we risk Russia initiating a nuclear first strike. Russia has made it very clear that IS on the table, IF we decide to directly go to war against them. That means the world would be at risk of nuclear war, all because some loony selfish war hawks don't know when to stop escalating this crisis.

Furthermore, there is 0% chance I or anyone in my family is going to go fight Russia in some ditch 2,000 miles away. I have friends who have said the same to me in discussion before. There are other Americans that feel the same way about this. So, whether you like it or not, the only reasonable solution is to urge Ukraine to take up a peace settlement with Russia…. before they lose everything. Before we find ourselves in a nuclear war, and possibly civil war over all this.

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407f58 No.313329

>>313300 (lol)

I don't know why I keep coming back, honestly. I take a break from the internet for a week, thinking that *MAYBE* there might be some sanity, thinking *MAYBE* people have learned some hard lessons already….. apparently I'm putting too much faith in other people here.

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7d7eff No.313348


>Vietnam 2.0

>No mention of student protests and Israel

You are both a Jew and this is a Russian psyop

>kys kike

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cc9c08 No.313354


Are students still protesting over the genocide in Gaza though? I did report it, when it was happening. I see absolutely no news about it anymore. If you have any, feel free to post it.

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d23f0a No.313529

Модные заметки по созданию крутых образов на каждый день.

Обзоры профессионалов, события, все коллекции и шоу.


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