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31a6aa No.313252

Biden Wanders Off At G7 While Putin Names Two Conditions To End War With Ukraine

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline was on show for the entire world at the G7 summit in an Italy Thursday as he randomly wandered off from the other dignitaries during a sky diving demo. While everyone else concentrated on the military personnel doing a live show right in front of them, Biden looked around, turned his back on it and began to wander away looking lost.

Biden’s daily meds list was leaked earlier, but judging by this he is going to need more: https://x.com/paulsperry_/status/1801293391101329913

The amount of drugs they are going to have to pump into him for the debate is unfathomable. — Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) June 13, 2024


Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Friday speech addressed the West's efforts to host a major Ukraine "peace summit" in Switzerland this weekend. Though scores of world leaders will be there, Russia has not been invited, and China has snubbed the event citing that it's pointless without Moscow's representation given it is a party to one side of the war.

Russia held referendums in late September 2022 for these war-torn oblasts, and the overwhelming majority of voters were in favor of being absorbed into Russia, which Kiev and the West called a "sham" election. Putin recently outlined his conditions for peace and stopping the conflict immediately.

#1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions

#2. Ukraine must reject ambitions to join the NATO alliance.

"As soon as Kyiv says it is ready to do this and begins really withdrawing troops and officially renounces plans to join NATO, we will immediately — literally that very minute — cease-fire and begin talks," Putin said in the talk given to a gathering of diplomats. Interestingly, Putin showed signs he could be willing to compromise when it comes to territory, which is a bit of the first and hopeful sign that he's serious about finding ways to wind down the war.

But despite what appears to be very serious possible overtures, the Zelensky government has long maintained that it will not countenance negotiations or peace settlement until there is a full withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukrainian territory as existed pre-February 2022. Speaking to foreign ministry officials, the Kremlin leader said: ‘Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they are creating – or are simply obsessed with their own sense of impunity and exceptionalism. Both can lead to tragedy.’




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552ef0 No.313253

Sounds like a decent deal for Ukraine honestly, most of the Russian-speaking Ukrainians from those 4 oblasts mentioned hate the Ukrainian government anyway. Plus keeping the war going with NATO will only lead to all of Ukraine being gutted out and destroyed over time, with tens of millions dead and a huge shortage of population for Ukraine to ever recover in the future (if not inevitably absorbed by Russia). Not only that, it would de-escalate the massive societal and political unrest risks of another world war in the West. No one I personally know would ever fight for the crooked government we have today. It's just not going to happen, and even the recent European Parliament elections sent that very strong message of disapproval. So honestly Ukraine has everything to lose if they refuse to take that deal up. Sucks for them if they don't.

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de3c82 No.313263


Yes, Putin will stop and go away after you give him what he wants this time. Because that's exactly what he's done every time an American President has told people he promised to protect to bend over and take it up the ass, right?

The US owes a moral debt to the Ukrainian people. The war has big bloody Bill Clinton fingerprints all over it. He's the one who forced the Ukrainians to give up their rightful share of the Soviet nuclear arsenal in exchange for sincere promises that Russia wouldn't invade them and equally sincere problems that the US would protect them. Ever since Putin has been invading his neighbors. The only President we've had in the past thirty years who intimidated Putin enough to make him stop his war to recreate the USSR was Trump.

We owe them for all the same reasons that we have a moral debt to the Rhodesians and White South Africans. The US government waged economic warfare against them in order to install Communist governments that they thought would be more biddable, then made the Surprised Pikachu Face when the pangas came out and the rivers ran red with White children's blood.

Fuck Russia. Fuck Russians. They're disgusting fucking barbarians. Hitler was right about them. And fuck you for telling us that Putin will just stick in the tip.

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d02cc6 No.313264


Not my problem. If you want a war with Russia you go send your own family to go fight on the front lines and leave everyone else who doesn't want these wars the fuck out of it. While you get yourself killed I'll be watching 70s & 80s TV show re-runs laying on my sofa, comfy.

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d02cc6 No.313265


>The US owes a moral debt to the Ukrainian people.

Nope, sorry. Let me correct this one for you btw: The *US government* owes a moral debt to the Ukrainian people. Not us. The government. So let them bicker about it. Leave us out.

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d02cc6 No.313267

Complete dumb ass leadership. Every time we try to intervene in other nations' affairs it always ends up in war and almost every fucking time we end up losing those proxy wars. We just lost another war against GOAT HERDERS in Yemen, against the Houthis. Maybe that's one of the main reasons why there is record low military recruitment today? Who in their right mind wants to be pawns and cannon fodder for all this nonsense? Idiots, only idiots would.

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d02cc6 No.313268

Looks like /newsplus/ is getting a taste of


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d02cc6 No.313269

Bye bye again and good riddance.

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1817e2 No.313285

File: c3358f96a57dba8⋯.jpg (89.24 KB,564x995,564:995,7d807d9fb0417a2a69c32519f1….jpg)




Let's all send women and faggots to the front lines, so we can truly achieve the gender equality feminists always bicker about

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d02cc6 No.313286

File: 75cfae27bf963a0⋯.jpg (131.35 KB,892x699,892:699,1718123068356787.jpg)


I have a better idea, if they want war let's send all the BANKERS, THE POLITICIANS, THE GOVERNMENT STOOGES AND ALL THE ILLEGAL ALIENS THEY INTEND ON REPLACING US… directly to the front lines, so the Russians can take special care of them.

Meanwhile, I'm protecting and defending myself and my family from ANYONE who dares to intervene in our lives……

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1817e2 No.313294


Women and faggots are as much as a pest as the jews and the beaners.

It's a simple fix, we only keep the non tattoed females for repopulation purposes

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