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Is It Wet Yet?

File: aca97dce9a3745a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.29 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, Capture_e1660854583358.jpg)

96cadd  No.298256

By Dylan Housman


A German man’s nose has completely rotted after his case of monkeypox was misdiagnosed as sunburn.

The unidentified 40-year-old man came to doctors with a red bump at the end of his nose, which was initially dismissed as sunburn but was actually monkeypox. Over the following days, his condition rapidly worsened and he developed necrosis, according to a report by doctors at Bonn University Hospital.


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78b9ff  No.298261

Monkeypox, syphilis AND HIV?

The gay trifecta.

That necrosis does not look good man. hmmmm.

Vax me. Then vax me again and give me ALL the boosters.

Then give them to my wife and kids.

Quarantine every fag in the country and clot shot 'em with the

D-Stat® flowable hemostat.

Monkeypox gone, fag problem solved.

Win win.


>Do not inject the D-Stat into blood vessels. Extensive intravascular clotting and even death may result.


Open season on fags.


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93e5a8  No.298263


Open season on fags.

And those using slanguage like EGG-ZACK-LEEEE!!!

Are first & most suspect on the GAYDAR.

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62cf1f  No.298264

File: c2563ada6c5aca1⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Candida_Nose_720p.mp4)


People's immune systems are becoming totally fucked and they are susceptible to all kinds of nefarious yeast and fungal infections nowadays…

Gee, I wonder what could be fucking up their immune systems?

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62cf1f  No.298265

File: f463bbc5372454c⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Candida_Nose_Knows_720p.mp4)


After coming back to it for a few minutes, I made that video more presentable.

Maybe I'll post a link to the 1080p version later. It's pretty much "WORTH IT"!

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62cf1f  No.298266

File: af6472f7edc3fa1⋯.mp4 (11.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Candida_Nose_Knows_1080p_1….mp4)


The 1080p Version… 11.2MB

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dfd53f  No.298267



it's a bad habit i picked up on /pnd/.

now respect my wit and sarcasm fag.

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0ee464  No.298268


>immune systems

>susceptible to nefarious yeast and fungal infections

it may surprise you to know humans do not have innate immunity

to yeast and fungal infections.

if they did women would not get yeast infections.

people wouldn't get ringworm.

you can have a healthy immune system and you or anybody is susceptible to pathogenic fungi.

look it up.

i ain't lying.

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52161b  No.298269


here. i looked it up for you.

Patients who are immunocompromised are more predisposed to systemic mycoses, but they can develop in otherwise healthy patients. Systemic mycoses can be split between two main varieties, endemic respiratory infections and opportunistic infections.

<this is true

Fungi that only result in systemic infection in immunocompromised or sick people include:

Candida species including non-albicans candida (causing candidiasis)

Aspergillus species (causing aspergillosis)

Cryptococcus (causing cryptococcosis)

Zygomycetes (causing zygomycosis).

<this one is not true.

<both came off the same page.


The clinical features of a systemic mycosis depend on the specific infection and which organs have been affected. Infections in people with normal immune function may result in very minor symptoms or none at all (this is called subclinical infection).

<this is true.

Invasive lung mycoses typically result in a progressive dry cough, shortness of breath, pain when taking a deep breath and fever.

<this is not true

<invasive lung mycoses may present with productive cough and no fever.

caveat emptor.

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