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807c50  No.295196

By Philip Lenczycki


China is racing to stockpile nuclear weapons capable of striking North America, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

The communist nation is reportedly “accelerating” the development of “more than 100 suspected missile silos,” each reportedly able to house missiles with nuclear tips that have the ability to reach American shores, according to the WSJ report, which cited anonymous sources familiar with Chinese leadership strategy.

The silos are purportedly large enough to accommodate China’s state of the art DF-41 long-range missile, the WSJ reported.


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20c4e2  No.295197

Welp. Guess I'll cancel my Hainan Island vacation plans.

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e6ecae  No.295202

Don’t worry, they’re made in china

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20c4e2  No.295205


There may have been an incident.

And 17 years after that incident the norks successfully tested an


17 years before this test the norks were maintaining soviet era migs bought from military surplus as their air force.

So people who can't design and build their country's own jet aircraft can design and build an ICBM?

Sounds legit because as we've been told for decades, asians are genetically superior and smarter than everyone else.

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