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2d5fd0  No.294371

By: Katie Pavlich


On Monday, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced healthy children should not be vaccinated for Wuhan coronavirus.

>>"[Florida] is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the COVID-19 vaccine for healthy children," Dr. Ladapo said during a roundtable.

When asked about the decision at the White House daily briefing, Press Secretary Jen Psaki launched into a verbal attack on Dr. Ladapo, calling him a politician and conspiracy theorist.

But Dr. Ladapo is a Harvard-educated doctor with extensive medical experience. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis highlighted Dr. Ladapo's biography when he appointed him as Florida's surgeon general in September 2021.

Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, is a physician and health policy researcher whose primary research interests include clinical trial interventions and reducing the population burden of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Ladapo was recently granted a professorship at the University of Florida (UF) College of Medicine. Prior to joining UF, he was an Associate Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine caring for hospitalized patients. Previously, he served as a faculty member in the Department of Population Health at NYU School of Medicine and as a Staff Fellow at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Ladapo’s research program, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, focuses on patient-centered approaches to improving the health of individuals evaluated for coronary artery disease; and behavioral economic interventions to promote sustainable cardiovascular health, including among adults with HIV. He also leads the health economic, and quality of life evaluation of multiple NIH-funded randomized trials focused on cardiovascular disease and tobacco cessation. His national honors include the Daniel Ford Award for health services and outcomes research, and he was also a regular columnist for the Harvard Focus during medical school and residency, where he discussed his experiences on the medical wards and perspectives on health policy issues.


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2e2731  No.294379


>politician and conspiracy theorist


Dr. Fauci is God emperor.

Dr. Lapado rendered an opinion that contradicts God emperor Fauci.

A Jesuit hit squad will silence the heretic Lapado in due time.

Lapado better learn the art of invisibility and the governor better

allocate funding for hightened security for Lapado.

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6cd375  No.294391


They haven't given Dr. Lapadog the required stock options to make him fall in (((line))).

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9707eb  No.294394

“What’s up, Doc?” Wait a second. Don’t answer that. Raise your hand and A) repeat after me, “ The Hippocratic Oath.. or B) insert hand in pocket, produce wallet and say “Chee$e. I mean CoVid, CoVid, CoVid.”

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df882f  No.294413


They say, everyman can be bought and everyman has his price.

Maybe this man is different.

I'd still recommend increased funding for his personal security and a lifetime plan to maintain it's effectiveness.

The enemy eats the dish of revenge cold, later in the evening after all the guests have departed.

This man will need more than prayers to remain viable in the mortal coil.

The longer I live and the more I learn, the more I hate this world and the television set that feeds me all of it's lies.

Psaki and the horse she rode in on can both fuck completely off :(

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6600c7  No.294430


"2nd Opinion

25 August 2016

by Dr. Lars Aanning

Photo is of his burning his American College of Surgeons membership certificate after they revoked his membership for writing what follows in his weekly column."


Dr.Lapado will need 500 of these to stand with him and debunk the government's cherry picked so called "experts".

They will all become targets.

No pain, no gain.

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78c71a  No.294443

Lapado has defied Leviathan.

DeSantis had better have a plan.

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