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There can be no doubt that entertaining insanity can lead to madness, yet we do it all the time; especially nowadays. It seems perfectly acceptable to act completely bat-shit-crazy, express deranged ideas, or allow our sensitivity to the insane conditions "out there" to affect our own inner serenity. There are none of us who have escaped this reactive behavior — none more guilty than ourselves. Looking WITHIN is the only sane stance to take, yet that is often the only bearing we refuse to set our sights upon; choosing instead to either join the St. Vitus Dancers, jeer them from the sidelines, or pull our hair out wondering when the madness will ever end!
WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. All of us. We are responsible, not only to ourselves, but for each "other". Allowing ourselves, collectively, to slip into insanity, is not only irresponsible, it is dangerous — a threat to ALL That BE. We risk this menace of madness at our peril; and treating it with acceptance, while having the benefit of letting us see things as they are, is a way to not only ensure the ferocity of the hysteria, but its duration.
While it ain't normal to act bat-shit crazy, it also ain't normal to find a wide consensus on what "bat-shit-crazy" looks like! We all have our own conceptions, developed over time within the context of our chosen stances toward society as a whole, Conformity Enforcers specifically, and Conformity-Enforcement in general. Some are only too happy to conform to the "norm", follow the herd, do what the livestock handlers want them to do — while others can't even comply with their own authority, much less the rule of "others"! Meanwhile, the conductors just want the assembly-line to move along smoothly. A compliant herd is always preferable, and compliance will be achieved, by any means necessary. To some, stepping out of line would be bat-shit-crazy, while to others remaining in the progression of St. Vitus Dancers would be proof of our preposterousness, not only leading to our own lunacy, but adding further support to the delusion of "others". In other words, It's Irresponsible.
Sometimes ya gotta call a spade a spade, whether or not the consensus opinion agrees, and despite any consequences to yourself — because it is the right thing to do. Sure, words can mean anything you want them to; but that won't turn "equity" into "equality", "black" into "white", "woman" into "man", or "White Supremacists" into "Woke Supremacists" — no matter how hard one applies social pressures, or even downright force and coercion to the situation.WE BECOME THAT WHICH WE HATE.That is why we are witnessing modern-day Feminists take up the very worst aspects of "Toxic Masculinity" and reveling in their new-found "Authority", as they act with more "Toxic Venomism" than any man ever dreamed of, knowing he would get his ass handed to him by other men. But "Toxic Venomists" use Big Daddy Government as their man, to kick ass on ALL "other" Men and Women. It's All About Controlling the "Other" — "Out There". The tactics of the "Anti-Fascists" are some of the most "Fascist" tactics ever employed! Those who cry "Victim" the loudest are often the most abusive of victimizers; and furthermore, they would have us all see ourselves as "victims", because victims are easier to control. It it is ever more power and control that those psychopathic elements within our society most crave. This has always been so; and there have always been organizations built up around gaining and maintaining control over "others". Some look to "Authority" for guidance, while others recognize social controls for what they are, and act accordingly.
> I see what you did there! Whatever did you mean?