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ee086c  No.263278

By Rachel Wong and Tom Grundy


Hong Kong is to enact a 2-person limit on group gatherings from Wednesday in response to the escalating Covid-19 outbreak.

Dining-in at restaurants will also be banned and mask-wearing will be compulsory in outdoor public places, Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung has said. The measures will expire on August 4.

Hong Kong is to enact a 2-person limit on group gatherings from Wednesday in response to the escalating Covid-19 outbreak.

Dining-in at restaurants will also be banned and mask-wearing will be compulsory in outdoor public places, Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung has said. The measures will expire on August 4.

Cheung said the government was responding to the severity of the pandemic: “We have thoroughly considered the Centre for Health Protection risk assessment and the government expert panel’s advice. We try to strike a balance between the three factors: public safety, the economy and citizens’ endurance. In view of the situation, we are proportionately imposing these measures.”

The Executive Council approved the measures on Monday as the city recorded two more coronavirus-related fatalities – a 76-year-old female and 92-year-old male at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Yau Ma Tei. The death toll now stands at 20 with 2,633 infections.


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