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File: c5b4339aede7370⋯.png (384.96 KB, 658x372, 329:186, FEMA_cancels_55_million_ma….png)

8268e6  No.258475

By Marty Johnson


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said Tuesday that it canceled a multimillion-dollar contract for surgical masks that it had signed with a Virginia-based firm that lacked a history of producing medical equipment.

The administration had said last month that the contract with Panthera Worldwide, which describes itself as a tactical training company, was worth $55 million. The contract was canceled Tuesday "on the grounds of nondelivery," a FEMA spokesperson told The Wall Street Journal.

The contract originally stated that Panthera was to provide FEMA with 10 million N95 masks by May 1, and the agency said the deadline was extended to May 11. One official told the Journal that Panthera had requested an additional four-day extension, but FEMA denied the request.


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