[–] ▶ /newbrit/politics #242: L'édition de Gainsbourg Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:39:16 f0f324 (25) No. 108270 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
Mon amour, tu es la vague, moi l'île nue
Arrests and injuries as Hamburg gripped by mass anti-G20 protests
>A day of violent clashes between police and protesters culminated on Friday evening with the bizarre spectacle of the heads of the world’s 20 leading economies listening to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy at the top of a shiny high-rise building while police used water cannon, teargas and speed boats to keep at bay an angry crowd of thousands.
>Germany’s second-largest city had been eager to showcase its recently opened Elbphilharmonie concert hall to the rest of the world, but it may come to rue its ivory-tower symbolism after a week of chaotic scenes on the edges of the conference hall.
Theresa May dismisses talk of leadership challenge and insists she will be PM for at least another year
>Theresa May has brushed off talk of a leadership challenge over the summer, saying she still expects to be Prime Minister for at least another year.
>Attending the G20 summit in Hamburg, Mrs May was asked whether other world leaders are convinced she will still be there “in a year or two’s time”.
>Mrs May replied: “Yes. We will be playing our absolutely full part and I’ll be playing my full part and the issues that we are discussing are important.”
'They left us with NO MONEY' Rees-Mogg savages Labour for creating public sector pay mess
>JACOB Rees-Mogg savaged the Labour party for overspending in the previous Government, leaving Theresa May to deal with the public sector pay furore.
>Entrancing the audience with a long-winded explanation, defending Mrs May’s austerity cuts, the Tory MP said the government is not making cuts because they’re “unkind”.
>Urging the fuming audience to work out where the public sector pay cap originated from, Mr Rees-Mogg said on BBC Question Tim: “I think you’ve got to workout where we started from.
>“When the Conservatives got into power in 2010, a Labour minister said there is no money left. The deficit was £150 billion.
‘You haven't got a CLUE’ Furious self-employed worker DESTROYS Labour MP in taxation rant
>LABOUR’S shadow justice secretary Richard Burgon was left stunned as a self-employed worker launched an astonishing tirade at the left-wing politician during a heated Question Times.
>The audience member began to heckle at Mr Burgon as he tried to suggest public and private sector workers should not be pitted against one another.
>He was quickly cut off by the infuriated voter, who was concerned about the needs of self-employed workers being left behind by the government.
>Cutting through the Labour MP’s statement, the audience member said: “What about people who work for themselves and run businesses and employ people?
>“You live in a bubble. You live in a Westminster bubble where you don’t know the real world.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:41:42 c0b3cf (134) No. 108273 >>108274 >>108275 >>108276 >>108277 >>108331
Aw I wanted to make it. Thanks for making it still though.
▶ Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:45:31 f0f324 (25) No. 108274
I was never part of it though
You're welcome lad Gainsbourg is a Jew but he seems based (?) so don't be mad he was alpha and redpilled
▶ Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:53:27 680f7f (14) No. 108275
Who have you been cucking now, you stud?!
▶ Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:54:53 f0f324 (25) No. 108276 >>108278
wait I just saw the image
what the fuck lad good oc but still
▶ Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:58:38 53c40b (22) No. 108277
▶ Anonymous 07/07/17 (Fri) 23:59:57 680f7f (14) No. 108278 >>108279 >>108281
Is that Pembs with the gun, or is it Herts?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:00:27 53c40b (22) No. 108279 >>108280 >>108281
it's neo, herts is in the bed
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:03:07 680f7f (14) No. 108280 >>108282
Neo has the gun? Herts is in the bed? So who is the other girl?
I hate Herts tbh, hope he gets shot.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:03:06 f0f324 (25) No. 108281
I do wonder who the person with the gun is
Is it someone angry that I'm cheating on them, or someone angry that 22st is cheating on them?
It is homo oc though smh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:04:26 f0f324 (25) No. 108282 >>108284
>I hate Herts
Because you argued with me on the internet? Don't take it personally binposter, it's just imageboards
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:04:32 680f7f (14) No. 108283
I'm completely confused tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:09:47 680f7f (14) No. 108286
Waiting for someone to explain something is boring tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:31:43 f0f324 (25) No. 108290 >>108291
I wish we had more posters for the night shift
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:34:53 680f7f (14) No. 108291 >>108292
I could post some more bins if you like.
I got some new ones recently.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:36:29 f0f324 (25) No. 108292 >>108293
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:40:27 680f7f (14) No. 108293 >>108294
This is interesting, the middle one has a recyle logo, you don't often see that.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:43:30 f0f324 (25) No. 108294 >>108295
You know, I've literally never seen multicoloured bins irl
They're green, brown or black
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:49:14 680f7f (14) No. 108295 >>108297
Here are the same bins in a different setting.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:52:58 f0f324 (25) No. 108297 >>108298
very nice
slep now
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 00:55:33 680f7f (14) No. 108298
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108297
Night supreme leader, sweet dreams.
Just going to listen to Anne Marie Water's ukip leadership campaign speech.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 01:05:30 edf89d (8) No. 108299
*blocks your path
Where's your turtleneck, nerd?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 04:16:31 edf89d (8) No. 108300
This board is not the property of the turtleneck boyz. Please pay your fee.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 04:18:26 edf89d (8) No. 108301
All dissenters shall recieve a swift sharp barrage of turtle missiles
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 05:43:02 996549 (13) No. 108302 >>108303 >>108325
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. good edition copain
I love listening to this song in the morning while making breakfast, gets me in the mood for the day. When I listen to it it makes me wish I was in France (even if it's not the best place to be at the moment).
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 06:47:30 ac7268 (3) No. 108303 >>108305
what a weird song
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 06:56:49 996549 (13) No. 108305 >>108307
The Prime Ministers mug I wanted to buy is gone
at least now I can buy the other alien mug I wanted with the excuse that it might disappear also. but that one's 5$ more expensive. fml
guadn moing
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 06:57:55 996549 (13) No. 108306 >>108307
don't feel hungover at all tbh. maybe i didn't drink enough.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:00:32 ac7268 (3) No. 108307 >>108308
Morning lax.
do you collect mugs or something?
>not hungover
smh, do you get hangovers then?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:10:38 996549 (13) No. 108308 >>108310 >>108318
not really, just short on mugs in our house recently because mum keeps getting rid of old ones and every person has their own set of mugs in the house so I'm down to two, so i decided to get a nice new one. and pic related looks sweet even if it's too expensive for a mug. but that's etsy i guess.
i rarely get hangovers tbh. then again i don't drink as often either.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:16:53 70a242 (2) No. 108310
>hop in dorks
I like it.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:28:48 54c1c6 (4) No. 108311 >>108312
>Tfw had to sprint down the hill for the train
Thanks big finance for contactless cards so I don't have to wait for the hambeast at the counter to fumble with the change every time I try to buy a ticket
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:35:17 996549 (13) No. 108312 >>108313
where are you going big boy? or did i misunderstand and it's just the city train?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:37:50 54c1c6 (4) No. 108313 >>108314
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:53:21 996549 (13) No. 108314 >>108315
nevermind i think i know where
you're joining vanlads sex dungeon right
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 07:54:57 54c1c6 (4) No. 108315 >>108318
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 08:22:23 54c1c6 (4) No. 108317
Just saw a steam train, wow
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 08:42:07 ab2e34 (38) No. 108318 >>108319 >>108321
morning lads
but is it a BIG mug?
smh wanted to come down and meet you tbh
have fun lad
*sharpens screwdriver* we're in direct competition for wages
too fucking tired and skint smh, one day
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 09:06:44 70a242 (2) No. 108319 >>108320 >>108325
alright lad. I would have got you to come too but I cant afford to pay you, its only a survey. And having 3 people in the van is shitty, smh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 09:09:50 ab2e34 (38) No. 108320 >>108323
*shines brighter*
another hot one today
I knew it would be difficult, was really about just meeting Anprim so I could datamine him and get him into the police database :^)
I think you mentioned the survey is of a building, not landscape? Couldn't do that atm anyway without falling through the roof, wew
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 09:12:06 0454db (2) No. 108321 >>108322
testing new ip
yeah it's fairly big
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 09:35:52 ab2e34 (38) No. 108322 >>108332
DON'T talk to me until I've had my first cup of mutilated cattle blood
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:08:03 9613d8 (1) No. 108323 >>108324
It's certainly been an adventure flicks open Stanley knife
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:19:28 ab2e34 (38) No. 108324 >>108333
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108323
Employment… The final frontier.
*throws polystyrene rock*
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:21:40 f0f324 (25) No. 108325 >>108328
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Britain should annex the Cote d'Azur tbh
Weird video tbh. I'm just glad Fersen is white tbh, most modern 'French' music is made by niggers
Gainsbourg's stuff is kind of depressing and Jewish but I like it, also the romantic stuff is nice too.
I'm loving this weather tbh, perfect for going out
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:26:10 941c9d (11) No. 108326 >>108327 >>108335
>firearms cannot be bought for self defense under any circumstances because the police don't consider it a valid reason
>flamethrowers can be bought as gardening equipment with no questions asked
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:38:23 f0f324 (25) No. 108327
At least you can light a cigarette with a flamethrower
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:43:48 0454db (2) No. 108328 >>108329
why do i still get (you)s for no longer my ip
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:48:58 f0f324 (25) No. 108329
Maybe they know who you are whichever IP you choose
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 10:57:55 f0f324 (25) No. 108330 >>108340
I want to buy a house in the south of France in the countryside, I could live there with the girl I love and it'd be the definition of comfiness
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:02:55 941c9d (11) No. 108331
Oh my god lad, I missed that the first around time. Wew.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:15:52 ae7042 (7) No. 108332
DON'T talk to me unless it's about horseless wagons.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:21:28 7a4418 (2) No. 108333
The battle of the wages
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:22:27 7a4418 (2) No. 108334
How come you let me get here on a contactless and you won't let me leave you fucking yids reeeeee
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:46:14 941c9d (11) No. 108336 >>108341
>preemptive taser
>no questioning
>if anybody's carrying a chainsaw they're gonna get tasered
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:47:14 c0b3cf (134) No. 108337
Should have worn his power armour.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:55:34 c0b3cf (134) No. 108338 >>108341
>preemptive taser him in the back if possible
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 11:58:51 ae1893 (2) No. 108339
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. It's funny because English is a second language for this German .
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:08:40 fdacb7 (34) No. 108340
>the south of France
Inshallah, brother
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:08:41 12b3fd (29) No. 108341
civilians can't be trusted with power tools, we need the nanny state to take care of us because we're a danger to ourselves. God Save.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:11:45 12b3fd (29) No. 108343 >>108363
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. lots of fresh DPRKs.
ICBM Hwasong-14 is a great Victory of Juche Korea
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:12:01 12b3fd (29) No. 108344
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. North Korea: ICBM Hwasong-14 was a gift to the USA [English]
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:12:12 12b3fd (29) No. 108345 >>108347
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. North Korea: If Trump attacks us, it would be the final ruin of the USA [English]
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:12:24 12b3fd (29) No. 108346
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun [English]
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:12:41 c0b3cf (134) No. 108347 >>108348
Drumpf please strike
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:15:25 12b3fd (29) No. 108348
North Korea news LIVE: Latest as US bombers fly over Korean Peninsula in show of power
>North Korea has successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching Alaska.
>The United States and South Korea staged a live fire drill over the Korean Peninsula in a direct show of power to the hermit state.
>Donald Trump has warned he is considering "pretty severe things" in response to the missile test.
>The undeterred Kim Jong-un has vowed to “frequently send gift packages” to the US. what?
>Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he had “not given up on hope” on resolving the North Korean problem.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:19:21 941c9d (11) No. 108350 >>108354
If North Korea gets even one nuke to hit the west coast then yanks will be sniveling about it for the rest of our lives. It would be Pearl Harbor+9/11x1000.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:25:30 12b3fd (29) No. 108353 >>108355 >>108356
what did Drumpf mean by this?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:26:49 12b3fd (29) No. 108354
my God, that's 911000
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:36:08 941c9d (11) No. 108355
Finally the smoking gun CNN has been looking for.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:37:40 c0b3cf (134) No. 108356
he's not even trying to hide it anymore
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:39:11 c0b3cf (134) No. 108357 >>108358
Did white people evolve blond hair to blend in with the wheat fields?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:39:59 546939 (129) No. 108358
they evolved it so slags can be singled out easily
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:46:30 519166 (2) No. 108360 >>108361 >>108368
>tfw unattended bag on the seat across from me
>tfw for most of the train journey it's just there
>tfw as i'm about to get off the train the owner appears
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:48:50 c0b3cf (134) No. 108361 >>108370
were you prepared to meet your maker, lad?
What camp does he run?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:53:20 12b3fd (29) No. 108363
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:54:39 12b3fd (29) No. 108364 >>108367
hullo mystery man
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:55:18 546939 (129) No. 108365 >>108367
what on earth is that
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:55:52 fdacb7 (34) No. 108366
Globalist capitalism out
Globalist sharia-communism in
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 12:58:23 07a8c2 (21) No. 108367
you'll never know
thats me
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:07:56 c0b3cf (134) No. 108369 >>108373
Hey lad.
What are you going to do with that lass?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:17:05 519166 (2) No. 108370
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:26:26 c0b3cf (134) No. 108371 >>108375
Are they, dare I say, /arelads/?
I’m Tired of Watching Brown Men Fall in Love With White Women Onscreen
>The Big Sick has been roundly lauded in the press lately, including here at Jezebel, and not without good reason: it’s a funny, heartwarming love story based on the true-life experiences of cowriters/married couple Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon. But as much as I liked it---and I did—I also found myself exhausted, yet again, by the onscreen depiction of a brown man wanting to date a white woman, while brown women are portrayed alternately as caricatures, stereotypes, inconsequential, and/or the butts of a joke.
>I know, I know: isn’t it progress to see Asian men get the girl for once, instead of stand-in as a prop, token or joke? Sure, it’s great that Hollywood is putting its money behind narratives with brown men at the helm, as in The Big Sick and Master of None. But both also center white women as the love interest---a concept which, in the complex hierarchy of power and race in America, pays lip-service to the one notion that has shaped the history of South Asian and American culture alike: Whiteness as the ultimate desire, the highest goal in defining oneself as an American. Both of these works are part of a larger trend that’s common in films in media portraying the desi community, that the pursuit of white love is a mode of acceptance into American culture, and a way of “transcending” the confines of immigrant culture—the notion that white love is a gateway drug to the American dream.
>John Cho recognized this trend last March, in a conversation with Kumail Nanjiani at Sundance. Cho noted that while he gets a lot of “Attaboys!” from people excited to see an Asian guy with a white woman (particularly other Asian guys) , they don’t seem to want two Asian people on the screen together: “The screen might set on fire,” he said. Nanjiani sidestepped this critique by noting The Big Sick’s depiction of his brother in a happy relationship with a Pakistani woman satisfies those optics.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:31:23 546939 (129) No. 108372 >>108376
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:32:26 07a8c2 (21) No. 108373
OH, dont worry about her.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:38:36 53c40b (22) No. 108374 >>108376
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:39:23 fdacb7 (34) No. 108375 >>108376
>infiltrating leftist blogs in order to counter miscegenation
Not sure what she's complaining about tbh, that lad looks American white to me.
And again with this weird use of "optics". It's bad enough that the concept is alien, I always have to reread a sentence that has that word in before I can make sense of it.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:47:11 c0b3cf (134) No. 108376 >>108378 >>108380
seems like they all learned to write the same way smh
You were away?
What's wrong with it?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:48:38 12b3fd (29) No. 108377 >>108400
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:49:03 53c40b (22) No. 108378 >>108379
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:52:22 546939 (129) No. 108380
>What's wrong with it?
It's being a tit
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:52:30 07a8c2 (21) No. 108381 >>108384
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:55:46 53c40b (22) No. 108383 >>108387
on a top secret druid mission
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:56:07 c0b3cf (134) No. 108384 >>108385
*bites your wrist*
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 13:58:48 07a8c2 (21) No. 108385 >>108387
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:01:06 c0b3cf (134) No. 108387 >>108392
Tell us about it, lad. No secrets here.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:02:16 12b3fd (29) No. 108388 >>108390
Yo listen up here's a story
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:04:20 edf89d (8) No. 108389
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:09:08 fdacb7 (34) No. 108391 >>108394
>men's health section
>a woman kvetching about, er, something?
It's the grauniad all right
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:10:28 07a8c2 (21) No. 108392
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:10:29 12b3fd (29) No. 108393 >>108394
>tfw WE could transform into fishies before the Anglo destroyed our magic metamorphosis trees
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:12:01 c0b3cf (134) No. 108394 >>108395 >>108397
just mentions that men get less fertile with age too, and how they shouldn't use younger photos on dating sites. She probably just had one such case happen to her and decided to speak her mind :^)
Why would you want to be a fishie, lass?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:17:39 12b3fd (29) No. 108395 >>108396
to swim around and be free
idk his legs had scales :^)
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:21:47 c0b3cf (134) No. 108396 >>108399
>not dragon scales
smh you have such low opinions of our forebears
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:24:01 fdacb7 (34) No. 108397
>men get less fertile with age too
Well yeah but we don't have a menopause. Seems like a non-argument tbh.
>they shouldn't use younger photos on dating sites
I thought women liked older men tbh. At least they aren't as picky in that respect as men are.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:32:14 12b3fd (29) No. 108399
I have disgraced the memory of our ancestors.
please, hold the sword.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:32:26 941c9d (11) No. 108400 >>108401 >>108402 >>108404 >>108405 >>108408
Get ready for those hormone-treated American beef imports.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:33:48 546939 (129) No. 108401 >>108428
Trump wouldn't give us gayism, would he?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:34:22 c0b3cf (134) No. 108403
>No BASED NA truck filled with piss
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:36:30 c0b3cf (134) No. 108404 >>108406
Soon pride every day will make sense once the population is 50% homo.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:40:46 12b3fd (29) No. 108407 >>108408
I said it apprehensively. we really shouldn't have that stuff overtake are beef market.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:42:39 ab2e34 (38) No. 108408 >>108410 >>108413
>implying ours is any better
LOCAL meat is the only way tbh
*buys supermarket meat because it's cheaper anyway *
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:42:56 c0b3cf (134) No. 108409 >>108410
socks while swimming?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:47:14 12b3fd (29) No. 108410
we have to support are butchers
>tfw local butcher got shut down by a new tesco a few years back
they're functional! they must be latex.. it totally wasn't just for the photo shoot ahh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:48:05 c0b3cf (134) No. 108411 >>108412 >>108413 >>108428
>This is a Japanese cow
Reminder to never have kobe beef.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:49:24 12b3fd (29) No. 108412
*chews* wait what?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:50:25 546939 (129) No. 108413
>it all comes in plastic
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:50:29 12b3fd (29) No. 108414 >>108417
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL GOY
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:52:47 867485 (26) No. 108415 >>108418 >>108420
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:53:59 c0b3cf (134) No. 108417 >>108419
sweet. Did he say why his other one was taken down?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:54:07 07a8c2 (21) No. 108418 >>108421
whats wrong lass?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:55:06 12b3fd (29) No. 108419
probably says in his bongo
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:55:30 53c40b (22) No. 108420 >>108422
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:55:47 867485 (26) No. 108421 >>108423
had a failed survey with anprim today, got to go back and do it again with a special tool that nobody told me I needed.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:56:40 867485 (26) No. 108422 >>108425
im just reeeing in general lad, been to see the boss and hes going to buy me a special tool to get those caps off.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:56:57 07a8c2 (21) No. 108423 >>108426
OH yeah, i heard you tow are having adventures now. Is it fun?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:57:10 53c40b (22) No. 108425 >>108426
Sounds jewy to me tbh, special tool to get their crap plastic off.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:58:41 867485 (26) No. 108426 >>108427
yeah was alright tbh, got to go to a pub which always improves things.
it is tbh, theyve stopped selling that type of cap because its so shit. the new design is much stronger apparently.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 14:59:43 07a8c2 (21) No. 108427 >>108429
thats good was it at all awkward when you two met?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:00:23 941c9d (11) No. 108428 >>108430 >>108431
He's already giving gayism to China through beef imports lad. We'll get to see what's happening in the west on a grand scale in the east.
This is also a Japanese cow.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:00:54 867485 (26) No. 108429 >>108433
nah it was fine tbh, we got on well imo, hes a good lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:00:59 546939 (129) No. 108430
>He's already giving gayism to China through beef imports lad. We'll get to see what's happening in the west on a grand scale in the east.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:01:09 c0b3cf (134) No. 108431 >>108432 >>108434 >>108435
reminds me of that porn webm with the lass dressed up as a cow….
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:01:39 53c40b (22) No. 108432
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:01:41 07a8c2 (21) No. 108433
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:02:14 546939 (129) No. 108434 >>108437
what is wrong with you
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:02:59 12b3fd (29) No. 108435
I can still hear the cowbells ringing
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:03:41 996549 (13) No. 108436 >>108438 >>108439 >>108440 >>108442 >>108444
tired as fuck bros. might take a nap.
got a new bicycle.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:03:56 c0b3cf (134) No. 108437
smh it was posted here and not by me
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:04:20 546939 (129) No. 108438 >>108451
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:04:25 867485 (26) No. 108439 >>108441
what sort of bike?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:04:29 07a8c2 (21) No. 108440 >>108445
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:05:21 996549 (13) No. 108441 >>108443
regular city bike
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:05:28 c0b3cf (134) No. 108442 >>108445
Nice, lass. smh haven't touched mine since the day I almost collapsed.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:07:43 867485 (26) No. 108443 >>108445
nice. is it a fixed-gear hipstermobile?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:11:36 12b3fd (29) No. 108444 >>108451
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:13:24 996549 (13) No. 108445 >>108447 >>108448
yeah a fixie
it's great, I just ride with bike everywhere and I don't need to pay for the train
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:14:55 c0b3cf (134) No. 108446 >>108449 >>108450
>no /newbrit/ tandem or whatever you call the ones with multiple seats
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:15:04 07a8c2 (21) No. 108447 >>108451
whats wrong?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:15:04 867485 (26) No. 108448
I used to do that, ride 8 miles to another town to save myself almost £8 a day on the train, and spent the money on 10 fags and 6 beers. Im too lazy now, good on you tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:15:19 53c40b (22) No. 108449
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:16:26 867485 (26) No. 108450 >>108452 >>108454
>tfw no /newbrit/ recumbent bike-racing and touring club
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:18:02 996549 (13) No. 108451 >>108453 >>108454
n-nothing. I'll go now for real.
birthday gift from father tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:18:31 c0b3cf (134) No. 108452 >>108457
I'd race downhill tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:20:13 07a8c2 (21) No. 108453 >>108459
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:20:39 12b3fd (29) No. 108454 >>108456 >>108458
reminds me of the GREEN MACHINE
I hope it's alien green
have a nice nap
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:22:36 07a8c2 (21) No. 108456
oh shit, one of my freinds used have one of those
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:24:57 867485 (26) No. 108458
are they those drifting things?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:27:25 996549 (13) No. 108459 >>108460
no lad why?
I said ahhh because I'm tired on one hand and have work to do on the other.
now it's me who's sorry smh
thanks lad
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:28:58 07a8c2 (21) No. 108460
Dont be sorry lass, i thought i had i some way upset you
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:43:42 867485 (26) No. 108462
ahhhh shitty leytonstone then even shitter essex tomorrow reeeeeeeeeeee
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:45:12 546939 (129) No. 108464 >>108467
so peepeepoopoo but not just boring and not disgusting
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:45:58 867485 (26) No. 108465
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:50:34 546939 (129) No. 108469 >>108470
peepeepoopoo didn't even take pepe back, so what does a tame version of it hope to achieve
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 15:59:07 c0b3cf (134) No. 108470 >>108472
Pepe is a centrist now
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:03:16 c0b3cf (134) No. 108471 >>108472 >>108475
>fuck our history let's make the national flag represent 2% of the population
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:04:18 07a8c2 (21) No. 108472 >>108476
pepe is so not cool anymore
i hope they do it
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:12:27 c0b3cf (134) No. 108474
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWW GORDON
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:13:03 c0b3cf (134) No. 108476
yeah feel like Kekistanis kind of sucked the energy out of Pepe smh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:15:48 c0b3cf (134) No. 108479 >>108480
>It's a catholic episode
Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at home of cardinal’s aide
>Vatican police raided a drug-fueled gay-sex party at an apartment belonging to an aide of one of Pope Francis’ key advisers, according to a new report.
>The Holy Father is “enraged,” since the home, inhabited by Francesco Cardinal Coccopalmerio’s secretary, belongs to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith --- the arm charged with tackling clerical sex abuse, the Italian paper Il Fatto Quotidiano reported.
>Cops raided the apartment in late June after neighbors voiced concern about multiple people acting strangely while streaming in and out of the residence, the newspaper reported Wednesday.
>Once police were inside the apartment, they said they found multiple men engaged in rampant drug use and homosexual activity.
>They then arrested the priest --- an aide to one of Pope Francis’ key advisers — after taking him to a clinic to detox from the drugs he’d ingested.
>They then arrested the priest --- an aide to one of Pope Francis’ key advisers — after taking him to a clinic to detox from the drugs he’d ingested.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:21:28 c0b3cf (134) No. 108482 >>108483
wide shoulder lass
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:24:05 07a8c2 (21) No. 108483 >>108484
nah she just worked her delts
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:26:14 c0b3cf (134) No. 108484
ahhhhh I should get back to the gym
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 16:54:45 c0b3cf (134) No. 108486
But if you kill capitalism you will be just as bad as it smh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:06:01 546939 (129) No. 108487 >>108488 >>108509
naps make me feel even worse than before tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:07:10 c0b3cf (134) No. 108488
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:16:55 546939 (129) No. 108489 >>108490
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:21:40 c0b3cf (134) No. 108490
>they will never keep it in the bedroom
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:24:31 867485 (26) No. 108491 >>108492 >>108493
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:27:06 53c40b (22) No. 108493 >>108497
If it's good vinegar I'll allow it
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:29:00 fdacb7 (34) No. 108494 >>108498
I like the premise of the picture but what does the massive wojak add? I think examples of CNN's conduct would work better, in order to demonstrate the veracity of the quote.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:32:37 867485 (26) No. 108495
*kicks lippy cyclist off bike*
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:33:44 867485 (26) No. 108496
*drives off quickly*
wtf lad apple cider vinegar is a goat-tier liquid condiment
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:34:45 867485 (26) No. 108497
apple cider vinegar tbh.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:41:41 c0b3cf (134) No. 108498
don't know, lad. I'm just the thief who stole the memi
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:42:17 c0b3cf (134) No. 108499 >>108500 >>108501 >>108508
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:53:37 867485 (26) No. 108502 >>108504
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:55:35 867485 (26) No. 108503 >>108504
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 17:59:05 546939 (129) No. 108504 >>108505
Are you pubposting
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:01:36 867485 (26) No. 108505 >>108520
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:03:47 c0b3cf (134) No. 108506 >>108510 >>108514
White people confirmed just as bad as Muslims. Are Cornish people white?
Cornish terror group claims it has would-be suicide bomber in its ranks and admits firebombing Rick Stein restaurant
>The Cornish Republican Army (CRA) says it carried out the attack last month as part of a renewed campaign to prevent the "ethnic cleansing of the people of Kernow"
>A Cornish terror group has claimed responsibility for firebombing Rick Stein's seaside restaurant - and claims it has a would-be suicide bomber in its ranks.
>The Cornish Republican Army (CRA) says it carried out the restaurant attack last month as part of a renewed campaign to prevent the "ethnic cleansing of the people of Kernow".
>Formerly known as the Cornish National Liberation Army (CNLA), the group has been dormant for over a decade and was believed to have been disbanded.
>But in an official blog announcing the name change, the group made a series of chilling threats - including that it has a female martyr prepared to die for the cause.
>The statement said: "Our organisation has grown and we now have one member who is prepared to pay the ultimate price in the battle for Kernow.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:04:13 c0b3cf (134) No. 108507
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. FRESH VARG: Muh Modern Civilization
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:04:46 fdacb7 (34) No. 108508
Why is the army making such an ultimatum? Are they going to take action if it goes unheeded?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:05:45 996549 (13) No. 108509 >>108511 >>108512
you know it man
why did no one stop me
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:05:51 fdacb7 (34) No. 108510 >>108512
>Are Cornish people white?
The Cornish are long lost Welshmen, lad. So no
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:07:05 546939 (129) No. 108511
You had your heart set on it lad.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:11:13 c0b3cf (134) No. 108512
I thought you were an experienced napper and didn't want to bother you
Do they cry racist?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:12:18 546939 (129) No. 108513 >>108515
even worse is that the imperium fairy likes to visit me on naps so I have to wash my pants more often than not
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:12:35 fdacb7 (34) No. 108514 >>108516
Anyway, it might be interesting to see how this plays with all the taig-lovers around the world. Kernow can make the same claims to celticity that the Irish can, and besides we have all been oppressed by the horrible English for centuries. And nationalism and republicanism are based, right? On the other hand bringing up ethnic cleansing like this gives genocide via population replacement a novel example.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:14:14 c0b3cf (134) No. 108515 >>108519
Just take off your pants when sleeping, lad
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:17:38 c0b3cf (134) No. 108516 >>108518
Aren't there ethnic groups in the world that are actually protected?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:20:08 c0b3cf (134) No. 108517 >>108518
Ah yes keep feeding the animals
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:25:22 fdacb7 (34) No. 108518
Dunno, maybe in other countries. It would be interesting to know whether any of them go as far as restricting immigration to achieve such an aim. Do Israelis count? I don't think a European ethnic group could ever expect legal protection though.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:27:09 546939 (129) No. 108519
I don't really plan naps, they just happen
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:29:58 53c40b (22) No. 108520 >>108521
How'd the other job go lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:31:08 867485 (26) No. 108521
perfect tbh thanks lad, he should be paying me the deposit this weekend.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:46:46 c0b3cf (134) No. 108522 >>108524
Forget fake news --- alt-right memes could do more damage to democracy
>Well beyond the problem of fake news, which at least tried to pose as news, these posts are pure opinion, outburst and excess. There is nothing about these posts that even remotely compares to news reporting --- and that’s why they are popular. At a moment in U.S. history where trust in the news is at a record low, we are seeing the growing power of individuals outside of traditional media circuits who have built a following by suggesting that their voices are more authentic and more accurate than those of the so-called liberal, elitist, majority-silencing news.
>, “there’s a reason to take Trump’s tweet seriously, and that is its direct connection to the violence the alt-right routinely espouses.”
An awful lot of violence is being encouraged but they have no actual violence to point to smh.
>Despite the fact that “HanAssholeSolo” attempted to use what I have called “The Colbert Defense” of crying satire to back out of his offensive statements, the archive of his posts demonstrates “hate speech in abundance and no regard for the people he might hurt.” And it isn’t just the one user that can be characterized that way. Overall the Reddit community on The_Donald frequently shares hate speech posts that are openly Islamophobic, misogynistic, racist and outright offensive . This makes the fact that both Twitter and the White House defended the tweet against accusations of hate speech and violence even more disturbing.
>hate speech
>The story of the Trump tweet, the alt-right and Reddit is only one among many across social media platforms. For instance, a recent study by Zack Exley, Joan Shorenstein Fellow at Harvard University, shows that political channels on YouTube are currently dominated by the alt-right.
reminder that these people think "skeptics" are alt-right.
>Exley points out that just as the left missed the growing role of right-wing talk radio, it is now missing the power of the alt-right on social media.
>Exley claims that political rants on YouTube are dominated by right-wing personalities. It is a claim echoed by Vice News too. The New York Times calls YouTube “almost a kind of internet nation-state” given the fact that it has more than a billion users. About 400 hours of video uploaded every minute and 1 billion hours of video consumed every day.
>The focus of Exley’s study is a demonetized YouTube channel that has more than 180,000 subscribers and 18 million views that he suggests epitomizes the sort of alt-right rants that gain traction on YouTube. Exley suggests that it isn’t just that the alt-right dominates the YouTube political rant; it is that they are cornering the market on the format, creating a new form of communicative style that is gaining increasing traction among viewers.
>As BuzzFeed notes, there is “a sprawling new universe of far-right internet personalities who have aligned themselves with a ‘new right’ or ‘alt-right’ or ‘new far-right’ political youth movement in the US.” This group is interested in moving their trolling into the real world.
Top fucking kek.
>The issue of freedom of speech and social media, of course, is a tricky issue since all of the platforms have rules and restrictions over the sort of content they allow. And yet, there is some evidence to suggest that the application of those rules may indeed favor aggressive speech by the right more than from other quarters.
>For instance, a report from ProPublica suggests that Facebook’s internal rules for censoring hate speech is biased to favor both the right and celebrity users. In contrast, “Facebook users who don’t mince words in criticizing racism and police killings of racial minorities say that their posts are often taken down. ”
>Rather than fight Trump, outlets like CNN have to take seriously the fact that a major portion of the population simply doesn’t trust them. Even worse, they don’t find CNN interesting or compelling. And, as Carlos Maza has pointed out, the fact that CNN treats politics like sports isn’t helping. By covering politics as if it were a game, CNN hypes controversy more than it reports the truth.
They could start by telling the truth, wew.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:56:17 867485 (26) No. 108523 >>108526
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 18:56:52 fdacb7 (34) No. 108524
>attempted to use what I have called “The Colbert Defense” of crying satire to back out of his offensive statements
It worked for the Trump beheading woman, why wouldn't it work for him?
Reminder that Salon is a propaganda agency, not a journalist business.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:00:14 ab2e34 (38) No. 108525 >>108526
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:01:21 c0b3cf (134) No. 108526 >>108527
napping, playing guitar, looking for pics of slavic slags, preparing peppermint tea from unfiltered water, driving, drinking alcohol, and doing normie stuff.
Yeah putting one up. I have Zardoz and Zulu, probably playing Zardoz.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:02:33 867485 (26) No. 108527
thats pretty comprehensive, thanks lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:03:33 867485 (26) No. 108528
>goldie dnb mix tonight
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:04:17 12b3fd (29) No. 108530 >>108531 >>108532 >>108533 >>108534 >>108537
back from playing.. got new strings.. have to shower now before the film ahhhh
also an old friend called me and he's going to come and see me with another friend I haven't seen in years I'm really scared
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:05:49 867485 (26) No. 108531 >>108547
>really scared
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:06:13 c0b3cf (134) No. 108532 >>108547
ahhhh he's coming to save you, lass
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:08:38 546939 (129) No. 108533 >>108547
It's going to be great lad.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:10:25 c0b3cf (134) No. 108534 >>108535 >>108547
>it's a shower episode
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:14:33 546939 (129) No. 108535 >>108538
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:17:20 867485 (26) No. 108536
>The team found that, compared with East Asians, Western participants had more positive evaluations of social interactions involving handshakes. The team also saw that Western men and women evaluated the situations differently. Western women rated all interactions with handshakes more positively than those without.
>Western men evaluated male hosts less positively when they did not shake hands, but they rated female hosts equally positively regardless of whether a handshake occurred.
>"Our results show that in Western males there is a clear expectation to shake hands during first encounters with other males," Florin Dolcos said. "But they don't seem to be affected by the absence of a handshake when interacting with females. This is clear evidence of how subtle things that might seem trivial can make a big difference in daily social interactions."
>Handshaking is an inherently Western behavior customary in business contexts, and it's also a historically male behavior
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:18:52 d0ef15 (1) No. 108537 >>108547
Hope it goes well, I've found that most of my old friends even if we'd not been in contact for years, still have more in common than most of the pleb neurotypical masses tbh. Gl lass.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:19:10 c0b3cf (134) No. 108538 >>108539 >>108542
I am just treating her with dignity and respect, lass
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:19:46 546939 (129) No. 108539 >>108543
pembs is a lad and he's going to have a good lads night out
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:22:52 546939 (129) No. 108541
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:24:50 fdacb7 (34) No. 108542
>that first one
A few years ago you could have drawn that as a joke.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:26:03 c0b3cf (134) No. 108543 >>108544 >>108548
>all she does is speak yet she only uploads once a week if that
Pembs is a lass
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:27:07 546939 (129) No. 108544
Wrong, he's a real boy and he's going to grow up to have a nice wife and children and he's going to make it
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:30:28 ab038a (32) No. 108546 >>108549
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108545
thats some rubbish bleepbleep lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:32:36 12b3fd (29) No. 108547 >>108551 >>108552
have kinda bad anxiety
ahh save me from my hikikomori ways
I hope so but I have lots of butterflies
laaaad that's my private time
it'll be easier to connect with them than anyone else for sure. thank you lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:33:20 fda51f (2) No. 108548
>all she does is speak yet she only uploads once a week if that
she eats in the video too lad, it's a mouth sounds, singing, whispering /asmr/ video smh fucking neurotypicals
>criticizing Agatha ever
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:33:56 fdacb7 (34) No. 108549 >>108551 >>108554
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108546
SNES soundtracks are great, lass.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:36:01 cc8aa0 (4) No. 108550
where does are ginny gin get this stuff from?
she must search every nook and cranny possible to bring the round round to the truth …. or maybe she beats people under interrogation to procure information
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:36:38 ab038a (32) No. 108551
oh dear. Youll be fine tbh.
…great for what, lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:37:40 546939 (129) No. 108552 >>108553 >>108554
Honestly, once either you or your friends are drunk, you can be a complete sperg and still have a good time
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:39:03 ab038a (32) No. 108553 >>108555
>be a sperg once drunk and have a good time
the secret is to be a bit drunk at all times tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:40:50 12b3fd (29) No. 108554
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108549
megaman 2 is prob my favourite. it's not snes but close
yea I'm going to be drinking a lot haha
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:40:54 546939 (129) No. 108555 >>108557
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108553
>the secret is to be a bit drunk at all times tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:41:30 ab038a (32) No. 108557 >>108558
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:42:32 546939 (129) No. 108558 >>108559
bge thankful theyr werent imperiuunmm yrtips
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:43:04 ab038a (32) No. 108559 >>108561
did you have a stroke lad? are you okay?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:44:22 cc8aa0 (4) No. 108560 >>108562 >>108563
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:44:34 546939 (129) No. 108561
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:47:22 546939 (129) No. 108562
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:48:08 ab038a (32) No. 108563 >>108564
experienced cock-handler tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:51:02 546939 (129) No. 108564 >>108566 >>108570
considering this is a haleposter, I don't think experienced cock handlers are a concern to him
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:51:59 ab2e34 (38) No. 108565 >>108567 >>108568
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:52:02 ab038a (32) No. 108566
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:52:33 ab038a (32) No. 108567 >>108573
what you been up to lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:53:17 546939 (129) No. 108568 >>108569 >>108573
pedople put shit in the poll and i think 22st and neo have eloped to france or something
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:54:08 ab038a (32) No. 108569
>eloped to france
good on them tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:56:05 cc8aa0 (4) No. 108570 >>108571
you're right
i'm a member of the great imperium
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:56:40 546939 (129) No. 108571
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:57:02 ab038a (32) No. 108572 >>108574
>The Church of England has been told to "urgently" update its approach to sexuality, during a discussion at the general synod in York.
>On the second day of the synod, member Prof Joyce Hill said there was "a lot of long grass growing" in its plans.
>She spoke after the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said the Church would spend three years on a document outlining a new stance.
>Current rules ban the marriage of same-sex couples in church.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:57:23 ab2e34 (38) No. 108573 >>108576
not doing anything at all tbh
playing some chinky empires with randos online and getting noticed by the developers.
going to schedule another theory test tomorrow and repack a camping/bob bag but that's about it
also made some dafty OC earlier that needs more (you)s tbh
smh guess I'll just have to watch zardoz on my own then *avoids looking at sean connery in a bright red nappy but can't because that's every scene of zardoz*
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 19:59:41 fdacb7 (34) No. 108574
The CofE should be disestablished tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:01:15 ab038a (32) No. 108575 >>108577
>The majority of reproductive-age and pregnant women who use opioids for non-medical purposes also use at least one other substance, ranging from nicotine or alcohol to cocaine, according to a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health analysis. It was the first to look at use of multiple substances in a nationally representative group of U.S. women age 18 to 44.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:01:59 ab038a (32) No. 108576 >>108579
>>108573 (You)
nice lad, heres 2.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:02:09 546939 (129) No. 108577 >>108578
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:02:56 ab038a (32) No. 108578
probably blacks tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:04:58 ab2e34 (38) No. 108579 >>108582
>counterfeit (you)s
*takes it anyway*
the lidls gives me polecoins occasionally smh
also shitty Anprim OC
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:05:52 53c40b (22) No. 108580 >>108581
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:06:20 ab2e34 (38) No. 108581 >>108584
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:06:28 ab038a (32) No. 108582 >>108586
>counterfeit (You)s
*flees country*
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:07:04 c0b3cf (134) No. 108583 >>108586
I was late to film friday but I have the film(ZARDOZ) on cytu.be if anyone wants to watch. Wessex and Binposter is already there.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:07:26 53c40b (22) No. 108584
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:07:54 ab2e34 (38) No. 108586
*dons bright red nappy*
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:14:05 ab038a (32) No. 108589
>NA lass at a frenchcore rave
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:15:14 ab038a (32) No. 108590 >>108591
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:16:19 761b27 (27) No. 108591 >>108592
Sorry, I only like it because it's Zardoz.
You going to come and watch the movie with us?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:18:04 ab038a (32) No. 108592
cant lad, not at the pub tonight, got to be up early. Thanks anyway.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:19:49 0cf367 (2) No. 108593 >>108594 >>108595 >>108597
I bet most of you didn't bother brushing your teeth today
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:20:41 546939 (129) No. 108594
what the fuck is this
I've brushed my teeth twice so far tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:23:13 c0b3cf (134) No. 108595
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:25:42 53c40b (22) No. 108597
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:27:08 761b27 (27) No. 108600 >>108603
Sorry about being a dick the other day.
And that other day before that as well.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:27:17 ab038a (32) No. 108601
she looks rough, yo.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:27:59 546939 (129) No. 108602 >>108605
are they both actually hale?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:28:07 ab038a (32) No. 108603 >>108606
is this binposter?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:28:08 761b27 (27) No. 108604
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:28:16 c0b3cf (134) No. 108605
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:29:47 ab038a (32) No. 108607 >>108608
Hi lad. Apology accepted. maybe dont ruin druid/pol/ next time you have a paddy, please.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:31:24 761b27 (27) No. 108608 >>108611
I'm so sorry about that.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:35:02 ab038a (32) No. 108610 >>108612 >>108617
'Children in single-mother-by-choice families do just as well as those in two-parent families'
>Children in both family types are doing well in terms of their well-being," said investigator Mathilde Brewaeys from the Centre of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria of the VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam. "Single-mothers-by-choice and their children benefit from a good social support network, and this should be emphasised in the counselling of women who want to have and raise a child without a partner." Ms Brewaeys will present the results of the study today at the 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE in Geneva.
>this should be emphasised in the counselling of women who want to have and raise a child without a partner."
>raise a child without a partner
[sense of impending doom intensifies]
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:36:26 ab038a (32) No. 108611
Please dont do it again lad, the binperium-druid diplomatic relations were good before that.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:36:34 546939 (129) No. 108612 >>108614
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:37:47 ab038a (32) No. 108613 >>108615
>they dont post sources
holy fuck theyd get flattened.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:38:04 ab038a (32) No. 108614
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:43:30 9596ef (3) No. 108615 >>108618
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:45:14 c0b3cf (134) No. 108617 >>108619
>The study described by Ms Brewaeys was a comparison of 69 single-mothers-by-choice (who had knowingly chosen to raise their child alone) and 59 mothers from heterosexual two-parent families with a child between the ages of 1.5 and 6 years.
The analysis drew three main conclusions:
>There were no significant differences in emotional involvement or parental stress between family types
>Single-mothers-by-choice showed significantly higher scores on the social support they received, but also on wanting more social support
>There were no significant differences in the children's internal and external problem behaviour (well-being) between both family types.
Small sample group, just very young children, and "well-being" seems incredibly vague.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:45:20 ab038a (32) No. 108618
ah thanks lad. Not much of a source though, is it.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:46:35 ab038a (32) No. 108619 >>108620
>Ms Braeways
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:49:41 c0b3cf (134) No. 108620 >>108621
>"Children in both family types are doing well in terms of their well-being," said investigator Mathilde Brewaeys from the Centre of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria of the VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 20:50:39 ab038a (32) No. 108621
fuck me I missed that bit.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:12:54 c0b3cf (134) No. 108625
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:14:16 ab038a (32) No. 108626 >>108627 >>108629 >>108634
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:15:03 c0b3cf (134) No. 108627
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:15:26 ab2e34 (38) No. 108628
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:15:37 ab2e34 (38) No. 108629
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 21:24:15 fdacb7 (34) No. 108631
The Romans didn't consider themselves superior to others, stupid Iceni racists.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:01:28 4c94cf (4) No. 108633 >>108635
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:02:47 53c40b (22) No. 108634
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:03:23 c0b3cf (134) No. 108635 >>108636
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:04:54 4c94cf (4) No. 108636 >>108637
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:07:24 c0b3cf (134) No. 108637 >>108639
You're lucky that was spoilered bth
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:09:20 696c9a (44) No. 108638
What's wrong lass?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:09:50 4c94cf (4) No. 108639 >>108641
tfw know too much from various sources smdh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:10:15 546939 (129) No. 108640 >>108643
I wanted to post in the thread, but I was spending time sorting out defunct european currencies
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:12:46 4c94cf (4) No. 108642
there is none tbf
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:13:33 fdacb7 (34) No. 108643 >>108644
Don't bully the Euro lad, they put a lot of effort into it.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:14:18 546939 (129) No. 108644 >>108645
I have a lot of belgian francs that are completely worthless now
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:17:10 fdacb7 (34) No. 108645
God willing the Eurozone will collapse and you'll be able to purchase Brussels with them.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:19:54 fdacb7 (34) No. 108646 >>108647
>tfw spending a whole evening struggling with a stupid mathematical puzzle that smart people can immediately write down a solution to
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:24:06 546939 (129) No. 108647
is is a dolphin in a bathtub
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:27:01 f0f324 (25) No. 108648 >>108649
Reminder to be alpha lads
Post last edited at 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:44:22
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:27:38 546939 (129) No. 108649
is putting the 9carat star of david on my keychain a bad idea
valid point
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:31:10 546939 (129) No. 108652 >>108655
>piss take thursday
>on a saturday
kay has gone mad
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:31:19 53c40b (22) No. 108653
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:31:26 696c9a (44) No. 108654
kek this is amazing
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:33:10 696c9a (44) No. 108655
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:34:24 546939 (129) No. 108656 >>108671 >>108673
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >You will know soon
is lee planning a school shooting
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:34:27 fdacb7 (34) No. 108657
>not cooking something good for piss take Thursday
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:35:28 f0f324 (25) No. 108658 >>108665
>not being an alpha bf
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:36:44 c0b3cf (134) No. 108659 >>108660 >>108661 >>108662 >>108666 >>108667 >>108674
Night lasses. give me some (You)s. It's not the same in Bongo Bongo Land
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:37:03 fdacb7 (34) No. 108660
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:37:15 546939 (129) No. 108661
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:37:46 941c9d (11) No. 108662 >>108663 >>108666 >>108667
Night night, I'm going to bed too.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:38:13 546939 (129) No. 108663
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:38:37 ae7042 (7) No. 108665 >>108668 >>108669 >>108700
when alpha gfs and alpha bfs meet they create the heroes of future Britain tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:39:59 696c9a (44) No. 108666
goodnight you three
>all off at the same time
ahhhh you're all going to a secret party
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:41:32 f0f324 (25) No. 108668 >>108672
What even is an alpha gf? The concept is alien to my mind
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:45:20 761b27 (27) No. 108670
Kay is ascending to demi-God status.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:53:34 761b27 (27) No. 108671
Sophisticated man about town.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:54:24 ae7042 (7) No. 108672 >>108675
High test traits like: energy, optimism, discipline and not subordinate to other females.
An alpha gf will expect you to also be alpha and will hold you to that standard.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 22:56:19 761b27 (27) No. 108673
What a stairs with no backs?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:00:04 761b27 (27) No. 108674
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:04:33 f0f324 (25) No. 108675
OK fair enough, I don't really pay attention to a female alpha/beta divide, I just evaluate girls based on how suitable they are for me tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:07:41 761b27 (27) No. 108677 >>108678
Nice train thing.
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:10:16 761b27 (27) No. 108679
Why is that dog in the petrol tank?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:39:48 546939 (129) No. 108682 >>108683 >>108684 >>108686
just spesnt about 20 minutes lying on the kitchen floor tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:41:42 761b27 (27) No. 108683 >>108702
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:42:52 696c9a (44) No. 108684 >>108685 >>108702
lad you could buy that if you put some of your house fund towards it
w-why lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:46:56 f0f324 (25) No. 108685 >>108687
I know I really could
But fuck Australia tbh it's not comfy
La France pour moi
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:47:43 f0f324 (25) No. 108686
I know this feel tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/08/17 (Sat) 23:57:02 696c9a (44) No. 108687 >>108688
it would be really hot tbf
I kinda wanna live on the Falklands, British temperature and their society is like what ours was in the 50's. No trees kinda sucks though.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:01:39 f0f324 (25) No. 108688
I see the appeal but it's really isolated and the nearest country is full of non-whites who hate your guts.
tbh south of France is great but will be overrun with niggers soon which makes me genuinely sad tbh , the other places I thought of are Greece or Russia but that's unlikely.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:08:09 696c9a (44) No. 108689 >>108690
>it's really isolated
>the nearest country is full of non-whites who hate your guts.
after last time that probably means the islanders are militant and pro-gunz tbh
it is sad lad, so many places in Europe that would be the comfiest imaginable are being lost for the foreseeable future because of this invasion
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:11:00 f0f324 (25) No. 108690 >>108691
>so many places in Europe that would be the comfiest imaginable are being lost for the foreseeable future
>for the foreseeable future
>not forever
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:18:54 696c9a (44) No. 108691 >>108692
was very tempted to say that lad…
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:28:09 f0f324 (25) No. 108692 >>108693 >>108695
I shouldn't be so blackpilled but I can't help it
I have no hope but that won't stop me doing what I can to stop it. I want this country to go out in a blaze of glory at the very least
Varg is right tbh, at least about one thing, just find yourself a qt, and have kids and raise them on a homestead in rural France, and do whatever you can in your free time to help nationalism tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 00:59:22 f0f324 (25) No. 108694 >>108695
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. je suis venu te dire
que je m'en vais
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 01:04:01 696c9a (44) No. 108695 >>108696
a bloody civil war would be a lot better than fizzling away like we are now.
I do hope Vargy actually has more defence than just his rocks and swords because when it all goes down people are going to be fighting over homes like his.
see you lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 01:13:23 ae7042 (7) No. 108696 >>108697
>a bloody civil war would be a lot better
I think they want this to happen, while the traitors are still in power, to finish us off for good. They know what they're doing and the tension they are creating.
Strategy of Tension; It's why gommies in the US promoted black dafties to go randomly murder white children in the suburbs to stoke conflict, they had a plan already in place to benefit from it.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 01:19:52 696c9a (44) No. 108697 >>108698
then what can we do lad…hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 07:44:55 546939 (129) No. 108701
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 08:03:47 546939 (129) No. 108702
it seemed like a good idea at the time
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 08:26:21 761b27 (27) No. 108703 >>108706 >>108707
>Clueless Prime Minister attempts to give speech at a rally for the radical left
>Why is she so fucking dumb?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 08:30:33 ab2e34 (38) No. 108704 >>108716
*gets up and spends half an hour writing a youtube comment*
boy I sure do hope he actually reads it
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 08:52:10 fdacb7 (34) No. 108706 >>108707 >>108708
>leftists booing their lass
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 08:57:53 546939 (129) No. 108707 >>108708
Why did she waste her time with that
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:20:28 761b27 (27) No. 108708
>Trying to outflank the Left from the Left.
>Why did she waste her time with that
Because she's an absolute fucking moron, that doesn't seem to understand politics better than a bin posting anon like me.
I dunnno lad, I've given up trying to figure out what her end game is. Trying to be the most incompetent PM or all time? That might be it.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:21:52 546939 (129) No. 108709
▶ BP 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:37:12 07a8c2 (21) No. 108710 >>108711 >>108713
▶ No BD 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:40:12 12b78c (2) No. 108711 >>108712
Jesus Christ our lord
▶ BP 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:42:58 07a8c2 (21) No. 108712 >>108714
▶ BD 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:48:18 12b78c (2) No. 108714 >>108715
>implying Allah exists
▶ BP 07/09/17 (Sun) 09:57:06 07a8c2 (21) No. 108715
Woah, woah, woah Allah is no real?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:10:41 53c40b (22) No. 108716 >>108717
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:28:05 ab2e34 (38) No. 108717 >>108718
*unites but gets ignored by the hordes of shitters anyway*
morning lad
I think I've topped the pointless autism scale of minecrap… I'm playing starbound
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:33:51 53c40b (22) No. 108718 >>108721
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:39:51 fdacb7 (34) No. 108720
>BBC segment on the politicisation of the Grenfell Grill
>gives a voice to those who support the politicisation of a tragedy insofar as it was a tragedy tbh and has the local Labour MP on to speak
>they use the term "social cleansing" and don't get challenged
hmm I wonder if they'd give angry nativism such a platform
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:45:31 ab2e34 (38) No. 108721 >>108722
sweet jesus wessex that's not video games you're playing, that's an inept cultmarx scam!
*becomes SJW*
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 10:53:59 ab2e34 (38) No. 108722 >>108724
time to play chinky empires with some chinks, I can be free of the evil
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:34:32 53c40b (22) No. 108724 >>108728
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:41:25 761b27 (27) No. 108725 >>108726 >>108727
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:42:41 546939 (129) No. 108726
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:45:09 c0b3cf (134) No. 108727
laying awake in bed for a few hours tbh. feels horrible. Why do we keep doing it, ahhh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:46:03 ab2e34 (38) No. 108728 >>108729
only two chinks showed up, supposedly we are waiting for a third
I have been waiting for this tardy chink for nearly an hour.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:46:28 546939 (129) No. 108729 >>108731
You joining the imperium lad?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:47:34 c0b3cf (134) No. 108730 >>108758
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. FRESH HICKOK45
Howdah pistol used in Africa and India to ward off lions and tigers.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:49:20 ab2e34 (38) No. 108731 >>108732
only for video games
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:50:20 546939 (129) No. 108732 >>108733
disappointing, I thought you'd seen the light
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:50:42 ab2e34 (38) No. 108733 >>108734
miscegenation is wrong lad
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 11:57:41 c0b3cf (134) No. 108735 >>108755
>it's an atheists believe that we're all empty vessel that God randomly places a soul into episode
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:01:23 c0b3cf (134) No. 108736 >>108737
*selectively looks through history and uses examples that supports the narrative while ignoring all the things that don't*
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:08:03 761b27 (27) No. 108740 >>108773
Good morning lad, nice of you to join us.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:09:08 761b27 (27) No. 108741
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:09:42 c0b3cf (134) No. 108742 >>108773
So cute. Morning, lass
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:10:44 761b27 (27) No. 108743 >>108744
Any idea where this is from?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:12:15 c0b3cf (134) No. 108744 >>108745
Rudolph Tegner's Hercules and the Hydra.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:14:22 761b27 (27) No. 108745
Noice, thanks boss.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:16:28 c0b3cf (134) No. 108748 >>108750 >>108752 >>108754
Oh wait it's a womyn
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:18:45 c0b3cf (134) No. 108749 >>108751
"real" females can't compete
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:19:34 761b27 (27) No. 108750
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:24:36 c0b3cf (134) No. 108752 >>108754 >>108761
*relieves gender dysphoria*
Thanks doc.
Jesus Christ.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:30:15 c0b3cf (134) No. 108753
>it's a fatshaming article
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:30:24 546939 (129) No. 108754 >>108757
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:30:48 fdacb7 (34) No. 108755 >>108756
>the only difference is luck
>not nationality
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:32:52 c0b3cf (134) No. 108756 >>108761
you could have been any nationality, lad. That is their claim anyway.Even though all your ancestors over the past thousand years were European.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:34:18 c0b3cf (134) No. 108757
I kind of want to talk about this with a normie. I guess it's easy to just say "let people do what they want" though smh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:34:46 987bf3 (8) No. 108758 >>108760
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:36:38 987bf3 (8) No. 108759 >>108764
If she has a purpose then why is she on twitter?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:36:54 c0b3cf (134) No. 108760
Smh. Didn't you have a pistol, lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:37:27 fdacb7 (34) No. 108761 >>108763
wew. Why do you have this saved?
>you could have been any nationality
But that logic, Africans could have been British so they can't complain about the empire. It so happens that had the empire not fallen apart I could have been born in Africa.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:40:25 491d15 (1) No. 108762 >>108766
Are you fags raiding /brit/? Sudden increase in faggotry over here.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:42:11 c0b3cf (134) No. 108763 >>108765 >>108770
>wew. Why do you have this saved?
Documentation I guess. No real reason tbh I just save them in my trans folder. I have more disgusting ones but you have probably already seen those.
>But that logic, Africans could have been British so they can't complain about the empire. It so happens that had the empire not fallen apart I could have been born in Africa.
yeah that's the thing it makes no logical sense when it comes to our supposed guilt. It also does not make sense for atheists and people who "believe in science". Doesn't make sense for diversity either. It's also pretty racist to think being born in a white country is a good thing, and if our countries are so horribly racist, why is it lucky to be born in one?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:42:31 c0b3cf (134) No. 108764 >>108789
What do you mean, lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:43:02 546939 (129) No. 108765 >>108768
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:44:17 761b27 (27) No. 108766 >>108767
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:45:05 546939 (129) No. 108767
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:45:21 c0b3cf (134) No. 108768
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:56:38 fdacb7 (34) No. 108770 >>108772
>my trans folder
>It's also pretty racist to think being born in a white country is a good thing, and if our countries are so horribly racist, why is it lucky to be born in one?
White countries became wealthy by being racist so it's lucky in that sense. And we must learn to be multicultural and share the things our pure luck gave us. (Isn't it funny how certain rootless internationals don't need to share the wealth their luck granted them?) Of course the people who push this shit know full well that white countries, and white people, are amongst the least racist out there. Even at our worst we're only on the same level as everyone else.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:56:52 c0b3cf (134) No. 108771
>tfw you see a gook in the road
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:59:06 c0b3cf (134) No. 108772 >>108774
it's filled with the results of surgeries and other disgusting stuff, lad. smh
>tfw no strong country that doesn't let itself be taken advantage of
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 12:59:21 696c9a (44) No. 108773 >>108775
good morning lads.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:00:23 fdacb7 (34) No. 108774 >>108776 >>108777
There is one, lad.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:00:32 c0b3cf (134) No. 108775 >>108777
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:02:19 c0b3cf (134) No. 108776
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:03:05 696c9a (44) No. 108777
ahh it was fine, just takes a while to feel normal
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:09:16 c0b3cf (134) No. 108778 >>108779 >>108785 >>108793
>It's a you go to /k/ and feel envious episode
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:10:27 546939 (129) No. 108779 >>108780 >>108803
>tfw noguns
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:14:05 546939 (129) No. 108782
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:14:34 fdacb7 (34) No. 108783
I don't understand it either.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:19:03 696c9a (44) No. 108785 >>108787 >>108788 >>108790
why live?
sometimes I think my dislike for the police is irrational and then I see something like this
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:19:24 c0b3cf (134) No. 108786 >>108795
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Is this an alternative fate for Imperium males?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:19:31 546939 (129) No. 108787 >>108797
what the fuck is that image
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:20:42 c0b3cf (134) No. 108788 >>108797
>no operator gf with cute socks
Why live?
>sometimes I think my dislike for the police is irrational and then I see something like this
Why, lass? Are you naughty? Maybe they should pay you a visit
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:21:56 987bf3 (8) No. 108789 >>108791
Shouldn't she have better things to do with than use twitter?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:22:45 fdacb7 (34) No. 108790 >>108792 >>108797
>ywn have a qt gun-wielding trap b gf
Yanks really do get all the fun
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:23:00 c0b3cf (134) No. 108791
her purpose is to be a mummy I guess and she has some free time.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:24:24 987bf3 (8) No. 108793 >>108794
>tfw /k/ best friend is always busy and you haven't had a chance to catch up recently
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:25:59 c0b3cf (134) No. 108794 >>108796
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:26:17 c0b3cf (134) No. 108795
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:26:20 987bf3 (8) No. 108796
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:27:22 696c9a (44) No. 108797 >>108798
just someone enjoying their gun rights lad
it's not fairrr someone get me a gun
n-no I'm a law abiding citizen haha please don't take dad's chainsaw
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:29:23 c0b3cf (134) No. 108798 >>108799
>n-no I'm a law abiding citizen haha please don't take dad's chainsaw
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:32:18 987bf3 (8) No. 108800 >>108801 >>108804 >>108807 >>108810
>tfw it's an Anprim's parents like London episode
>tfw it's every episode
>tfw your parents just can't comprehend when you're surrounded by muck and feel out of place everywhere that you'd dislike it
>tfw everything is bourgeoise and everyone looks it too
Well atleast we're going to a park for a festival so I'll have some greenery instead of greybrown towers of glass surrounding me
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:36:08 ab2e34 (38) No. 108801 >>108806
you'll still have greybrown niggers and muds surrounding you
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:40:02 c0b3cf (134) No. 108804
xenos just makes everything look worse. They taint the landscape smh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:40:44 546939 (129) No. 108805
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:40:45 987bf3 (8) No. 108806
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:43:15 696c9a (44) No. 108807
does it remind them of home in SA?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:46:29 696c9a (44) No. 108808
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. forgot to post this
Putin points at journalists and asks Trump 'are these the ones hurting you ' during press conference
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:47:08 c0b3cf (134) No. 108809 >>108811 >>108813 >>108815
>it's a I have to tidy my room again episode
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:51:48 fdacb7 (34) No. 108810 >>108812
Escape to the Scottish highlands lad. It's not London and the people are basically taigs.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:55:24 ab2e34 (38) No. 108811
I still haven't unpacked, tided and repacked since working with vanlad last weekend
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:56:33 814946 (1) No. 108812 >>108813 >>108819
>Escape to the Scottish highlands lad
you're not welcome
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 13:57:54 696c9a (44) No. 108813
I hope we get to see Putin and Drumpf on happy adventures like Putin and George
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:09:32 987bf3 (8) No. 108815 >>108816
>tfw room is tidy and mummy tells me to clean it
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:13:18 c0b3cf (134) No. 108816
guess her standards are higher smh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:14:01 c0b3cf (134) No. 108817 >>108818 >>108823
>it's a daddy makes it obvious he's angry at me for not helping in the garden episode
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:18:12 761b27 (27) No. 108818 >>108820
Make him a cup of tea, or do something nice for him out of the blue.
He might still be angry with you, but he might also kind of realise he's been being a dick.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:21:38 fdacb7 (34) No. 108819 >>108821
oh lad
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:29:50 c0b3cf (134) No. 108820
guess I'l make dinner today smh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:34:16 546939 (129) No. 108821
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:38:49 c0b3cf (134) No. 108822 >>108828
>ywn live in a republic of civis and ethnics where cucks could move to the diversity while leaving you alone
implying they wouldn't just move to the ethnic state and vote for it to become civic
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:41:03 696c9a (44) No. 108824 >>108825
>all these fresh Retrowitzs
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:43:50 c0b3cf (134) No. 108825 >>108826
Is he uploading all his old videos?
Also what's behind that black box?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:50:22 696c9a (44) No. 108826 >>108827 >>108829
ahh that's probably it
that's not for you lad…
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:51:12 546939 (129) No. 108827 >>108830
>that's not for you lad…
Don't do it lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:53:52 fdacb7 (34) No. 108828 >>108829
Why should I move to the diversity when I can move to the diversity to the next neighbourhood over, where I can visit it whenever I like?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 14:57:05 c0b3cf (134) No. 108829 >>108830 >>108832
Lass you're going to have to show us.
Why even have the choice when you can just make everything diverse?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:00:46 696c9a (44) No. 108830 >>108831 >>108832 >>108833
do what la?
smh……. the box is there for a reason
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:04:07 546939 (129) No. 108831
>do what la?
Don't watch whatever that is
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:10:37 ab2e34 (38) No. 108832 >>108834 >>108835 >>108836
*ponders having a cheeky chinky takeaway*
oioi are we going to watch Zardoz or Zulu tonight?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:11:29 c0b3cf (134) No. 108833 >>108836
>smh……. the box is there for a reason
It only makes it more interesting
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:15:31 546939 (129) No. 108834
*ponders taking away a cheeky chinky*
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:19:07 c0b3cf (134) No. 108835 >>108837
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:24:21 696c9a (44) No. 108836 >>108838
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>108832
yes pls
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:27:38 ab2e34 (38) No. 108837
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:27:40 c0b3cf (134) No. 108838 >>108839
>updated today
>it really was fresh for you today
Sorry you trying to pass it off as ironic won't work
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:33:15 696c9a (44) No. 108839 >>108840
>tfw played myself
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:35:39 c0b3cf (134) No. 108840 >>108847
>tfw it's something so embarrassing you'd prefer us to believe it's gay furry porn
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:41:00 c0b3cf (134) No. 108841
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >you can't tell African countries climate change isn't happening
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:49:46 546939 (129) No. 108845
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 15:59:36 761b27 (27) No. 108846
Fucking ant people, no empathy.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:05:39 696c9a (44) No. 108847 >>108848 >>108849 >>108850
it would ruin me lad.. I'd have to leave the board in disgrace
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:07:09 546939 (129) No. 108848
You've opened pandora's box now pembs
You're going to have to tell us eventually
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:08:02 62f476 (6) No. 108849
Ok now I'm interested
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:13:37 c0b3cf (134) No. 108851 >>108930
>doxxing is bad t. people who threatened to dox
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:33:02 546939 (129) No. 108852 >>108853 >>108859
I bet it was a video of an imperium lass and he's ashamed that he's realised the imperium is good
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:41:43 c0b3cf (134) No. 108853 >>108859
>no response on Bongo Bongo Land
she hang herself in shame
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:56:15 c0b3cf (134) No. 108854
going to do something else tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 16:59:02 4dddb3 (39) No. 108855 >>108860 >>108862
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:00:48 4dddb3 (39) No. 108856 >>108857
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:02:32 62f476 (6) No. 108857 >>108858
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:05:38 4dddb3 (39) No. 108858 >>108864
how you doing lad? whats been going on?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:07:54 696c9a (44) No. 108859
sorry lad I had to checkity check myself
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:09:54 696c9a (44) No. 108860 >>108863
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:11:03 4dddb3 (39) No. 108861
>The cladding system used on London's Grenfell Tower would only have met British regulatory standards if the two main materials had passed a key safety test together, according to a Reuters analysis of the building code and data on the materials.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:13:36 546939 (129) No. 108862
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:13:57 4dddb3 (39) No. 108863 >>108868
how you doing lax?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:14:52 62f476 (6) No. 108864 >>108867
Not too much lad, had a nice relaxing weekend tbh, took a girl to see a play my mates were in and am now about to lift some weights and chill in the garden with a few of these. How about you lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:16:32 4dddb3 (39) No. 108865 >>108866
>The Church of England's governing body has voted to look into special services for transgender people.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:18:25 546939 (129) No. 108866
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:20:04 4dddb3 (39) No. 108867 >>108871
sounds nice lad, was it a date with the gril? Ive been to leytonstone, andnthebjob got cancelled, then went to wickford and ingatestone in essex, then sydenham, now Im back in best county having a beer at a pub
but why
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:20:13 696c9a (44) No. 108868 >>108870 >>108872
I'm good thanks, looking forward to Zardoz
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:26:31 ab2e34 (38) No. 108869 >>108876
just bought a cheeky chinky
>sweer and sore pork
>egg fly lice
>porn quackers
>dishonouring the memory of your ancestors buy conciously supporting foreigners
it's really wierd, the chip shop has chinks at the counter but the chinky had a hwhite dyke.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:26:35 4dddb3 (39) No. 108870 >>108873 >>108874
Good thanks lad, fell off a ladder and think ive damaged my shin bone though, got a big indent in it, Ill post pics in a bit maybe.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:30:38 62f476 (6) No. 108871 >>108875
Sort of, an informal one I guess. It's been a while since I've taken a girl out anywhere so I figured it'd do me good either way. She's a nice lass too and she seems to like me so we'll see how it goes.
> been to leytonstone, andnthebjob got cancelled, then went to wickford and ingatestone in essex, then sydenham, now Im back in best county having a beer at a pub
Wew lad, sounds busy, hope it was all worth it
>but why
Because it's nice beer lad, Hipster faggotry be dammed
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:32:24 62f476 (6) No. 108872 >>108873 >>108874
Whens the film playing btw?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:33:36 ab2e34 (38) No. 108873 >>108875
that's what you get for not paying someone £70/hr to stand at the bottom and break your fall
but seriously that sounds a bit nasty
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:35:30 696c9a (44) No. 108874 >>108877
jesus that must have killed
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:35:32 4dddb3 (39) No. 108875 >>108877
fair lad, much more relaxed that way
>nice lass and she seems to like you
nice one lad, good on you, good luck tbh.
>hope it was worth it
not really, luckily there was only light traffic so my van did about 50mpg, and I got a £20 tip from one bloke, which made it much better. I only fitted 4 windows in the end, instead of the 6 I was expecting.
>nice beer
its alright tbh, too expensive though, I prefer LOCAL IPAs if I can get them.
reeeeeeee you do have a point
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:43:17 546939 (129) No. 108876
>huwhite dyke
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:46:06 62f476 (6) No. 108877
Nice, might be able to make it this time
Thanks lad, hope you recover soon
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:48:04 4dddb3 (39) No. 108878 >>108881
>A 23-year-old man is in a critical condition in hospital after being shot in a large scale disturbance in the Castlemilk area of Glasgow.
>Six men were taken to hospital following the incident near a children's play area in Ballantay Terrace at about 20:00 on Saturday.
>Police said up to 15 individuals were involved in the incident, which they described as attempted murder.
>A 25-year-old man is also in a stable condition in hospital.
>Officers said that on arrival at the scene they found six men with various injuries.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:56:15 4dddb3 (39) No. 108879
>tfw bought a 7% beer at the pub
bit too strong tbh, havent eaten yet
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 17:59:41 4dddb3 (39) No. 108880 >>108930
>Salaries for British workers starting in permanent jobs rose at the fastest pace since 2015 as businesses found it harder to hire staff, a problem exacerbated by Brexit, a survey of recruitment firms showed on Friday.
>The signs of pay pressure in the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) survey contrast with Britain's official measure of growth in earnings which has weakened recently.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:00:03 ab2e34 (38) No. 108881 >>108882
but is it regular haggisniggers, or nigger niggers? that is the question
having guns points toward nigger niggers tbh
>you will live to see the jockiet republic of socialist haggises be destroyed by it's own virtue signaling
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:01:36 4dddb3 (39) No. 108882
could be either/or tbh, both are violent and have no sense of decorum.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:05:34 4dddb3 (39) No. 108883
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:09:36 4dddb3 (39) No. 108890
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:14:22 4dddb3 (39) No. 108892 >>108893
look at the timestamps - looks like druids>chinky lasses
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:15:16 546939 (129) No. 108893
fucking hotwheels
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:18:33 4dddb3 (39) No. 108894 >>108897
>tfw spilled beer on a 50g baccy pouch
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:20:42 4dddb3 (39) No. 108895
>Bread used to celebrate the Eucharist during Roman Catholic Mass must not be gluten-free - although it may be made from genetically modified organisms, the Vatican has ruled.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:24:14 4dddb3 (39) No. 108896
chewing tobbacco is much better than smoking tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:25:40 546939 (129) No. 108897 >>108898
karma for nicking my get tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:26:51 4dddb3 (39) No. 108898
fair, i skewed it tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:28:08 546939 (129) No. 108900
imperium dubs make me forgive you tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:30:57 4dddb3 (39) No. 108901 >>108902
quadroon barmaid asked for my number
i said no
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:32:21 4dddb3 (39) No. 108903 >>108904
if she lost some weight it would be a definite yes tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:35:29 546939 (129) No. 108904 >>108905
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:38:07 4dddb3 (39) No. 108905 >>108907
where is everyone? thought id get a verbal slap for miscgeneating tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:43:00 ab2e34 (38) No. 108907 >>108908
I was going to post a
comment but then thought of two large people going at it and felt a bit sick, resolved to exericse more and deleted it all and went back to listening to the butthole surfers tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:45:31 4dddb3 (39) No. 108908 >>108909
i hope you arent implying Im large, lad. Smh.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:47:21 ab2e34 (38) No. 108909 >>108910 >>108911
in relation to myself
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:48:38 4dddb3 (39) No. 108910
you arent even that large, relative to the general populace, lad. just need muscle to back up the mass.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:48:48 ab2e34 (38) No. 108911 >>108912 >>108913
something like
>I would have taken the number tbh
but then I thought of two steaks slapping together in slow motion repeatedly
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:49:27 4dddb3 (39) No. 108912
*stops eating in disgust*
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:49:39 546939 (129) No. 108913 >>108914 >>108917
jesus christ what the fuck
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:50:34 4dddb3 (39) No. 108914 >>108917
its getting worse the more i think about it
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:52:33 4dddb3 (39) No. 108916 >>108918
nice, without the face she could be hwhite
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:52:43 ab2e34 (38) No. 108917 >>108918 >>108919
the more I think about it the more hysterical hyperventilating laughter comes
think I'm curing myself of the thicc disease now
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:54:31 546939 (129) No. 108918 >>108920
>nice, without the face she could be hwhite
what would be the point
the thicc meme is awful
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:54:41 4dddb3 (39) No. 108919
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:55:12 4dddb3 (39) No. 108920 >>108921
>what would be the point
well she wouldnt be a slit-eye, for a start.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:55:48 546939 (129) No. 108921 >>108922 >>108923
>wanting a non imperium lass
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:56:48 4dddb3 (39) No. 108922
lad we've been over this - Id bang and imperium chick but wouldnt breed with her.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 18:58:26 546939 (129) No. 108924 >>108925
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 19:00:51 4dddb3 (39) No. 108925 >>108927
is there really a difference
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 19:33:31 fdacb7 (34) No. 108930 >>108931
>Katherine Cross
I recognise that name. I believe she was one of the perennially butthurt over gamergate. Just standard journalistic clique gatekeeping, it's okay when we do it :^) shit.
>a problem exacerbated by Brexit
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 19:37:08 4dddb3 (39) No. 108931
>supply and demand is a problem when we arent profiting, goy
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 19:55:46 9c02c0 (11) No. 108933 >>108934
this is my 3rd least favourite imperium post.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:01:40 546939 (129) No. 108934 >>108935
why lad
what are the top 2?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:02:54 9c02c0 (11) No. 108935 >>108936
one of the ghost looking bitches, and then a bitch in a dress. I dunno lad, just dont like them.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:04:27 546939 (129) No. 108936 >>108937
>ghost looking bitch
I think she's one of the best tbh. She's got a really good aesthetic
>bitch in a dress
Now I don't know what you could mean by that one.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:14:53 9c02c0 (11) No. 108937 >>108938
>ghost byatch
nah, that pale looking bitch tbh, the one with the kimono.
>dress slag
dunno either, ill let you know when you post it again.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:27:13 9c02c0 (11) No. 108939 >>108940
yep, well done lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:35:42 546939 (129) No. 108940 >>108941
Those are genuinely two of my favourites
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:36:30 9c02c0 (11) No. 108941 >>108942
>he likes marmite
>but he also likes wierd chinky lasses
I dont know how to feel about you.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:41:31 546939 (129) No. 108942 >>108943
I don't see how they're weird tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:46:12 9c02c0 (11) No. 108943 >>108944
thats exactly what i find unsettling tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:48:09 546939 (129) No. 108944 >>108945
what is weird about them?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:50:23 9c02c0 (11) No. 108945 >>108946
mainly their faces lad, theres nothing sexual about pale sliteyes dressed as victorian era prostitutes if they arent hwhite
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:52:12 546939 (129) No. 108946 >>108947
I think their faces are really pretty and the sexuality is not something that concerns me tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:54:50 9c02c0 (11) No. 108947 >>108948
>I think their faces are really pretty and the sexuality is not something that concerns me
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:55:25 546939 (129) No. 108948 >>108949
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 20:58:47 9c02c0 (11) No. 108949 >>108950
you cant have a sexual opinion on something and also not have a 'concern about their sexuality'
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:03:42 546939 (129) No. 108950
I don't understand the problem
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:05:56 318cd0 (1) No. 108951
If I was an honorary Aryan I would tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:13:08 9c02c0 (11) No. 108953 >>108954
youre 6 minutes late.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:15:02 edf89d (8) No. 108954
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:18:44 d51f20 (1) No. 108956 >>108958
I thought I recognised Zardoz he was in an episode of Father Ted
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:20:52 a1546d (2) No. 108957
>mfw all five seasons of Highway to Heaven are now no netflix
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:22:54 edf89d (8) No. 108958 >>108960 >>108961
Aww. did I miss Zardoz?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:24:03 a1546d (2) No. 108960
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:24:08 ab2e34 (38) No. 108961
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:25:31 696c9a (44) No. 108962 >>108963
but I posted it yesterday and you replied
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:26:03 546939 (129) No. 108963 >>108966
In case anyone missed it lad.
I don't want to steal your (you)s
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:26:13 ab2e34 (38) No. 108964
>youtube reccomends some shit gaming videos
>channel is literally called "marxist media"
commies need to be purged tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:26:42 546939 (129) No. 108965 >>108966
is Kay's son a NEET then?
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:27:23 696c9a (44) No. 108966 >>108969
ahh good to spread the joy of kay to more people.
I think he's a "dole dosser" as they like to say in the comments
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:28:59 546939 (129) No. 108968
night lad hope you dream of chinky lasses
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:29:31 546939 (129) No. 108969
>I think he's a "dole dosser" as they like to say in the comments
The people in his comments really don't like him
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:29:38 9c02c0 (11) No. 108970
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:32:06 cc8aa0 (4) No. 108971 >>108972
>yan ke ke
about 50% plastic i reckon
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:42:02 c0b3cf (134) No. 108973
Can't wait for the endless propaganda
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:48:00 941c9d (11) No. 108974 >>108975 >>108976 >>108978
Zardoz was an experience.
I can't stay awake any longer so it's beddy byes for me now. Remember to make a new thread soon.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:50:53 c0b3cf (134) No. 108975
Night, lass. I am sure an angel will grant us a new thread.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:51:10 546939 (129) No. 108976
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:51:54 53c40b (22) No. 108977 >>108979 >>108980 >>108983
>get home from another adventure in the life of Anprim
>we are all cheery and happy
>first thing we see when we open the door
>kitchen is a fucking mess after one day of my brother being back from Spain
Why did you come back earlier from Spain you fucking shitbag you ruin everything the last month or so has been bliss without you you fucking gremlin.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:56:27 696c9a (44) No. 108978
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 21:59:57 c0b3cf (134) No. 108980 >>108981
get your belt out, lad
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:02:29 53c40b (22) No. 108981
I would but I've promised my parents I'll be a good boy.
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:06:47 696c9a (44) No. 108982 >>108983
China bans all homoism on the internet
>New regulations issued by Bejing will prohibit portrayals of homosexuality, prostitution and drug addiction. The China Netcasting Services Association (CNSA) is targeting what they consider "abnormal" sexual activity.
>The rules which were issued on Friday demand that online video platforms hire at least three “professional censors”. They were ordered to view entire programmes and take down any considered not sticking to the “correct political and aesthetic standards,” according to the latest regulations.
>The move is seen by human rights groups as the latest tightening of censorship in China. Government officials had closed down celebrity gossip blogs that authorities claim were “catering to the public’s vulgar taste,” according to Channel News Asia.
>Other online material deemed offensive include damaging the national image, criticising revolutionary leaders or portraying the supernatural such as “conjuring spirits”.
m-m-muh freedums
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:07:58 546939 (129) No. 108983
glass him
based china
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:08:08 696c9a (44) No. 108984 >>108985
>our government will never filter subversion from the internet to protect its people
Post last edited at 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:26:14
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:09:15 546939 (129) No. 108985 >>108986
an imperium government would
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:11:50 696c9a (44) No. 108986 >>108987
imperium would be one of the first things to go
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:14:34 546939 (129) No. 108987 >>108988
totally wrong
any benevolent government would promote it
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:16:50 696c9a (44) No. 108988
I guess it depends on which of us becomes ruler of the kingdom. *starts the Pembrokeshire fascist party*
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:23:46 696c9a (44) No. 108990 >>108991 >>108992
goodnight lads feel a bit weird
▶ Anonymous 07/09/17 (Sun) 22:27:45 546939 (129) No. 108991
night lad join the imperium
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/09/17 (Sun) 23:25:46 c0b3cf (134) No. 108994
▶ Anonymous 07/10/17 (Mon) 00:43:41 53c40b (22) No. 108995
>tfw two private trackers you use have distributed temporary freeleach tokens
fuggggg gotta download so much before the tokens expire.
▶ Anonymous 07/10/17 (Mon) 01:27:22 edf89d (8) No. 108996
*protectively cradles bag of sweeties.
▶ Anonymous 07/10/17 (Mon) 04:38:23 c0157c (1) No. 108997
she probably looked ok as a young lassie but as we all know a northern diet aint great for looks
▶ Anonymous 07/10/17 (Mon) 07:13:22 ab2e34 (38) No. 108998
>there was a pot of bolognese sitting in a corner of the countertop for four days and I only found it after starting to clean up this morning
>i could have saved money and eaten delicious sketty boloneese for two or three days
>but instead it cultivated bacteria until the entire top layer was wierd white-ish mould and all everything with ruined
▶ Keloo 07/10/17 (Mon) 07:29:06 2d77ea (1) No. 108999
username: hereugo
password: hereugo
take it
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/10/17 (Mon) 08:48:59 941c9d (11) No. 109002