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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1454615475694.jpg (3.08 MB,4000x3950,80:79,e77bb95240fc4dbe3a0fafbd7d….jpg)

57da9d No.2756 [Last50 Posts]

Non-specific nepposting here

(not a replacement for the /v/ threads, more like a supplement)


>Re;Translation of Re;Birth 2



7z: https://mega.nz/#!WRlVHS6C!4NOnV6_VwBIphxlWaYTYGQJVdq2OBMhO4PLsIX_NA1k

SFX: https://mega.nz/#!zVVB0TgC!hMhHWg7B6U8sTs2ffs9_hDi-W13Y_hQ7asv4mwAllRc

7z MD5: 7395F229EF36BDBA12FD84BB23BF6B77

SFX MD5: 1F50C040DE53BFF6C19405FF3B80C543

>Re;Birth mods


>Translated Nep media


Hello New World manga is coming back.

…rips and translations: >>>/nep/1516

Vice has released his Plutia civ for Civilization 5: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=595485589




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57da9d No.2757

Oops, it was released a day or two ago. Oh well, that's what you get for having this primed to fire for 48 hours.

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57da9d No.2759

Impregnate Neptune.

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57da9d No.2766

File: 1454679947373.jpg (212 KB,697x1024,697:1024,1453581836979.jpg)

These threads really are dead when there are generals on /v/, aren't they ?

That being said, it won't change my will to cuddle, hold hands and share coffee with Nepgear. Don't expect me to marry her for the moment though.

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57da9d No.2768


/v/ is where most of the traffic is after all.

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57da9d No.2770

I need a volunteer to tell on /nepgen/ that the Secondary story won't be updated for a while because of an argument on /tg/ that went really badly.

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57da9d No.2771


It's alright, there's still a few posts, even with a thread on /v/.

I'm looking forward to VII's PC release in a few months, but at least I'll have some more games in between then.

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57da9d No.2772


Care to explain the details ?

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57da9d No.2773

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57da9d No.2774


No problem.

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57da9d No.2775


Sorry, I just want to forget this whole mess and focus on writing.

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57da9d No.2776


That's understandable, and I won't insist on it, don't worry.

I can understand that, as I'm also writing something for soon and don't want pointless conflicts to interfere with that.

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57da9d No.2777


More like, I'm incredibly salty that I got banned from all boards for something that happened on /tg/, thus making it impossible for me to update my story there.

I'm so salty right now I could easily outsalt DSP.

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57da9d No.2779


You wouldn't marry Nepgear? But she's the best waifu!

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57da9d No.2782


She's the only Nep that would probably be wife material.

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57da9d No.2787

Good news, I've laid my hands on a new computer. Not an incredibly powerful one, but way better than the 10+ years old office PC I'm actually using. I'm not sure of it, but it may even let Re;birth run.



She definitely is wife material, and I'd love to marry her, but between financial issues (thanks to lack of a job) and other problems, I just can't, and I don't want to repeat Blancanon's mistakes.

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57da9d No.2788

UPDATE TIME for the theft at my home :

We have the culprit, without any doubts, as he has been catched on a camera while trying to sell some of my games. And it is both my neighbor one floor under, and his wife.

I'm preparing the rush while channeling my inner Iris.

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57da9d No.2789

File: 1454959992109.png (762.85 KB,627x885,209:295,1453336542068-0.png)


>She's the only Nep that would probably be wife material.

Uni would be as well

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57da9d No.2790


Good to see the thief will get whats coming to him.


How would Uni be in comparison? I think that'd be too tsun to handle.


Would any anon here even be able to marry?

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57da9d No.2791

File: 1454979066121.jpg (90.58 KB,591x640,591:640,W1fAza2l.png.jpg)


Once you get through the tsun she's pretty similar to Nepgear in her traits they are best friends after all.

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57da9d No.2792


>Would any anon here even be able to marry?

As long as they plan it long enough to make a decent ceremony, it should do the trick. Be sure to have IFI's support though, they wouldn't want you to marry their daughteru behind their backs.

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57da9d No.2793


Anyway, here is the thing.


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57da9d No.2795


I mean, I could if she was willing to struggle for the first year since I won't be graduating until next May and can't get a full time job until then.

But after a year, we'll be building so many robots together!

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57da9d No.2796

File: 1455074084663.png (763.66 KB,641x529,641:529,34y7634y54.png)

You might be familiar hearing these words…

Editor reporting in!

If you aren't, oh well.

You have been making some great progress on the retranslation project while I was gone, I'm impressed.

The reason I've been away is because I've been learning the Japanese language and I wanted to take a break from Neptunia because I want to be more /fit/ than unhealthy (And change a bit of my ways.)

I probably won't be back on the re;translation project as you guys are doin great on your own, but in the future, I might be able to do more edits.

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57da9d No.2797

File: 1455079278624.png (463.25 KB,1219x279,1219:279,The grand experiment 1.png)


Holy shit, nice to see you dude. Wondering if you'd bailed.

Yeah, actually between two of the translators and myself we are in a good position with the engine at the moment. We've also managed to have some fun with the font file format and might have even made some inroads on the save file name issue.

If you get back to text edits, try out the new tool for that. Much nicer than STRTOOL from my experience so far, text repacking at least is much cleaner as well.

If you have any suggestions or issues crop up with it, feel free to post them or drop by chat.


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57da9d No.2798


A little question about that new editor - Does it support (or allow the games to support) accents ? Things like that could be a great start for other language translations.

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57da9d No.2799

File: 1455080266816.png (2.03 MB,1598x900,799:450,SHIT.png)


I believe that's a font related thing, and if you put in a font set that has umlauts and all that in there it should be able to use them fine (can't be sure though).

Of course the font I have there doesn't have them, so I haven't been able to test this out to make sure. However, even if the game wasn't coded to accept all that, there's plenty of other symbols that the game CAN handle, that are never used, that you could overwrite with accented letters freely.

However I don't believe this is necessary, and you should be able to slide those into separate tiles…I think.

The new tool (STCM) at it's heart is basically a full replacement for STRTOOL, which extracts text from CL3 files into TXT files, which you can then edit and then pack in again.

STRTOOL was/is very sloppy…for minor projects its alright but for something like the retranslations it lead to scenarios where text would screw up (see pic related; there's supposed to be text there). STCM however is quite accurate in regards to text replacement.

It can also verify CL3 files and dump/explode them (since they not only contain text but also a lot of other data, including scripts), although I don't know how well it can put them back together yet if you do that.

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57da9d No.2800


Thanks for the information. I'm looking forward some kind of confirmation.

Also, good work on STCM thus far. Be sure to keep us informed about changes/updates, so they can be reported into the future OP posts.

And one last thing, from the /v/ thread

>I think that the Re;translation team did greatly, and it's not without reason that it's often quoted as an example of fans doing something right (and that should be done for way more games) for the games they enjoy.

>Such fans can openly approach one or several companies with a concept-of-proof of their translations, work on something and then release it and being paid for it. Which basically amounts to an official translation team.

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57da9d No.2802

File: 1455107886114.jpg (47.79 KB,716x960,179:240,nep snoop 2.jpg)


Welcome back, editor!

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57da9d No.2804


We've committed some additional changes in the Git. The effects CL3s are now in, but system CL3s might be a little later.

Still have to compile it though.

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57da9d No.2805



Updated version of stcm-editor is up on github. Also an experimental MSVC build available. Please report if you have any problems with it.

The .gbin/.gstr files in SYSTEM00000 are still not supported, they're quite different from the cl3 files used for scripts, so it'll take some time.

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57da9d No.2807

File: 1455150520992.png (1.49 MB,1364x768,341:192,OH MY GOD.png)

This is a neat trick.

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57da9d No.2808

File: 1455151262320.png (180.56 KB,299x297,299:297,5425t43.png)


Tried out the latest build, its not working in 'data\GAME00001\event\effect' on my end.

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57da9d No.2809


It's RB3 right? What error does it throw?

Actually these files do not contain text, so the simple usage will not work. You can extract files like

stcm-editor –open path/to/effect/001.cl3 –extract-files destination/dir

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57da9d No.2810


Did you compile from the Git? 0.2.1 doesn't have that feature.

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57da9d No.2811


>It's RB3 right?


>What error does it throw?

Says invalid CL3 file.

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57da9d No.2812


v0.2.2 should have it.


Did you download this one or still using an old version?


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57da9d No.2813


>Did you download this one or still using an old version?

The newest build, v0.2.2

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57da9d No.2814


Could you post the exact command line you use? If it says "Invalid CL3 file" (and nothing else) that means it tries to open the main.DAT inside them, but they do not exists (since they're not scripts).

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57da9d No.2815

File: 1455154322265.jpg (109.44 KB,450x450,1:1,522aa166be99e89480597e382d….jpg)


>Could you post the exact command line you use?

Err…I just dragged the effects folder onto the stcm-editor.exe program. Didn't really use any command lines…

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57da9d No.2816


Well, that'll only work with the script cl3 files. That won't work with the effect cl3 files, because they apparently have no dialogue to extract (and that is the default operation).

See the examples here:


(And if anyone has a good idea how to implement this in a more user-friendly manner, without creating a gui, don't hesitate to mention in)

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57da9d No.2817

Since I spoke several times about it, little update about the theft.

Police has come sooner this day to grab my version of the story, as well as any proof I could give them. Now all they need is the confirmation from the shops (where my games have been sold) about the identity of the thief, and should it fits with the supposed one (which is the case), they'll rush, find the consoles and remaining games back and bring them back to me.


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57da9d No.2819


Also, as told on /v/, I've begun writing on my Valentine project, although it isn't related to Valentine's Day.

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57da9d No.2820


And it is over. Release expected for Valentine's Day.

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57da9d No.2822

File: 1455330039346.png (226.62 KB,800x450,16:9,brbgamindustri.png)

Well /nep/?

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57da9d No.2823

File: 1455340270613.png (261.29 KB,700x393,700:393,vday_2.png)


Time for a very Tsundere Valentine's

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57da9d No.2824


Now I wonder how the other ones will be like.

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57da9d No.2825

File: 1455344756341.jpg (928.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1454998409211.jpg)


Wonder no further anon.


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57da9d No.2830

Well, thread on /v/ is kill for now.

How y'all nepping?

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57da9d No.2831


There's a new thread on /v/ already


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57da9d No.2832


It seems a lot of people missed the threads on /v/. We've been getting anywhere between 75-95 UIDs per thread on there since we've come back.

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57da9d No.2833


Nepthreads are popular on /v/, due to the nice welcome we make to newcomers and due to cute neps being cute, and even though we mostly only talk about how we like neps in various ways.

That's part of the reason I was against the threads being stopped, so I'm glad other people begin to notice it.

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57da9d No.2834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, I was very concerned about the break myself at the time. I wasn't sure it was survivable given the circumstances.

However I don't think it was really a bad thing in retrospect. We have had some good and focused discussion here, and also proved that we are self-sustaining as well for a time. Also keeping the community core intact during the uncertain times of Infinity Never (and all the shilling was going on around then) was not a bad thing in retrospect, either.

That said, with VII out now and Nep U soon on PC, there's little reason to stick around at the moment.

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57da9d No.2838


I wonder when Nep U is coming to PC, IFI seems to be taking their sweet time.

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57da9d No.2839

File: 1456182137035.jpg (4.37 MB,3980x2767,3980:2767,foo.jpg)

new version of stcm-editor released.

this *should* properly handle .gstr and .gbin files inside SYSTEM00000/database. strtool is horrible there (basically a big pile of hack), and don't always extract everything, so generating a somewhat compatible txt format was almost more complicated than figuring out these binary formats. *sigh*

the generated txts will usually have more entries than generated by strtool, most of them are empty though. but you can do cool things, like adding extra chirper lines (look at stavtmsg.gbin)

download at the usual place:


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57da9d No.2840

File: 1456190641809.png (803.02 KB,1024x576,16:9,32323w2.png)


Gave that a shot and it extracted more than strtool could, thanks much!

I really wish I could figure out how to edit the topic titles during Nepstation segments. I've been looking in all the text documents and images I extracted and none of them seem to appear.

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57da9d No.2841


Oh wait that reminds me, could you look into the script folder in GAME00002\event? While most of the script is compiled, even with your tool thats been updated, there are some files that will not open, even if I were to use strtool or or cl3tool

For instance…

098, 0198, 0298, 0398, 0498, 0598, 0698, 0798, 0898, 0998, 3904, and 4014 do not work no matter which tool is used.

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57da9d No.2842


Since the beta already happened, it should be out within a month or two. They never specified a Spring release but it makes the most sense.

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57da9d No.2843


hmm, 0198 has actually no text inside it. and no files inside it besides the main.DAT. probably it's the same with other files that do not extract.

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57da9d No.2850

File: 1456878745127.jpg (83.55 KB,452x302,226:151,1437656575058.jpg)


another new release. this should finally have easy-to-use .cl3 unpacking. just rename/copy stcm-editor.exe to cl3-tool.exe and it'll extract the cl3 instead of producing a .txt file.

at least I hope so. I'm half asleep now, so sorry if I fucked up something again…


well, it's in the nepstations's .cl3, but for the time being you'll have to use a hex editor, I'm afraid… but it's on my endless todo list, so I'll get there eventually

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57da9d No.2859

File: 1457027391616.png (5 KB,600x300,2:1,NEP MGGA.png)

I hate procrastination

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57da9d No.2861

File: 1457031631169.gif (2.78 MB,215x345,43:69,1440724310541.gif)



Eeehhh!? Vert, and Neptune too?! I've got to do something…I know! I'll build a wall around Lastation! ALL BY MYSELF! I WON'T EVEN EAT UNTIL IT'S DONE!

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57da9d No.2862

File: 1457033579342.gif (387.27 KB,250x250,1:1,7iii7.gif)


Hot damn, that cl3-tool really does wonders.

Thanks for that!

> it's in the nepstations's .cl3, but for the time being you'll have to use a hex editor, I'm afraid

Well at the very least I can finally rest easy knowing where the topic titles are

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57da9d No.2882

steam Neptunia U on march 21st

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57da9d No.2883


>“My name is not important,” says the girl, with passion in her baritone voice. “What's important is what we're about to do!” She walks next to you, and points her hand toward Lastation. “I just fuckin' hate this world. And the CPUs feasting on its carcass. They claim to love video games, but they look down on us, believing us to be only for kids.” She turns around, her greasy hair floating in the wind. “My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. But I don't want to be forgotten. This is the time of vengeance and no console shall be ignored. And I will put my games in as many as I can. My crusade begins here.” She finally faces you, extending her hand toward you. “Join me. Let's make a nation without gods, a nation where we don't need a seal of approval. A nation where games can be violent, disturbing, iconoclasts, or even s-sexual!” That small hesitation was really cute. “I travelled a lot, and all the CPUs are the same. They call themselves goddesses, but in exchange for protection from the monsters, they all require you to worships them, use their consoles, and obey their rules. Let us make a nation with no rules! This is where my crusade begins, and I will show them all that video games can be art too, not just something you play and forget!”


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57da9d No.2894

File: 1457992144292.png (1.22 MB,1024x1306,512:653,1450402151896.png)


u3 here again (maybe I should try to use this tripcode thingy?), with a new release

Neptools is Nepgear's little sister, and like her sister she likes to tinker. But unlike Gear, she is more into software hacks than hardware. She is very young, so currently she can only do basic things, like editing the texts inside .cl3 files or hooking the game to load different files, but as she grows older, she'll probably learn other tricks too.

Okay, for the time being I think I'll stay at writing C++ code instead of human language texts…

I've renamed the project because now it's no longer just an stcm editor. But there's no big changes now, other than a kitserver replacement like tool. It's work in progress though, check the readme for details.

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57da9d No.2895


Your ID is shown, so you don"t need to tripcode for the moment.

Also, welcome to the family, Neptools. Drawfag taking care of her appearance when ?

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57da9d No.2896


Your ID is shown, so you don"t need to tripcode for the moment.

yeah, but it's based on IP address, and it changes every time. especially if I don't post from home. I have 4 different ids in this thread already…

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57da9d No.2897


I'll be giving that a shot, thanks much

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57da9d No.2900


>>2894 has been added to /v/'s OPs.

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57da9d No.2903

Anyone having trouble accessing the Nep thread on /v/?

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57da9d No.2904


It seems a little sluggish for some reason for me, then again I haven't really been posting too much in that one the last day or two.

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57da9d No.2909

Is there a Re;Translation of Re;Birth 1?

I don't seem to find it anywhere.

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57da9d No.2910


It doesn't need one, so there isn't one made. Check /v/'s OP for reference.

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57da9d No.2912


i wanted to give a try the idea of writing but i feel like i should get some opinions first,and then shape it to get a better feeling,please?.

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57da9d No.2917


At least use capitals properly. It is a pain to read when there aren't any like you did, so I'd suggest you to at least rewrite it while taking that into account.

That being said, the general idea seems interesting, and I'm curious about it.

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57da9d No.2918

I wrote a couple of things.

First, this


According to returns, seems to have typos, as well as inconsistencies. The inconsistencies can be ignored because of the end, but the mentions of grammar errors annoys me.

Second, this


Is the intro for a longer story about Superdimension neps telling stories while telling stories in a story.

And also a Quest that worked okay for a moment and is now ded.

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57da9d No.2919


The first's not my fetish so I stopped quickly, but the second is fun, with the storyception incoming.

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57da9d No.2920


Even if you don't like it, any remark you'd like to make about the grammar? I received some complains about the story, but they were all about how awkward the spanking was, and given it's my first story about that, it's to be expected.

I'm more worried about the rest, the spanking is just here because Kei is cute and people were crying about spanking spam when I decided to write it.

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57da9d No.2921


Shit, I forgot something important.

If you want to read the second pastebin, open these twos in the same time first :



It's important for the atmosphere.

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57da9d No.2922


Shit, I forgot something important.

If you want to read the second pastebin, open these twos in the same time first :



It's important for the atmosphere.

>Flood detected; Post discarded.

Yeah well if your server was more stable I wouldn't have to try to post the same shit four time, you fucking piece of shitty crap.

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57da9d No.2923



God fucking dammit.

>The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, 8chan might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later.

Okay, I'm done.

I'll read the answers to these posts, but except for posting pastebin links, I think I'm done with this imageboard.

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57da9d No.2924


It is soon finished, apparently, there's work in having another base for the imageboard. Plus, such errors are one of the best normies repellent

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57da9d No.2925

File: 1459454925414.jpg (342.5 KB,489x772,489:772,nepgya.jpg)


Looks like we'll have to wait a while for Burans game

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57da9d No.2927

Looks like the general fell off the front page on /v/. Back here for now.

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57da9d No.2928


It happens. At least /nep/ does a good job as an archive for now

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57da9d No.2929


It's back.


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57da9d No.2930



Strap that on and see if it works. Or don't. Personally I'm not too emotionally invested either way.

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57da9d No.2939

Hey, anons, .wsb/.wwb in NepU's sound folder are your regular .xsb/.xwb. Extract those sounds away.

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57da9d No.2940


Well, the sounds and the graphics are at least accessible.

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57da9d No.2945

steam hyperdevotion noire, april 18th

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57da9d No.2946

File: 1460181003718.jpg (450.16 KB,1920x1080,16:9,387340_screenshots_2016040….jpg)

Japanese know something about editing NepU.

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57da9d No.2947

File: 1460246492094.png (379.08 KB,580x700,29:35,plotting.png)


I must know their secrets.

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57da9d No.2970

File: 1460408641591-0.png (11.21 KB,677x607,677:607,stcm-editor.png)

File: 1460408641597-1.png (3.44 MB,1592x2560,199:320,912a9472a261de0e07eaf1b01b….png)


I'm still alive even if I do not write too much here lately. I do not have too much time to work on this lately (and it'll stay like this until like late May/early June), so I've added super useless features like color log messages (see the screenshot), or a shiny new icon (that I just stole from the previous /v/ nepgen because it's better for the world and my own sanity if I do not try drawing anything more complicated than an image filled with a single color…)

Also a bit more serious news: server now has a launcher-less mode, you'll have to rename neptools_server.dll to dinput8.dll, and run NeptuniaReBirth3.exe without any launchers. Also this whole console logging got refined, see the docs and `launcher –help` for details.

I'll stop here before this post turns into a blog post. And an unrelated nep, just because why not.

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57da9d No.2971


I really wonder what the gameplay is gonna be like. I just hope it's not the same Victory gameplay but in a different setting with the same maps and assets.

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57da9d No.2972


It's an action RPG, which can be anything between kingdom hearts. Dragon age, or dragon's dogma, so fuck if I know the specifics, but it probably won't be anything like Victory.

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57da9d No.2973


Thats good at least.

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57da9d No.2978

I was in a bad mood today, so I've downloaded the neptunia app from apkpure.com (so you don't have to mess with proxies and whatnot), and patched a few things.

The unlocked version removes in-app purchases and fixes gallery. The forced_like version makes neps love you, no matter what. Hopefully mega won't penetrate my ass for doing this.


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57da9d No.2996

I finished my story, it's here


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57da9d No.2997


Just read it, and I didn't expect the end at all. Nice work, plus the stories are rather entertaining.

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57da9d No.2998


I wish there was more Superdimension stories.

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57da9d No.3004

File: 1461700558390.jpg (429.37 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2016-03-07_00001.jpg)

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57da9d No.3006


Oh, a Dominions 4 mod. Neat.

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57da9d No.3009


And I just found out that there's a mod thread.


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57da9d No.3087


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57da9d No.3088

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57da9d No.3115


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57da9d No.3433

Dropping these textures bombs here:

DDS (original quality, 483 MiBs): https://mega.nz/#!ktg1UYoI!0kf_ppl8i0Tc5jMcuAiD5j5H1yp-t3-h75flWDyk4Eo

PNG (no conversion needed, duplicates removed, ran optipng -o5 on them, 981 MiBs):


With love, texture-anon.

And fuck HD4000, I wanna play V-II. I mean, it works, but 5-12 fps, man.

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57da9d No.3437


Thanks for the dump!

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57da9d No.3506

File: 1470947120695-0.png (219.05 KB,618x350,309:175,Uzume Alpha Beta Version 2….png)

File: 1470947120695-1.png (189.3 KB,618x350,309:175,Uzume Alpha Beta Version 2.png)

Ask Anon here from the thread in /v/

Here's what Uzume looks like with the usual portrait scaling in line with the old Ask CPUs

And the version of Uzume without the 272x350 portrait size.

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57da9d No.3507

File: 1470951709341.png (191 KB,618x350,309:175,AskKurome.png)

Since I don't want the main thread to go full steam ahead

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57da9d No.3508

File: 1470952102110.png (194.19 KB,618x350,309:175,AskKurome.png)


I hope no one minds me using this thread to place these images.

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57da9d No.3541

So is it just me or did the current /v/ thread just get deleted

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57da9d No.3542

Is anyone else getting 'e0001'?

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57da9d No.3543


Nothing in /v/'s board log points to the threads being removed or bumplocked.

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57da9d No.3544


Yeah I'm getting e0001 which is usually what I get if something got deleted.

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57da9d No.3545


Odd, I can still see our thread in the catalog

Guess we'll have to post here for the time being till it gets fixed or the thread drops dead

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57da9d No.3546


That's the weirdest part that it's still in the catalog, I can still access its files, but nothing when trying to reply or access the thread itself.

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57da9d No.3547


Well, looks like the error might not get any fixes.

What a way to end a thread

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57da9d No.3548


No image thread killer, just dead

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57da9d No.3549

File: 40be78194fb96e3⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x576,16:9,SPOOKY.png)


And what a coincidence it ended after spooky stuff got posted

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57da9d No.3550


How do you access /v/'s log

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57da9d No.3551



Replace /v/ with whatever board you go to

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57da9d No.3552

File: f2eb9ee761d1cb1⋯.jpg (68.95 KB,544x462,272:231,f2eb9ee761d1cb1b3928dd8fa4….jpg)


not only that, some anon got satanic trips after that was posted

this is starting to get spooky

spooky edition for next thread?

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57da9d No.3553


Sudden Disappearance Edition

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57da9d No.3554

File: 1846b582ab934cb⋯.png (282.94 KB,463x540,463:540,CnIR18bWEAAoGRl.png)

Worst part of that disappearance is I forgot to save details yet again, this time regarding Luigifying Nepgya

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57da9d No.3555

We're back it seems

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57da9d No.3556


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57da9d No.3605

File: 3289cf232811b72⋯.png (65.7 KB,287x257,287:257,1462823898645.png)

Looks like we're being assaulted by eternally butthurt furries.

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57da9d No.3607


Well fug, I accidentally was making a thread and didn't notice this one was still around.

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57da9d No.3608

File: 473edebdbc86674⋯.jpg (229.15 KB,800x800,1:1,32825103_p0.jpg)


I'm really hoping this spam gets taken care because it's going to spread to other places if its untreated.

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57da9d No.3609


Or worse, it'll affect the site, yet again because of one upset furfag.

I really hope more people know about this board as well, it'll work as a bunker board.

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57da9d No.3610

File: f698727ecd660bc⋯.png (714.96 KB,1906x1259,1906:1259,1466878789559.png)

File: 830de7252b026cd⋯.png (721.22 KB,819x979,819:979,fe72b937302257e678fb9e712e….png)

File: a20c094f18b4922⋯.png (503.14 KB,1400x1000,7:5,7b479c2f6e7872daa2bf7de17d….png)

May as well post my Nepfu to past the time

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57da9d No.3611

File: 3c56093a08ef9ac⋯.jpg (87.14 KB,740x704,185:176,0124568.jpg)

If that shitstorm ever hits here, defend your Neps boys.

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57da9d No.3612

File: a2a80d82b7f6e5c⋯.png (410.52 KB,587x348,587:348,plushie.png)


Can do.

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57da9d No.3613

File: 5b36d0777792019⋯.jpg (116.37 KB,631x607,631:607,2015-12-27_00012.jpg)

The fact that Codemonkey isn't saying anything about this spam leaves me concerned.

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57da9d No.3614

File: f823a45c2331e61⋯.jpg (3.49 MB,4232x4495,4232:4495,807e9c89789ca75370fc2f32e0….jpg)

File: 4fa683a392fd581⋯.jpg (47.6 KB,543x600,181:200,1470554179503.jpg)

File: 406b4ec02bdb4fe⋯.png (385.21 KB,607x860,607:860,c3001efb9bab6ba2aff8f24d84….png)


I'm always ready to defend her

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57da9d No.3615

File: 5c749f7a29a202b⋯.png (69.14 KB,202x168,101:84,shit2b orig.png)


I'm at battle stations, just give me a buzz and I'll try to nuke any furry shit if it pops up.

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57da9d No.3616

File: 2b42c9db0378e1e⋯.jpg (35.59 KB,362x500,181:250,1412530340222.jpg)

I think the spam is calming down.

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57da9d No.3617

Wonder though if the new captcha is going to be permanent like the previous one when 8ch was DDOS'd

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57da9d No.3618


Someone posted a sticky on /v/…finally.


I think it should be waited out a bit. But thats only because it was so bad I couldnt even use a new Captcha.

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57da9d No.3619

File: fbb8a776e39821f⋯.jpg (55.48 KB,500x500,1:1,CurYsKjWYAA1OV8.jpg large.jpg)


How long has this been going on?

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57da9d No.3620

File: 4ee01fc4576e5c0⋯.png (164.85 KB,250x310,25:31,BlancMeh.png)

I have a bad feeling those unrelated posts from that spam are going to cause more tension & derailments in threads…


Since I got back from playing vidya, its been 8 hours since it happened.

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57da9d No.3621

File: e56cddadd83ab35⋯.png (8.14 KB,815x174,815:174,god damn it.png)

Well that didn't take long…

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57da9d No.3622


I don't think it'll be a big issue since it's happening elsewhere, but it does make /v/ less usable until it's fully tamped down.

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57da9d No.3623

Is the thread on /v/ going to be made or should we continue to use the bunker since its not filled with (1)s saying things that aren't related to Nep?

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48257d No.3930

Thread fix turn on.

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56644c No.3997

Well the /v/ thread is getting bombarded

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eb05fc No.3998

File: dc2977deb65d3f5⋯.png (1.01 MB,947x1080,947:1080,C43h139UYAApRnM.png)

File: 418bbb661749f29⋯.jpg (76.52 KB,1000x706,500:353,c659b4fe72a31b1e714ebe14be….jpg)

File: 28983003409c6c9⋯.png (886.27 KB,1070x1457,1070:1457,uc9g30r49zty.png)

File: 04e5df396d3b51b⋯.jpg (76.69 KB,682x984,341:492,Neptune_Purple_Heart_VKS.jpg)

File: 830de7252b026cd⋯.png (721.22 KB,819x979,819:979,fe72b937302257e678fb9e712e….png)


Posting more Nepu again

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eb05fc No.3999

File: 41ba88e29dd54e7⋯.png (1017.64 KB,850x1200,17:24,C9B5HtJUIAERPFx.png)

File: 03c1a7c52b7db51⋯.jpg (174.85 KB,1000x1440,25:36,1431378748955.jpg)

File: 2c01fe2500b2980⋯.png (2.64 MB,2000x2000,1:1,fa8891d635c8b3ca4bbd6b8083….png)

File: 3fb3e3cc95804d1⋯.png (415.47 KB,505x700,101:140,DA6qHhLUMAAz8s-.png)

File: 32d3396e42e0e3b⋯.png (390.24 KB,992x1403,992:1403,97dde0b1c208cbad35e2a33265….png)

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