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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: de9c1a2d4a43d2f⋯.jpg (260.27 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Embodied_Mouther_by_iro_ma….jpg)

72a968 No.394746 [View All]

There exists a set of captions with the attached image that I can no longer find. I originally found them on this board. They mentioned she was a devourer. Please reply to me with them. Thank you.

73 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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27e719 No.397874


>A kiss that can be measured in square feet

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de6f22 No.397877

File: 1876e66aef47899⋯.png (264.98 KB,611x389,611:389,1876e66aef47899a2bfbb21c57….png)





When is daughteru dicking ever okay?

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5c9dd0 No.397878


incest is wrong period.

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2d6c3e No.397891


I know but the daughteru dicking isn't actually shown but implied and only at the very end.

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7ca6ad No.397892

File: f936ef95c2567e7⋯.jpg (636.11 KB,1117x1600,1117:1600,Moth What did you say abou….jpg)

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27e719 No.398301

File: aa013b790ac2070⋯.webm (518.74 KB,566x756,283:378,54e0da49c73d6d2f19db892f7….webm)

File: 868257bfcab72ce⋯.jpg (328.44 KB,1060x800,53:40,3671a68bb0a311095d423c5cbc….jpg)

File: ac987c4c405095a⋯.jpg (173.53 KB,823x900,823:900,ac987c4c405095a065271002ba….jpg)

it seems unfortunate most artists cant seem to do body horror in an original way. I think I am a proponent of this kind of spider though

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f826be No.398337



we need more MGs that can do full face kissing

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8bfad0 No.398356


thats disgusting, go away

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de6f22 No.398361

File: 77cbb2ce02e9393⋯.mp4 (13.49 MB,480x360,4:3,cat vs.tarantula spider.mp4)

File: c01b0e15411b27c⋯.jpeg (141.34 KB,800x600,4:3,cutespider.jpeg)

File: 915eedc2814be4a⋯.jpg (63.39 KB,736x520,92:65,3f2f94b32ecc11d38162e16128….jpg)

File: 85a14c246c53e60⋯.png (840.98 KB,1280x1293,1280:1293,purplespider.png)


I had a fucking nightmare of that 2nd picture. God fucking damn it. It happened this morning when I woke up from my dad telling me he was going to work. I went back to sleep and then I heard what can be described as a mix between a rattle snake rattle and a grunt/hiss noise. At the time I had woken up, I had been hugging my body pillow and my back was turned in the direction where the sound came from, then I turned around and saw her but she was only the size of a Loli at that point and she jump on my back. Then I woke up for real. It really fucked with me for a while before I managed to go back to sleep. It's kind of funny now that I think of it.

I wish there cuter spiders but at the same time I don't know if spiders would be the same girls that they are if weren't at least a little scary. It would be like taking away the aggressiveness of manticores. Another thing regarding "our" "our" as in humans in general fear of spiders is that we seem to be some of the few creatures on earth that hold this fear. I know of several mammals that that will actively hunt out spiders to eat them. mp4 related. I guess cat vs tarantula is a bad match up for the tarantula

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225888 No.398381


Supposedly we fear spiders and insects because of some leftover instincts from when insects used to be top dog on planet earth

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27e719 No.398396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think what makes spiders so unnerving besides their legs being to damn long, is just how they look at you. Just with positively no emotion, and worse, without any sense of fear. Like a spider will just sit there and look at you daring you to fuck with it, and clearly aware of you. And then there are the funnel webs who will straight up attack you and kill you for existing. (good god A funnel web arachne would be like an ushi but with an inability to chill)

>the birch is /monster/ right?

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fcc256 No.398399


Y'know, most spiders are nearly blind, with the exception of jumping spiders. They mainly get around or sense other organisms through basic touch, stimulation, or vibrations on surfaces. Now with jumping spiders, that's a different story. Since they pounce on their prey, they require better eyesight. Off-topic, but pretty neat, right?

Now I want to see more jumping spider arachne

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5c9dd0 No.398402

File: 1dc87f994cec518⋯.png (107.17 KB,370x303,370:303,cute spooder.png)


>cute loli jumping spider jumps out of box onto anons head to surprise him, but he has a fear of spiders and instead passes out from shock

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32a08e No.398407


>Spider with human legs and wearing shoes


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d95255 No.398414


This is the unofficial monsterous thread. Go somewhere else if this disturbs you. We like the sexy body horror though so tough luck.


Yes. The Birch is /monster/ more specifically she belongs on this board post away.

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bf0e1d No.398417


birch monster is actually nice, shame about it only knowing retribution.

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d95255 No.398418


Don't worry. The Demon Lord will fix it. Like she does with everything else.

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f017bd No.398556


when she's cute :^)

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de6f22 No.398631


In otherwords, always. (^:

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7ca6ad No.398650

File: 5c5e525bb27d3f6⋯.jpg (169.77 KB,1290x2048,645:1024,Would you.jpg)

Lads I found another "would you?"

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489623 No.398653


She's cute. If she had a kind personality I'd love her tenderly.

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7943cf No.398674


Yes. Once a day and twice on sunday.

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de6f22 No.398706

File: 4645235f2174892⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.66 KB,749x941,749:941,12942983.870000001_2 year ….jpg)


I would kiss her feet. so yeah. I would. Maybe a little strange but then again, what isn't strange in this clown world.

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27e719 No.398736


I think you need to just add "how" to your question from now on.

well this one presents itself a tricky issue. How am I supposed to look her in the eyes before I kiss her?

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2d6c3e No.398755


You stand behind her. Then move around her to kiss her.

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7ca6ad No.398765

File: e58cf77924e37b7⋯.jpg (774.51 KB,1075x1518,1075:1518,Insect girl3.jpg)

File: 0d47456e460e55f⋯.png (799.63 KB,850x850,1:1,Scary insect thing.png)

Double trouble!

Which one will it be lads?

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fcc256 No.398777

File: 9223643003cd163⋯.png (141.76 KB,626x401,626:401,9223643003cd163c065e89b813….png)


I think I like the robot centipede maid

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2d6c3e No.398855


The Robo-pede maid obviously.

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7ca6ad No.398932

File: bf9aa23c5b4a119⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,565.25 KB,1049x1272,1049:1272,Insect girl13.jpg)

File: fcf7adfcb4fb413⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.48 KB,850x637,850:637,Insect girl11.jpg)

Not as wholesome as my previous ones but these girls just invoke carnal desire in me.

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fe1618 No.398936

File: a05d7f7c7cb8db3⋯.jpg (255.57 KB,1486x992,743:496,fire_0.jpg)

>this thread

>those last two posts

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7def7e No.398938

File: 47e0e5bb5e768ce⋯.jpg (36.54 KB,680x633,680:633,get the fire.jpg)



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c789ca No.398946


gtfo, this is worse than furshit

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ca66bc No.398949

File: 26375d248b234bd⋯.jpg (74.02 KB,468x655,468:655,bring the heavy flamer.jpg)


Too far. Besides that,


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62efcd No.398992


First looks more like a large insect that made a secondary carapace

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489623 No.398997

File: 56f09c4f4563fd6⋯.jpg (170.47 KB,620x877,620:877,By fire be purged.jpg)


I like the more "monstrous" monstergirls as much as the next bloke but that… that's heresy. Purge it in flame!

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7ca6ad No.399020

File: 9a7e55a5a6014c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.43 KB,800x1173,800:1173,Flesh monster.jpg)

File: 5d6d0a917a68f32⋯.png (Spoiler Image,989.37 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Fucking mental.png)

Well the last two girls got the Vietnam treatment.

Hopefully these two wont receive a "The thing" style purge.

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c686e7 No.399027

File: 3f816093c2d4b33⋯.jpg (327.94 KB,700x1690,70:169,greetings.jpg)

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f826be No.399030

File: c5adfbd9b05c416⋯.jpg (78.34 KB,640x480,4:3,3188_ct_twinkel1.jpg)


I like Xelv as much as the next guy but that's too far even for my tastes

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bef1b4 No.399032



No flamethrowers necessary, I'll take four for the team.

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fed1ec No.399033



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2d6c3e No.399037


Can I have both? I mean, who doesnt want two beutiful body horror babes?

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27e719 No.399097

File: 864bafa37465b07⋯.jpg (511.59 KB,788x1137,788:1137,1411140808336-2.jpg)


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f89ffb No.399103

File: b3e07e61861e2d8⋯.jpg (57.9 KB,490x742,35:53,johnny get the napalm.jpg)


First one is cute, would hold her tentacle while saying she can assimilate my body any day.

Second one…GAZER-CHAN NO!

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bf0e1d No.399106

File: 450aa0be92e9e9b⋯.jpg (94.65 KB,613x643,613:643,IMG_20180916_173240.jpg)


second picture is laughable, what kind of retard faps to that shit.

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bef1b4 No.399113


Probably the same kind that gets off to the birch monster.

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489623 No.399121


Image search has failed me. Where's that from? Smug, glasses, freckles, twintails, she's hitting all my non-monstergirl fetishes!

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e3c2b1 No.399132

File: c09636afe912831⋯.gif (930.17 KB,427x240,427:240,1420846604933.gif)


Your google-fu is weak, it's a Manga called act-age

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c8704d No.399159


I'd like to imagine you meet Lala at a ufo conspriacy theorist convention

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27e719 No.399324

File: a10e7d944a3c652⋯.jpg (256.54 KB,1024x1873,1024:1873,mcaf.jpg)

File: 20d29c81d2d5c4e⋯.jpg (545.58 KB,1052x744,263:186,Q!.jpg)

Aquired quality content

I think the second image has potential to be high monstergirlized

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f826be No.404613

File: a4030f2c443764f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1000x1200,5:6,59610011_p1.png)


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