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3088c5 No.394541

Would you adopt Hornet Chan before she starves or freezes to death?

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3088c5 No.394542

File: 50b82ae2c085db7⋯.png (175.78 KB,540x810,2:3,5907efd9eb7aca4a45060031c7….png)

File: f9060d0458c0f43⋯.jpg (478.16 KB,1240x1753,1240:1753,1534305774166.jpg)

she's very cute.

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31b542 No.394547

I would protect yellow jacket chan!

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a79de8 No.394549

File: e36c994f91d74c8⋯.png (292.24 KB,503x813,503:813,CleanBee.png)

I'm wondering how controlled insecticides will be affected in a MG universe. Considering pyrethroids and other insecticides are a lethal and near-instantaneously acting neurotoxin to virtually every insect species, will the same go for insectoid MGs? Or is their biology fundamentally most similar to a human, and the paralytic effects of pyrethroids would therefore only be temporary?

That aside, baldfaced hornets are fucking dicks, but I'd affectionately care for a tsundere hornet girl during the winter months in a cozy woodland cabin.

Remember to protect your local bee population, kids.

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5dac2a No.394550


>Im just cuddling because i need to baka

>Its not like i want to or anything

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63b017 No.394554

File: 17dfb519342d337⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,354x450,59:75,Bee_extra_1.jpg)

File: d190866f4331de9⋯.jpg (273.21 KB,593x732,593:732,HoneyBee2.jpg)


In addition to insects, pyrethroids are highly toxic to fish and cats. Pyrethroids can negatively, though generally non-lethally, affect mammals through a variety of mechanisms, but the main neurotoxic mechanism is inhibited by β-glucuronidase. A β-glucuronidase deficiency in humans is known as Sly syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis VII), the effects of which include hydrops fetalis, mental retardation, short stature, coarse facial features, spinal abnormalities, and enlargement of liver and spleen. I'd assume β-glucuronidase is as important for monster girls as it is for humans, so we'd have similar resistances to pyrethroids.

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8268db No.394556

File: 00c1dda1337761f⋯.jpg (164.79 KB,850x580,85:58,__drawn_by_majo__sample-28….jpg)

File: 8c56c8781656d2d⋯.jpg (425.05 KB,650x431,650:431,__original_drawn_by_haruka….jpg)

Honey Bees>Hornets

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d83d6d No.394562


bumblebees>honey bees>hornets>wasps>yellowjackets

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816eb5 No.394563

Hornets, wasps, yellowjackets, and the like are all niggers.

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31b542 No.394567



You keep talking shit about my boo yellowjacket chan ill pop a cap in yo asses. Step up nigga

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6f5801 No.394569

File: fae6c942271334c⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,776x1199,776:1199,waspy.jpg)

Totally, they're cuties.

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781516 No.394595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a73594 No.394597

File: 1ab79c6575d8881⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x1443,1280:1443,tumblr_oeriqcaLqP1u3omowo1….png)

File: 038301cd7335aa1⋯.png (812.51 KB,1280x1126,640:563,tumblr_of463c1lSR1ukkpnco1….png)

File: e0434213e392d0b⋯.png (883.06 KB,1204x1350,602:675,tumblr_inline_oe3j7hYbIG1t….png)

File: 038301cd7335aa1⋯.png (812.51 KB,1280x1126,640:563,tumblr_of463c1lSR1ukkpnco1….png)

File: 1ab79c6575d8881⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x1443,1280:1443,tumblr_oeriqcaLqP1u3omowo1….png)

I would bring her in and warm her up with hot chocolate by the fireplace.

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781516 No.395130

File: a07ba70afa6a5f8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.9 KB,1401x1567,1401:1567,764c4ddfc9a91d1b7895a2f2e7….jpg)

File: 6ef2339e032d343⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.29 KB,1006x1000,503:500,54d554c805758b4d8548a07651….jpg)

File: 6ecfcd7cdd1819f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,494.58 KB,2034x1625,2034:1625,d7743c881b4e43d6eefc4973ff….jpg)

What about the other kind of hornet girl?

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966313 No.395180

Is anyone else wondering how would emerald wasp be monsterified ?

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c4f066 No.395212

File: 1dce2055b805e1b⋯.jpeg (45.63 KB,552x392,69:49,78722B9F-A38E-4513-8B01-F….jpeg)


I love her and can’t stand her simultaneously.

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c577f2 No.395228

But parasitoid wasps tho.

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70de66 No.395313


I'd vomit/feel itchy and struggle to accept her out of disgust. I just can't accept this

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