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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: eae680a4cfa2b3a⋯.jpg (52.43 KB,400x252,100:63,burzum.jpg)

File: e5b0588aca0971b⋯.jpg (426.83 KB,750x1013,750:1013,hulder1.jpg)

File: 2cd5674c4c39d60⋯.jpg (169.18 KB,1024x805,1024:805,huldra2.jpg)

File: 44f572777025dc4⋯.png (907.91 KB,1159x2000,1159:2000,huldra3.png)

File: 7a823e16e5553d4⋯.jpg (271.14 KB,739x773,739:773,smug_huldra.jpg)

199559 No.381682

>A hulder is a stunningly beautiful naked woman with long hair, and has an animal's tail. In Norway, she has a cow's tail, and in Sweden she may have that of a cow or a fox. Further in the north of Sweden, the tail can be entirely omitted in favor of her hollow or bark-covered back.

>In Norwegian folklore, she is known as huldra. She is known as the skogsrå "forest spirit" or Tallemaja "pine tree Mary" in Swedish folklore, and ulda in Sámi folklore.

>The hulder/skogsrå appears in the form of a small, beautiful woman with a seemingly friendly temperament. However, those who are enticed into following her into the forest are never seen again.

>It was said that any human man who has intercourse with a hulder/Skogsrå becomes an introvert - his soul has remained with her. If the seduced man is a hunter, he may be rewarded with good luck in the hunt, but should he be unfaithful to the hulder/skogsrå, he will be punished with numerous accidents. He may put an end to a stormy night caused by her vengeance by firing a shot against her.

>The hulder has long been associated with hunting; she might blow down the barrel of a huntsman's rifle, causing it never thereafter to miss a shot.

So we have a qt Nordic forest nymph with

a fluffy cow or fox tail, hollow treelike backpussy, who seduces men and blesses them for their virtues with luck in hunting.

Excuse the shitty art, it's all I could find from searching.

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84c85f No.381687

File: 0a80114ec1d5d75⋯.gif (1.21 MB,412x442,206:221,0a80114ec1d5d7515e60665388….gif)

Here's a girl from a movie called Thale.

I don't think she's an actual Huldra, but she's based on one.

They seem like qts.

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9ae802 No.381724

File: eac7e3a5ebfe480⋯.jpg (19.5 KB,289x579,289:579,Skogsra.jpg)

File: c8b257309944c2a⋯.png (24.88 KB,289x315,289:315,skogsra lust.png)

>It was said that any human man who has intercourse with a hulder/Skogsrå becomes an introvert

Never heard that one before. Now I want a story about a normalfag slowly becoming an anon due to his hulder waifu's influence.

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c5049c No.381728

File: 0adc7e4cfcc3051⋯.jpg (99.21 KB,638x900,319:450,Hulra.jpg)

So how does she work if her back is hollow? What happens if you grab inside her hollow insides?

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199559 No.381729


Would her hollow insides be an erogenous zone? Because that would give me quite a few ideas for bully.

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55ec02 No.381730


I like to headcanon it as the bark of her back just forms a shell or dome and it funnels in and stores mana/natural energy to fuel her magic or some shit.

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527116 No.381732


Wasn't the whole idea of a huldra is that if you look at her hollow back or acknowledge it in any form, she'll kill you and decorate the woods with your guts?

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0220a3 No.381744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Hulda thread and no mention of Alexander Rybak's song. A full blown song about an Monstergirl that won the 2009 eurovision contest.

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199559 No.381756


Huh, I'd never heard it before, so I didn't include it in the OP. Nice song though.

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2a828f No.381795

File: 4b83862cbc22179⋯.png (803.75 KB,1383x864,461:288,1501193645910.png)

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f4ffb3 No.381857

File: 0e49a62e73c4d24⋯.jpeg (62.56 KB,720x919,720:919,EE8F9574-9335-4D61-B0D5-6….jpeg)

File: 07e85346049184e⋯.png (445.5 KB,667x800,667:800,88868CC5-49E5-4AB3-8D71-70….png)


That hump the floor dance at 1:03 in the background. I imagine this song being played at a festival post dotr.

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9ae802 No.381859


I thought that it was her tail that she didn't want to show, but that if you point out that it's showing then she might be grateful to you.

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84c85f No.381869

File: eead41337cf8865⋯.webm (12.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Alexander Rybak - Fairyta….webm)



>when youtube has webms under the file limit


>they fucking jump over each other

What kind of monster do you think would do that? I'm guessing either an oni or a nigger dog to show off.

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0220a3 No.381875


but yeah that song is based on the legend of huldra. a bunch of neurotic women thought it was a song aimed at an ex.

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d68f78 No.381920

I want to smother a skogsra with my semen shooter.

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6cef9a No.381926

File: b814dd41323d5ae⋯.png (161.06 KB,568x735,568:735,3fc97158-6820-4185-8268-86….png)

File: 1e7e32be7aded6f⋯.png (473.45 KB,716x1023,716:1023,b3b32df4-df00-45d6-aec5-79….png)

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